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Auction Chocobo Fix

Patch data

Name Auction Chocobo Fix 1.1
Author madsiur
Link Download

Rom data

ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.0
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Header No
ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.1
ROM SHA-1 057ADA1C641E3E0B3CA34E6E4F4EB1B05A87143A
Header No
ROM Name Final Fantasy VI Advance (J)
ROM SHA-1 1850FEDDE7305C4BAF42E0594AAABE17C549D7E2
ROM Name Final Fantasy VI Advance (U)
ROM Name Final Fantasy VI Advance (E)
ROM SHA-1 C5B27ED0870EA64E6A001C5BC367F76571ACE973


The chocobo in the WOB auction house has two portions of his sprite cut off by the two lady NPC standing behind him. This is because those NPC sprites have priority over the chocobo one. To fix this, the property “can walk over” for the NPCs have been checked and bit 8:3 of their NPC data has been unchecked.


$C43FE8 - $C43FE9 NPC A Data (SNES, SFC)
$C43FF1 - $C43FF2 NPC B Data (SNES, SFC)
$71F924 - $71F925 NPC A Data (GBA [JU])
$71F92D - $71F92E NPC B Data (GBA [JU])
$71F9D8 - $71F9D9 NPC A Data (GBA [E])
$71F9E1 - $71F9E2 NPC B Data (GBA [E])


ff3/ff3us/patches/madsiur/auction_chocobo.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/30 19:13 by madsiur