
Description Value
Base offset (SNES) $C46AC0
Block size $0E
Number of blocks $0100
Total size $0E00
Offset Description
$00 Targeting
$01 Allows movable cursor for single target
$02 Disable switch of targets between groups
$04 Select all targets (both groups)
$08 Select one group
$10 Auto-accept default selection
$20 Multiple selection possible
$40 Enemy selected by default
$80 Random selection
$01 Elemental Properties
$01 Fire
$02 Ice
$04 Lightning
$08 Poison
$10 Wind
$20 Pearl/Holy
$40 Earth
$80 Water
$02 Spell flags 1
$01 physical damage
$02 miss if protected against death
$04 target only dead allies
$08 inverse damage for undead
$10 randomize target
$20 ignore defense
$40 don't split damage on multiple targets
$80 abort if used against allies
$03 Special flags 2
$01 Can use spell on menu (field)
$02 Ignore reflect
$04 Learn as lore if cast
$08 Allow runic
$10 ???
$20 Change target if actual target is dead
$40 Kill user after spell is cast
$80 Use MP damage
$04 Special flags 3
$01 Heal target
$02 Drain from target to caster
$04 Lift status
$08 Toggle status
$10 Use stamina in evasion formula
$20 Can't dodge
$40 Hits if target level is multiple of spell hit rate
$80 Use fractal damage (spell power should be between 1 and 16)
$05 MP Cost
$06 Spell power
$07 Special flags 4
$01 Miss if target is protected against status
$02 Show text if spell hits (monster only)
$04 ???
$08 ???
$10 ???
$20 ???
$40 ???
$80 ???
$08 Hit rate of spell
$09 Special effect
$0A Status 1
$0B Status 2
$0C Status 3
$0D Status 4
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/fmt/spell_data.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)