
FF6 Advance Patches

This is a collection of GBA patches. Novalia Spririt patches are a temporary hosting until the time he gets another hosting solution for his work. A more detailed description of some patches can be found on this archived page.

Download Sound Restoration 2.1
Author Bregalad
Version GBA (JUE)
Description This hack, that could also be called “FF6 advance as it should have been”, basically replace the music with the original music from the SNES version (gone the aggressive fuzzy instruments). The framerate drops, although not entirely suppressed, are greatly reduced, so this version plays almost as smoothly as the SNES original. The opera songs can optionally be patched to have true opera soloists, and the major part of the opera tunes are played by Tokio’s orchestra (European version of the ROM only). You can also get version 1.1 which can only be patched on the (E) version.
Download Color Restoration 1.01
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JUE)
Description To accommodate for the undersized, relatively dark monitor of the Game Boy Advance, a variety of colors in Final Fantasy VI Advance exhibit a higher degree of saturation than that of the earlier versions. Consequently, the graphics generally appear brighter, and certain colors diverge significantly from their original specifications. As such, the purpose of this patch is to restore the colors to their former state.
Download Verdant Respite Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description This fix enables the possibility of enemy encounters on all the light-green grass tiles with dark-green pixels in a corner; such tiles are only found in the World of Balance, outside of the Veldt.
Download Disorganized Formation Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JU)
Description The Prometheus, Fortis formation was modified in such a manner that Prometheus, in a pincer attack, now appears on the same side as Fortis and transcends the boundaries of the battlefield. This bug was fixed for the European release.
Download Instant Airship Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description When the player is piloting the airship and decides to explore the interior, the program activates a switch whose purpose is to return control of the vehicle on the next visit to the world map, which is typically achieved through the wheel. However, when the party suffers defeat in battle, causing save data to be restored, the switch fails to be disabled. Consequently, it becomes possible to pilot the airship at any point in the journey, depending on when the most recent save was created, and provided that the console is never reset once the switch is activated, as its status is never recorded to the battery.
Download The Sleazy Lender Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The game wrongly deducts 150 GP instead of 80 GP whenever the party rents a chocobo in Nikeah; this patch rectifies that.
Download The Magic Bridge Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description In South Figaro, it is possible to cross the canal via a secret passage behind the cafe and thereby complete Locke's scenario without stealing clothes, which produces a few oddities. The existence of the shortcut results directly from the presence of a black, passable tile on the first background layer at the specified location.
Download Flight of Storm Drgn Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description This patch prevents Storm Drgn from being shifted a space upward upon completing a revolution, a phenomenon that causes the creature to eventually loop around the map and, from the perspective of the player, become invisible.
Download Naming Shadow Fix 1.1
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The function that invokes the naming screen for Shadow during Sabin's scenario fails to account for the possibility that the monk might not represent the leader of the party. As a result, minor oddities will arise should Cyan assume that role when the event occurs. Namely, the samurai remains visible as Shadow is introduced, and Sabin, whose location derives from the position of the party on the most recent creation of the map, momentarily appears afterward.
Download Transportation Device Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description Following any animation of the westernmost transportation device of the Floating Continent, two mismatching tiles are temporarily placed in the immediate vicinity, a minor defect that is corrected by this patch.
Download The Invisible Hanger Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (J)
Description In order for each monster to fit the relatively small monitor of the Game Boy Advance, certain enemy formations have been slightly altered from their original positions. The formation consisting of three Drops was modified in such a manner that the robots appear as if they were suspended by an invisible support structure, as none of the sprites actually touch the upper edge of the screen. This bug is exclusive to the Japanese edition.
Download The Echoing Waters Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JUE)
Description Following the inclusion of Banon at the Returners' Hideout, the ambient sound heard within the tunnel leading to the Lete River is played 28% louder than it was intended, and will be adjusted only upon leaving the menu or reentering the area; this patch addresses that issue.
Download Broken Gate Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description After Vicks destroys the gate inside the mines of Narshe, a mismatching tile is temporarily placed in the newly revealed area; this patch corrects that minor defect.
Download The Cowardly Dog Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The function that integrates Shadow into the party at Albrook fails to account for the possibility that the assassin might never have been granted Interceptor status. As a result, the dog may remain unavailable until its master is recruited in the World of Ruin.
Download Missing Light Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The red light that stands on a chest inside Kefka's Tower was configured to disappear after the interconnected switches for the second and third parties have been pushed simultaneously. Its purpose is simply to demonstrate that the chest serves as a switch. While the object is reactivated when the parties leave the tower, it permanently ceases to exist following the demise of Poltrgeist, which can lead the player astray.
Download Narshe's Secret Entrance Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description A mismatching tile is temporarily placed on the secret entrance in Narshe following the party's escape from the cave at the beginning of the game; this patch corrects that minor defect.
Download The Unilateral Blockade Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JU)
Description A lone Latimeria and a lone L.90 Magic can both pincer attack your party. That's obviously illogical. Maybe you're pincered between the single enemy and a volatile pocket of air? Almost all formations of single enemies have pincer attacks disabled in the data (or have a forced front, back, or side attack), but somehow these two slipped through. Curiously, they do have back attack disabled.
Download The Peninsula of Death Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The zone covering a large portion of the peninsula directly east of Kefka's Tower has its enemy encounters set to default, thereby resulting in encounters that solely involve Leafers, which occasionally ally with Dark Winds. This patch addresses the issue by reproducing the characteristics of the zone that covers the rest of the peninsula.
Download Song Title Corrections 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (J)
Description In the music player, the string Magi is not displayed as such. Rather, h_control takes its place, which is what the data actually contains, and what this patch specifically modifies.
Download The Sealed Door Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The relic shop in Jidoor and the weapon shop in Maranda share a map that contains two doors. The first is centered on the back wall and is closed. The other is immediately to the left of the first and is open. The issue is that the open door is concealed within the wall, yet a small portion of it, which lies on the right side, remains visible. This patch eliminates that anomaly by the complete removal of the door.
Download Frozen Ocean Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, GBA (JUE)
Description Whenever the airship soars into the sky, the flow of the waterfall and the motion of the ocean momentarily cease; the animation does not resume until the screen fades to black. This patch prevents such behavior.
Download The Phantom Diary Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description Inside Owzer's mansion, if Relm is in the basement, an invisible force will prevent the party from entering the art gallery in the dark, while revealing a diary on a nearby desk. Following the demise of Chadarnook, however, the diary remains available for reading despite the fact that it is no longer visible. This patch disables further interaction with the book.
Download Doomed to Death Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JU)
Description The code for the bestiary that determines whether Death should be listed as a status immunity fails to examine the appropriate data, as the determination ultimately relies on Doom status, regardless of the monster. Behemoth and Long Arm, for example, are susceptible to Death and invulnerable to Doom. Yet, the bestiary lists them both as immune to Death. Monsters with the opposite combination of statuses are affected by this bug as well, as Death immunity will be missing from their entries.
Download Lance Bonus Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JUE)
Description Items that fall within the expected range for lance-type weapons gain a damage bonus when landing from an aerial attack. Longinus and Gungnir, which are both exclusive to the Game Boy Advance versions, lie outside of that range, and are therefore not entitled to receive such a bonus. This patch modifies the code to account for the new lances.
Download Remote Control Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description The system underlying the Control command exhibits a number of issues that involve the Hide status. If the master retreats or is expelled via an enemy ability such as Sneeze, the slave will remain in a submissive state indefinitely. If the victim leaves the battlefield by such a means, its abilities will remain available to the master. If targeted with Palidor, the slave will remain airborne for as long as Control is in effect. This fix causes the bond between the master and its slave to be broken whenever either entity is marked as hidden.
Download Blush Disease Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description Before the airship departs for Vector, a compliment given by Setzer causes Celes to blush. If Edgar is present, he will also react to the compliment, a consequence of sharing the same palette as Celes. Nevertheless, if Sabin, who also shares the same palette, is in the party, then nobody will blush. In addition, because a limit was accidentally imposed on the affected color components, the blushing effect is not completely reversed afterward. As a consequence, the skin color of Celes, as well as that of Edgar, turns pink and remains as such throughout the remainder of the scene.
Download Petrified Rebel Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description This fix adds Zombie and Petrify to the list of game-ending status effects for Banon. While the former inclusion is merely a precaution, the latter serves to account for Terra's natural acquisition of Break at a high level.
Download Item Duplication Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version GBA (JUE)
Description During the final battle, the function that replaces fallen party members accounts for fourteen characters, despite the fact that there can only be twelve. As a consequence, if each tier is completed with a lone survivor, Terra will join the battle against Kefka, regardless of her presence and recruitment status. Therefore, when two instances of Terra are present, duplicating her handheld equipment becomes possible. The armaments of either Terra must first be removed, then any equipment slot of the other must be selected, at the very least. Upon completion of the game, Terra will retain her equipment, but the items that were removed will remain in the inventory.
Download Agoraphobic Leader Fix 1.01
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description Leaving Arvis's house through the back door in the World of Ruin causes the party to be facing south rather than north. Similarly, on the Phantom Train, the party is oriented westward after exiting the second seating carriage through the east. In both cases, this fix enforces the opposite direction.
Download Persistent Whistle Fix 1.0
Author Novalia Spirit
Version SFC, SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description During Sabin's scenario, Shadow can be found by a well outside of a house. Therein, the theme for Shadow can be heard, provided that he is not on the roster and the party has yet to board the Phantom Train. Therefore, should Shadow take his leave following a battle, which may only occur after the events at the Imperial camp, his theme will continue to serve the aforementioned area, despite his absence. This patch addresses the issue by imposing a condition that better suits the circumstances.
Download Shadow's Shadow Fix 1.0
Author madsiur
Version SNES (1.0, 1.1), GBA (JUE)
Description Quoting Novalia Spirit: As everybody knows, the first time you step foot into South Figaro, you normally see Shadow walk towards the Cafe. As expected, in the case you follow him into the building, he'll be there. It is once Vargas is killed that Shadow disappears from the Cafe. Now here's the bug: ignore South Figaro till you beat Vargas. Retrace your steps to South Figaro, and you will, here again, see Shadow walk towards the Cafe. BUT, he won't be in it. To fix the bug, an additional check is made in South Figaro entrance event. If Vargas is beaten or you saw Shadow walk in town, Shadow NPC is not created and its movement queue not executed. See also the SNES wiki entry.
Download Auction Chocobo Fix 1.1
Author madsiur
Version SNES (1.0, 1.1), SFC, GBA (JUE)
Description The chocobo in the WOB auction house has two portions of his sprite cut off by the two lady NPC standing behind him. This is because those NPC sprites have priority over the chocobo one. To fix this, the property “can walk over” for the NPCs have been checked and bit 8:3 of their NPC data has been unchecked. See also the SNES wiki entry.
  • ff6a/patches.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)