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Shorter Skill Name Fix

Patch data

Name Shorter Skill Name Fix 1.0
Author madsiur
Link Download

Rom data

ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.0
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Header No
ROM Name Final Fantasy III (USA) 1.1
ROM SHA-1 057ADA1C641E3E0B3CA34E6E4F4EB1B05A87143A
Header No


If you go into a Skill menu that has a longer name than another Skill menu selection, the characters from the longer name will get appended to the shorter name. To fix this, I added spaces ($FE) to the shorter names until they reach 7 letters.

Thanks to vivify93 for pointing out the bug and Imzogelmo for the fix suggestion.


$C3FF7A-$C3FFA8 Blitz and swtech names
$C35C91- Skill Names


ff3/ff3us/patches/madsiur/shorter_skill_name_fix.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/30 18:37 by madsiur