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Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster

Welcome to the FF6 PR modding wiki! While we may not be experts in Unity games modding, our knowledge of previous FF6 versions and FF6 in general might be a good starting point to understand the data and code of this newer version of the game. If you want to join the conversation, show your work or ask questions, here's an invite to the Moogles & Mods Discord server, a central hub for Pixel Remaster games modding.


Reverse engineering

Name Description Author Link
Il2CppInspector Application for reverse engineering Il2Cpp games djkaty Github
Il2CppDumper Application for reverse engineering Il2Cpp games Perfare Github
Ghidra Reverse engineering tool NSA Website

Modding Utilities

Name Description Author Link
Memoria Can extract all the game assets as well as implement some mods Albeoris Github
Magicite BepInEx plugin that can replace existing assets and add new ones Silvris Github
Moogle Mod Manager Manage/install mods for the PR games KiameV Github
FFPR_FontTool Tool for decrypting/encrypting the font_XX.bundle files across all FF PR games Enfyve Github
AssetStudio Tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and asset bundles Perfare Github
AssetRipper Tool for extracting assets from Unity serialized files and assets bundles AssetRipper Github
UABEA Tool for exporting and modifying assetbundle nesrak1 Github
BepInEx Unity game patcher and plugin framework (Memoria/Magicite use version 6.0.0-be.571) BepInEx Github
UnityPlayer Modded UnityPlayer.dll required for all bundle mods Enfyve download
FFVI Save Editor FFVI PR and SNES save file editor KiameV Github


Name Description Author Link
FFVIPR CSV Legend Spreadsheet document of some master CSV files with references to other relevant files info fallacies Google Doc
FFPR CSV IDs Contains proper names for most IDs in the data CSVs of all PR games, as well as a list of functions MussMuss 6.0 download
Battle Scripts Dump of the battle scripts with added messages/captions to ease search madsiur 1.0.4a download
Battle Script Mnemonics Battle script mnemonic list with min/max iValues/rValues and lists of possible sValues madsiur 1.0.4a download
Event Scripts Dump of the event scripts grouped by area/map with added messages/captions to ease search madsiur 1.0.4a download
Event Script Mnemonics Event script mnemonic list with min/max iValues/rValues and lists of possible sValues madsiur 1.0.4a download
Monster AI Scripts Monster AI scripts in pretty json format madsiur 1.0.4a download
Monster AI Script Mnemonics Monster AI script mnemonic list with min/max iValues/rValues and lists of possible sValues madsiur 1.0.4a download


Name Description Author Link
FFPR Debug Logger BepInEx debug logger plugin for all FF PR games Silvris Github
FFPR-ATBFix A BepInEx dll that attempts to fix the jittering of the ATB bar Silvris Github
PRUIScaler Scales UI to better match the aspect ratio jburrus1 Github
FFPR-ColoredWindows Implements the ability to change the color of the text windows Silvris Github
FFPR_SoftResetter A BepInEx dll that adds a soft-reset feature Silvris Github
FPR-UltimaFont A BepInEx plugin to allow the loading of arbitrary fonts and system fonts Silvris Github
FFPR_CustomTitleScreen A BepInEx dll that allows for the customization of the title screen Silvris Github
Name Description
Decompilation Tutorial This guide will walk through how to decompile/reverse engineer IL2CPP games
Complete Modding Guide and Index FFVI PR guide (last updated March 2024)
Complete Font Modding Guide FFVI PR guide (last updated March 2024)
FFVI Mods FFVI PR mods on NexusMods
FFVI Guide FFVI PR guides on Steam
ff6pr.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/04 00:29 by madsiur