Magitek Research Facility
Floating Continent Shadow bug in my hack Project III
FlamePurge, Oct 13, 03:04 PM
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Magitek Research Facility FlamePurge, Oct 13, 03:04 PM
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Magitek Research Facility FlamePurge, Oct 13, 02:06 PM
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Completed Hacks SilentEnigma, Oct 11, 11:58 PM |
We have finished cleaning all sprite threads! All main sprites of each thread are now uploaded on the server and sorted in the upcoming archive / backup. This was a team effort of me, Gi Nattak and JamesWhite. There are a few monster sprite threads remaining to do. The database contain so far 276 different sprites, without counting portraits! We still have unknown and old databases spritesheets to sort and label so we can't release the 2017 database / backup yet... We already have the complete missing sprites list. There are at least 12 missing spritesheets. If you have one or many of these sprites, please post it in this thread so we can upload it and make the changes in the appropriate thread(s). Some might be forever lost but we are hoping to still rescue a few if we are lucky. Missing Spritesheets
We don't often promote products but this might (or might not) get your attention. John Harris released a romhack e-book (with no DMR) reviewing 50 hacks and translations. He is a gamer with no step into the ROM hacking scene when he started the book writing. I had a discussion with him about FF6 romhacks and the volume two will have an article on RotDS and another article will be made on BNW for sure, in volume one he told me (if I remember right). |
There's a few things that are happening right now: |
As some of you already know, @dn is going through a difficult period. He is is without home since a few days and he presently reside in a temporary shelter. A few members of this community and people over at NG+ decided to set up a donation period for him, because dn would like to reach a city where he know people he could live with for a transitional time and make a new start from there. Donators (Click to View) Summary (Click to View) |