
This is an old revision of the document!

RotDS has started as FF6 Last Hope All-Stars more than 7 years ago and a lot of progress has been made since this era. This romhack is one of the most complete ever done, in the same tier as FF6: Brave New World or FFVI: T-Edition but having its own characteristics. This hack come with a lot of add-on patches to suit your preferences.

From the readme: “This hack promises to showcase some of the challenging aspects of FFVI hacking, as well as plenty of fun and exciting new content - from an all new cast of playable characters with customized movesets, a radically changed story with many new and edited events, new overworld maps, a new soundtrack, increase in difficulty, lots of new battle scripts for monsters & bosses, and tons of spritework.

It is a highly personalized modification of the original game and therefore naturally won't appeal to everyone. It's not a sequel or a prequel or a remake to FFVI, it is just a massive mod and customization of FFVI and at times somewhat nonsensical. If you go into it thinking like this I am sure you will have a much more enjoyable experience than expecting some high quality re-take on the game and coming out feeling disappointed. That being said, a lot of time and love has gone into this project and I couldn't be happier with how it has turned out thus far.

Version 1.8.3
Author Gi Nattak
Download url FFVI_ROTDS.zip
Other Files Readme / Credits, Changelog
ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.0
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Header Includes patches for both header and no header


Assembly Coders
They are wizards of the code, adding new features, tweaking game mechanics, menu layouts or expanding existing features.

Name Contribution
madsiur Most of ASM work, tweaks and features.
synchysi Half damage spell back row flag, always sprint tweak, gain level command, Health to Miracle, equip screen dual weapon wielder fix, Pep Up alteration, Restricted Espers.
Angelo Restored ability names, Grant character spell command, Flashback color in battle.
GrayShadows Normal magic learner Golbez, weapon spell learn rate, Monster spell cast Runic.
b-run WoR characters palette change check, spell command unlearning.
HatZen08 WoR Veldt song help, Item command removal in battle codes.
abw Intro credit hacking, compression.
Lufia Step Mine / MP cost hack.
dn Rage and Dance descriptions hack.

Event Coders
They modify cut-scenes and make new ones, bring life in the hack, add new story elements or modify existing events.

Name Contribution
Gi Nattak All events not listed below.
Angelo A decent amount of big events.
madsiur Shadow in Albrook/Vector.

Song Hacker
They play with emotion, give pace to battles and bring epic musical moments in the game.

Name Contribution
Gi Nattak A vast majority of the 252 songs of the OST.
Jackimus Created about 20 songs, some being original compositions.
tsushiy Gave permission to use his songs, right now there are 4 in RotDS.
JCE3000GT Gave a few SPC imports (4) from other Squaresoft RPGs.
William Kage “Determination” song composition.
MetroidQuest Boss Theme (FF4) and Battle 2 (Chrono Trigger).

They give life to characters, matching the original Squaresoft style for new characters and portraits.

Name Contribution
James White Portraits, NPCs, special poses, monsters and espers, WoB map tiles, location map objects, wallpaper graphics, intro screen.
Poco Loco Main characters, NPCs, weapons, spell animations.
Sutebenu Opera dress Tifa, chained Tifa, Aurora (ending pose), Aurora (flying esper)
Kugawattan Generic NPCs, Classic Golbez (partial)
Zozma Barberella (Aurora), Zigfreid, Vargas, Clyde
FEOK Fusoya, Pirate (partial)
XolarDark Spell animations
Royaken Record Keeper Cloud
Astaroth Tifa
Eddie Lee Heartless
Sathka Hector
Joshdammit Devil-bat girl
Dr. Blank Elite Knight
Badass Generic Girl
DjinnandTonic Prinny

Dialogue Writers
They keep the story pace with appropriate words, bring emotions to events and make us laugh.

Name Contribution
Gi Nattak Most of the script and 1st draft.
Poco Loco Many dialogues and many script ideas.
Lina Darkstar Use of her fan translation.
Sutebenu Dialogue finalization and grammar check.
Magical Trevor Heavy grammar help.

AI scripters
They bring challenge to battles and make us struggle to win fight or find monster weaknesses.

Name Contribution
Gi Nattak The vast majority of AI scripts in the hack.
Lord Envoy Original bosses, FFVI Advance Dragon scripts.

Map Designers
Their cool and logic designs make the hack feel like a original game.

Name Contribution
Gi Nattak All the map creation and map edits except world maps.
Lockirby WoB and WoR maps.


Name Contribution
Pandora's Box Team Various font and item icons.
madsiur Wallpaper graphics.
BTB S.Cross Palette change.

Patch Creators
Their general work made great additions to this hack.

Name Contribution
Darkmage Most of the script and 1st draft.
13375K31C43R A lot of bugfixes.
GrayShadow Natural ability extension, Stat increase items!.
seibaby Smart cover, Disable near fatal reapplied if dead, Independent stop, Muddle cancel.
Think0028 Non-reapplying status, Rage reset, nATB basic patch.
Lenophis New RNG, Natural stat growth.
Imzogelmo FF6 SNES button settings, Selective re-equip.
Drakkhen Physical damage overflow fix.
Leviathan Mist Battle speed up, 255 hours hack.
Master Zed New game plus.
Novalia Spirit FF6j Relic indicators.
assassin Randomosity monster encounter fix .
Bregalad Dialogue choice hand cursor.
madsiur Free moving Terra.
Ronnen Fanaticism.
bydoless Tritoch animation fix.

The monster sprites are now available in the RotDS Monster Gallery.

By Jameswhite89

World of Balance

World of Ruin

  • ff3/ff3us/hacks/rotds.1526794393.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)