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Final Fantasy 6: Tensei

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Aaha, I meant to make it unlisted. It should be visible now!

If I do keep going this direction with the script, it's not going to be everyone swearing, just characters who kinda reasonably would be. Biggs and Wedge, in the opening, are soldiers, and I have yet to meet the soldier IRL who doesn't swear like... well, a soldier. As it were. (Since most of the ones I know would kill /me/ if I compared them to a sailor.) Relm, kind of hilariously, /isn't/ going to be a potty-mouthed ten-year-old, not least because she's aged up in this version, but also because I just don't see this iteration of the character swearing much, if at all.

Locke will probably swear some, and I expect a couple of the characters who don't normally swear will get a curse or two in extreme circumstances, but it's not going to be every second word or anything like that for anyone.

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

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This is cool! Will players acquire new Pray/Ravage skills through leveling, or something else (or would you prefer not to give anything away)? Or considering Ravage is being implemented by using Relics to expand on the third slot, will all the moves be given to the player at once? That would make a lot of sense for Ravage actually.

It's cool that Biggs/Wedge now have a distinguishing feature besides their names now.

Having a skill dedicated to healing (that has depth and isn't just a crutch like Health) is an interesting move. I'm curious to see how it plays out in more complicated battles.

I noticed that you're missing a "d" at the end of thousand in the dialogue before the Whelk fight.

Also, it seems strange to me that the Mega Volt that is used as punishment from the Shell is half as strong as the Mega Volt that is used unprovoked from the Head. I feel as if those should be swapped, if this fight is going to be played in a similar fashion in the final version.

Confused Moogles FTW

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(09-15-2014, 10:55 AM)Lockirby2 Wrote: This is cool! Will players acquire new Pray/Ravage skills through leveling, or something else (or would you prefer not to give anything away)? Or considering Ravage is being implemented by using Relics to expand on the third slot, will all the moves be given to the player at once? That would make a lot of sense for Ravage actually.

Ravage will be given half-and-half -- you'll have all four single-target abilities when you first get the relic, and there'll be something (possibly a quest, possibly just finding a second relic) that'll unlock the multi-target versions. I'm thiiiinking that Pray will be a hunting-quest kind of thing: finding prayer books (either searching shelves, or using the unused book sprite that exists in-game) that unlock additional Prayers. They'll both be from Relics, though -- there are currently plans to have two of each of those in the final version of the game, one in the WoB and one in the WoR. (Although the second Rosary -- the Pray relic -- is going to be difficult to find.)

Quote:Having a skill dedicated to healing (that has depth and isn't just a crutch like Health) is an interesting move. I'm curious to see how it plays out in more complicated battles.

Me, too! I'm coming at this with, "... It would be awesome if I did this!" and I haven't really looked at the balance work yet, because that's harder to do until you're actually working on the enemies/etc. I figure I'll need to fiddle around with what is essentially free healing so that it's not too OP'd, especially compared to Celes' white magic.

Quote:I noticed that you're missing a "d" at the end of thousand in the dialogue before the Whelk fight.

Also, it seems strange to me that the Mega Volt that is used as punishment from the Shell is half as strong as the Mega Volt that is used unprovoked from the Head. I feel as if those should be swapped, if this fight is going to be played in a similar fashion in the final version.

Ah, thanks! There'll probably be typos galore in the first draft of the revised script...

At this point, the only actual change I made to Whelk/Head's script is giving the Head 'Mega Volt' as a potential attack. (His script in vanilla is Attack/Attack/Special, where the Special is his sliming/slow ability; I changed it to Attack/Mega Volt/Special.) It may just be a split-damage thing that makes the one weaker than the other, but if I do keep this battle similar, I'll definitely look at adjusting magic power on both the head and the shell. (The other change is to make the head absord lightning, null fire/ice, and weak to water; I meant to show that off in the video and then, uh, forgot and just used Wavestrike during the battle.)

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

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(09-15-2014, 11:38 AM)GrayShadows Wrote: Ravage will be given half-and-half -- you'll have all four single-target abilities when you first get the relic, and there'll be something (possibly a quest, possibly just finding a second relic) that'll unlock the multi-target versions.

That sounds like a good idea. Are you planning on balancing it so that the ST versions are slightly more powerful on single targets, but the MT versions are more powerful against multiple targets? Or will the MT versions directly outclass the ST versions? There are pros and cons to both methods I guess.

(09-15-2014, 11:38 AM)GrayShadows Wrote: I figure I'll need to fiddle around with what is essentially free healing so that it's not too OP'd, especially compared to Celes' white magic.

Yeah, that's pretty tricky, given that the gap between healing that is meaningless and healing that pretty much does the entire job tends to be fairly fine compared to offense.

(09-15-2014, 11:38 AM)GrayShadows Wrote: At this point, the only actual change I made to Whelk/Head's script is giving the Head 'Mega Volt' as a potential attack.

Ah, okay, I was wondering if that fight was set up to be similar to how it would end up, or if it was more for the purposes of the demonstration.

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I really like your demo video. I'm a bit interested in the coding aspect of Pray and Ravage. Without going too much into detail, did you got rid of the swtech and blitz menu outside battle and made some sort of copies of the magitek menu for the in battle menu?

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Actually, SwdTech and Blitz both still exist -- they're renamed to Break and Mantra for this. The main structure of Pray and Ravage are built on the same framework as LightPhoenix's Selectable Blitz/SwdTech patch. Some of it uses Magitek code, especially on the C2 side of things, though. There was a fair bit of additional code-work to do, too, primarily in C2, as LP's patch only really covers the menu side of things, but as a framework for additional abilities it came in really handy.

Pray and Ravage are taking the menu spots previously used by Lore and Rage, neither of which will exist in my hack. (Well, Lore will remain as the new Summon system, actually, but that's moved up to the previous Esper menu spot.)

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

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Nice hack include the FFX'S ATB Gauge style.......BTW where's DL of this hack game?

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There's no DL yet. The hack isn't finished; it's an in-progress project, probably somewhere around 10% finished. Also, the FFX-style ATB is only tentatively going to be included.

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

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What's progress on this hack?

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"Perennially in progress", essentially. I AM still working on it, more or less piecemeal, but I've been dealing with a lot of RL/mental health shit, uh, pretty much always, and I tend to wander away for a bit and then, when I come back, get stuck dealing with scope creep while I avoid the parts of the project that I'm going to find tedious and annoying, like finally figuring out my script changes. (Also, I keep wanting to write my own item editor to work better with my build process/item editing, but that requires learning an actual programming language.)

I'd like to get a proof-of-concept demo/build out, covering first-draft changes through the Returner's Hideout/Lete River sequence, which should be easier because I'm dealing with fewer story changes that early on, and not all of the back-end changes will need to be in place. My initial plan for that was this past Christmas, which... clearly didn't happen, but I'm hoping I can push myself to get something done in that regard by summer.

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

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