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Forum Announcements

A new sub forum for music hacking is up!
For members only. You can submit music/song hack(s) to the site's database.
They must be good quality, will be reviewed by staff.

Check this link for detailed info about submission:

More songs will be added soon!


Our two MML composers have finished their songs. For the first challenge, Gi Nattak and Royaken have worked on one of the most famous FF8 song, Man with the machine gun!

You can vote for your favorite one and leave constructive feedback in this thread.

Royaken version: https://www.ff6hacking.com/misc/mmlconte...oyaken.mp3

Gi Nattak version: https://www.ff6hacking.com/misc/mmlconte...nattak.mp3

[Image: ff8.jpg]


A general clean-up has been made in the patch forum. The following patch threads will be deleted on April 11th unless someone can provide the patch:

- New Shield (Zeemis)
- Edgar palette swap (Zeemis)
- Custom font (Zeemis)
- Custom menu (Zeemis)
- Equipable crossbow (Zeemis)
- Some event hacking (DjinnAndTonic)
- Summon fix patch (Angelo)
- Names clean-up patch (Angelo)
- Custom weapon: Mace (Poco Loco)
- FF3us SPC import: Silent Light (JCE3000GT)

The following patches have been found in the midst and can now be dowloaded:

- New summon menu
- Custom weapon: Destiny
- Banon can die more than once
- FFIV Tileset
- Meteor spell
- More weapon / Enemy special animations

All dowload links have been update for one on the server.

Posted by: Gi Nattak - Forum: Announcements

How it will work (in the future): Well known vg songs (songs that most likely have more than a few midis of online...you know, popular ones!) will get nominated by site members, the first 5-10 nominated will then get voted on for a week in a poll. At the end of that week, those who enter the challenge will have one week to do their best to create an MML hack of the song that got the most votes, and then submit their entry by way of a converted mp3 to this thread with a link of the song to listen to and/or download. The entries will then be voted on within a period of a week for the "best sounding one". Whichever one has the most votes at the end wins the "match" and the winner has their song placed into the site's music player.

It would be nice if we had more than 2 contenders for this... Maybe we (the Staff) can come up with some kind of a reward system if this should become something more than it is, for now it's just something to do for fun that Royaken and I were thinking of doing to challenge ourselves and make sport of it.

- Must be a mml or custom music hack, no fruity loops FF6 sound font mixes or injects.
- Imported instruments cannot be used.
- The contenders cannot vote for the best sounding MML entry.
- Site members can only nominate one song per voting period.
- Must have at least two contenders to have a "match".
- The converted MP3 entry must be high quality. (256-320 kbps)
- Contenders must have their MML file ready to present at any time, in case of cheating accusations or any other valid reason. Or if they just want to that's okay to.
1st Match: Friday, April 4, 2014 - Royaken vs. Gi Nattak - Song: The Man With The Machine Gun, FFVIII: Link
Winner: Gi Nattak

2nd Match: Friday, June 20, 2014 - Royaken vs. Gi Nattak - Song: Guile's Theme, Street Fighter 2: Link
Winner: Gi Nattak


Which of these songs do you like best? ...And why, if you feel so inclined to say.

I gotta go with Searching for Friends because no matter how many times it loops over and over and over, it never gets played out. It is the most nostalgic song from the soundtrack for me and also the most powerful and emotion provoking, how it so fits the feeling of hope and friendship and going after Kefka to save the world.

It is the #1 song that comes into my mind when I think of FFVI on a musical level.


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