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Forum Announcements

Hi, I am seeking web development help for our forum. Basically it's a mobile theme development project using MyBB GoMobile. MyBB 1.8 is not mobile responsive but 2.0 will be so it's not something that would be used for the next 5 years. I have no idea when MyBB 2.0 will be ready. Basically I would like someone to make a default theme for mobile with less features than the desktop browser offer, so basically only forums basic stuff. This project was started by someone in 2016 but he went MIA so you could continue the work or start from scratch if you want.

Basically the requirements are HTML, CSS and javascript knowledge. You might need PHP coding for a few things also but I could do this part. Knowledge of the MyBB template and theme system would be a big plus. This is no paid position, we are all poor and do this for the love of romhacking (or the love of volunteer web development :P).

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After this if you want to stick there are other stuff I could consider like a submission system and a frontend / welcome page that looks more like a website than a forum portal and that we could hook to some MyBB features (such as announcements).

I request help because  my current admin role does not offer me the time to work on this or at least prioritize it. I got other tasks too and I'm a full time student and part time worker 9 months a year. I have an editor project I'd like to continue too actively so free time is missing.

Spead the word and Thanks!


A few technical stuff:

We just bought a SSL certificate (enabling HTTPS). I can't make the HTTP to HTTPS redirection until it is running (from now to 48 hours max) so there might be a downtime reaching the HTTP address from the time it is up until I notice the change. However when this occurs https://www.ff6hacking.com should be running. The redirection should be permanent but from that time an on, our address will start officially with HTTPS and not HTTP anymore.

Also I will do a forum engine update sometime in the weekend so you might get a 503 error for a few hours. Thanks for your understanding!


A double update has been done tonight. As usual, I might have broken something when modifying the theme and frankly, it's slowly becoming a mess. I'm thinking about moving towards more generic themes and slowing having the FF one as secondary one, at least not as sole main one.

This mean I could build on a theme designed for MyBB 1.8 instead of carrying like a burden a 1.6 theme that was not well made in the first place.

I'll take every theme suggestions from this page: https://community.mybb.com/mods.php?acti...ory=themes

I'm willing to install 3-4 and keeping custom things like the shoutbox, moods (status), FF smilies, small sprites all over the place, Alerts (maybe?), music player (maybe?) and random screenshots on all the new themes. All the other important features are built-in in every themes but things like fancy buttons, the video player and Tags would be gone. Having new themes would put me 100% compliant with 1.8 and have a uniform design code-wise. I plan on keeping the current theme as long as people use it but I would stop improving it (which I already do) and put new features and energies on the new themes only.

So check out the link if you want and post your themes suggestions. If I have more than 4 suggestions I'll do a poll to select the top 3-4 otherwise if nobody suggest anything I may end up doing a poll anyway with my selections only.

These themes are not final, things like colors and layout can easily be changed. Victory

Please report any update bug here.


I will have to close the forum for a few hours for a maintenance and upgrade starting Saturday at 7:00PM ET. Hopefully I shouldn't take very long!

Edit: Update done.


Lord J is starting to work on FF3usME again!

First new feature implemented should be Big and Small Battle Quote expansion (256 entries each, more total space for them). There has been a few other new features discussed and I'd like you to vote for the one(s) you'd like see the most. This poll is not a guarantee that the most popular new features will be implemented, it will more serve as a priority guideline and as suggestions. Their implementations is totally up to Lord J. If you have suggestions of other features, I'll add them to the poll. You can vote for more than one choice.


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite