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 -Tellah to Cecil about Anna

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Forum Announcements

It is with a real joy that we are welcoming B-Run as a new staff member! After being a helpful person in many threads and leading the 15th man project, B-Run (formely Edrin) is now leading the community side of the Forums with is weekly streams and other projects such as the text-edit contest. He also not too long ago announced the revival of his hack, Children of Vector, which should have a community side via his streams.

Speaking of the text-edit contest, it is getting really interesting: https://www.ff6hacking.com/forums/showth...p?tid=3277

You have until July 6th to submit your entries. If you don't feel like registering just for this, you can send your entries via twitter or Facebook as well!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ff6hacking
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ff6hacking


Who is your personal favorite (non-major villain) NPC in the game? Please feel free to explain why.

1) Arvis
2) Professor Cid
3) Owzer
4) Duncan
5) Baram
6) Kappa the Imp
7) Lone Wolf
8) Siegfried
9) Yura
10) Impressario
11) Duane
12) Katarin
13) Esper Elder
14) Madline/Madonna (Terra's mother)
15) Other


[Image: dSrxilt.png]

I have a few news to communicate. First we got a new Sub-Forum, the Returner's Hideout. It's going to be mainly a Community Hub for events, streams and challenges. B-Run is going to take care of it as the moderator. For now thread posting is limited to staff though if B-Run wants to change that, I'm all right with it. Everyone can reply to threads though. We are also slowly bringing back the calendar. I already coded a small widget that display the event(s) in the next 7 days. I'm going to finish updating the real calendar before Tuesday.

You probably also noticed the forums reordering and renaming. It was mostly done to regroup similar sub-forums with little activity. Name changes were purely cosmetic.

Finally I added 130 new songs to the music player. About 40 were already there in other playlists so that leaves ~90 really new ones. They are regrouped by album. There's new music for all style but mainly the SQ series is to dance, swing and rock.

Enjoy! Frog


Is it...

- Locke getting sick on the ship?
- Kefka's classic Son of a Submariner line?
- Crazy old man (Gau's father) ordering Sabin around?
- Dressing up Gau?
- Setzer yelling at Cid inside the airship?
- Stealing the merchant/soldier's clothes?
- The M-M-M-M-MAGIC!? scene?
- Ultros throwing Sabin into the Lete River?
- Siegfried being defeated after 1 hit?
- Turning the lights out in the Opera House?
- Gau making fun of Cyan's speech?
- Soldiers dusting off Kefka's boots?
- Mog ordering Umaro around?
- Botching the Opera Scene?
- Other?


[Image: k4n3Gfz.png]

We decided to changes the rules to obtain a project sub-forum. From now on, anyone can apply to get one. The admin team will analyze the hack developed and judge if it deserves its own space. Here are some guidelines to max out your chances of getting one:

1) The Project must be developed enough to have things to show and must be at least in semi-public active development. Meaning secret projects at 90% or a hack that has been started a week ago will most likely not meet one of these criteria, neither if you ask for a sub-forum after your first post.

2) The hack must have a significant amount of new content in one or more of those categories: graphics, events, AI Scripts, music, ASM changes. Using an existing patch or a Record Keeper sprite does not count as new content. I think this is our definition of a complete hack. Dialogues and other stats editable in FF3usME are excluded for the reason they are usually changed in every hack that exist .

3) The hack creator must have the intention of adding content threads to his forums. This includes but is not limited to Q&A, roster, story, statistics, background information, credits, sprite showcase threads.

If you want your own sub-forum, send us a hack demo and/or video trailer and/or text explaining your changes or just a message if you think we know already enough about the project. You can send your submission via pm to @madsiur, @"Gi Nattak" or @JamesWhite89. You can also send it to themadsiur(a)gmail.com.

Note 1: We reserve the right to remove or close your sub-forum after a very very long inactivity, official project giving up or if we judge the project no longer meet most of the criteria mentioned above (the situation needs to be really bad to reach that point). On project completion or after a first official release (usually 1.0, beta release(s) excluded), forum will remain open forever.

Note 2: We reserve the right to be more flexible on the guidelines mentioned above. These are guidelines, not strict rules but meeting them overall will assure you of getting a sub-forum.

Note 3: Lockirby's sub-forum has been created with the old guidelines in place, it is staying even though it does not meet the current criteria.


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite