
Name Luck Slot 4.0
Author HatZen08
Download luck_slot_40.7z
No-Intro Name Final Fantasy III (USA)
No-Intro version 20130701-030720
File SHA-1 EA1DC87ECB3BA90BBFB8C122F8EE23CA426F5991
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Game Version 1.0
Language English
Console Super Nintendo (SNES)
Header Yes
Address Description
c17f32 - c17f35 unrig reel
c17f5e - c17f60 unrig reel
c17f9d - c17f9f unrig reel
c21726 - c21741 fix names display
c24db8 - c24ddb select spell for symbol (code)
c2a7b3 - c2a800 spell table (data) and auxiliary functions
c2a800 - c2a860 symbol list for reels (data)
c2b4a3 - c2b4be select symbol from reels (code)

The mod changes the algorithm of the “slot” command. The symbols are now associated with ranked spells. Each symbol has now three spells that can be triggered based on the quantity of symbols present on all slots.

As example, consider that the diamond symbol are now associated with the spells “ice 1”,“ice 2” and “ice 3”. If there is only one diamond symbol in the slots it will trigger “ice 1”. If it has two it will trigger “ice 2”. If it has three diamonds it will trigger “ice 3”.

The algorithm, without code optimization, is as follow:

  • If all three slots have the same symbol, it will trigger the associated spell with rank 3.
  • If two slots have the same symbol it will trigger the associated spell with rank 2.
  • If all the slots are different it will trigger the associated spell for the first slot with rank 1.

For customization purposes many hard coded settings like the “joker doom” were removed. However it is possible to setup the slots symbols for all slots and setup almost any spell to the symbols.

  • ff3/ff3us/patches/hatzen08/luck_slot.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by hatzen08