
Event bits are similar to SNES version Save RAM $1E80-$1F5F. GBA added events have their own block of 16 bytes in the Data extension $2250-$225F. The following extended bits have been tested in-game.

1 ldhawfei (Dragons' Den Seals)
l: Seal of Lightning
d: Seal of Darkness
h: Seal of Heaven
a: Seal of Water
w: Seal of Wind
f: Seal of Fire
e: Seal of Earth
i: Seal of Ice
2 abcdefgh
b: Earth Labyrinth doorway opens near entrance 2.
c: Earth Labyrinth entrance switch.
d: Earth Labyrinth doorway opens near entrance 1.
h: Defeated Kaiser Dragon/Soul Shrine map location is activated.
3 abcdefgh
a: Burning Labyrinth, rock appears for left switch 2.
b: Burning Labyrinth, left switch.
c: Burning Labyrinth, rock appears for left switch 1.
d: Earth Labyrinth, rock is replaced by a bridge 2.
e: Earth Labyrinth, switch near save room.
f: Earth Labyrinth, rock is replaced by a bridge 1.
4 abcdefgh
a: Burning Labyrinth, Down-center switch.
b: Burning Labyrinth, two rocks appear for down-center switch 1.
c: Burning Labyrinth, rock appears for right switch 2.
d: Burning Labyrinth, right switch.
e: Burning Labyrinth, rock appears for right switch 1.
f: Burning Labyrinth, two rocks appear left 2.
g: Burning Labyrinth, island switch.
h: Burning Labyrinth, two rocks appear left 1.
5 abcdefgh
a: Dragon Temple skull switch. (Door opens to Red Dragon's chamber in the Flame Labyrinth.)
b: Flame Labyrinth, right rock disappears 2.
c: Flame Labyrinth, second switch.
d: Flame Labyrinth, right rock disappears 1.
e: Flame Labyrinth, left rock disappears 2.
f: Flame Labyrinth, first switch.
g: Flame Labyrinth, left rock disappears 1.
h: Burning Labyrinth, two rocks appear for down-center switch 2.
6 abcdefgh
a: Inner Eye Labyrinth, usable rock appears for switch under 4t weight.
c: Inner Eye Labyrinth, rock for central switch appears 2.
d: Inner Eye Labyrinth, central switch.
e: Inner Eye Labyrinth, rock for central switch appears 1.
f: Inner Eye Labyrinth, rock appears for lower left switch 2.
g: Inner Eye Labyrinth, lower left switch.
h: Inner Eye Labyrinth, rock appears for lower left switch 1.
7 abcdefgh
a: Turtle location right.
b: Turtle location left.
c: Turtle location down.
d: Turtle location up.
e: Inner Eye Labyrinth, Lava switch has been operated. (Opens a path in the Holy Palace.)
f: Inner Eye Labyrinth, 4t weight dropped.
g: Inner Eye Labyrinth, unusable rock appears for switch under 4t weight.
h: Inner Eye Labyrinth, switch under 4t weight.
8 abcdefgh
a: Dragon Temple floor switch.
b: Dragon Temple central door opens 1.
c: Read GONS.
d: Read THEK.
e: Read INGO.
f: Read FDRA.
g: Door opens to the Dragon Temple - Cloister.
h: Inscription puzzle activated.
9 abcdefgh (Note! Cloister of Trial bosses will respawn when all three groups have exited Cloister of Trials.)
a: Third group fell down to Cloister of Trials.
b: Second group fell down to Cloister of Trials.
c: One group fell down to Cloister of Trials.
d: Party switch tutorial viewed.
e: Dragon Temple - Cloister, door opens 2.
f: Dragon Temple - Cloister, door switch.
g: Dragon Temple - Cloister, door opens 1.
h: Dragon Temple central door opens 2.
10 abcdefgh
a: Defeated Gargantua.
b: Defeated Earth Eater.
11 abcdefgh
a: Kaiser's Lair, right switch pressed by group 2.
b: Kaiser's Lair, right switch pressed by group 1.
c: Kaiser's Lair, center switch pressed by group 3.
d: Kaiser's Lair, center switch pressed by group 2.
e: Kaiser's Lair, center switch pressed by group 1.
f: Kaiser's Lair, left switch pressed by group 3.
g: Kaiser's Lair, left switch pressed by group 2.
h: Kaiser's Lair, left switch pressed by group 1.
12 abcdefgh
a: Set when entered Dragons' Den.
b: Soul Shrine entrance opens (Set after watching the ending.)
c: Obtained Diabolos magicite.
d: Defeated Omega Weapon.
e: Defeated Dark Behemoth.
f: Defeated Abyss Worm.
g: Defeated Malboro Menace.
h: Kaiser's Lair, right switch pressed by group 3.
13 abcdefgh
c: Sea monster scene played, but the bit is set only if sailing from Nikeah?
d: Defeated Leviathan and obtained Leviathan magicite.
e: Same as h, but before f is set.
f: Defeated 10 Cactuars.
g: Defeated Gigantuar and obtained Cactuar magicite.
h: Talked to a man in Maranda about cactuars before g.
14 abcdefgh
a: Shrine of Serenity, group 3 is inside.
b: Shrine of Serenity, group 2 is inside.
c: Shrine of Serenity, group 1 is inside.
e: Dragon's Den completed/Disables Kappa congratulations message.
f: Shrine of Repose, group 3 is inside.
g: Shrine of Repose, group 2 is inside.
h: Shrine of Repose, group 1 is inside.
15 abcdefgh
a: Soul Shrine phase 3.
b: Soul Shrine phase 2.
c: Nikeah returner approached and talked to the party.
d: Obtained Gilgamesh magicite.
e: Defeated Gilgamesh.
g: Obtained Excalipoor from auction.
h: Talked to a man next to the auction house about a rare sword auction.
16 abcdefgh Soul Shrine
a: Soul Shrine complete phase, (obtain Master's Crown) and reset phase.
b: Soul Shrine phase 10.
c: Soul Shrine phase 9.
d: Soul Shrine phase 8.
e: Soul Shrine phase 7.
f: Soul Shrine phase 6.
g: Soul Shrine phase 5.
h: Soul Shrine phase 4.
  • ff6a/doc/eventbits.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)