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Forum Announcements
Posted by: madsiur - Forum: Announcements

For archival / documentation purpose and because we love FF6, we're most likely going to set up a forum page that is sort of a FF6 virtual museum. The idea is not 100% hacking related but is interesting nonetheless.

While we can do research online, sometime people found stuff it's hard to get with simple searches, so we are asking you to post links or send files through pm that pertain to all FF6 versions and hacks (FF3us, FF6j, FF6 Advance and Steam release). If you send / post an image, it would be preferable it is in hi-quality (original jpeg, jpg or vector image though if only small png format available we'll use that). Here's a list of the content we are looking for, but it could be material if it is relevant to the purpose of the museum.

If you think you send a file with possible copyrighted content (see categories with *) or content hosted on another website (as an example an OCremix), please send a link to the file via pm or post the link of the file where it pertains (as an example the OCremix webpage link). We might have to ask permission to host some content so we'd like to know where the file originated from. TL;DR; don't break copyright laws unless you send the said content via pm. 

We really hope people will help setting up this page. I'll update this post with content as people submit send stuff. I personally have a lot of stuff regarding FF6 and I'll update this post with my content probably in the next days, but having / finding most really interesting stuff is a big task for a man alone. Everyone has probably interesting links or content in mind or bookmarked, it's a matter of participating and building something up that stands out. There is no deadline, I might also set up the page when enough material will be collected and allow link / content submission indefinitely.


Possible Content:

  • Cart labels (official / custom / hacks)
  • Cart boxes (official / custom / hacks)
  • Logos (official / unnoficial / hacks)
  • Official / Unofficial merchandise pictures
  • Relevant videos (links or files, no Youtube LP please)
  • Official art (or as an example unnoficial Amano art pertaining to FF6)
  • Interviews mentionning FF6 with translators / developpers or FF6 hackers / ROM hacker interviews
  • Books (PDF / epub) *
  • Manuals (PDF / epub?) *
  • Posters (PDF or image)
  • Complete Walkthroughs (Official / Unofficial / Hacks. Excluding GameFAQ links)
  • Hard to find unofficial music / remixes (Should be files like mp3, midi, ogg and flac or link to these files excluding low quality YT videos and excluding any official CD release) *
  • Pixel art (Unnoficial FF6 style custom monsters, spite, backgrounds, object or other relevant art, excluding original pixel art we can find everywhere or custom sprites posted in threads or hosted on ff6hacking.com in the previous database).
  • Animated GIF images (excluding as an example random 5 seconds GIFs of vanilla playthrough, though Sabin suplexing the train has a place in a museum I think Tongue)
  • Font files (TTF)
  • Other relevant art, images, pictures, links or other files pertaining to FF6 or FF6 hacks**
**Excluding most of the stuff found on Tumblr or Deviant Art as an example unless it fits in others categories mentioned in the list. There is thousands off FF6 art images more or less good and at some point it's too much to have a only interesting content if we host them all. If you think something really stands out, post it / send it and we'll judge it. Excluding also links to ROMs, original or custom cart selling links (not relevant at all) or links to ROM hacks or patches (only if a very rare hack / patch not found elsewhere. We all know RHDN or Slick PRoductions).

Content Found so far Frog

Sound / Music
  • FF3us sound effects (WAV)
  • Bunch of Fan remixes / cover from real albums but not published by SE or Major Studios
  • Overlooked FF6 remixes (OCremix spoof remixes) (1)
  • Some underground chiptune remixes
  • vgmusic.com FF6 midi collection (1)
  • Armovil hack (Beta)
  • Children of Vector demo
  • FF3us Prototype ROM (SFC)
  • about 20+ translations (not sure if relevant) (2)
  • about 10 spoof hacks, each more obscur than the other (2)
  • at least 30 custom bosses hacks or hacks created prior to 2008 I'd say (not sure if relevant) (2)
  • All of official Amano's art
  • Yoshitaka Amano - Final Fantasy Japan scans (3)
  • PSX intro drawing scans (comics strips used to plan the CGI)
  • About 20 nice prints found in various places New
Scans /Screenshots
  • FF Anthology (case (front/back), CD, booklet (PDF))
  • FF3us (Box (front/back/"3D"), cart, maps (PDF), booklet (PDF))
  • FF6J (Box front (JPEG)) Missing bunch of stuff!
  • FF6 Advance (U) (Box (front/back), cart) Missing booklet!
  • N64 FF6 tech demo official screenshots
  • PSX intro official screenshots
  • Custom SNES cart labels (PNG) (Made by James McPhee)
  • More maps New
  • FF6 Monopoly New
  • Playing card Deck New
Books / Manuals / Strategy Guides (PDF)
  • Complete FF III Forbidden Game Secrets (3)
  • BradyGames - FF Anthology (3)
  • Final Fantasy III - Players Guide (PDF & CBZ formats) (3)
  • Nintendo Power issues featuring FF3us with a main article (issues 65, 66 & 67) (CBR format) (3)
  • Final Fantasy III FWAQ New
Articles / Web Pages
Videos New

(1) Shall we ask the original hoster for permission?
(2) Most of the hacks are hard to find but most of them are of poor quality I believe
(3)  Are we breaking any copyright law ? (overpassing the "fair use" concept in the law in which as an example hack patches are)


Happy new year 2016!

Well after a few months of work, the new layout is finally here!  Hello

First, if you have problem login, delete your ff6hacking.com cookies. This should solve your problem.

The site will be slow the first time your enter it because it loads various stuff in cache such as the fonts used. The new layout has been developed by testing with recent Chrome and Firefox desktop browsers, so there might be problems with Opera and phone browsers, which will have their own solution soon enough.

New functionalities mentioned in the update thread have been implemented. First, you can set alerts via the userCP for various things such as quotes, thread replies and more. There is also the possibility of doing a mention by typing "@" followed by the username you want to mention. This will create a profile link in the post and the user can have an alert for this if he has set the option for it.

There is also more smilies (and maybe even more to come) and there's an imgur button to upload (small) images in the post editor (typing window).  Victory

Another great feature is the tag feature, which can be entered by the thread creator. The thread creator (or site staff) also has the possibility to input tags for older thread that have none. The profile page had an upgrade with more stats and option to leave public or private comments. We also have FF status that you can set on the main panel on Portal/Index thanks to JamesWhite.

There's also a bunch of little stuff that have been improved that I can't think of at the moment (oh yeah, there's 2000+ sprites in the avatar gallery, a music and video player).  Pummel

Of course, nothing is perfect and I kinda rushed the release in the end to meet the 2015 deadline, so there's a few half-moderate-half-easy to fix bug and other small thing I did not had the time to fix or improve. They are listed in this thread. You are invited to submit bugs, question or suggestion there as well.

Here what will follow in chronical order in 2016. I start university while working part time in a week so I hope I will have some free time for the site but most likely less than in the last few months.

2016 Resolutions  Pray

  1. Fix most if not all bug that will be in the bug thread
  2. Finish the Database (50% done) and submission page (95% done) for sprites.
  3. Install MyBB GoMobile theme for folks that visit the forum mainly on their phone (Safari & Chrome).
  4. Check desktop theme compatibility with Safari then Opera.
  5. Make different color version of the theme (at least 2). Another option would be to allow users to
    choose some main colors of the theme (background, blue containers, quotes etc...).
  6. Get back to the Monster Expansion Editor
  7. Work on my hack!
  8. More forum goodies along the way if I feel like it (most likely yes).

Enjoy your stay!  :hurry:


In the cheerful spirit of Christmas, I thought of a fitting poll:
Which FF death were you the most affected by/care the most about, and why?


Which Final Fantasy has the best ending? Which was the most memorable for you? Which one did the game the most justice in terms of beating an epic final boss and giving you that sense of completion, leaving you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside?

Here they all are in massive spoiler-form if anyone would like to refresh their memory:


How Many Physical Copies of FF6 have YOU owned in your life-time? And to make it more fun, how and when did you achieve them?
Re-releases count! (GBA, Phone, PSX, etc.)


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite