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Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

In your opinion, can your Final Fantasy 5 dream-team defeat the legendary Emerald Weapon from Final Fantasy 7?
This is a poll, but lets hear how you think the outcome would go.

-Cannot use Freelancer
-See Aire Tam Storm below for information...
-Instant Death on Emerald Weapon by any means is banned.

For the sake of the differences in the magic system (Materia vs learned magic), Aire Tam Storm will deal damage based on job level.
In example, a Mastered job would take more damage than a new job; there is no materia in FF5. Just like prepping for this battle before hand in FF7 and removing all materia, you can choose to go into this fight without a mastered job. For each job class level, Aire Tam Storm will do 1000 damage.

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

From Final Fantasy 1-10, which game had the most compelling story in your eyes, and why?
This is not about gameplay, which means it's not about the game. This poll is about the story and plot that was written for it's respective game.

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Inspired by Gi Nattak, who was your favorite FF6 character? Why?
Did this character inspire you somehow?

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Going by this list, what is your favorite sword?
I have excluded the Ultima Sword because it is often the best sword in the game, and thus most of you would choose it over the others.

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Both versions for this battle are from FF5, no other version.
If these two went up against each other, who'd win in your opinion?


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