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Forum Announcements

In this poll there are several types of chocobo's, mostly derived from FF7 and FF9 with a few FFT thrown in. So which is your favorite?


So what do you think?

Posted by: madsiur - Forum: Announcements

Instead of the boring star and level system, we now have new user classes depending of your number of posts. Groups like Code specialist, music hacker and graphics hacker overwrite these default classes and a custom title overwrite the default title. We might changes the requirements (number of posts) and sprites in the future as I did this a bit in a hurry. Any suggestion is welcome.

Here is the required number of posts, the user title and sprite for each classes:

<table cellpadding="3" border="1" color="white">
<tr align="center">
<td width="10%">#</td><td width="30%">Name</td><td width="35%">Posts</td><td width="25%">Sprite</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>1.</td><td> Pig</td><td>0 to 29</td><td>[Image: pig.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>2.</td><td> Imp</td><td>30 to 59</td><td>[Image: imp.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>3.</td><td> Moogle</td><td>60 to 99</td><td>[Image: moogle.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>4.</td><td> Ghost</td><td>100 to 149</td><td>[Image: ghost.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>5.</td><td> Merchant</td><td>150 to 199</td><td>[Image: merchant.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>6.</td><td> Figaro Guard</td><td>200 to 299</td><td>[Image: figaro_guard.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>7.</td><td> Returner</td><td>300 to 399</td><td>[Image: returner.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>8.</td><td> Scholar</td><td>400 to 499</td><td>[Image: scholar.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>9.</td><td> Cultist</td><td>500 to 599</td><td>[Image: cultist.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>10.</td><td> Black Mage</td><td>600 to 749</td><td>[Image: black_mage.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>11.</td><td> Summoner</td><td>750 to 899</td><td>[Image: summoner.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>12.</td><td> Dragoon</td><td>900 to 999</td><td>[Image: dragoon.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>13.</td><td> Hero</td><td>1000 to 1499</td><td>[Image: frog.png]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>13.</td><td> Mad Clown</td><td>1500 to 1999</td><td>[Image: kefka.gif]</td>
<tr align="center">
<td>13.</td><td> Emperor</td><td>2000 and above</td><td>[Image: gestahl.gif]</td>

Posted by: madsiur - Forum: Announcements

Here is some new MyCode tags you can use in your posts!

1) Highlight text

[hl=green]Sample 2[/hl]

[hl=green]Sample 2[/hl]

2) Blinking text



3) Subscript text



4) Superscript text



5) Acronym


[acronym]title,this is a description[/acronym]

6) Horizontal bar with color



7) Scrolling text

Incoming from Right!
Incoming from Left!

[scroll=left]Incoming from Right![/scroll]
[scroll=right]Incoming from Left![/scroll]

8) Button link



9) Progress bar

My hack progress

[progress=35]My hack progress[/progress]

10) Google button link

[google]FF6 hacking[/google]


That's it for now! Feel free to add any other suggestion or idea for custom tags!

Posted by: madsiur - Forum: Polls

This is a non-scientific survey to know which FFVI hack(s) has been the most played. You can vote for more than one choice. The poll will be open for 60 days and guests may vote. I only included completed hacks in the choices thus excluding works like FF6 Revelation and Pandora's Box. I took most of them from RHDN and I could only fit 15 choices.

Final Fantasy III US HardType+ (made by JCE3000GT)
Link: http://www.jce3000gt.com/ff3usht.php

Final Fantasy 3 Eviltype (made by SageAcrin)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/294/

Final Fantasy 6 - A Complete Hack (made by MC50)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/650/

Final Fantasy VI Hardtype (made by Eternal248)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/617/

FF6 US hard challenge (made by Shinrin)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/274/

FF3us Impossible (made by JCE3000GT)
Link: http://www.jce3000gt.com/ff3usimp.php

FF6: Is the Best Game Ever (made by Gogo13)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/707/

Final Fantasy VI: Stand Guard (made by Spooniest)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/794/

Final Fantasy VI Once Again (made by PiggyChan!)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/701/

Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition (made by Rodimus Primal)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1386/

FF6j RPGone Translation (made by RPGone)
Link: http://www.romhacking.net/translations/697/

FFVI: Brave New World (made by BTB and Synchysi)
Link: http://www.insanedifficulty.com/board/in...new-world/

FF6 Expert Version 2 (made by i90east)
Link: http://www.zophar.net/hacks/snes/final-f...ion-2.html

FF6 Last Hope All Stars (made by Gi Nattak)
Link: No link... The hack author want it to be forgotten :P

FF6 Eternal Crystals (made by MetroidQuest)
Link: http://metroidquest.angelfire.com/FF6_EC_vX/


Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite