FFVI Worlds Collide
(02-06-2020, 09:08 PM)Fenrir Wrote:I wouldn't have a problem with some sort of party sprite randomization. Adding in some custom made sprites, same with randomizing Final Kefka's sprite at the end.(such as ff4 Free enterprise does with Zeromus.)(02-04-2020, 06:09 AM)AtmaTek Wrote:Good question, if new commands can be created. These newcomers would need to have some. The example bellow would be one of many options for characters shuffling.(01-27-2020, 09:50 PM)Fenrir Wrote: Baram, Leo, Banon, Kefka, Gestahl, "Cadet", "Merchant", "Doma Sentry", "Narshe Guard", Maria, Daryl, Rachel, Yura, Maduin, and many other Final Fantasy VI characters should be available.Thanks Fenrir. Do you mean more than just changing sprites/names? Only Banon and Leo have abilities so including all the others would require making up new abilities for everyone.
I'll provide an example on what I was saying in my previous post, but first this is the vanilla game or non-randomized version.
Slot 1: Terra - Morph
Slot 2: Locke - Steal
Slot 3: Cyan - SwdTech
Slot 4: Shadow - Throw
Slot 5: Edgar - Tools
Slot 6: Sabin - Blitz
Slot 7: Celes - Runic
Slot 8: Strago - Lore
Slot 9: Relm - Sketch
Slot 10: Setzer - Slots
Slot 11: Mog - Dance
Slot 12: Gau - Rage/Leap
Slot 13: Gogo - Mimic
Slot 14: Umaro - ??? (Berserker)
Let say the randomizer only has 19 characters available and only 14 out of those 19 will be chosen; Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Mog, Gau, Gogo, Umaro, Banon, Leo, Biggs, Wedge, and Kefka. Now, let's assume commands are not shuffled to keep this simple.
Slot 1: Wedge - Morph
Slot 2: Umaro - Steal
Slot 3: Shadow - SwdTech
Slot 4: Gogo - Throw
Slot 5: Setzer - Tools
Slot 6: Leo - Blitz
Slot 7: Kefka - Runic
Slot 8: Relm - Lore
Slot 9: Terra - Sketch
Slot 10: Strago - Slots
Slot 11: Cyan - Dance
Slot 12: Banon - Rage/Leap
Slot 13: Locke - Mimic
Slot 14: Edgar - ??? (Berserk)
But of course, Terra's esper form would need a male equivalent for when a male character ends up with the Morph command. Take Terra's esper sprite and modify the sprite to have short hair with a male torso.
02-08-2020, 10:10 PM
(02-08-2020, 10:03 AM)Fenrir Wrote: Actually, Possess is the most broken command even. It can instantly kill anything, including bosses and the final boss. The user would reappear on the airship after being forcefully removed from the party after using Possess. Hence the reason why the ghost characters are unlimited. They are just kick out of the current/active party and need to be place back into the party manually.
I would rather see the Morph command stay true to Final Fantasy VI, being able to transform into an esper at will for the base randomizer. This however doesn't rule out the possibility to have an option to randomize the Morph sprite (esper Terra form) into a random sprite either.
By useless, I meant that it really couldn't (or rather shouldn't) be used as a primary character skill... it's only used by the ghost guests and even then only for one dungeon. In that respect it is a prime target for replacement with another command, as is Health (used for one auto-scrolling sequence) and Shock (used for one battle).
As for turning into a moogle rather than an esper, it was a suggestion intended only to simplify the sprite swaps, as no male equivalent half-esper sprite existed and a moogle would not require testing the gender of the character assigned morph before replacing the tiles.
That said, I gave making a male-equivalent half-esper a shot by splicing Esper Terra with Umaro, and it turned out fairly well. I've attached my attempt to the bottom of this post if you care to have a look, and AtmaTek may use it freely when he moves into the next phase of developing his randomizer (at the moment I suspect he is still working on event gating).
02-10-2020, 05:44 PM
(02-08-2020, 10:10 PM)C-Dude Wrote:I love the Umaro esper, it definitely turned out pretty good! Hope AtmaTek uses it.(02-08-2020, 10:03 AM)Fenrir Wrote: I would rather see the Morph command stay true to Final Fantasy VI, being able to transform into an esper at will for the base randomizer. This however doesn't rule out the possibility to have an option to randomize the Morph sprite (esper Terra form) into a random sprite either.As for turning into a moogle rather than an esper, it was a suggestion intended only to simplify the sprite swaps, as no male equivalent half-esper sprite existed and a moogle would not require testing the gender of the character assigned morph before replacing the tiles.
That said, I gave making a male-equivalent half-esper a shot by splicing Esper Terra with Umaro, and it turned out fairly well. I've attached my attempt to the bottom of this post if you care to have a look, and AtmaTek may use it freely when he moves into the next phase of developing his randomizer (at the moment I suspect he is still working on event gating).
Suggestion: Enabling teleportation inside towns and houses so the player can use the Warp spell and/or Warp Stone. This would cut down time during races/speedruns.
02-11-2020, 02:43 AM
So yeah, turns out I'm just blind about the whole stuck in Kefka's tower thing. I don't usually leave by foot if I leave at all so the doors just blended into the background. lol
One thing I forgot to mention before is that if you have the start with naked setting checked it effects Umaro and then he is naked the whole game because he can't be equipped. The naked setting probably shouldn't apply to him or perhaps make Umaro able to be equipped even if he can only equip bone club and snow muffler. I believe giving Espers to Gogo was a problem at some point (Read it somewhere long time ago. Don't know if someone figured out how.) but if we could give Umaro Espers, even if he couldn't cast magic and was still berserk, it would go a long way to making him usable cause you could at least boost his stats. Still wouldn't make him good but he would be like Gogo, usable if you get him instead of a place holder to be gotten rid of if you happen to get him. Although an Umaro challenge mode were you always start with Umaro and you can't take him out of the party might be a fun race mode.
Another thing I noticed is that without the Vanish/Doom bug enabled Intangir is a real pain to deal with. If there is a way to make the bug still apply to him but nothing else that would be wonderful but I'll live with it otherwise. If it is going to stay the way it is (and I imagine it will) I wish you could do something with it as it is such an annoying and time consuming fight it feels both amazing to find it and disappointing to kill it. My first encounter with it in WC went something like this "Oh boy! Intangir means free Magic Points! Oh wait I have to actually fight it. Well I should be able to handle it..... Wow it takes forever and does so much damage..... this fight is actually hard.... ok its dead! that was a complete waste of time." I don't know what you would do with this thing but i feel like you could take it out of the normal encounter table and make it its own boss encounter and perhaps beating it takes you straight to the Kefka fight or something. I mean, the thing is harder than Kefka himself honestly.
Now for the Paladin Shield. People like to talk about Ragnarok and Illumina and such as being super items and they are not wrong on paper. The issue is that damage in FF6 is ridiculous. So any item that buffs your damage is basically interchangeable. You can run around with the Illumina or a Dirk and your damage will be 9999 cause your spamming magic. While it is correct that you can mix certain set ups to create similar protections to the Paladin Shield, many of them are boss specific or require multiple really good items. The undisputed kings of items are these five: Paladin Shield, Snow Muffler, Ribbon, Safety Bit/Memento Ring, and Marvel Shoes. Now only Mog can wear 4/5 of this (because you have only 2 relic slots) but everyone but Umaro can wear Paladin Shield and 2 of the 3 defensive relics. Offering would be good but physicals mostly suck compared to the ease and power of magic. (The only notable exception, without getting into glitches, is 2x Fixed Dice + Offering + Genji Glove but that needs 4 items and is rather random plus animations are slow. Magic spam is probably still better.) Gem Box would be great but the added DPS is complete overkill making it a win-more item, most of the time. Pod Bracelet and Hermes Shoes are just poor man's Marvel Shoes and Marvel Shoes are generally only slotted in if you know a boss doesn't use status or insta death and if they don't use either then chances are they are going to be dead before they can do more than 1~2 actions and your relic choices matter little. You might as well just equip 2 earrings if you got them. You can go through the whole game with one Character equipped with nothing but a Paladin Shield, Ribbon and a Safety Bit and only have problems with Kefka and Magic Master. (as far as bosses go) The former is solved with Life 3/quick healing and the latter with Life 3/Rasp or Osmose.
As for Cursed Shields, the real issue isn't buying 7 to unlock 4 in 256 battles vs unlocking 1 Cursed Shield in 255. The real issue is that you can unlock 1 with 4 in 64 battles and as I explained above you only really need 1 Paladin Shield. If you set up the Veldt right the 64 battles should not take too long, though in a race it might be just long enough. Someone would have to test to find out for sure if the clear is faster after the 64 battles vs the same seed with no shield at all. So cursed shields could be fine.
I have only been playing on the base multipliers of 10,5,5 so it may be that getting GP is too easy with these values but in all the full clears I have been doing I have had millions of excess GP sitting there staring in my face at the end of the run. This remains true even with minimal grinding. I remain highly skeptical that you can set the cost for the shields high enough in a shop in which it is not worth simply buying them at some point in a race as even a fraction of my ending amount would still be hundreds of thousands of GP. You only need 262,140 GP for 4 Cursed Shields at max possible cost or only 65,535 for 1 Paladin's Shield. This could be prohibitive when combined with the time sink for 64 battles for cursed shields. Depends how fast you can get to 262,140 by selling items or selling + minimal farming. However, Paladin's Shield will always be worth a short GP grind as you only need 1.
What this means is that so long as it works out that you can get an early Paladin's shield 51% of the time or more you should fish for it because it just wins the race vs those who don't fish. My experience puts it cautiously at about 60% that at least 1 armor shop has one of the 2 shields, though it is a small sample size. Basically I have been running more of thorough stress tests rather than for speed but 4/5(80%) of my runs have had Cursed or Paladin's Shields (2 & 2) in a shop and in the other I found Paladin's in the Coliseum. Assuming the small sample is inflating the size, I'm hypothesizing that the odds of 1 of the 2 shields falls somewhere between 50-60% and odds of only Paladin's being 25-30%. I got to 60% by basically forcing one of the 4 shield finds to a failure to find to skew against the outcome of a false positive that the results seemed to be showing. I then further skewd the result by only a -10% Margin of Error (instead of +/- 10%). I did this because my original Hypothesis was that the odds of getting the Paladin's Shield early were high enough to invalidate other settings for the seed but an 80% find rate seemed way to high and my sample size was low. Basically I wanted to be able to say something that wasn't "I need more data", even though I do, so I just tried to see if I could form some assumptions against my own hypothesis to try and counter a false positive result.
So what does all this mean? As far as it invalidating the settings, I may have jumped the gun by overestimating the value of cursed shields in a race. Its likely that wont be an issue. The thing to look at is that % chance that you have a seed with early Paladin's available because the higher that is the more the only setting that matters is whether Paladin's Shield is in the buyable item pool or not. Right now it feels likely (I do need more data) to be hovering around the 20-25% mark which is still 1 out of 4 or 5 seeds which still seems high to me. Paladin's Shield is simply such a powerful effect on the game that I think it SHOULD be restricted to chest, boss or Coliseum rewards unless you opt to put it in the shops. You have like 50+ different ways to get 9999 damage a round in this game. Nothing comes close to Paladin's shield. Even Force and Aegis shields, mighty and impactful defensive gear mind you, look pathetically weak after you have used the Paladin's Shield even once. Another option is to mix the shop pools together while allowing repetition of items, either shop to shop or within the same shop's inventory. This increases the number of slots the shield could appear in but drastically decreases the odds of it being in any single slot. It also makes the shops much more random and increases the impact of any single chest. Personally, I think chests should have the greatest impact on gear in a randomizer and shops should merely fill in. My sense is that aiming for a 5-10% appearance rate in one of the game's shops would be fine for the Paladin's Shield if it does stay in the shops at all. That's 1 out of every 10 or 20 seeds and insures that even if someone finds a quick way to get and uncurse a Cursed Shield that the above mentioned % Value never reaches above 50%.
It should be noted that, while i have like 20k+ hours in FF6 in its myriad of forms, I'm neither a programmer nor a speedrunner though I have watched some speedruns of FF6 and some randomizer races. If there is some flaw in my assumption on the impact of the Paladin's Shield on an actual race then I imagine an actual competitive racer can point it out. My theories are based on the assumption that an item as powerful as the Paladin's Shield would be able to shorten one's time if gotten early enough in an impactful way. Thus if the option to obtain that item was available often enough then everything in the race would be warped around a single dichotomy; Can I buy Paladin's Shield, yes or no? and depending on the answer everything else about the race would change. Thus one single flag would wind up being vastly more important than any other and invalidate all the other flags if turned on. If the item is not as impactful as I think it is or if the occurrence is rare enough then all of this is moot. It looks like, baring someone breaking Cursed Shields, it will be rare enough to not be a huge issue but I am wondering now if my initial assumption may have been wrong altogether? In any event, I appreciate WC. I have been waiting for this kind of hack for a while as FF6 is my favorite FF game. Keep up the good work! Noticed the new flags and stuff too. BACK TO MORE RUNS!
One thing I forgot to mention before is that if you have the start with naked setting checked it effects Umaro and then he is naked the whole game because he can't be equipped. The naked setting probably shouldn't apply to him or perhaps make Umaro able to be equipped even if he can only equip bone club and snow muffler. I believe giving Espers to Gogo was a problem at some point (Read it somewhere long time ago. Don't know if someone figured out how.) but if we could give Umaro Espers, even if he couldn't cast magic and was still berserk, it would go a long way to making him usable cause you could at least boost his stats. Still wouldn't make him good but he would be like Gogo, usable if you get him instead of a place holder to be gotten rid of if you happen to get him. Although an Umaro challenge mode were you always start with Umaro and you can't take him out of the party might be a fun race mode.
Another thing I noticed is that without the Vanish/Doom bug enabled Intangir is a real pain to deal with. If there is a way to make the bug still apply to him but nothing else that would be wonderful but I'll live with it otherwise. If it is going to stay the way it is (and I imagine it will) I wish you could do something with it as it is such an annoying and time consuming fight it feels both amazing to find it and disappointing to kill it. My first encounter with it in WC went something like this "Oh boy! Intangir means free Magic Points! Oh wait I have to actually fight it. Well I should be able to handle it..... Wow it takes forever and does so much damage..... this fight is actually hard.... ok its dead! that was a complete waste of time." I don't know what you would do with this thing but i feel like you could take it out of the normal encounter table and make it its own boss encounter and perhaps beating it takes you straight to the Kefka fight or something. I mean, the thing is harder than Kefka himself honestly.
Now for the Paladin Shield. People like to talk about Ragnarok and Illumina and such as being super items and they are not wrong on paper. The issue is that damage in FF6 is ridiculous. So any item that buffs your damage is basically interchangeable. You can run around with the Illumina or a Dirk and your damage will be 9999 cause your spamming magic. While it is correct that you can mix certain set ups to create similar protections to the Paladin Shield, many of them are boss specific or require multiple really good items. The undisputed kings of items are these five: Paladin Shield, Snow Muffler, Ribbon, Safety Bit/Memento Ring, and Marvel Shoes. Now only Mog can wear 4/5 of this (because you have only 2 relic slots) but everyone but Umaro can wear Paladin Shield and 2 of the 3 defensive relics. Offering would be good but physicals mostly suck compared to the ease and power of magic. (The only notable exception, without getting into glitches, is 2x Fixed Dice + Offering + Genji Glove but that needs 4 items and is rather random plus animations are slow. Magic spam is probably still better.) Gem Box would be great but the added DPS is complete overkill making it a win-more item, most of the time. Pod Bracelet and Hermes Shoes are just poor man's Marvel Shoes and Marvel Shoes are generally only slotted in if you know a boss doesn't use status or insta death and if they don't use either then chances are they are going to be dead before they can do more than 1~2 actions and your relic choices matter little. You might as well just equip 2 earrings if you got them. You can go through the whole game with one Character equipped with nothing but a Paladin Shield, Ribbon and a Safety Bit and only have problems with Kefka and Magic Master. (as far as bosses go) The former is solved with Life 3/quick healing and the latter with Life 3/Rasp or Osmose.
As for Cursed Shields, the real issue isn't buying 7 to unlock 4 in 256 battles vs unlocking 1 Cursed Shield in 255. The real issue is that you can unlock 1 with 4 in 64 battles and as I explained above you only really need 1 Paladin Shield. If you set up the Veldt right the 64 battles should not take too long, though in a race it might be just long enough. Someone would have to test to find out for sure if the clear is faster after the 64 battles vs the same seed with no shield at all. So cursed shields could be fine.
I have only been playing on the base multipliers of 10,5,5 so it may be that getting GP is too easy with these values but in all the full clears I have been doing I have had millions of excess GP sitting there staring in my face at the end of the run. This remains true even with minimal grinding. I remain highly skeptical that you can set the cost for the shields high enough in a shop in which it is not worth simply buying them at some point in a race as even a fraction of my ending amount would still be hundreds of thousands of GP. You only need 262,140 GP for 4 Cursed Shields at max possible cost or only 65,535 for 1 Paladin's Shield. This could be prohibitive when combined with the time sink for 64 battles for cursed shields. Depends how fast you can get to 262,140 by selling items or selling + minimal farming. However, Paladin's Shield will always be worth a short GP grind as you only need 1.
What this means is that so long as it works out that you can get an early Paladin's shield 51% of the time or more you should fish for it because it just wins the race vs those who don't fish. My experience puts it cautiously at about 60% that at least 1 armor shop has one of the 2 shields, though it is a small sample size. Basically I have been running more of thorough stress tests rather than for speed but 4/5(80%) of my runs have had Cursed or Paladin's Shields (2 & 2) in a shop and in the other I found Paladin's in the Coliseum. Assuming the small sample is inflating the size, I'm hypothesizing that the odds of 1 of the 2 shields falls somewhere between 50-60% and odds of only Paladin's being 25-30%. I got to 60% by basically forcing one of the 4 shield finds to a failure to find to skew against the outcome of a false positive that the results seemed to be showing. I then further skewd the result by only a -10% Margin of Error (instead of +/- 10%). I did this because my original Hypothesis was that the odds of getting the Paladin's Shield early were high enough to invalidate other settings for the seed but an 80% find rate seemed way to high and my sample size was low. Basically I wanted to be able to say something that wasn't "I need more data", even though I do, so I just tried to see if I could form some assumptions against my own hypothesis to try and counter a false positive result.
So what does all this mean? As far as it invalidating the settings, I may have jumped the gun by overestimating the value of cursed shields in a race. Its likely that wont be an issue. The thing to look at is that % chance that you have a seed with early Paladin's available because the higher that is the more the only setting that matters is whether Paladin's Shield is in the buyable item pool or not. Right now it feels likely (I do need more data) to be hovering around the 20-25% mark which is still 1 out of 4 or 5 seeds which still seems high to me. Paladin's Shield is simply such a powerful effect on the game that I think it SHOULD be restricted to chest, boss or Coliseum rewards unless you opt to put it in the shops. You have like 50+ different ways to get 9999 damage a round in this game. Nothing comes close to Paladin's shield. Even Force and Aegis shields, mighty and impactful defensive gear mind you, look pathetically weak after you have used the Paladin's Shield even once. Another option is to mix the shop pools together while allowing repetition of items, either shop to shop or within the same shop's inventory. This increases the number of slots the shield could appear in but drastically decreases the odds of it being in any single slot. It also makes the shops much more random and increases the impact of any single chest. Personally, I think chests should have the greatest impact on gear in a randomizer and shops should merely fill in. My sense is that aiming for a 5-10% appearance rate in one of the game's shops would be fine for the Paladin's Shield if it does stay in the shops at all. That's 1 out of every 10 or 20 seeds and insures that even if someone finds a quick way to get and uncurse a Cursed Shield that the above mentioned % Value never reaches above 50%.
It should be noted that, while i have like 20k+ hours in FF6 in its myriad of forms, I'm neither a programmer nor a speedrunner though I have watched some speedruns of FF6 and some randomizer races. If there is some flaw in my assumption on the impact of the Paladin's Shield on an actual race then I imagine an actual competitive racer can point it out. My theories are based on the assumption that an item as powerful as the Paladin's Shield would be able to shorten one's time if gotten early enough in an impactful way. Thus if the option to obtain that item was available often enough then everything in the race would be warped around a single dichotomy; Can I buy Paladin's Shield, yes or no? and depending on the answer everything else about the race would change. Thus one single flag would wind up being vastly more important than any other and invalidate all the other flags if turned on. If the item is not as impactful as I think it is or if the occurrence is rare enough then all of this is moot. It looks like, baring someone breaking Cursed Shields, it will be rare enough to not be a huge issue but I am wondering now if my initial assumption may have been wrong altogether? In any event, I appreciate WC. I have been waiting for this kind of hack for a while as FF6 is my favorite FF game. Keep up the good work! Noticed the new flags and stuff too. BACK TO MORE RUNS!

02-11-2020, 11:25 AM
I've watched a few different runs and floated about the community listening to feedback and experiences for a bit now, and I've found the main sources of difficulty for players(and these are using runs with Shuffled shops, not Random shops, so these runs typically don't have Paladin Shlds) are one or more of the following:
-physical attacks from bosses that are a high level for one reason or another, and are physical attack heavy, like Doom or Umaro
-Goddess's Quasar
-Sleep's Meteo
-Tier 2 in general
-powerful Monster-in-a-Boxes
So for these examples, which are hopefully indicative of the larger whole, and not also a skewed sample size:
-For physical attacks, Paladin Shld does help, but not notably more so than any other high powered shield(except Force Shld lel)
-For Quasar, Paladin Shld does literally nothing
-For Meteo, Paladin Shld helps, but no more than an Aegis Shld would, and less than a Force Shld
-For Tier 2, Paladin Shld helps quite a bit
-For powerful MiaBs, Paladin Shld helps a lot, but most people ignore them anyways, and they're not necessary to beat either
As such, most of the runs I've seen would not benefit too drastically from a free Paladin Shld plopped in there all of a sudden.
On another note, Random shops are only the default option on the Very Easy preset(as of version 0.3.2), with the other presets having the Original or Shuffle options by default instead. Naturally, switching the Random option on is a big deal(alongside not switching on the No Priceless Items option), because having access to essentially every item in the game is a very powerful tool indeed. The nature of the flag itself dictates that it will be vastly more important than most of the minor flags and a couple of the major ones
-physical attacks from bosses that are a high level for one reason or another, and are physical attack heavy, like Doom or Umaro
-Goddess's Quasar
-Sleep's Meteo
-Tier 2 in general
-powerful Monster-in-a-Boxes
So for these examples, which are hopefully indicative of the larger whole, and not also a skewed sample size:
-For physical attacks, Paladin Shld does help, but not notably more so than any other high powered shield(except Force Shld lel)
-For Quasar, Paladin Shld does literally nothing
-For Meteo, Paladin Shld helps, but no more than an Aegis Shld would, and less than a Force Shld
-For Tier 2, Paladin Shld helps quite a bit
-For powerful MiaBs, Paladin Shld helps a lot, but most people ignore them anyways, and they're not necessary to beat either
As such, most of the runs I've seen would not benefit too drastically from a free Paladin Shld plopped in there all of a sudden.
On another note, Random shops are only the default option on the Very Easy preset(as of version 0.3.2), with the other presets having the Original or Shuffle options by default instead. Naturally, switching the Random option on is a big deal(alongside not switching on the No Priceless Items option), because having access to essentially every item in the game is a very powerful tool indeed. The nature of the flag itself dictates that it will be vastly more important than most of the minor flags and a couple of the major ones
The only thing harder than finding a needle in a haystack is finding a haystack in a needle.

Love the new changes to the randomizer, here are a few suggestions.
*Now that the Cave to the Sealed Gate has been restored in the most recent version that I've seen, I would like to see the Sealed Gate open and lead into Esperville including the "bridge" prior to the town. This adds another new location to explore. There are plenty of unused shops within the data, so placing four shops (items/weapon/armor/relic) is possible, even adding items in barrels, boxes, and urns across the town as loot if desired. The entrance before the Sealed Gate can be guarded by Yura, speaking to him would triggers a boss battle. The unused boss Colossus would end up being the boss. After Colossus defeat, the Sealed Gate would open. A NPC would give a magicite or item inside Esperville.
*The Umaro boss battle as a bug, due to Umaro having Seizure immunity, Regen status doesn't applied when Umaro uses a Green Cherry. Seizure immunity should be removed from Umaro so he can get Regen status.
*A separate flag, replace every instances of Empty chest with GP.
*Add Speed +2 and HP +100% level up bonuses granted by espers into the shuffle. Both of these go unused in the vanilla version.
*Gau's Veldt recruitment spot could used something flavored to the character being recruited instead of Gau's "Uwaoo~!!". Uwaoo~!! can still be used for Gau.
*Now that the Cave to the Sealed Gate has been restored in the most recent version that I've seen, I would like to see the Sealed Gate open and lead into Esperville including the "bridge" prior to the town. This adds another new location to explore. There are plenty of unused shops within the data, so placing four shops (items/weapon/armor/relic) is possible, even adding items in barrels, boxes, and urns across the town as loot if desired. The entrance before the Sealed Gate can be guarded by Yura, speaking to him would triggers a boss battle. The unused boss Colossus would end up being the boss. After Colossus defeat, the Sealed Gate would open. A NPC would give a magicite or item inside Esperville.
*The Umaro boss battle as a bug, due to Umaro having Seizure immunity, Regen status doesn't applied when Umaro uses a Green Cherry. Seizure immunity should be removed from Umaro so he can get Regen status.
*A separate flag, replace every instances of Empty chest with GP.
*Add Speed +2 and HP +100% level up bonuses granted by espers into the shuffle. Both of these go unused in the vanilla version.
*Gau's Veldt recruitment spot could used something flavored to the character being recruited instead of Gau's "Uwaoo~!!". Uwaoo~!! can still be used for Gau.
02-22-2020, 07:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-22-2020, 07:19 AM by NPCnextdoor.)
02-29-2020, 07:31 AM
(02-06-2020, 09:08 PM)Fenrir Wrote:Thanks for the example. I like the idea of having a large pool of characters and picking some out of that to use. Even if various things such as abilities, expanded spritesheets (maybe someone has done this already for some of these characters?), stats, and wearable equipment need to be done I think this would be a fun idea to implement.(02-04-2020, 06:09 AM)AtmaTek Wrote:Good question, if new commands can be created. These newcomers would need to have some. The example bellow would be one of many options for characters shuffling.(01-27-2020, 09:50 PM)Fenrir Wrote: Baram, Leo, Banon, Kefka, Gestahl, "Cadet", "Merchant", "Doma Sentry", "Narshe Guard", Maria, Daryl, Rachel, Yura, Maduin, and many other Final Fantasy VI characters should be available.Thanks Fenrir. Do you mean more than just changing sprites/names? Only Banon and Leo have abilities so including all the others would require making up new abilities for everyone.
(02-08-2020, 10:03 AM)Fenrir Wrote: Being able to use Magitek armors at will would be nice, maybe an Magitek armor mode.This is another interesting idea. There is a glitch with palettes and 4 party members but it would be a fun game mode to try.
(02-08-2020, 10:10 PM)C-Dude Wrote: That said, I gave making a male-equivalent half-esper a shot by splicing Esper Terra with Umaro, and it turned out fairly well. I've attached my attempt to the bottom of this post if you care to have a look, and AtmaTek may use it freely when he moves into the next phase of developing his randomizer (at the moment I suspect he is still working on event gating).Thanks C-Dude! That looks great.
(02-10-2020, 05:44 PM)Fenrir Wrote: Suggestion: Enabling teleportation inside towns and houses so the player can use the Warp spell and/or Warp Stone. This would cut down time during races/speedruns.I agree. It would be nice to have an option to enable quicker escapes from more places. Not everywhere can have warp available but it can definitely be in a lot more places.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: The naked setting probably shouldn't apply to him or perhaps make Umaro able to be equipped even if he can only equip bone club and snow muffler.I agree. There should probably be an option for including Umaro in that setting.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: I believe giving Espers to Gogo was a problem at some point (Read it somewhere long time ago. Don't know if someone figured out how.) but if we could give Umaro EspersThis was discussed on discord as well. As I understand it, Umaro has no space for spells and they would overwrite other memory. However, I have not looked into allowing him to equip Espers without learning anything from them so he can still get the bonus. I will try to learn more about this. Thank you.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Another thing I noticed is that without the Vanish/Doom bug enabled Intangir is a real pain to deal with.Yes, I could keep Intangir out of the normal enemy pool that gets shuffled and have it stay isolated to Triangle Island. I would prefer to get more feedback on this idea first though because I would probably not add an entire option for it.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Now only Mog can wear 4/5 of this (because you have only 2 relic slots) but everyone but Umaro can wear Paladin Shield and 2 of the 3 defensive relics.The option to randomize equipment can change this if you are interested. On average, only half the characters will be able to equip each item.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Someone would have to test to find out for sure if the clear is faster after the 64 battles vs the same seed with no shield at all. So cursed shields could be fine.I would be interested in this test as well. My current assumption is that uncursing a single shield would take longer. However, if that turns out to be incorrect then I can make changes to address it. I am actually concerned it may be the opposite. I would like to make the cursed shield more valuable. The number of battles required can be randomized but without any indication of what the new value is I imagine most players would not take such a large risk. Maybe the cursed shield npc in Narshe WOR could say the number of battles required.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: I have only been playing on the base multipliers of 10,5,5 so it may be that getting GP is too easy with these values but in all the full clears I have been doing I have had millions of excess GP sitting there staring in my face at the end of the run.I would be interested in knowing where the majority of that gp is coming from. Do you get most of it from battles or selling things? Do you have no priceless items enabled? Random prices?
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Basically I wanted to be able to say something that wasn't "I need more data", even though I do, so I just tried to see if I could form some assumptions against my own hypothesis to try and counter a false positive result.I am very impressed with how much work you have put into this. Thank you for giving this so much thought and sharing your results. As a comparison, I would be interested in if you have tried doing many runs without focusing on the paladin shield. That is, timing just running through the game and not going out of the way to find any one particular item.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: The thing to look at is that % chance that you have a seed with early Paladin's available because the higher that is the more the only setting that matters is whether Paladin's Shield is in the buyable item pool or not.That is a good point. I agree that powerful items early on decrease the value of other options. However, as Cecil mentioned, the shop/chest randomization is only the default for Very Easy. I believe they are good options for players who might prefer a quicker or less difficult playthrough. With randomized shops/chests disabled your chances of finding an early paladin shield drastically decrease. For the coliseum you would need to gather a variety of different items first to try one by one for a significant chance. Whereas for events it is more variable and depends on the player's pathing choices.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Paladin's Shield is simply such a powerful effect on the game that I think it SHOULD be restricted to chest, boss or Coliseum rewards unless you opt to put it in the shops.If that is what you prefer then why not try playing more seeds without shop randomization? I am not sure if specifically removing paladin shield from shop randomization would have much effect when force/aegis/elemental shields, minervas, snow mufflers, genji, etc. would all still be available. Many of the items not originally available in shops seem like they might have a similar effect.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: My sense is that aiming for a 5-10% appearance rate in one of the game's shops would be fine for the Paladin's Shield if it does stay in the shops at all.That seems like a good idea to me. There could be an option for decreasing the odds of more valuable items appearing. It would require some thought on the appropriate balance.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: Thus if the option to obtain that item was available often enough then everything in the race would be warped around a single dichotomy; Can I buy Paladin's Shield, yes or no?I am definitely watching for this type of thing as well. If this turns out to become an overwhelming influence in people's choices then it will not be too difficult to adjust. For now I agree with Cecil and most runs of the runs I have seen do not have random shops enabled. For those that do, the influence of Paladin shields is reduced by the number of other powerful items also often available. Those runs sometimes end in teams fully geared with paladin shields, illuminas, fixed dice, snow mufflers, gem boxes, economizers, offerings, etc.. Removing the paladin shield (or any other single item) does not do much to reduce the near guarantee of victory.
(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: I appreciate WC. I have been waiting for this kind of hack for a while as FF6 is my favorite FF game. Keep up the good work! Noticed the new flags and stuff too. BACK TO MORE RUNS!I appreciate you taking the time to try to improve it. Thank you!
(02-21-2020, 07:00 PM)Fenrir Wrote: *Now that the Cave to the Sealed Gate has been restored in the most recent version that I've seen, I would like to see the Sealed Gate open and lead into Esperville including the "bridge" prior to the town. This adds another new location to explore. There are plenty of unused shops within the data, so placing four shops (items/weapon/armor/relic) is possible, even adding items in barrels, boxes, and urns across the town as loot if desired. The entrance before the Sealed Gate can be guarded by Yura, speaking to him would triggers a boss battle. The unused boss Colossus would end up being the boss. After Colossus defeat, the Sealed Gate would open. A NPC would give a magicite or item inside Esperville.This is definitely a new idea to me. Pretty interesting since it should all work already without needing too many modifications. That seems like it could be a separate bonus-type option.
(02-21-2020, 07:00 PM)Fenrir Wrote: *A separate flag, replace every instances of Empty chest with GP.Thanks for the suggestion. This can be added.
02-29-2020, 08:08 PM
totally interested in this, may do some runs in the future as I liked Free Enterprise.

"Expect an early Winter with lots of snow!" Roan's Snowball Fight move
I'm a serious Grandia II fan and my all-time favorite character is Roan
02-29-2020, 09:05 PM
(02-29-2020, 07:31 AM)AtmaTek Wrote:(02-11-2020, 02:43 AM)Mogram Wrote: I believe giving Espers to Gogo was a problem at some point (Read it somewhere long time ago. Don't know if someone figured out how.) but if we could give Umaro EspersThis was discussed on discord as well. As I understand it, Umaro has no space for spells and they would overwrite other memory. However, I have not looked into allowing him to equip Espers without learning anything from them so he can still get the bonus. I will try to learn more about this. Thank you.
I've actually been looking at this, and it seems Square used two approaches to keep the RAM from being corrupted with spell data. The first is in C3 preventing Gogo from equipping Espers (Specifically Gogo, though it can easily be set to Gogo+ character indices), and the second is at Magic Point accumulation in C2... it skips over the code that writes to the character's spell RAM if character ID is Gogo or higher. Perhaps SQUARE felt it would be too confusing to players if Umaro could equip Espers but not learn from them?
I tested it in a version of my ROM in which Umaro's slot has the magic command, and he never gains any progress towards learning new spells (so the RAM that would represent his spell list--which is mostly known rages and menu configuration--remains unchanged). It SEEMS to be safe... in the past when I encountered RAM corruption it would cause crazy things like changing the window to blue chocobos and then softlocking the game, so it's at least promising.
There is the bigger issue, though, that being that in order for Espers to not be grayed out, the character must have the MAGIC command on their menu. This too is controlled in C3 (the exact address escapes me at the moment), but there's the trouble that Umaro will pick commands from his list in his entirely berserk state. I saw this during my first run of the Beyond Chaos randomizer: when Cyan was placed in Umaro's slot with only Swordtech, he used Dispatch every turn. My best guess for a workaround would be to change the required command for Espers to "FIGHT" and then give Umaro Fight in his character commands, as his tackle/toss/blizzard works as vanilla when he queues that command.
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