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Forum Announcements
Posted by: madsiur - Forum: Announcements

[Image: vzbanKS.png]

We have set a new Youtube channel for the forum! We'll use it for tutorials, stream playbacks and other thing related to FF6 modding. While upload priviledges are limited to admins, we hope this will be a channel to feature and showcase the work of everyone and well as democratizing different aspect of the game modification. This is why everyone can and his encouraged to submit the following types of video to be hosted on the channel:
  • Tutorial (with comments)
  • Tutorial (with subs)
  • Full hack teaser
  • Specific hack, hack feature or patch showcase
  • Music creation (ROM hacking)
  • Sprite showcase
  • Hack review (preferably with comments)
  • Utility showcase / review / tutorial
  • Any of the above content for other Final Fantasy games or retro console RPG

What is not yet decide is if we want to host commented hack playthrough / LPs mainly because there are already many on Youtube. However if we have something well done and interesting in this category, we'll probably go with it.

We suggest for recording (other than emulator footage) to aim for 720p but nothing below 480p. We'll most likely not accept bad quality videos. If you are interested in submitting one in a near or more distant future, please send a private message to either @"Gi Nattak" or @Jameswhite89 with the following: link to raw / lossless video, description (mandatory) and relevant link(s) (optional). You can also send a link to a custom YT thumbnail if you want (image of 1280x720 preferably).

We are hoping this channel will grow with time and that it will become a complementary resource to the forum.


[Image: a1y0LS1.png]

The sixth stream hosted by @"B-Run" will take place Thursday, May 12th from 9:30 - 11:00 PM EST [UTC -5:00]. If you are unsure of the precise time because of your timezone, there's an official counter here.

Stream address: https://www.twitch.tv/b_run_

It's still not defined what the next stream topics will be. B-Run probably has an idea but nothing official has been announced.

The stream will also be recorded to be put on the FF6hacking.com Youtube channel later for those who can't check the stream live.


Just a notice that I'll be closing the forum for a small MyBB update this evening at 7:00pm EST. Hopefully not too much downtime, I consider I should be done in an hour if everything goes well.

It's mainly a bugfix upgrade, no new shiny features and the bugs that are my creation and are still not fixed will still be there. Hit 

While I post about bugs, does anyone still have problems deleting pms from their inbox?

[Image: officespaceupgrade.jpg]


[Image: kiPIrPd.png]

The Wiki has been installled an is up and running!

Right now there's is not much to show and tweaking is still neccesary, but the basic installation is done. I have imported in a bulk active users (with more than 5 posts) so they can login to the wiki. However the forum password will not work. A automatic generated temp password has been sent to all these users. If you wish do not wish to keep your wiki account, you can notify me by pm or log in to the wiki and delete your account. Right now wiki registrations are close, if everything goes well, we should be able to open them in a relative short period of time. Right now, unregisted people can only view the wiki.

All the imported users from the forum have the publisher group permissions, meaning they can edit, create, delete, upload and approve content. We'll see if having a decent base to start will gets things running, I imported more than 80 users. Any content edited or created needs approval from 1 publisher, meaning you can create or edit a page and approve your own stuff. Future users might be placed in a more restrictive group for their first few edits.

If you did not receive a email or think I forgot you, send me a pm or email if you want a user created.

Among the content that would be interesting seeing are spritesheets, tutorials of all sort, ROM hacking FAQ, newbie FAQ, game data/code, hack list, patch list, hack review/walkthrough, tool list, links or anything you think is relevant. Right now I've only created two pages in a "ff3" and "ff6a" namespace. I suggest you read the dokuwiki documentation for all functionalities or if you got interrogations. There is no real layout on how we want the wiki as long as it is organized.

Let's hope that with time it grows into a useful resource!


[Image: matrix.png]
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FF6hacking.com is seeking an Operator to help decryption of the Matrix and eventually working on verifying the hypothesis that the real world is just another matrix set by the Architect for those who refuse the first one...

Seriously we are seeking help with the forum coding. I'm the only one who can work with the templates, PHP and CSS files and am posting this announcement because I'd like to spare some free time on my projects and there is too much to do on the forum because it was neglected for a very long time. The person must have a minimum web pages coding experience (on his own or because of his daytime job). More precisely the candidate would work first on one project with me. The person should stick until the base of the first project is done, otherwise it's pretty useless to apply. If the candidate wants to stick longer, he could work on project #2, #3, #4 or #5 also in tandem with me but with a bigger autonomy hopefully.

What you would not do: moderation or anything not involving CSS, HTML, template or PHP coding. It's obviously not a paid position. It might be temporary or more long term, this depends of how long the person wants to stick with us but on an infinite timeline we will run out of coding projects eventually. Smile

Please share this info with people who you might think would be interested if you know any! You can send me a pm with your skills/experience if you are interested or post in the thread. I will not choose anyone until March 1st. If at that date nobody applied I will choose the first person that has the basic required skills. This offer is available as long as nobody is selected or until I've got most of the work covered myself, in a distant future...

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Possible Projects:

1) Implementing a mobile theme (Install and tweak MyBB-GoMobile)
2) Random FFIX theme (main theme) tweaks for different functionalities.
3) Work on the submission system (PHP knowledge required)
4) Museum coding (still to be defined)
5) Add user customization options for the main theme (PHP knowledge required).

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Skills researched


- HTML knowledge
- CSS (basic/good knowledge)
- Minimum Skype availability (or other chat engine)

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Extra (not mandatory but will help you):

- Javascript (basic knowledge)
- PHP (basic/good knowledge)
- MyBB engine structure (templates knowledge)
- Good web coding practices (e.g. Bootstrap framework knowledge)
- Any other programming experience
- Final Fantasy love in general


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite