FFI - Sky Warriors' Airship
This airship was piloted by the Sky Warriors hundreds of years ago, and is found and used again by the Light Warriors after they raise it from the desert using the Levistone.
FFII - Dreadnought
The Dreadnought was built by the Palamecia Empire as a giant warship, and has the power to level whole towns. It is considered the ultimate in destructive airships, having the ability to crush entire towns from the air.
FFIII - Nautilus
The Nautilus is a sleek, high-speed Saronian airship used to fly against intense winds. It is later enchanted to dive underwater. While in this Submarine form, the party can explore the ocean floor and several dungeons that were previously inaccessible.
FFIV - Lunar Whale
The Lunar Whale, also known as Big Whale, is a ship that was constructed by the Lunarian Kluya, and is capable of spaceflight between the Red Moon and Earth. Also contains "beds" and a mechanical Fat Chocobo. In terms of size, the Lunar Whale is three to four times the size of the other airships, but moves slower and seems to possess no weaponry whatsoever.
FFV - Ronkan Ship
Discovered in some ancient ruins, it is able to fly over mountains as well as land on land or on water, where it can then be used as a regular, sea-faring ship. Cid and Mid upgrade the airship using Adamantite, so that it can reach higher altitudes. Cid and Mid then remodel it yet again into a submarine. Overall, its a dependable and highly customizable airship.
FFVI - Blackjack
The Blackjack is a flying casino, with an item shop, a free recovery point, and some nice comfortable sofas, and a casual laid back lounge. The Blackjack marks a notable design change from the airships of previous games: while previous crafts were simply flying ships with propellors and wings, the Blackjack is more in-line with real aircraft.
FFVII - Highwind
Even though it has no visible weapons, it is used in a Limit Break where several missiles are launched from the ship. The Highwind is also used to ram into Ultimate Weapon to make it stop fleeing and fight. Just before the final battle the Highwind reveals two jet boosts at the back, replacing the two propellers which greatly increase its speed and engine output.
FFVIII - Ragnarok
Created by the nation of Esthar during the Sorceress War, this futuristic and aggressive looking red metallic airship is heavily armed and capable of space travel. Esthar's finest scientific technology was used to build it. Dubbed the "Super-High-Mobility-Flying-Ship".
FFIX - Prima Vista
The 'M.S.' Prima Vista is a beautiful and breathtaking luxury liner with an entire theater. It is gigantic, measuring a whopping 8235 tonnes and has a guest capacity of 288. It's the 'Titanic' of airships. It runs off a veil energy propulsion system and was built in Zebolt Shipyards.
FFX - Fahrenheit
Also known as the Continental Circus, this ship is used for quick transportation from one location to another. The Fahrenheit is salvaged from the bottom of the ocean. During the assault on Sin, it is revealed that the Fahrenheit is equipped with powerful laser cannons on either side.