Most of the test have been made on a (U) save file (.sav). The save file contains three save slots, a quicksave slot and some identifying save marks. A large portion of the file goes unused. The following table lists the data blocks of the save file including their hex offsets. Scroll down for the content of the blocks.
Offsets | Description |
$0000-$09FF | Slot 1 data |
$0A00-$13FF | Slot 2 data |
$1400-$1DFF | Slot 3 data |
$1E00-$1FFF | Save marks |
$2000-$23FF | Data extension for slot 1 |
$2400-$27FF | Data extension for slot 2 |
$2800-$2BFF | Data extension for slot 3 |
$2C00-$2FFF | Bestiary for slot 1 |
$3000-$33FF | Bestiary for slot 2 |
$3400-$37FF | Bestiary for slot 3 |
$3800-$5BFF | Quicksave slot |
$5C00-$FFFF | Unused space - Filled with 0xFF |
This block is the regular save data space and the first $1E00 bytes of the file are 3 blocks of $A00 bytes for the 3 save slots. They are mostly similar to SNES $1600-$1FFF: Save RAM.
Offsets | Description |
Character block (repeat 16 times) | |
$0000 | Actor index |
$0001 | Graphic index |
$0002-$0007 | Name (A-Z $20-$39, a-z $3A-$53) |
$0008 | Level |
$0009-$000A | Current HP |
$000B-$000C | bbhhhhhh hhhhhhhh |
b: hp boost (none, 25%, 50% , 12.5%) | |
h: max hp | |
$000D-$000E | Current MP |
$000F-$0010 | bbmmmmmm mmmmmmmm |
b: mp boost (none, 25%, 50% , 12.5%) | |
h: max mp | |
$0011-$0013 | Current EXP |
$0014 | weicmpzd Status 1 |
w: wound | |
e: petrify | |
i: imp | |
c: invisible | |
m: magitek | |
p: poison | |
z: zombie | |
d: blind | |
$0015 | fihcmlzr Status 4 |
f: float | |
i: interceptor | |
h: hide (?) | |
c: control (?) | |
m: trance (?) | |
l: reraise (?) | |
z: freeze (?) | |
r: rage (?) | |
$0016-$0019 | Battle Commands |
$001A | Strength |
$001B | Speed |
$001C | Stamina |
$001D | Magic |
$001E | Esper |
$001F | Right Hand |
$0020 | Left Hand |
$0021 | Head |
$0022 | Body |
$0023 | Relic 1 |
$0024 | Relic 2 |
End of character block | |
Roster (16 bytes. One byte per character.) | |
$0250-$025F | verbbppp |
v: Character is visible | |
e: Character is enabled | |
r: Battle Row (back row if set) | |
b: Battle Order (1-4) | |
p: Party (0: unassigned, 1-3: groups) | |
Generic Data | |
$0260-$0262 | Gil |
$0263 | Hours |
$0264 | Minutes |
$0265 | Seconds |
$0266-$0268 | Steps |
Ability Lists | |
$0269-$02A8 | Character 1 known spells (57 spells + 7 empty slots, 1 byte per spell slot) |
$02A9-$0568 | Spells for the other 11 characters |
$0569-$06F4 | Seems empty. Probably leftovers from moving the item data to another location. |
$06F5 | Active group number. (Note! Different location in SNES version.) |
$06F6 | Trance bar/counter. |
$06F7 | Learned Bushido |
$06F8-$0727 | Legacy Japanese Bushido names from SNES (Static marks) |
$0728 | Learned Blitzes |
$0729-$072B | Learned Lores |
$072C-$074B | Learned Rages |
$074C | Learned Dances |
Config Data | |
$074D-$07C6 | Config Data block |
$074D | cmmmwbbb |
c: command set (window/short) | |
m: message speed | |
w: battle mode (active/wait) | |
b: battle speed | |
$074E | gcsrwwww |
g: gauge | |
c: cursor | |
s: sound (removed) | |
r: re-equip | |
w: wallpaper (values 0-7 valid) | |
$074F | - - - -4321 (removed) |
4: player 2 control character 4 | |
3: player 2 control character 3 | |
2: player 2 control character 2 | |
1: player 2 control character 1 | |
$0750 | aaaabbbb (removed) |
a: A button mapping (0 = start, 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = X, 4 = Y, 5 = top L, 6 = top R, 7 = select) | |
b: B button mapping | |
$0751 | xxxxyyyy (removed) |
x: X button mapping | |
y: Y button mapping | |
$0752 | llllrrrr (removed) |
l: top L button mapping | |
r: top R button mapping | |
$0753 | tttteeee (removed) |
t: Start button mapping | |
e: Select button mapping | |
$0754 | mbcccsss |
m: controller 2 enabled (unused) | |
b: enable custom button config (unused) | |
c: Font/Window palette color selection (unused) | |
s: Magic order | |
$0755-$0756 | Font color |
$0757-$07C6 | Window palettes/colors (8 palettes, 7 colors each) |
$07C7-$07C8 | Empty (SNES version had save counter here.) |
Battle Events | |
$07C9-$07CE | Seems empty |
$07CF | abcdefgh |
a: if set, program compares current monster index with monster index at CF3780,X. if equal, monster index is changed to monster index at CF3782,X. | |
b-h: same as a | |
$07D0 | - - - - - mtf |
m: permanent trance (for Humbaba battle) | |
t: trance lasts twice as long (set after Humbaba battle) | |
f: magic only (Cultists' Tower) | |
$07D1 | ztrbemsg |
z: zone eater engulfed the party | |
t: timers are shown in menu and battle | |
r: ran out of time (before emperor's banquet) | |
b: ran away from previous battle | |
e: gained AP is displayed (espers have been acquired) | |
m: trance is available | |
s: enables scene with LOCKE and EDGAR if TERRA uses magic. | |
g: game over after battle ends | |
$07D2 | - -ums-gd |
u: LOCKE is wearing soldier uniform | |
m: LOCKE is wearing merchant clothes | |
s: SHADOW won't leave after battle | |
g: GAU has been obtained | |
d: DeathGaze has been defeated | |
$07D3-$07D4 | DeathGaze's HP |
$07D5 | Battles Fought with Cursed Shield |
$07D6-$07DC | Seems empty |
Field Data | |
$07DD-$081C | Veldt Formations Available (64 bytes) |
$081D-$083F | Seems empty |
$0840-$0863 | Treasure Bits (indicates if chests have been collected) |
$0864-$086F | Empty treasure bits |
$0870-$087F | Seems empty. Leftover bytes from treasure bits. |
$0880-$08DB | Event bits |
$08DC-$08DD | Active party members in shops/menu |
$08DE-$08DF | Active party members in airship (last two bits are event bits.) |
$08E0-$095F | NPC event bits |
Position data | |
$0960-$0961 | Overworld XY Position |
$0962-$0963 | Airship XY Position |
$0964-$0965 | - -ddnzpm mmmmmmmm |
d: facing direction | |
n: show map name | |
z: z-level | |
p: set destination as parent map | |
m: Current Map Index | |
$0966-$0967 | Field XY Scroll Position (BG1) |
$0968 | Facing Direction (00:Up, 01:Right, 02:Down, 03:Left, parent facing direction if bit 7 set) |
$0969-$096A | Parent Map Index |
$096B-$096C | Parent XY Position |
Other Data | |
$096D | Random Number (RNG Seed for NPC walking direction.) |
$096E-$096F | Danger counter for random battles |
$0970-$097F | Saved Character Palette Indexes (for world map) |
$0980 | Current Song index |
$0981-$09A0 | Saved Object Map Indexes |
$09A1 | Step counter used as an RNG Seed in determining the next random encounter. |
$09A2 | Battle counter used as an RNG Seed in determining the monster formation. |
$09A3 | RNG salt for use with $09A2 (increments +23 when $09A2 goes over 255.) |
$09A4 | RNG salt for use with $09A1 (increments +17 when $09A1 goes over 255.) |
$09A5 | Veldt battle group number. |
$09A6-$09A7 | Pointer to Current Showing Character's Object Data |
$09A8-$09BF | Saved timer data (for 4 timers.) |
$09A8 | pfrm - - - - |
p: Pause timer in menu and battle. | |
f: Timer is visible on field (timer 0 only). | |
r: End battle or exit menu if timer runs out. | |
m: Timer is visible in menu and battle (timer 0 only). | |
$09A9-$09AA | Frame counter |
$09AB-$09AD | pointer to event code (+CA0000) |
End of timer block | |
$09C0-$09C1 | Party XY Map Position |
Event Variables | |
$09C2-$09C3 | Points from Narshe security checkpoint/Emperor's banquet |
$09C4-$09C5 | Narshe security checkpoint variable |
$09C6-$09CD | Empty |
$09CE-$09CF | Number of Dragons Left |
$09D0-$09D1 | Cid's Health/Pieces of Coral |
More position data | |
$09D2 | Parent facing direction (00:Up, 01:Right, 02:Down, 03:Left) |
$09D3-$09F2 | Character Saved XY Positions (2 bytes each) |
$09F3-$09F6 | Party Z Levels |
$09F7-$09FD | Empty |
Checkum | |
$09FE-09FF | Slot data checksum (Sum 16 from $0000-$09FD) |
This block contains various identifying save marks.
Offsets | Description |
$1E00-$1EFF | Seems empty |
$1F00-$1F1F | Ascii mark: FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE |
$1F20 | 0x01: Game has been saved at least once. |
$1F21-$1FEF | Seems empty |
$1FF0 | Most Recently Saved Slot. |
$1FF1-$1FF7 | Seems empty |
$1FF8-$1FFF | FF6 static save mark: 0x1B, 0xE4, 0x1B, 0xE4, 0x1B, 0xE4, 0x1B, 0xE4 |
A block of data was added to the GBA port. Item inventory and Esper data were moved here when compared to the SNES version. The size of the block is 1024 bytes including a two byte checksum and it repeats three times for the three save slots.
Offsets | Description |
$2000-$2003 | Current Espers |
$2004-$2007 | |
$2008 | Autodash config setting 01:On 00:Off |
$2009 | Japanese version script selection 00: Hiragana 01: Kanji |
$200A | 01: Game has been marked as completed (a star appears next to the save slot when viewed from the loading screen). |
$200B-$200F | |
$2010-$212F | Current Items (288 slots; to get GBA specific items, 0x80 is added to the quantity.) |
$2130-$224F | Item Quantities |
$2250-$225F | GBA added event bits |
2260-$23FB | Seems Empty |
$23FC-$23FD | Static mark 0x47, 0x4D (Slot will appear as empty if not present.) |
$23FE-$23FF | Data extension checksum (Sum 16 + 1 from $2000-$23FD) |
A bestiary was included in the GBA version and this block has its data. The size of the block is 1024 bytes including a two byte checksum and it repeats three times for the three save slots. For a monster to appear in the bestiary, it needs to be slain at least once in a victorious battle. Two bytes are used per monster: The lower 15-bits (0x7FFF) are the number of times the monster has been slain with valid values from 0 to 999 (inclusive); setting the upper bit (0x8000) clears the new entry flag. Total space is 1022/2 = 511 slots of which 384 are for pages visible in the game browser. The last two bytes hold the bestiary checksum.
Offsets | Name | Number |
Bestiary | ||
$2C00-$2C01 | Guard | 1 |
$2C02-$2C03 | Imperial Soldier | 37 |
$2C04-$2C05 | Templar | 38 |
$2C06-$2C07 | Ninja | 112 |
$2C08-$2C09 | Samurai | 205 |
$2C0A-$2C0B | Borghese | 143 |
$2C0C-$2C0D | Magna Roader | 84 |
$2C0E-$2C0F | Yojimbo | 239 |
$2C10-$2C11 | Cloud | 42 |
$2C12-$2C13 | Misty | 156 |
$2C14-$2C15 | Al Jabr | 206 |
$2C16-$2C17 | Zaghrem | 17 |
$2C18-$2C19 | Apocrypha | 108 |
$2C1A-$2C1B | Dark Force | 240 |
$2C1C-$2C1D | Angel Whisper | 43 |
$2C1E-$2C1F | Oversoul | 44 |
$2C20-$2C21 | Skeletal Horror | 147 |
$2C22-$2C23 | Commander | 25 |
$2C24-$2C25 | Mu | 16 |
$2C26-$2C27 | Wererat | 4 |
$2C28-$2C29 | Mugbear | 148 |
$2C2A-$2C2B | Belmodar | 14 |
$2C2C-$2C2D | Muud Suud | 241 |
$2C2E-$2C2F | Leaf Bunny | 7 |
$2C30-$2C31 | Stray Cat | 32 |
$2C32-$2C33 | Silver Lobo | 2 |
$2C34-$2C35 | Unused | |
$2C36-$2C37 | Megalodoth | 3 |
$2C38-$2C39 | Fidor | 53 |
$2C3A-$2C3B | Briareus | 94 |
$2C3C-$2C3D | Suriander | 207 |
$2C3E-$2C3F | Chimera | 96 |
$2C40-$2C41 | Behemoth | 111 |
$2C42-$2C43 | Fafnir | 114 |
$2C44-$2C45 | Lesser Lopros | 21 |
$2C46-$2C47 | Fossil Dragon | 56 |
$2C48-$2C49 | Holy Dragon | 344 |
$2C4A-$2C4B | Fiend Dragon | 242 |
$2C4C-$2C4D | Brachiosaur | 171 |
$2C4E-$2C4F | Tyrannosaur | 172 |
$2C50-$2C51 | Dark wind | 8 |
$2C52-$2C53 | Aepyornis | 33 |
$2C54-$2C55 | Vulture | 57 |
$2C56-$2C57 | Vasegiatta | 196 |
$2C58-$2C59 | Zokka | 123 |
$2C5A-$2C5B | Trapper | 79 |
$2C5C-$2C5D | Hornet | 12 |
$2C5E-$2C5F | Nettlehopper | 34 |
$2C60-$2C61 | Delta Beetle | 126 |
$2C62-$2C63 | Killer Mantis | 115 |
$2C64-$2C65 | Trillium | 18 |
$2C66-$2C67 | Rafflesia | 157 |
$2C68-$2C69 | Tumbleweed | 173 |
$2C6A-$2C6B | Vampire Thorn | 127 |
$2C6C-$2C6D | Cartagra | 27 |
$2C6E-$2C6F | Siegfried | 238 |
$2C70-$2C71 | Nautiloid | 22 |
$2C72-$2C73 | Exocite | 23 |
$2C74-$2C75 | Anguiform | 50 |
$2C76-$2C77 | Leap Frog | 174 |
$2C78-$2C79 | Lizard | 128 |
$2C7A-$2C7B | Litwor Chicken | 68 |
$2C7C-$2C7D | Slagworm | 175 |
$2C7E-$2C7F | Hell's Rider | 286 |
$2C80-$2C81 | Unused | |
$2C82-$2C83 | Onion Knight | 75 |
$2C84-$2C85 | Magitek Armor | 279 |
$2C86-$2C87 | Sky Armor | 104 |
$2C88-$2C89 | Satellite | 39 |
$2C8A-$2C8B | Armored Weapon | 216 |
$2C8C-$2C8D | Spritzer | 5 |
$2C8E-$2C8F | Flan | 80 |
$2C90-$2C91 | Outcast | 87 |
$2C92-$2C93 | Humpty | 134 |
$2C94-$2C95 | Brianpan | 106 |
$2C96-$2C97 | Cruller | 135 |
$2C98-$2C99 | Cactuar | 176 |
$2C9A-$2C9B | Bandit | 6 |
$2C9C-$2C9D | Harvester | 62 |
$2C9E-$2C9F | Bomb | 45 |
$2CA0-$2CA1 | Still Life | 158 |
$2CA2-$2CA3 | Lunatys | 217 |
$2CA4-$2CA5 | Veil Dancer | 65 |
$2CA6-$2CA7 | Hill Gigas | 63 |
$2CA8-$2CA9 | Tonberry | 189 |
$2CAA-$2CAB | Magic Urn | 221 |
$2CAC-$2CAD | Mover | 243 |
$2CAE-$2CAF | Figaro Lizard | 218 |
$2CB0-$2CB1 | Devoahan | 129 |
$2CB2-$2CB3 | Aspiran | 51 |
$2CB4-$2CB5 | Ghost | 40 |
$2CB6-$2CB7 | Crawler | 177 |
$2CB8-$2CB9 | Sand Ray | 9 |
$2CBA-$2CBB | Alacran | 10 |
$2CBC-$2CBD | Actinian | 52 |
$2CBE-$2CBF | Sandhorse | 130 |
$2CC0-$2CC1 | Unused | |
$2CC2-$2CC3 | Malboro | 144 |
$2CC4-$2CC5 | Urok | 13 |
$2CC6-$2CC7 | Foper | 11 |
$2CC8-$2CC9 | Guard Leader | 278 |
$2CCA-$2CCB | Corporal | 54 |
$2CCC-$2CCD | General | 81 |
$2CCE-$2CCF | Covert | 199 |
$2CD0-$2CD1 | Kamui | 200 |
$2CD2-$2CD3 | Warlock | 231 |
$2CD4-$2CD5 | Cherry | 244 |
$2CD6-$2CD7 | Joker | 69 |
$2CD8-$2CD9 | Iron Fist | 58 |
$2CDA-$2CDB | Devil | 219 |
$2CDC-$2CDD | Provoker | 88 |
$2CDE-$2CDF | Cloudwraith | 145 |
$2CE0-$2CE1 | Mahadeva | 232 |
$2CE2-$2CE3 | Vector Hound | 26 |
$2CE4-$2CE5 | Peeper | 116 |
$2CE6-$2CE7 | Stunner | 66 |
$2CE8-$2CE9 | Sorath | 233 |
$2CEA-$2CEB | Destroyer | 82 |
$2CEC-$2CED | Chippirabbit | 35 |
$2CEE-$2CEF | Coeurl Cat | 159 |
$2CF0-$2CF1 | Bloodfang | 59 |
$2CF2-$2CF3 | Hunting Hound | 55 |
$2CF4-$2CF5 | Gorgias | 19 |
$2CF6-$2CF7 | Don | 70 |
$2CF8-$2CF9 | Murussu | 117 |
$2CFA-$2CFB | Wartpuck | 201 |
$2CFC-$2CFD | Gorgimera | 153 |
$2CFE-$2CFF | Behemoth King | 318 |
$2D00-$2D01 | Vector Lythos | 245 |
$2D02-$2D03 | Wyvern | 71 |
$2D04-$2D05 | Zombie Dragon | 89 |
$2D06-$2D07 | Dragon | 109 |
$2D08-$2D09 | Primeval Dragon | 246 |
$2D0A-$2D0B | Weredragon | 208 |
$2D0C-$2D0D | Cirpius | 20 |
$2D0E-$2D0F | Sprinter | 178 |
$2D10-$2D11 | Lenergia | 83 |
$2D12-$2D13 | Marchosias | 140 |
$2D14-$2D15 | Gloomwind | 197 |
$2D16-$2D17 | Dropper | 136 |
$2D18-$2D19 | Rock Wasp | 60 |
$2D1A-$2D1B | Grasswyrm | 72 |
$2D1C-$2D1D | Luridan | 150 |
$2D1E-$2D1F | Twinscythe | 154 |
$2D20-$2D21 | Paraladia | 61 |
$2D22-$2D23 | Exoray | 146 |
$2D24-$2D25 | Crusher | 160 |
$2D26-$2D27 | Ouroboros | 163 |
$2D28-$2D29 | Acrophies | 28 |
$2D2A-$2D2B | Schmidt | 209 |
$2D2C-$2D2D | Devourer | 95 |
$2D2E-$2D2F | Cancer | 131 |
$2D30-$2D31 | Gigantoad | 118 |
$2D32-$2D33 | Basilisk | 179 |
$2D34-$2D35 | Medusa Chicken | 234 |
$2D36-$2D37 | Landworm | 247 |
$2D38-$2D39 | Test Rider | 182 |
$2D3A-$2D3B | Pluto Armor | 210 |
$2D3C-$2D3D | Onion Dasher | 190 |
$2D3E-$2D3F | Heavy Armor | 24 |
$2D40-$2D41 | Chaser | 86 |
$2D42-$2D43 | Gamma | 248 |
$2D44-$2D45 | Poplium | 41 |
$2D46-$2D47 | Intangir | 97 |
$2D48-$2D49 | Misfit | 107 |
$2D4A-$2D4B | Creature | 235 |
$2D4C-$2D4D | Envo | 220 |
$2D4E-$2D4F | Deepeye | 141 |
$2D50-$2D51 | Unseelie | 15 |
$2D52-$2D53 | Neck Hunter | 137 |
$2D54-$2D55 | Grenade | 73 |
$2D56-$2D57 | Alluring Rider | 211 |
$2D58-$2D59 | Pandora | 212 |
$2D5A-$2D5B | Blade Dancer | 161 |
$2D5C-$2D5D | Gigantos | 306 |
$2D5E-$2D5F | Magna Roader | 85 |
$2D60-$2D61 | Lycaon | 180 |
$2D62-$2D63 | Parasite | 213 |
$2D64-$2D65 | Land Ray | 119 |
$2D66-$2D67 | Antares | 90 |
$2D68-$2D69 | Anemone | 191 |
$2D6A-$2D6B | Moonform | 236 |
$2D6C-$2D6D | Unused | |
$2D6E-$2D6F | Great Malboro | 249 |
$2D70-$2D71 | Bonnacon | 99 |
$2D72-$2D73 | Oceanus | 132 |
$2D74-$2D75 | Living Dead | 46 |
$2D76-$2D77 | Death Warden | 155 |
$2D78-$2D79 | Face | 164 |
$2D7A-$2D7B | Outsider | 250 |
$2D7C-$2D7D | Coco | 214 |
$2D7E-$2D7F | Zeveak | 165 |
$2D80-$2D81 | Nightwalker | 124 |
$2D82-$2D83 | Demon Knight | 251 |
$2D84-$2D85 | Imperial Elite | 92 |
$2D86-$2D87 | Desert Hare | 133 |
$2D88-$2D89 | Wizard | 183 |
$2D8A-$2D8B | Devil Fist | 149 |
$2D8C-$2D8D | Illuyankas | 192 |
$2D8E-$2D8F | Sergeant | 76 |
$2D90-$2D91 | Aspidochelon | 237 |
$2D92-$2D93 | Knotty | 193 |
$2D94-$2D95 | Luna Wolf | 120 |
$2D96-$2D97 | Belzecue | 77 |
$2D98-$2D99 | Caladrius | 162 |
$2D9A-$2D9B | Tzakmaqiel | 194 |
$2D9C-$2D9D | Lukhaui | 184 |
$2D9E-$2D9F | Unused | |
$2DA0-$2DA1 | Land Grillon | 100 |
$2DA2-$2DA3 | Goetia | 67 |
$2DA4-$2DA5 | Greater Mantis | 181 |
$2DA6-$2DA7 | Bogy | 139 |
$2DA8-$2DA9 | Purusa | 198 |
$2DAA-$2DAB | Black Dragon | 121 |
$2DAC-$2DAD | Adamankary | 101 |
$2DAE-$2DAF | Dante | 138 |
$2DB0-$2DB1 | Platinum Dragon | 110 |
$2DB2-$2DB3 | Duel Armor | 252 |
$2DB4-$2DB5 | Psychos | 187 |
$2DB6-$2DB7 | Mousse | 142 |
$2DB8-$2DB9 | Shambling Corpse | 202 |
$2DBA-$2DBB | Punisher | 151 |
$2DBC-$2DBD | Balloon | 98 |
$2DBE-$2DBF | Gobbledygook | 64 |
$2DC0-$2DC1 | Great Behemoth | 253 |
$2DC2-$2DC3 | Scorpion | 125 |
$2DC4-$2DC5 | Chaos Dragon | 170 |
$2DC6-$2DC7 | Spitfire | 105 |
$2DC8-$2DC9 | Vector Chimera | 254 |
$2DCA-$2DCB | Lich | 91 |
$2DCC-$2DCD | Rukh | 122 |
$2DCE-$2DCF | Magna Roader | 185 |
$2DD0-$2DD1 | Bug | 74 |
$2DD2-$2DD3 | Seaflower | 166 |
$2DD4-$2DD5 | Fortis | 255 |
$2DD6-$2DD7 | Venobennu | 103 |
$2DD8-$2DD9 | Galypdes | 167 |
$2DDA-$2DDB | Junk | 256 |
$2DDC-$2DDD | Mandrake | 102 |
$2DDE-$2DDF | Valeor | 30 |
$2DE0-$2DE1 | Amduscias | 203 |
$2DE2-$2DE3 | Necromancer | 168 |
$2DE4-$2DE5 | Glasya Labolas | 152 |
$2DE6-$2DE7 | Magna Roader | 186 |
$2DE8-$2DE9 | Wild Rat | 31 |
$2DEA-$2DEB | Gold Bear | 29 |
$2DEC-$2DED | InnoSent | 257 |
$2DEE-$2DEF | Clymenus | 169 |
$2DF0-$2DF1 | Garm | 188 |
$2DF2-$2DF3 | Daedalus | 258 |
$2DF4-$2DF5 | Baalzephon | 204 |
$2DF6-$2DF7 | Ahriman | 259 |
$2DF8-$2DF9 | Death Machine | 260 |
$2DFA-$2DFB | Metal Hitman | 261 |
$2DFC-$2DFD | Io | 215 |
$2DFE-$2DFF | Tonberries | 321 |
$2E00-$2E01 | Ymir | 276 |
$2E02-$2E03 | Angler Whelk | 314 |
$2E04-$2E05 | Mega Armor | 93 |
$2E06-$2E07 | Vargas | 280 |
$2E08-$2E09 | Tunnel Armor | 283 |
$2E0A-$2E0B | Prometheus | 262 |
$2E0C-$2E0D | Phantom Train | 284 |
$2E0E-$2E0F | Dadaluma | 288 |
$2E10-$2E11 | Shiva | 291 |
$2E12-$2E13 | Ifrit | 290 |
$2E14-$2E15 | Number 024 | 292 |
$2E16-$2E17 | Number 128 | 293 |
$2E18-$2E19 | Inferno | 348 |
$2E1A-$2E1B | Crane | 296 |
$2E1C-$2E1D | Crane | 297 |
$2E1E-$2E1F | Unused | |
$2E20-$2E21 | Yeti | 322 |
$2E22-$2E23 | Unused | |
$2E24-$2E25 | Guardian | 352 |
$2E26-$2E27 | Air Force | 302 |
$2E28-$2E29 | Unused | |
$2E2A-$2E2B | Unused | |
$2E2C-$2E2D | Flame Eater | 298 |
$2E2E-$2E2F | Ultima Weapon | 307 |
$2E30-$2E31 | Nelpa | 308 |
$2E32-$2E33 | Behemoth King | 317 |
$2E34-$2E35 | Unused | |
$2E36-$2E37 | Tentacle | 310 |
$2E38-$2E39 | Dullahan | 316 |
$2E3A-$2E3B | Deathgaze | 331 |
$2E3C-$2E3D | Unused | |
$2E3E-$2E3F | Curlax | 323 |
$2E40-$2E41 | Laragorn | 324 |
$2E42-$2E43 | Moebius | 325 |
$2E44-$2E45 | Wrexsoul | 326 |
$2E46-$2E47 | Hidon | 332 |
$2E48-$2E49 | Samurai Soul | 329 |
$2E4A-$2E4B | Level 30 Magic | 224 |
$2E4C-$2E4D | Erebus | 333 |
$2E4E-$2E4F | Fiend | 353 |
$2E50-$2E51 | Goddess | 354 |
$2E52-$2E53 | Demon | 355 |
$2E54-$2E55 | Kefka | 365 |
$2E56-$2E57 | Level 40 Magic | 225 |
$2E58-$2E59 | Ultros | 282 |
$2E5A-$2E5B | Ultros | 289 |
$2E5C-$2E5D | Ultros | 299 |
$2E5E-$2E5F | Typhon | 300 |
$2E60-$2E61 | Level 20 Magic | 223 |
$2E62-$2E63 | Siegfried | 48 |
$2E64-$2E65 | Level 10 Magic | 222 |
$2E66-$2E67 | Level 50 Magic | 226 |
$2E68-$2E69 | Ymir | 277 |
$2E6A-$2E6B | Angler Whelk | 315 |
$2E6C-$2E6D | Unused | |
$2E6E-$2E6F | Unused | |
$2E70-$2E71 | Master Tonberry | 328 |
$2E72-$2E73 | Level 60 Magic | 227 |
$2E74-$2E75 | Unused | |
$2E76-$2E77 | Unused | |
$2E78-$2E79 | Tentacle | 312 |
$2E7A-$2E7B | Tentacle | 311 |
$2E7C-$2E7D | Tentacle | 313 |
$2E7E-$2E7F | Right Blade | 294 |
$2E80-$2E81 | Left Blade | 295 |
$2E82-$2E83 | Rahu | 349 |
$2E84-$2E85 | Ketu | 350 |
$2E86-$2E87 | Level 70 Magic | 228 |
$2E88-$2E89 | Valigarmanda | 320 |
$2E8A-$2E8B | Laser Gun | 303 |
$2E8C-$2E8D | Bit | 305 |
$2E8E-$2E8F | Missile Bay | 304 |
$2E90-$2E91 | Chadarnook | 319 |
$2E92-$2E93 | Ice Dragon | 340 |
$2E94-$2E95 | Kefka | 287 |
$2E96-$2E97 | Storm Dragon | 341 |
$2E98-$2E99 | Earth Dragon | 342 |
$2E9A-$2E9B | Ipooh | 281 |
$2E9C-$2E9D | Captain | 36 |
$2E9E-$2E9F | Unused | |
$2EA0-$2EA1 | Gold Dragon | 339 |
$2EA2-$2EA3 | Skull Dragon | 343 |
$2EA4-$2EA5 | Blue Dragon | 338 |
$2EA6-$2EA7 | Red Dragon | 337 |
$2EA8-$2EA9 | Opinicus Fish | 49 |
$2EAA-$2EAB | Rhizopas | 285 |
$2EAC-$2EAD | Apparition | 47 |
$2EAE-$2EAF | Short Arm | 356 |
$2EB0-$2EB1 | Long Arm | 357 |
$2EB2-$2EB3 | Visage | 358 |
$2EB4-$2EB5 | Tiger | 359 |
$2EB6-$2EB7 | Machine | 360 |
$2EB8-$2EB9 | Magic | 361 |
$2EBA-$2EBB | Power | 362 |
$2EBC-$2EBD | Lady | 363 |
$2EBE-$2EBF | Rest | 364 |
$2EC0-$2EC1 | Erebus | 334 |
$2EC2-$2EC3 | Erebus | 335 |
$2EC4-$2EC5 | Erebus | 336 |
$2EC6-$2EC7 | Level 80 Magic | 229 |
$2EC8-$2EC9 | Level 90 Magic | 230 |
$2ECA-$2ECB | Proto Armor | 78 |
$2ECC-$2ECD | Magic Master | 330 |
$2ECE-$2ECF | Soul Saver | 327 |
$2ED0-$2ED1 | Ultros | 301 |
$2ED2-$2ED3 | Naude | 113 |
$2ED4-$2ED5 | Unused | |
$2ED6-$2ED7 | Unused | |
$2ED8-$2ED9 | Unused | |
$2EDA-$2EDB | Humbaba | 309 |
$2EDC-$2EDD | Unused | |
$2EDE-$2EDF | Unused | |
$2EE0-$2EE1 | Unused | |
$2EE2-$2EE3 | Zone Eater | 195 |
$2EE4-$2EE5 | Unused | |
$2EE6-$2EE7 | Unused | |
$2EE8-$2EE9 | Unused | |
$2EEA-$2EEB | Unused | |
$2EEC-$2EED | Unused | |
$2EEE-$2EEF | Unused | |
$2EF0-$2EF1 | Unused | |
$2EF2-$2EF3 | Unused | |
$2EF4-$2EF5 | Unused | |
$2EF6-$2EF7 | Unused | |
$2EF8-$2EF9 | Unused | |
$2EFA-$2EFB | Ultima Buster | 351 |
$2EFC-$2EFD | Unused | |
$2EFE-$2EFF | Unused | |
$2F00-$2F01 | Armodullahan | 274 |
$2F02-$2F03 | Abaddon | 266 |
$2F04-$2F05 | Plague | 366 |
$2F06-$2F07 | Zurvan | 263 |
$2F08-$2F09 | Crystal Dragon | 275 |
$2F0A-$2F0B | Shield Dragon | 270 |
$2F0C-$2F0D | Hexadragon | 272 |
$2F0E-$2F0F | Dinozombie | 268 |
$2F10-$2F11 | Dragon Aevis | 267 |
$2F12-$2F13 | Great Dragon | 265 |
$2F14-$2F15 | Magic Dragon | 273 |
$2F16-$2F17 | Death Rider | 269 |
$2F18-$2F19 | Vilia | 264 |
$2F1A-$2F1B | Flan Princess | 367 |
$2F1C-$2F1D | Gargantua | 371 |
$2F1E-$2F1F | Malboro Menace | 372 |
$2F20-$2F21 | Dark Behemoth | 374 |
$2F22-$2F23 | Abyss Worm | 373 |
$2F24-$2F25 | Maximera | 271 |
$2F26-$2F27 | Earth Eater | 370 |
$2F28-$2F29 | Neslug | 369 |
$2F2A-$2F2B | Neslug | 368 |
$2F2C-$2F2D | Omega Weapon | 384 |
$2F2E-$2F2F | Red Dragon | 375 |
$2F30-$2F31 | Blue Dragon | 376 |
$2F32-$2F33 | Gold Dragon | 377 |
$2F34-$2F35 | Skull Dragon | 381 |
$2F36-$2F37 | Storm Dragon | 379 |
$2F38-$2F39 | Earth Dragon | 380 |
$2F3A-$2F3B | Holy Dragon | 382 |
$2F3C-$2F3D | Ice Dragon | 378 |
$2F3E-$2F3F | Kaiser Dragon | 383 |
$2F40-$2F41 | Gilgamesh | 347 |
$2F42-$2F43 | Gigantuar | 345 |
$2F44-$2F45 | Leviathan | 346 |
Empty space | ||
$2F46-$2FFD |
Checksum | ||
$2FFE-$2FFF | Checksum (Sum16 + 1 from $2C00-$2FFD |
Example values:
$2C00 | 28 | Monster Guard has been slain 40 times. |
$2C01 | 80 | New entry has been cleared. |
A quicksave option was included in the GBA port and it enables the player to temporary save the game almost anywhere. Quicksave cannot directly be transferred to the other slots in-game, but contains the same data as the other slots plus some additions.
$3800-41FF | Quicksave Slot data |
$4200-45FF | Quicksave Data extension |
$4600-49FF | Quicksave Bestiary |
$4A00-5BFF | Quicksave Slot specific data; Last two bytes being a checksum? |