
Items Data

Base Offset (SNES) $D85000
Block Size $1E
Offset Description
$D85000 item type
$07 item type
$10 'can be throw' flag
$20 usable in battle
$40 usable in menu
$D85001 equipable actors, low byte
$D85002 equipable actors, high byte
$D85003 learn rate of spell
$D85004 spell to learn
$D85005 field effect
$D85006 status protection 1
$D85007 status protection 2
$D85008 equipment status
$D85009 flags
$01 raise fight damage
$02 rise magic damage
$04 HP + 25%
$08 HP + 50%
$10 HP + 12.5%
$20 MP + 25%
$40 MP + 50%
$80 MP + 12.5%
$D8500A flags
$01 preemptive strike
$02 prevent back/pincer
$04 fight → jump
$08 magic → x-magic
$10 sketch → control
$20 slot → gp rain
$40 steal → capture
$80 enhances jump
$D8500B flags
$01 enhances steal
$02 ?
$04 enhances sketch
$08 enhances control
$10 always hits
$20 halves mp consumption
$40 set mp consumption to one
$80 raises vigor
$D8500C flags
$01 fight → x-fight
$02 randomly counters
$04 randomly evades
$08 gauntlet effect
$10 genji glove effect
$20 merit award effect
$40 true knight effect
$80 ?
$D8500D flags
$01 shell when hp is low
$02 safe when hp is low
$04 reflect when hp is low
$08 doubles gained exp
$10 doubles gained gold
$20 ?
$40 ?
$80 makes body cold
$D8500E targeting
$D8500F weapon: element type
$D8500F others: halves element damage
$D85010 vigor and speed
$07 vigor
$08 vigor signal (plus/minus)
$70 speed
$80 speed signal (plus/minus)
$D85011 stamina and magic
$07 stamina
$08 stamina signal (plus/minus)
$70 magic
$80 magic signal (plus/minus)
$D85012 weapon spell casting
$3F spell id
$40 allow random casting
$80 remove from inventory
$D85013 weapons: flags
$01 ?
$02 enable swordtech
$04 ?
$08 ?
$10 ?
$20 unaltered back damage
$40 allows two hands
$80 runic
$D85013 items: flags
$01 ?
$02 damage on undead
$04 ?
$08 affects HP
$10 affects MP
$20 remove status
$40 ?
$80 max out
$D85014 weapon: power
$D85014 item: heal power
$D85014 others: physical defense
$D85015 weapon: hit rate
$D85015 item: actor status 1
$D85015 others: magical defense
$D85016 item: actor status 2
$D85016 others: absorb elements
$D85017 item: actor status 3
$D85017 others: nulls elements
$D85018 item: actor status 4
$D85018 others: weak against elements
$D85019 ?equipment status
$D8501A physical and magic evasion
$0F physical evasion
$F0 magic evasion
$D8501B special effect
$D8501C price, low byte
$D8501D price, high byte
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/fmt/items.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)