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Gallery Plugin


A basic gallery can be added by selecting a namespace like this:


All image files in the selected namespace will be added to the image gallery. Don't forget the “:” in front of the namespace.

Instead of using a whole namespace of images, you can also specify a single image – this makes more sense when combined with the lightbox mode (see below).


The created gallery can be aligned by using white space (defaults to centered):

{{gallery> namespace}} (right aligned)
{{gallery>namespace }} (left aligned)
{{gallery> namespace }} (centered)

Instead of a namespace, you can also give an HTTP(s) URL to any Media RSS or ATOM feed with enclosures (as produced by most photo sharing sites like Flickr). The images will then be pulled from that feed instead:


Note: since the question mark is used to separate the parameters (see next section) the URL can not contain any question mark. To use such a feed URL with the gallery plugin, just use one of the many short URL services like

E.g. instead of use a shortened URL like

Additionally, to have thumbnail creation correctly working you need to set fetchsize big enough to get the remote images downloaded.


A number of parameters can be set by appending them with ? character to the namespace or image. Each parameter needs to be separated with a & character. Defaults for all parameters can be set in the config manager. If a parameter is enabled by default it can be disabled in the syntax by prefixing it with the syllable no. E.g. the parameter cache is usually enabled and can be disabled using the keyword nocache. Below is a list of all recognized parameters

Parameter Default Description
<number>x<number> 120x120 Sets the size for thumbnails. Unless the crop option is set, this is a boundary box into which the thumbnail will be fitted, maintaining the correct aspect ratio.
<number>X<number> 800X600 Sets the size for the linked images in direct mode. This is a boundary box into which the image will be fitted, maintaining the correct aspect ratio. Note the uppercase X.
<number> 5 The number images per row in the gallery table. If you specify a 0 no table is used instead all thumbnails are added in a sequence.
=<number> =0 Limits the output to the given number of images. 0 means all.
+<number> +0 Skip the first number of images. Useful with the option above.
~<number> ~0 Add a pagination for the thumbnails displaying the number of given thumbnails per page. 0 disables pagination. Pagination is added through JavaScript - when no JavaScript is available all thumbnails are displayed
cache enabled Usually the output of the created gallery is cached. When the images in your selected namespace change, you have to manually force an update of the gallery page's cache. To disable the cache for the page showing the gallery, set nocache as option.
crop disabled Make thumbnails the exact given thumbnail size big, cropping when needed.
direct disabled Link thumbnails with the bigger sized images not with their detail page
lightbox disabled Show images in a fancy JavaScript modal browsing window, see below for details. Setting this option automatically implies the direct mode
reverse disabled Reverse the order of the displayed images
recursive enabled Find images in the given namespace and all sub namespaces
random disabled Sort images randomly. You might want to use nocache as well
modsort disabled Sort images by file modification date
datesort disabled Sort images by EXIF date
titlesort disabled Sort images by EXIF title
showname disabled Show filename below thumbnails
showtitle disabled Show the EXIF tag Headline as title below thumbnails
anything containing a * jpg,gif,png images This can be used to filter the list of files found in the given namespace. * work as simple wildcard symbol.



This displays all images beginning with image_ and ending in .jpg from the namespace images:vacation. Thumbnails are cropped to 80×80 pixels and images will be opened in lightbox mode.



This displays all images in the current namespace using 2 parameters. Parameterlist begins with ? additional ones are concatenated with &.

About the Lightbox mode

This mode will open the clicked picture inside the current browser window without leaving the current page.

You can close the picture view by clicking the X button in the upper right corner. You can move to the next or previous image by using the arrow buttons in the lower bar. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts listed below for navigation and closing. Mobile users can swipe to navigate and use the back button to close the gallery.

The following keys can be used to navigate:

Key Action
next image
previous image
ESC close the image view

Manipulate EXIF Tags

If you want to show a title below the image using the parameter showtitle it may appear that the title shown is not as you expected (e.g. einstein.jpg instead of Albert Einstein).

If you want to adapt the image's subtitle shown in the gallery, you have to manipulate the EXIF Tag called Headline. This can be done with the fullscreen media manager. Alternatives include ExifTool for which even a Windows GUI exists to adapt the EXIF data to your needs. On Windows, the small picture viewer IrfanView can also be used to change only IPTC values.

Note that the EXIF-tags used for display can be changed. See EXIF and IPTC metadata for details. By default, the following tags are used:

  • IPTC:Headline for the title
  • IPTC:Caption-Abstract for the description below the picture in lightbox-mode
  • IPTC:By-line for the photographer name
  • IPTC:CopyrightNotice for the copyright
  • IPTC:Keywords for keyword list

Known Limitations and Caveats

Uploading Images

Uploading images is beyond the scope of this plugin. Do not request any features regarding this.

  • Use the media manager popup or fullscreen media manager to upload multiple image at once with compatible browsers, otherwise one by one.
  • Use the archiveupload plugin to upload multiple images in a Zip file
  • Upload the files manually via FTP to the data/media directory. Keep in mind that image names need to be valid pagenames, all lowercase, no spaces or special chars!
  • Images previously rotated 90˚ and saved in that orientation no longer appear that way when used in dokuwiki.


The gallery output is cached by default. When you add pictures later, they may not show up in the gallery: add &purge=true to the end of the URL to clear the cache. See caching for details.

Optionally use the nocache parameter of the plugin (not recommended).

EXIF Data Problems

Problems with accessing EXIF or IPTC data in the images, should be reported as DokuWiki bugs and not for this plugin. All EXIF handling is in DokuWiki core. Currently EXIF Data is expected in UTF-8 encoding.

When the lightbox mode doesn't work and instead images are simply opened in the same window, the JavaScript was not correctly loaded. This is most likely a Browser-Cache issue. Simply follow the steps described for fixing a similar problem with the toolbar. Also make sure you don't have any conflicting plugin installed. You should not install any additional lightbox plugin.

Images are not Resized

There are different reasons why thumbnails are not created:

  • libGD extension is missing ⇒ Install the extension or configure DokuWiki to use imagemagick
  • libGD extension is installed, but the source image size + overhead is larger than memory_limit set in php.ini ⇒ Lower the source image size or increase the memory_limit

MediaRSS feed displays "nothing found"

When no images from your feed are shown, be sure you don't have a question mark in your URL. Use an URL shortener as suggested above. Also be sure your feed URL (before shortening) starts with http:// or https:// and not with feed://. The latter is just a renamed HTTP link - simply rename it back.

External Images are not Resized

As written above, you need to increase the fetchsize config option. Also make sure LibGD or ImageMagick are installed.

Video Share Plugin


The basic syntax looks like this: {{videosite>videoid?parameter1&parameter2|title}}

  • Where videosite is one of the identifiers listed in Supported Services chapter
  • and videoid is the identifier of the video at the respective site
  • The parameters are optional. You start these with a ? and separate more of them by a &. Look in Parameters chapter
  • The title is optional as well. Look in Examples chapter
  • The video can be aligned by adding spaces on the left or right inside the curly brackets (like in the image syntax). Look in Examples chapter

A toolbar button pops up a prompt where you can simply paste the full URL to the page of the video you want to embed. The plugin will then try to figure out the video ID by itself


  • The size parameter is the best supported parameter. You can either give it in the form:
    • widthxheight like 500×300
    • or use the keywords small, medium or large
  • Some other additional parameters are supported (depending on video service) as well:
    • Start point of video: &start=<seconds> (YouTube, DailyMotion) or &initial_time=<seconds> (TwitchTV)
    • End point of video segment: &end=<seconds> (YouTube)
    • Auto play: &autoplay=1 (Vimeo, YouTube, DailyMotion, Bambuser) or &ap=1(MetaCafe)
    • Do not show related videos when playback ends: &rel=0 (YouTube)
    • Start slide: &startSlide=5 (SlideShare)


Display a YouTube Video:


Show a larger player:


Right-align the player:

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU}}

Show a small, centered player:

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small }}

Show a small, centered player with a title (look for right space!):

{{ youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small |Some funny video}}

Some other additional parameters are supported (depending on video service) as well:

{{youtube>L-WM8YxwqEU?small&start=30&end=45|A random segment of 15 seconds}}

Supported Services

Copy paste the video url in the toolbar pop-up prompt to generate the syntax

Identifier Website Supported parameters
5min 5min
bambuser Bambuser autoplay
bliptv Blip.TV
break Break
clipfish Clipfish
dailymotion Daily Motion start
gtrailers GameTrailers
metacafe MetaCafe ap
msoffice Microsoft Office Training
myspacetv MySpaceTV
rcmovie RCMovie
twitchtv chapter_id, initial_time
slideshare Slideshare startSlide
ustream Ustream.TV
veoh Veoh
viddler Viddler offsetTime
vimeo Vimeo autoplay
youtube YouTube start, end, rel, autoplay

Additional sites can be added to the sites.conf file in the plugin directory. Video ID recognition patterns for the toolbar button are configured in sites.js

Wrap Plugin

One plugin to rule them all

This plugin gives you the ability to wrap wiki text inside containers (divs or spans) and give them

  1. a certain class (with loads of useful preset classes)
  2. a width
  3. a language with its associated text direction

It potentially replaces a lot of other plugins and is IMHO the better alternative for many.

It fully replaces: class, clearfloat, div_span_shorthand, divalign2, divalign, emphasis, hide, important_paragraf, importanttext, lang, ltr, noprint, pagebreak, side_note, tip, wpre

It partly replaces: box, button, color, columns, fontcolor, fontfamily, fontsize2, fontsize, highlight, layout, note, styler, tab, tablewidth, typography


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Basic Syntax:

<WRAP classes #id width :language>
"big" content

<block classes #id width :language>
"big" content

<div classes #id width :language>
"big" content

An uppercase <WRAP> (or alternatively <block> or <div>) creates a div and should be used for “big” containers, surrounding paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.

<wrap classes #id width :language>"small" content</wrap>

<inline classes #id width :language>"small" content</inline>

<span classes #id width :language>"small" content</span>

A lowercase <wrap> (or alternatively <inline> or <span>) creates a span and should be used for “small” containers, inside paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.

Since version 2013-06-13 there is also a shorthand syntax (for wraps without content):

<WRAP classes #id /> or <block classes #id /> or <div classes #id />


<wrap classes #id /> or <inline classes #id /> or <span classes #id />

:!: Please note, some things won't work with spans: alignments (including alignments generated by changing the text direction), multi-columns and widths if the according wrap isn't floated as well.


The plugin comes with an example page, which should explain a lot and looks like this in the default template (see below).


The following classes are currently available:

class name description/notes
columns – similar to columns, side_note, styler, tip
column same as left in LTR languages and same as right in RTL languages
left same as column, will let you float your container on the left
right will let the container float right
center will position the container in the horizontal center of the page
col2..col5 will show the text in multiple columns determined by their amount (2, 3, 4 or 5), only works in modern browsers (no IE9 and below)
colsmall, colmedium, collarge will also show the text in multiple columns but determined by their width (small, medium or large), only works in modern browsers (no IE9 and below)
widths:!: experimental, might not work as expected, includes mobile support
half fits two columns in a row, should be used in pairs
third fits three or two columns in a row, should be used in triplets or together with twothirds
twothirds fits two columns in a row when used together with third, one 1/3 wide and another 2/3 wide
quarter fits four columns in a row, should be used in quads
alignments – similar to divalign, columns, styler:!: don't work with spans!
leftalign aligns text on the left
rightalign aligns text on the right
centeralign centers the text
justify justifies the text
boxes and notes – similar to box, note, tip
box creates a box around the container (uses colours from style.ini)
info (was information in first version) creates a blue box with an info icon
important creates an orange box with an important icon
alert (:!: was warning in previous versions) creates a red box with an alert icon
tip creates a yellow box with a tip icon
help creates a violet box with a help icon
todo creates a cyan box with an todo icon
download creates a green box with a download icon
round adds rounded corners to any container with a background colour or a border (only works in modern browsers, i.e. no IE)
danger creates a red danger safety note
warning creates an orange warning safety note
caution creates a yellow caution safety note
notice creates a blue notice safety note
safety creates a green safety note
marks – similar to emphasis, important_paragraf, importanttext
hi marks text as highlighted
lo marks text as less significant
em marks text as especially emphasised
clear similar to clearfloat, should preferably be used with divs, i.e. uppercase <WRAP>s
tabs if wrapped around a list of links, will show those as tabs
hide hides the text per CSS (the text will still appear in the source code, in non-modern browsers and is searchable)
noprint displays text on the screen, but not in print, similar to noprint
onlyprint displays text only in print, but not on the screen
pagebreak forces a new page in printouts (not visible on the screen), similar to pagebreak
nopagebreak tries to avoid a pagebreak in printouts (not visible on the screen)
spoiler shows white text on a white background, only to be revealed by highlighting it; similar to hide
button when wrapped around a link, styles it like a button
tablewidth sets widths of tables inside to whichever width the wrap gets, partly replaces tablewidth
indent indents the text, could be used instead of tab
outdent “outdents” the text, could partly be used instead of outdent
prewrap wraps text inside pre-formatted code blocks, similar to wpre

Known restrictions

  • WRAPs export to ODT format but not everything works 100%
  • Round corners only work in modern browsers (no IE8 and below).
  • Multiple columns only work in modern browsers (no IE9 and below).
  • Width classes are experimental and only work in modern browsers (no IE8 and below).
  • Normal DokuWiki Headlines used to not work and a work-around was added. Now that headlines do work, the work-around is not needed anymore but kept for backwards-compatibility. It was deprecated in version 2018-04-22 and disabled by default. They can be enabled by using the emulatedHeadlines config option. The following syntax would then produce two different kinds of emulated headlines inside any wrap:
    • //**__Big Underlined Headline__**// (They will look a bit different in safety notes.)
    • //**Small Headline**//

You might need to adjust a few of the classes to your template's needs, especially hi, lo and em. If you have a dark or otherwise heavily coloured theme, please use the darkTpl config option.

The classes are easily adjustable and extensible. Any wishes are welcome.


You can set any valid widths on any uppercase <WRAP> container: %, px, em, rem, ex, ch, vw, vh, pt, pc, cm, mm, in. Just set the width before or after or with the classes, e.g.

<WRAP someclass 50% anotherclass>...

All except percentages will be reduced to have the maximum width available on smaller screens.

You can also use the width keywords half, third, twothirds and quarter. To work correctly they need another wrap around them. E.g.

<WRAP group>
  <WRAP half column>...</WRAP>
  <WRAP half column>...</WRAP>

will result in two columns next to each other, which will wrap underneath each other on smaller screens and mobile devices.

Languages and Text Directions

You can change the language and the direction of a container by simply adding a colon followed by the language code, like this:

<wrap :en>This text is explicitly marked as English.</wrap>

The text direction (rtl, right to left or ltr, left to right) will get inserted automatically and is solely dependent on the language. The list of currently supported languages is taken from:

If you like to mark a text with a different text direction than the default one, you should use divs, i.e. uppercase <WRAP>s. Otherwise the text alignment won't change as well.

This makes it a better replacement of ltr (and lang).


You can see a demo of the plugin on

“Examples” (demo) in Russian (for v2011-05-15). Source.

Configuration options

Option Description Default value
noPrefix Which (comma separated) class names should be excluded from being prefixed with “wrap_” (* and ? wildcards allowed) tabs, group
restrictedClasses Restrict usage of plugin to these (comma separated) classes (* and ? wildcards allowed) (empty)
restrictionType Restriction type, specifies if classes above shall be included or excluded 0
syntaxDiv Which syntax should be used in the toolbar picker for block wraps? WRAP (other choices: div, block)
syntaxSpan Which syntax should be used in the toolbar picker for inline wraps? wrap (other choices: span, inline)
darkTpl Optimise colours for dark templates? 0
emulatedHeadlines Use emulated headings? (deprecated) 0

ODT Support

FIXME There have been more updates to the Wrap as well as the ODT plugin, so more stuff works. The below should be updated with what works and what doesn't.

Since version 2015-06-13 the Wrap plugin supports exporting most of its functionality/styling to ODT when using at least version 2015-06-29 of the ODT Plugin. By default, Wrap syntax will be exported to ODT using 'print' CSS styles. This means the exported Wrap elements will look the same when printing a wiki page. If you want to have the ODT exported Wrap elements look like displayed in the browser (i.e. with 'screen' CSS styles), then use the following ODT plugin configuration settings:

  • add wrap to the 'usestyles' config setting
  • set the 'media_sel' setting to 'screen'

If you prefer a user defined CSS style for the Wrap ODT export, then simply place a file 'odt.css' into the Wrap plugin folder with your own CSS code (and set config setting 'media_sel' to 'print').

Here is what is currently not supported:

  • columns: left/right/center/column is partly supported; they are positioned correctly, but content is not floating around them
  • widths are not supported except % and half/third/quarter
  • boxes and notes: hardly any formatting inside them is supported, therefore emulated headings also don't work
  • tabs will just show a list of links
  • noprint
  • nopagebreak
  • onlyprint only works on boxes
  • languages are set correctly but do not seem to affect text alignment
  • shorthand syntax
  • Not supported because not relevant in ODT: clear, prewrap

Toolbar picker

The wrap picker in the editing toolbar adds the most common wrap syntaxes.

  • “columns” creates a set of half columns
  • “simple centered box” creates a standard box (60% wide, centered)
  • “info, tip, important, alert, help, download, todo box” creates specifically themed boxes (also 60% wide, centered)
  • “clear floats” creates a <WRAP clear/>
  • “especially emphasised, highlighted, less significant” creates the respective marks

Extend with custom styles

If you like to add your own classes and styles to the plugin, you can simply add the styles for your class preceded by “wrap_” to your user styles. Please note, any classes need to be lower case.

E.g. if you need a <WRAP myclass>, you edit (or create if it doesn't exist) your conf/userstyle.css and add your .wrap_myclass{} with its style definitions to it. (If necessary, edit conf/userprint.css1) for the print view, conf/userrtl.css2) for RTL languages and conf/userall.css3) for all styles as well.)

User permissions for every file used must be similar to original DokuWiki files.

Since version 2010-03-14 you have the possibility to exclude certain class names from being prefixed with “wrap_”. Just add a comma separated list of class names into the config option “noPrefix” in the configuration manager.

PageList Plugin


The Pagelist Plugin takes a list of wiki pages and provides a nicely formatted table with information about them. The plug-in has a number of flags that can be used to control the information and format of the page list. The user can provide a list of specific page references as can some popular helper plugins such the Blog, Discussion, Editor, Tag, Task and Dir plugins.


Just wrap a regular unordered list of internal links with the <pagelist> tag. You may provide specific internal page references or have plug-ins supply them as in the example below:

  * [[..:blog:|Blog Plugin]]
  * [[..:discussion:|Discussion Plugin]]
  * [[..:editor:|Editor Plugin]]
  * [[..:tag:|Tag Plugin]]
  * [[..:wrap|Wrap Plugin|This is shown in the description cell]]
[flags] flags can be used to alter the appearance of the pagelist, flags optional


Setting Default Alternative
style default table with horizontal lines table, list or simplelist standard DokuWiki table or list style
showheader noheader hide the heading row of the pagelist table header show the header
showdate date show the creation or last modification date nodate hide the date
showuser user show creator or contributors nouser hide the user
showdesc nodesc hide the description desc show the description (from metadata)
showcomments nocomments hide the number of comments comments show the number of comments (if Discussion Plugin is installed)
showtags notags hide the tags tags show the tags (if Tag Plugin is installed)
showfirsthl firsthl show the first headline nofirsthl show the page name
rsort/sort nosort no sortation of pages rsort/sort sorts the pages (reverse) alphabetically by pagename
showdiff nodiff no displaying of differences column showdiff displays the differences column with the diff icon linking to the corresponding diff page for each row
image noimage show image of the page image needs Pageimage Plugin installed. Can either be defined on page or image with same name as page will be used


    //an unordered list of pages to display//

In the example above, pagelist will display information about the provided pages in a table with a header line and a comments column (if the Discussion Plugin is installed). The user (or a plugin) must supply the specific pages to display in the list.


The plugin can be configured using the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu. The settings also apply to plugins which use the helper component of the pagelist plugin, like for example the archive component of the blog plugin.

style List style (default, table, table/list, simplelist)
showheader Show table header
showdate Shows/hides the date column (hide, creation date, modification date)
showuser Shows/hides the user column (hide, creator, contributors)
showdesc Shows/hides a short description taken from the first paragraph of a page (hide, max. 160 characters, max. 500 characters)
showcomments Shows/hides comments of a page (requires the discussion plugin)
showlinkbacks Shows/hides linkbacks of a page (requires the linkback plugin)
showtags Shows/hides tags of a page (requires the tag plugin)
sort Sorts the pages alphabetically by pagename
showdiff Displays a differences column with the diff icon linking to the corresponding diff page for each row
showimage Shows/hides the image column (requires the Pageimage Plugin

Helper Plugin

You can easily use the functionality of the Pagelist Plugin in your own plugins. Here is a basic code snippet:

  $pages = array(
    array('id' => 'wiki:dokuwiki'),
    array('id' => 'wiki:syntax'),
  $pagelist =& plugin_load('helper', 'pagelist');
  if (!$pagelist) return false; // failed to load plugin
  foreach ($pages as $page){
  $renderer->doc .= $pagelist->finishList();

Since release 2017-08-24 the function startList() has got an optional parameter to specify a CSS class for adding it to the class of the table element:


newpagetemplate plugin


This plugin loads into the edit window a template specified in the $_REQUEST “newpagetemplate” parameter. Effectively, this means that you can invoke a template, similar to the namespace template pages, either in the URL or in a POST form coded to create a new page.

The openas plugin and the addnewpage plugin provide techniques which support the newpagetemplate plugin. The openas plugin includes a simple method of creating a form designed for use with the newpagetemplate plugin, making it possible for each user to assign unique values to the template's variables.


If a new page is created with the URL:


then the :pagetemplates:yourtemplate page is pasted into the edit window. If the “standardreplace” configuration option is true, then the substitutions noted below are performed. If the “userreplace” configuration option is true, then you can also replace @HI@ with Howdy!, as this substitution was passed in newpagevars. The format for newpagevars is:


See configuration_options and substitutions for a description of the standard and user replacements.

Example of syntax for a template page

If you create a template page yourtemplate with this markup in :pagetemplates:

This page is: @ID@

And if you paste the above URL into your browser's location bar, you will get a page in your browser that looks something like this:

This page is: mynewpage
Howdy! Joe

@ID@ is one of the 'standardreplace' macros and @HI@ is a 'userreplace' marcro.

Is it possible to use standard wiki-link syntax for this? For eg. like:

[[:mynewpage?do=edit&rev=&newpagetemplate=:pagetemplates:homepagetemplate&newpagevars=@HI@,Howdy!|New page with template]]  

Yes, you can do this. But you will have to substitute some url-encoded characters. In particular, the comma must be represented as %2c. So this would give you:


You may find with use that there are others.


As with the _template.txt namespace templates, the following variables are replaced in your template.

@ID@ full ID of the page
@NS@ namespace of the page
@PAGE@ page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces)
@!PAGE@ same as above but with the first character uppercased
@!!PAGE@ same as above but with the first character of all words uppercased
@!PAGE!@ same as above but with all characters uppercased
@FILE@ page name (ID without namespace, underscores kept as is)
@!FILE@ same as above but with the first character uppercased
@!FILE!@ same as above but with all characters uppercased
@USER@ ID of user who is creating the page
@NAME@ name of user who is creating the page
@MAIL@ mail address of user who is creating the page
@DATE@ date and time when edit session started
@DATE@ date and time when edit session started
%a %d-%m-%y etc. e.g. Thu 06-12-12. Strftime placeholders are replaced by page creation time

Configuration Options

userreplace Replace user defined macros as explained above in usage
standardreplace Replace standard macros as listed above in substitutions
prettytitles Replace underscores with spaces in the following standard macros @!PAGE@, @!!PAGE@,@!PAGE!@
skip_unset_macros Remove macros which have no substitution values, so that they don't appear in the newly created page.

The prettytitles patch was contributed by Matthias Bannach.

conf/printstyle.css in Anteater
conf/rtlstyle.css in Anteater
conf/allstyle.css in Anteater
wiki/explugins.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/12 09:52 (external edit)