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Forum Announcements

Greetings to you all! It's that time of the year. This site needs funding in order to stay active and thriving. Last year we reached our goal quickly, and hopefully we can do the same again this year! I love this community, and I want to see it keep going. I'll chip in what little I can when I get paid, but I believe as a team we can fund this site for 2021, and even beyond that!

2020 has been a very rough time, and we've all struggled with everything that's going on. As a community, we've helped one another in small and large ways, and I'd like to hope that through determination we can overcome all challenges, right?

I know I don't make much of a presence around here, or with the community... but that's going to change very soon. If it's an incentive that helps motivate for the donation drive, if we reach our minimum goal of $200, I'd like to start a showcase project. I don't have much to share about it right now, but if we meet the goal, I'll make a thread for the project, which I hope will excite everyone!

Lets show 2020 who's boss and end with a bang; bring in 2021 with a fresh new perspective, and a whole slew of new possibilities!

 The year of twenty-twenty-fun!

Here's the link to donate. Thank you so much for your generosity. https://paypal.me/pools/c/8v4TUfBkwq

-Fire Storm

EDIT:  Surprised

Every time I start to worry, you all remind me there's no reason to! The generosity of this userbase continues to surprise me each year, and I'm so grateful for your help. With the contributions everyone has made in the past day, we've met the goal to renew the site for the duration of 2021. That's such a relief! I'll keep the money pool up in case anyone wants to donate for another year on top of that; but there's absolutely no pressure to do that.

As I promised an incentive, I shall deliver. Objection!

I'm becoming a Twitch streamer, and I'd like to use it to try to promote the site, and FF6 Hacks in general. Of course I'll do other things... but I'd really like it if I could showcase the works of all of you, no matter how big, no matter how small. Whether it's a full-on feature-length game, or something simple like a boss battle, custom character, music track, etc; I wanna play them and show them off!

Is this something you'd be interested in? Let me know!


[Image: banner.png]

The Sprite Database has been updated to v1.2!

This update includes most of RotDS 2.0 sprites, monsters and portraits as well as more than 57 new individual spritesheets! See the changelog.txt file for all details.


The popular FFVI hack has been updated! Version 2.0 has been worked on since February 2018. It includes many new events, sprites, dialogues, two new soundtracks and a lot more! You can see the changelog here and the readme here. There's so many new things that it should be a refreshing experience event for returning players! Thanks to everyone who is involved in the project!

[Image: 1.png] [Image: 2.png] [Image: 3.png]
[Image: 4.png] [Image: 5.png] [Image: 6.png]


Hello, everyone! I am Fire Storm, the owner of FF6Hacking.com. You don't see much of me these days, but I'm always keeping a careful eye on things. My main job is to ensure the site stays funded, and able to live on!

Normally I pay for whatever I can out of my own pocket. Recently, I renewed the domain name. However, two BIG fees are around the corner, and my wallet alone can't cover it.

The numbers aren't exact, but Hosting for the site will cost about $100, and renewing SSL certificates will cost about $87 or so. The final amount we need is about $187.87 (The goal is set at $200 so we have a little wiggle room in case this price changes or some unexpected charge comes up. 100% of your donations go to the site, not myself or anyone else.)

The due date for these renewal costs is in February, but lets try to hit the goal before then, okay?


Thank you all, and happy hacking~!

Surprised WOW OKAY, SO Landy (Landmine36) is kind of a badass. Within half an hour of the donation drive going live, he paid the entire thing off! THE GOAL HAS BEEN MET!  Surprised

Thank you so much for your contribution! FF6Hacking.com lives another year!


For our 10th anniversary we are organizing a contest. There are two themes, pick the one you prefer. First one is "How much do you like hacking FF6" and second one is "How much do you like ff6hacking.com". You submission can be anything: A small hack, a video, a song, a poem, some pixel art, a story, etc. We are trying to make the contest as open as possible to get the most participants.

Here are the rules: You can only submit something if you have more than 2 posts as of today (users with less posts can still participate but will be excluded from winning a prize). This is to make sure the contest is mainly opened to active users. You must with your submission specify which of the two theme inspired you and you must post your submission in this thread before July 19th. This is exactly one month from now.

There will be 2 prizes: the two winners get each a ff6hacking coffee mug. I will pick the two winner on July 20th and will base my choice on the originality (something standing out) and the quality (time and effort spent) of the submission. May the best submissions win!


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite