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I've been expecting soo much time for this hack, i loved the others one that Gi Nattak have made !

True is that i have been around this forum for a long time, but i only registered now, because i need to say, this hack is already great ! Not to hard, neither easy as vanilla, although i needed some save state to one or another boss ( and to check some steals too ).

Right now i'm on World of Ruin, 13 chars recruited, and i have the doll (no spoiler^^), avg lvl 35 ( except Cloud that i got only now, hes 22 ) and needing to go to Reptile Tower and Last Dungeon to check Chest, and several Monster in a Box that kicked me early.

first i would kindly ask if there is any file with all steal and colosseum, as i dont have much time on life as i had, and save state to check could be really boring ( okay, age get me lazy too ), and, is there a Sneak Ring ?

And is something missable from WoB (don need to say what exactly the item, but some hints may be good) ?

What was the small room on the middle island on WoB ???? I was going everywhere to see if i discovered something about it, but got nothing...

Oak have a little glitch, he keeps appearing on the house, even after he shouldn't be there

Whats the use for Pepe ????

BTW, the fight i need most the save state was boss on Avalon mind, because i hadn't exodus equiped and got 3 times Vortex wipped......... okay, that was my bad, so one of the worst battle was the fire thing on the fire house... It was really boring and awful battle, not the first time, but the second and third... i didnt want to exploit Ice Rod to get easier, but that left me on a real hard battle, and the lasts battles on Floating Insland, before going wreck, they were, for me, the most frustrating battles ! I dont Know why, i really dont know, the first was acceptable, but the second, was almost a nigthmare.

BTW, when on floating was intentional u can change the "extra" char equips ? Putting him and FuSoYa with Void Stone make me get out there with like, 5 min on timer

I need to go now, but ill make some more comments here after ^^

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@ Lucifer
first i would kindly ask if there is any file with all steal and colosseum

I did not make a list for those, I should, and I will soon now that it's been brought up. I doubt anyone else has.

is there a Sneak Ring ?

There is not a Sneak Ring anymore, I just put the 'raise steal attribute' on every item in the game actually, so if Oboro has anything equipped he will steal easier.

And is something missable from WoB

One that comes to mind is that hermit dude that lives south of the colloseum, if you visit him at different times he gives you different things. Basically at two different points in the game.
There is rare item to find while in the cave to the Sealed Gate also, that the ninja references. Aside from that, I can't think of anything else... probably a lot of tabs you missed lol. Oh, and that dog behind Stardust Village, not sure if you did that 'side quest'.

What was the small room on the middle island on WoB

Just a room. Has treasure in it to get. That's the end of that place there is nothing after that room.

Oak have a little glitch, he keeps appearing on the house, even after he shouldn't be there

You mean if he died? When does his sprite come back? I tested the hell out of that >_<

Whats the use for Pepe ????

Nothing - I never thought of anything yet. It would be cool if I could make him attack like Intercepter does for shadow in battle... But as an NPC, he does nothing except that he is a cool pirate parrot.

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After a couple of hours of sifting through system folders and finding 56437430973 workarounds to do it, I managed to fully restore the internet on this old fossil of a computer. Hold on Totally worth it now that I have ROTDS 1.0 on my psp. Talk about a daymaker!

Also, don't know if I mentioned it back during testing, but hearing The Final Countdown in snes form is awesome beyond belief. Makes me imagine what other songs would sound kickass to hear in FF6. Like Raining Blood by Slayer, minus the rediculous solo at the end lmao. Down in Hole by Alice in Chains would sound awesome as well. Or Snuff by Slipknot when Setzer's having those flashbacks in the tomb when walking down to the aiship in the WoR.

Alright, enough rambling from me, time to play the hell out of some ROTDS.

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I don't like how you can lose if you die in FuSoYa/Golbez scene. Also the fight before where you fight those Lava bosses was brutal. After they heal ~2000hp a turn, it gets to be impossible. Oboro was fairly leveled on my end and wasn't keeping up, cept throwing shurikens was the only real dmg I was doing with anyone. I had to restart the whole thing and do damage fast and hard to make sure he didn't regen so much by the last time I fought him.

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I guess that not only my bro didn't buy some water scroll, before doing the fire house Laugh

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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If you use that skill with the moogle Inverse it can cast water on the Lava Demon, turning off his regen (it should...). It used to be you had to use Aqualin to take off the regen, which it still will, but now any water spell will take it off, which would make that battle(s) that much easier.

The reason we went with the multiple lava demon battles there, besides that's how Angelo coded that to be and I thought it was cool so we went with it, is that it is supposed to be like a really stubborn, insanely hot fire...demon...boss, and that's why it keeps coming back. Like a real house fire you know? Maybe overkill, it's easily the most hated boss of the hack. I think he can be downed pretty darned easy though once you can knock his regen off which should be pretty easy.

As for dying during the flashback, you're right it doesn't make much since at all since he is telling a story, but just for the challenge aspect of the hack it's like that I guess. This was also not one I coded directly, but I would be willing to consider changing it. It's kinda bad since there is no authentic way to save after the Flame battles, that is the main issue there...maybe I can have a "would you like to save your progress" window after that, before the super long fusoya speech, and then flashback with a chance to die.

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Yeah, I'm certainly not adverse to that change. You don't have a lot of control in those fights, nor are they expected, and dying in them could be a serious pain in the butt after the (extremely long, about 45 minutes to an hour probably) shenanigans in the fire house. Thankfully I've never actually died there, but it's pretty tight.

I agree that the persistence of the Lava Demon makes thematic sense, but I almost feel that three is one fight too many. One fight with each party feels pretty natural IMO. You're right that he can be beaten without too much trouble, but it's only after the player knows what they are doing, and it still takes a great deal of time. Two fights still shows the persistence without the length.

Confused Moogles FTW

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That does sound like a change for the better, just 1 lava demon for each party, changing the 3rd one to the other monster formation.

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I did buy a good load of water scrolls before but shurikens were still stronger.

Using inverse if he has reflect on...will reflect back the spell so unless I keep using it and hope for that small window his reflect is off to when he puts it back on then yeah. I didn't know the thing with aqualin though, so next time I go after him I can just use that and have an easier time.

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There is one random ass NPC somewhere I'm not even sure where who says something like Aqualin is great for putting out fires! lol. Otherwise the player probably wouldn't ever know that either, unless they are aware of how poison sometimes is involved with hp regeneration when absorbed.

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