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Forum Announcements
Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

[Image: imgshk.png]
Location: Red Moon
Description: Of these 4 teams, which would best defeat Proto-Babil from FF4 legitimately?
Restrictions and Attributes:
-All characters are level 75.
-All characters can NOT exceed the damage limit.
-All characters have a max of 9999 life, but don't necessarily have 9999 life to begin with. 9999 is just the max.
-Characters do NOT start with Trace/Desperation/Limit Break ready to be activated.
-Each character represents their games magic and attack system. In example, Rydia cannot summon Aeons, or summon creatures from past or future games.
-No ridicules exploits that always seems to occur with Cloud and FF7. Make this a fair battle.

For those of you have yet to see the battle, I've recorded myself fighting against this ridicules creature....



This is one of the FFRadio team known as Enti, talking to you through Teb's account, I just wanted to inform you and your community about the saddening News, about our beloved DJ Tebian. We are trying our best to inform our affiliates about it. Tebian passed away on July 24th. We would like to make sure that our friends and fans allover the globe to know about it and to have them come to visit our forums or facebook page to pay their respects.

Our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Here are some links that can turn useful for some of you:

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

[Image: Omega.png]
Location: Interdimensional Rift - Waterfall Cave
Description: Of these 4 teams, which would best beat Omega from FF5 legitimately?
Restrictions and Attributes:
-All characters are level 75.
-All characters can NOT exceed the damage limit.
-All characters have a max of 9999 life, but don't necessarily have 9999 life to begin with. 9999 is just the max.
-Characters do NOT start with Trace/Desperation/Limit Break ready to be activated.
-Each character represents their games magic and attack system. In example, Rydia cannot summon Aeons, or summon creatures from past or future games.
-No ridicules exploits that always seems to occur with Cloud and FF7. Make this a fair battle.


Of these six battle themes, which would you like most on this sites playlist? Top two with the most votes get submitted to the site, so choose wisely...<_<

FFI's Battle Theme
FFII's Battle Theme
FFIII's Battle Theme
FFIV's Battle Theme
FFV's Battle Theme
FFVI's Battle Theme

Posted by: Zeemis - Forum: Polls

Hey guys, we here at "FF6 Hacking" would like you to request a song to be submitted to the streamable playlist on the forums page. Remember, this site is completely community driven, so your suggestions count.
Once five-to-ten requests for music have been made, I or another administrator here will make a poll and you the community can vote for which you like the best. Remember "Voting Etiquette" and don't vote for yourself, we can see your vote.

Just a reminder for the requirements for music suggestions.
1. I will accept "1" mp3 from a single user for the next 25 posts." This means that you as a member of this site get one mp3 hosted if you post within the next 10 posts. There is an exception to this, continue reading.
2. You cannot post two or more mp3's suggestions, you get one.
3. All submissions must be legal, no Rebecca Black please.
4. All music must be SquareSoft or SquareEnix related. This means games like Secret of Mana or other titles made by Square are eligible. You can choose to suggest a remix, or an OST.

*Exceptions to more than 1 MP3*
Each month, a poll will be cast for a community favorite. The community will come together and vote on everyone's favorite suggestion based on suggestions sent to me or the other staff via private message. The winner gets his or her mp3 permanently added to the playlist.


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