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C. V. Reynolds Bug-Fix Compilation and Script Fix

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Hello, Sia. Thank you for your vote. :3

No, I didn't fix the blank spaces in the Rage menu. I definitely don't have the talent for that.

I want to add SilentEnigma's patch when it's finished, because I do think it would be a great error to fix. But I'm unsure because of potential compatibility issues. If people want to use the Siegfried/Chupon patch, for example... would they still be able to after the fix? I don't know how the fix would work, so I can't say. I only want as much freedom as I can give for people to customize this stuff without having to juggle nearly 200 patches. It makes me wonder if perhaps Chupon and Siegfried should always appear at the bottom of the list, regardless of whether the list is otherwise alphabetized or not. Their absence wouldn't be that strange if the empty spots were on the bottom, maybe?

I think placing the empty slots at the bottom is definitely one way to deal with the issue. I don't think I would mind this solution. I do want to mention that there is a patch that adds those rages back in. However, this feature seems to only be available in FF6ROSE. I assume this is a part of what SilentEnigma is working on for your bug-fix compilation. You can find its description under "non-standard tweaks". I will mention that the base version of ROSE does seem to have those empty slots patched out. This patch adds them back in as well. I will post the description below:

 - Allows Typhon and Siegfried to be encountered on the Veldt once they have
   been fought in the Coliseum, making it possible to learn their Rages.
 - Based on Terii Senshi's "Rage" patch w/ C.V. Reynolds' "Rage Addendum".

Overall, I do think putting the empty slots at the bottom is also a reasonably acceptable solution.

Edit: I italicized FF6ROSE as that project is a collection of works. My last grammar class was a while ago, but the website states:

Quote:Italics – longer works and collections of works (e.g. novels, albums, movies, newspapers)
Quotation marks – shorter works and pieces of longer works (e.g. short stories, songs, poems, articles)

My interpretation of this is that patches should be referred to with quotation marks and larger projects should be italicized. Here is an example:

[Both FF6ROSE and Divergent Paths use the patch "Docile NPCs" to make crowded areas easier to traverse.]

Sorry for the extended grammar segment, but I was curious about the proper citation and format.

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The Terii senshi patch that adds Siegfried and Chupon to the Veldt is still available on this site:
But of course it has the error where they can pincer attack your party (the error I made the Rage Addendum patch to fix).

Version 2.0 is coming soon. I haven't forgotten. But I have a lot to work on. Still plan to get it out on New Year's. I want to add that Pugs Rage patch, too. I always wanted that one to actually work. Exciting. :3

The next version will definitely include Terii senshi's Summon Aim Fix. It fixes a dummied command, but it would be good for any hack that wants to use it. And doesn't hurt to have it there.

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BIG update: Version 2.00 is finally here. Now... "There's Options".

Added: Summon Aim Fix (by Terii senshi)

Added: Pugs Rage (by SilentEnigma)

BIG update: "There's Options" folder, which is full of fun parts. Mix and match the patch types you want. It'd be nice to have a program for this like Secret of Mana Turbo has. But you all can get by on this cruddier format.

Hopefully it all worked okay. Here's to the future of the project. Thank you, everyone. :3

What should be next? I'm thinking I should include all the appropriate readme files from these patches in another folder in the compilation. I mentioned doing this before. Thoughts?

Oh, and I'm aware that if a patch that includes "Pugs Rage" is used (such as the patches in this project), one can't patch with Alphabetical Rage afterward. Until now, anyway. I made this for myself, but you all can have it too. This is a adaptation patch. If you apply Pugs Rage, THEN apply Alphabetical Rage, apply this patch afterward to make things right. :3 (obviously don't apply this if you aren't going to use the patches in the order I stated, though)

UPDATE: Mentioned fix-it patch removed because it was reportedly faulty. Sorry. Sad
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  • Gi Nattak (01-09-2022), SilentEnigma (01-04-2022)

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Nice update! Congrats!

(12-04-2021, 04:30 AM)CVReynolds Wrote: I want to add SilentEnigma's patch when it's finished, because I do think it would be a great error to fix. But I'm unsure because of potential compatibility issues. If people want to use the Siegfried/Chupon patch, for example... would they still be able to after the fix? I don't know how the fix would work, so I can't say. I only want as much freedom as I can give for people to customize this stuff without having to juggle nearly 200 patches. It makes me wonder if perhaps Chupon and Siegfried should always appear at the bottom of the list, regardless of whether the list is otherwise alphabetized or not. Their absence wouldn't be that strange if the empty spots were on the bottom, maybe?

There's no patch out yet, mostly because of the issues raised above. There are actually two patches in the works now:
  • One will remove the slots for Chupon & Siegfreid, as promised, and reduce the list capacity by 2 -- but only if you don't have Terii Senshi's Rage patch enabled. That's the plan, anyway.
  • The other will be the alternative to Terii Senshi's Rage patch that you suggested, where Gau will instantly learn Chupon/Siegfried if he encounters each in the Coliseum. (This one is almost ready.)
Once those are available, I don't think there will be a need to move Chupon & Siegfried to the bottom of the list.

(01-02-2022, 02:29 AM)CVReynolds Wrote: What should be next? I'm thinking I should include all the appropriate readme files from these patches in another folder in the compilation. I mentioned doing this before. Thoughts?

Going down the list of patches, I have trouble remembering what bugs half of them are fixing. It would be nice to be able to quickly look up the description for each. Putting the readme files together would be one way. There might be other ways to get that same value, like putting a table together on the wiki?

(01-02-2022, 02:29 AM)CVReynolds Wrote: Oh, and I'm aware that if a patch that includes "Pugs Rage" is used (such as the patches in this project), one can't patch with Alphabetical Rage afterward.

Kind of a rough state of affairs :/

It would be nice if one could simply apply the compatible Pugs Rage after Alphabetical Rage to fix things, but as of now that does not work. Nor is it feasible to make Pugs Rage forward-compatible.

If anything improves with the situation, I will follow up here.

After another look at the bugfix readme, I noticed Bottomless HP and MP Well under the Events section.
Might it be more appropriate in the Battle section?
There may be a few currently in the Battle section that would look better under Menu or Graphics, too. Of course, I understand there are gray areas.
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  • CVReynolds (04-14-2022)

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Nice!! Just saw this mentioned in a patch entry over on Always great to see this project get updated.
(Shows how long I've been away. ;P)

Adding the readme files sounds good to me.
They often have some good info in them.

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I just wanted to thank CV Reynolds, and of course the numerous people who made these bug fix patches, for all the work that has gone into this compilation.

I've lurked here occasionally since joining a few years ago, but never actually posted before since I wouldn't generally be able to contribute much to coding discussions. But since this compilation has been part of my Retranslated project almost from the beginning, I felt I should acknowledge what a difference it has made for me. Without it, I would have had to track down innumerable patches scattered around the web and somehow keep from mixing up which ones use a header and which don't... either that or just put up with the bugs and feel like my project wasn't as good as it could have been as a result. So, you all have my thanks for this. Smile

There have been a few parts of the compilation I've been obliged to remove in order to avoid causing conflicts with other aspects of Retranslated. Anything that modified menu text had to go since I renamed all the spells, items, enemies, and descriptions, and encountered some weird behavior before I took them out. The additional chocobo sprites had to be taken out as well (I believe I replaced it with the earlier Banon Riding patch), and most importantly the Zozo jump patch had to be taken out due to its potential to cause rom corruption. If I had to make a suggestion, it would be to remove the Zozo jump patch from the compilation since it appears to be more trouble than it's worth, and I'm not convinced that what it's fixing is actually a bug anyway.
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  • CVReynolds (04-14-2022), madsiur (03-13-2022)

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I'm working on an update to the compilation. It will include Alternative Rage and Stray Flash. It's not ready yet for one reason: I need to ask questions about some of the patches.

According to my tests, three patches write to an area FF3usME will blank (thus partially reverting the patches) when you select SAVE in FF3usME. Those three patches are as follows:

Duncan Stays Put (makes it so Duncan can't be made to clip through walls)

Miraculous, Death-Defying Always-Left-Facing Jumps in Zozo (I think this one is obvious)

Precious Jewels (makes it so Magi-Master's battle doesn't happen unless you truly take the Gem Box, rather than just step in front of it)

hairy_hen, you mention corruption occurring because of using the Zozo jumping patch. Can you tell me what causes the corruption? I noticed in my tests that FF3usME only PARTIALLY reverts that patch. Because that patch writes to more areas than merely the one FF3usME likes to blank. The same thing happens to the other two patches. I was considering the removal of the Zozo jumping patch for the corruption issue. But if a patch writing to that aforementioned area (is it a forbidden area?) is what causes the corruption, it stands to reason there is more than one patch I'll need to remove...

On the bright side, the three patches are all arguably expendable. Duncan Stays Put is the most important one here, I'd guess. Because it's certainly a bug. The other two are arguably not bugs. Perhaps there's a way to move the writing to somewhere else in ROM? Maybe at least do it with Duncan Stays Put?

SilentEnigma: Yes, very good catch. I accidentally put the Bottomless HP and MP Well patch in the wrong folder. :3 I'll update it soon. Please tell me about anything you think I should move. I'm very flexible for this.
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  • hairy_hen (06-09-2022)

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Yeah those patches by mblock129 just need to be placed & repointed elsewhere to avoid FF3usME from overwriting them. I remember doing that for the Zozo jump one. They are event-related and the spot mblock chose to jump to is what FF3usME seemingly reserves. What needs to be done for instance with the Zozo Jump one is to find the jump(s) and the subsequent code and move it elsewhere.

Zozo Jump code changes:
CA95E2 - there's a jump to CCFF25 where there is event code
CA95ED - there's a jump to CCFF36 where there is event code
CA960D - there's a jump to CCFF25 again
CA9617 - there's a jump to CCFF36 again

The other two patches are going to be the same deal as they are event code edits and that CCFE1A-CCFFFF region is claimed by FF3usME for whatever reason.
I used LunarIPS' 'Create a Log File' option when patching Zozo Jump to see exactly what offsets are effected, just keep in mind his patches require a header so the offsets in the log file will reflect that.

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A dirty solution for ppl that wants an ff3usme compatible rom, could be to create a patch in lunar IPS using as "unmodified" a rom with those 3 patches applied, and "new" a rom with the whole CV bugfix set. This way the IPS generated will exclude just the 3 compatibility breaking patches (and you can always add those back whenever you decide your romhack is ready to be released).
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