
This is an old revision of the document!

SNES Registers

This page is based on the great work of Anomie, Qwertie and Martin Korth. If this document helps you and you feel like giving back, consider a donation to the Nocash Project, because a lot of info on this page has been taken from there.

Register Address Name Style Access Timing
Screen Display $2100 INIDISP single write any time
Object Size and Object $2101 OBSEL single write f-blank, v-blank
OAM Address and Priority Rotation (Low) $2102 OAMADDL single write f-blank, v-blank
OAM Address and Priority Rotation (High) $2103 OAMADDH single write f-blank, v-blank
OAM Data Write $2104 OAMDATA single write f-blank, v-blank
BG Mode and BG Character Size $2105 BGMODE single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mosaic Size and Mosaic Enable $2106 MOSAIC single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG1 Screen Base and Screen Size $2107 BG1SC single write f-blank, v-blank
BG2 Screen Base and Screen Size $2108 BG2SC single write f-blank, v-blank
BG3 Screen Base and Screen Size $2109 BG3SC single write f-blank, v-blank
BG4 Screen Base and Screen Size $210A BG3SC single write f-blank, v-blank
BG Character Data Area Designation (BG1 & BG2) $210B BG12NBA single write f-blank, v-blank
BG Character Data Area Designation (BG3 & BG4) $210C BG34NBA single write f-blank, v-blank
BG1 and Mode 7 Horizontal Scroll $210D BG1HOFS and M7HOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG1 and Mode 7 Vertical Scroll $210E BG1VOFS and M7VOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG2 Horizontal Scroll $210F BG2HOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG2 Vertical Scroll $2110 BG2VOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG3 Horizontal Scroll $2111 BG3HOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG3 Vertical Scroll $2112 BG3VOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG4 Horizontal Scroll $2113 BG4HOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
BG4 Vertical Scroll $2114 BG4VOFS dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Video Port Control $2115 VMAIN single write f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Address (Low) $2116 VMADDL single write f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Address (High) $2117 VMADDH single write f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Data Write (Low) $2118 VMDATAL single write f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Data Write (High) $2119 VMDATAH single write f-blank, v-blank
Mode 7 Settings $211A M7SEL single write f-blank, v-blank
Mode 7 Matrix A $211B M7A dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mode 7 Matrix B $211C M7B dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mode 7 Matrix C $211D M7C dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mode 7 Matrix D $211E M7D dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mode 7 Center X $211F M7X dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Mode 7 Center Y $2120 M7Y dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
CGRAM Address $2121 CGADD single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
CGRAM Data Write $2122 CGDATA dual write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Mask Settings (BG1 & BG2) $2123 W12SEL single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Mask Settings (BG3 & BG4) $2124 W34SEL single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Mask Settings (OBJ and MATH) $2125 WOBJSEL single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window 1 Left Position $2126 WH0 single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window 1 Right Position $2127 WH1 single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window 2 Left Position $2128 WH2 single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window 2 Right Position $2129 WH3 single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Mask Logic (BGs) $212A WBGLOG single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Mask Logic (OBJ and MATH) $212B WOBJLOG single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Main Screen Destination $212C TM single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Subscreen Destination $212D TS single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Area Main Screen Disable $212E TMW single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Window Area Subscreen Disable $212F TSW single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Color Math Control Register A $2130 CGWSEL single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Color Math Control Register B $2131 CGADSUB single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Color Math Subscreen Backdrop Color $2132 COLDATA single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Screen Mode / Video Select $2133 SETINI single write f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Signed Multiply Result (Low) $2134 MPYL single read f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Signed Multiply Result (Middle) $2135 MPYM single read f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Signed Multiply Result (High) $2136 MPYH single read f-blank, v-blank, h-blank
Latch H/V-Counter by Software $2137 SLHV single any time
OAM Data Read $2138 RDOAM dual read f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Data Read (Low) $2139 RDVRAML single read f-blank, v-blank
VRAM Data Read (High) $213A RDVRAMH single read f-blank, v-blank
CGRAM Data Read $213B RDCGRAM dual read f-blank, v-blank
Horizontal Counter Latch $213C OPHCT dual read any time
Vertical Counter Latch $213D OPVCT dual read any time
PPU1 Status and Version Number $213E STAT77 single read any time
PPU2 Status and Version Number $213F STAT78 single read any time
APU IO Registers $2140 APUIO0 single both any time
APU IO Registers $2141 APUIO1 single both any time
APU IO Registers $2142 APUIO2 single both any time
APU IO Registers $2143 APUIO3 single both any time
WRAM Data Register $2180 WMDATA single both any time
WRAM Address Registers $2181 WMADDL single write any time
WRAM Address Registers $2182 WMADDM single write any time
WRAM Address Registers $2183 WMADDH single write any time
Register Address Name Style Access Timing
Old Style Joypad Registers $4016 JOYSER0 single (write) read/write any time that is not auto-joypad
Old Style Joypad Registers $4017 JOYSER1 many (read) read any time that is not auto-joypad
Register Address Name Style Access Timing
Interrupt Enable Register $4200 NMITIMEN single write any time
IO Port Write Register $4201 WRIO single write any time
Multiplicand Registers $4202 WRMPYA single write any time
Multiplicand Registers $4203 WRMPYB single write any time
Divisor & Dividend Registers $4204 WRDIVL single write any time
Divisor & Dividend Registers $4205 WRDIVH single write any time
Divisor & Dividend Registers $4206 WRDIVB single write any time
IRQ Timer Registers (Horizontal - Low) $4207 HTIMEL single write any time
IRQ Timer Registers (Horizontal - High) $4208 HTIMEH single write any time
IRQ Timer Registers (Vertical - Low) $4209 VTIMEL single write any time
IRQ Timer Registers (Vertical - High) $420A VTIMEH single write any time
DMA Enable Register $420B MDMAEN single write any time
HDMA Enable Register $420C HDMAEN single write any time
ROM Speed Register $420D MEMSEL single write any time
Interrupt Flag Registers $4210 RDNMI single read any time
Interrupt Flag Registers $4211 TIMEUP single read any time
PPU Status Register $4212 HVBJOY single read any time
IO Port Read Register $4213 RDIO single read any time
Multiplication Or Divide Result Registers (Low) $4214 RDDIVL single read any time
Multiplication Or Divide Result Registers (High) $4215 RDDIVH single read any time
Multiplication Or Divide Result Registers (Low) $4216 RDMPYL single read any time
Multiplication Or Divide Result Registers (High) $4217 RDMPYH single read any time
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 1 - Low) $4218 JOY1L single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 1 - High) $4219 JOY1H single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 2 - Low) $421A JOY2L single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 2 - High) $421B JOY2H single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 3 - Low) $421C JOY3L single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 3 - High) $421D JOY3H single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 4 - Low) $421E JOY4L single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Controller Port Data Registers (Pad 4 - High) $421F JOY4H single read any time that is not auto-joypad
Register Address Name
DMA Control Register $43×0 DMAP
DMA Destination Register $43×1 BBAD
DMA Source Address Registers $43×2 A1Tx
DMA Source Address Registers $43×3 A1Tx
DMA Source Address Registers $43×4 A1B
DMA Size Registers (Low) $43×5 DASx
DMA Size Registers (High) $43×6 DASx
Register Address Name
HDMA Control Register $43×0 DMAP
HDMA Destination Register $43×1 BBAD
HDMA Table Address Registers $43×2 A1Tx
HDMA Table Address Registers $43×3 A1Tx
HDMA Table Address Registers $43×4 A1B
HDMA Indirect Address Registers $43×5 DASx
HDMA Indirect Address Registers $43×6 DASx
HDMA Indirect Address Registers $43×7 DASB
HDMA Mid Frame Table Address Registers (Low) $43×8 A2Ax
HDMA Mid Frame Table Address Registers (High) $43×9 A2Ax
HDMA Line Counter Register $43xA NTLR

Register Details


rw?fvha Name

“Name” is the official and unofficial name of the register.
“bits” is either 8 or 16 characters explicating the bitfields in this register.

The flags are:

||||||+--> '+' if it can be read/written at any time, '-' otherwise
|||||+---> '+' if it can be read/written during H-Blank
||||+----> '+' if it can be read/written during V-Blank
|||+-----> '+' if it can be read/written during force-blank
||+------> Read/Write style: 'b'     => byte
||                           'h'/'l' => read/write high/low byte of a word
||                           'w'     => word read/write twice low then high
|+-------> 'w' if the register is writable for an effect
+--------> 'r' if the register is readable for a value or effect (i.e. not
            open bus).
$2100 wb++++ INIDISP

        x    = Forced Blanking (0=Normal, 1=Screen Black)
        uuu  = unused
        bbbb = Master Brightness (0=Screen Black, or N=1..15: Brightness*(N+1)/16)

This register is used for screen fades. In Forced Blank, VRAM, OAM and CGRAM can be freely accessed (otherwise it's accessible only during Vblank). Even when in forced blank, the TV Set keeps receiving Vsync/Hsync signals (thus producing a stable black picture). And, the CPU keeps receiving Hblank/Vblank signals (so any enabled video NMIs, IRQs, HDMAs are kept generated).

Note that force blank CAN be disabled mid-scanline. However, this can result in glitched graphics on that scanline, as the internal rendering buffers will not have been updated during force blank. Current theory is that BGs will be glitched for a few tiles (depending on how far in advance the PPU operates), and OBJ will be glitched for the entire scanline.

Also, writing this register on the first line of V-Blank (225 or 240, depending on overscan) when force blank is currently active causes the OAM Address Reset to occur.

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$2101 wb++?- OBSEL
        sss = OBJ Size Selection  (0-5, see below) (6-7=Reserved)
           Val Small  Large
           000 = 8x8    16x16    ;Caution:
           001 = 8x8    32x32    ;In 224-lines mode, OBJs with 64-pixel height
           010 = 8x8    64x64    ;may wrap from lower to upper screen border.
           011 = 16x16  32x32    ;In 239-lines mode, the same problem applies
           100 = 16x16  64x64    ;also for OBJs with 32-pixel height.
           101 = 32x32  64x64
           110 = 16x32  32x64 (undocumented)
           111 = 16x32  32x32 (undocumented)
           (Ie. a setting of 0 means Small OBJs=8x8, Large OBJs=16x16 pixels)
           (Whether an OBJ is "small" or "large" is selected by a bit in OAM)
        nn  = Gap between OBJ 0FFh and 100h (0=None) (4K-word steps) (8K-byte steps)
        bbb = Base Address for OBJ Tiles 000h..0FFh  (8K-word steps) (16K-byte steps) (Addr>>14)

This register selects the location in VRAM where the character data is stored, and the size of sprites on the screen. The byte location of the character data can be found by shifting the b (base selection) bits left by 14. Note that this allows only four different locations in VRAM to put the sprite data; the high bit of the base selection should always be zero since only 64K of VRAM can be addressed.

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$2102  wl++?- OAMADDL 
$2103  wh++?- OAMADDH
        puuuuuub aaaaaaaa
        p          = OAM Priority Rotation  (0=OBJ #0, 1=OBJ #N) (OBJ with highest priority)
        uuuuuu     = unused
        baaaaaaaa  = OAM Address (for OAM read/write)
        aaaaaaa    = OBJ Number #N (for OBJ Priority) (bit 7-1 are used for two purposes)

This register contains of a 9 bit Reload value and a 10 bit Address register (plus the priority flag). Writing to $2102 or $2103 does change the lower 8 bit or upper 1 bit of the Reload value, and does additionally copy the (whole) 9 bit Reload value to the 10 bit Address register (with address Bit 0=0 so next access will be an even address). When OAM Priority Rotation bit is set, an Obj other than Sprite 0 may be given priority.

OAM address can be thought of in two ways, depending on your conception of OAM. If you consider OAM as a 544-byte table, baaaaaaaa is the word address into that table. If you consider OAM to be a 512-byte table and a 32-byte table, b is the table selector and aaaaaaaa is the word address in the table.

During rendering, the PPU is destroying the Address register (using it internally for whatever purposes), after rendering (at begin of Vblank, ie. at begin of line 225/240, but only if not in Forced Blank mode) it reinitializes the Address from the Reload value; the same reload occurs also when deactivating forced blank anytime during the first scanline of vblank (ie. during line 225/240). This is known as ‘OAM reset’. ‘OAM reset’ also occurs on certain writes to $2100.

Writing to either $2102 or $2103 resets the entire internal OAM Address to the values last written to this register. E.g., if you set $0104 to this register, write 4 bytes, then write $01 to $2103, the internal OAM address will point to word 4, not word 6.

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$2104 wb++-- OAMDATA
        dddddddd = byte to write to VRAM
        Writes to EVEN and ODD byte-addresses work as follows:
           Write to EVEN address      -->  set OAM_Lsb = Data    ;memorize value
           Write to ODD address<200h  -->  set WORD[addr-1] = Data*256 + OAM_Lsb
           Write to ANY address>1FFh  -->  set BYTE[addr] = Data

This register writes a byte to OAM. After the byte is stored, the OAM address is incremented so that the next write or read will be to the following address. Note that OAM writes are done in an odd manner, in particular the low table of OAM is not affected until the high byte of a word is written (however, the high table is affected immediately). Thus, if you set the address, then alternate writes and reads, OAM will never be affected until you reach the high table!

Similarly, if you set the address to 0, then write 1, 2, read, then write 3, OAM will end up as “01 02 01 03”, rather than “01 02 xx 03” as you might expect.

Technically, this register CAN be written during H-blank (and probably mid-scanline as well). However, due to OAM address invalidation the actual OAM byte written will probably not be what you expect. Note that writing during force-blank will only work as expected if that force-blank was begun during V-Blank, or (probably) if $2102-$2103 have been reset during that force-blank period. OAM Size is $0220 bytes (addresses $0220..$03FF are mirrors of $0200..$021F)

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$2105 wb+++- BGMODE
        D   = BG tile size for BG4 (0=8x8, 1=16x16) (BgMode0..4: variable 8x8 or 16x16)
        C   = BG tile size for BG3 (0=8x8, 1=16x16) (BgMode5: 8x8 acts as 16x8)
        B   = BG tile size for BG2 (0=8x8, 1=16x16) (BgMode6: fixed 16x8?)
        A   = BG tile size for BG1 (0=8x8, 1=16x16) (BgMode7: fixed 8x8)
        e   = Mode 1 BG3 priority bit (0=Normal, 1=High)
        mmm = BG Mode (0..7, see below)
            Mode     BG depth  OPT  Priorities
                     1 2 3 4        Front -> Back Type
             0       2 2 2 2    n    3AB2ab1CD0cd Normal
             1       4 4 2      n    3AB2ab1C 0c  Normal
                        * if e set:  C3AB2ab1 0c  Normal
             2       4 4        y    3A 2B 1a 0b  Offset-per-tile
             3       8 4        n    3A 2B 1a 0b  Normal
             4       8 2        y    3A 2B 1a 0b  Offset-per-tile
             5       4 2        n    3A 2B 1a 0b  512-pix-hires
             6       4          y    3A 2  1a 0   512-pix- plus Offset-per-tile
             7       8          n    3  2  1a 0   Rotation /Scaling
             7+EXTBG 8 7        n    3  2B 1a 0b  Rotation /Scaling
            Mode 5/6 don't support screen addition/subtraction.
            CG Direct Select is support on BG1 of Mode 3/4, and on BG1/BG2? of Mode 7.

This register determines the size of tile represented by one entry in the tile map array, the order that BGs are drawn on the screen, and the screen mode. If the BG tile size for BG1/BG2/BG3/BG4 bit is set, then the BG is made of 16×16 tiles. Otherwise, 8×8 tiles are used. However, note that Modes 5 and 6 always use 16-pixel wide tiles, and Mode 7 always uses 8×8 tiles. “OPT” means “Offset-per-tile mode”. For the priorities, numbers mean sprites with that priority. Letters correspond to BGs (A=1, B=2, etc), with upper/lower case indicating tile priority 1/0. The priority bit only works in Mode 1. In all other modes, it is ignored (drawing is performed as if this bit were clear.)

Notice that Mode 7 has only one BG. All games which appear to have a Mode 7 screen but more than one BG either use sprites to simulate a BG, or switch video modes midframe via HDMA. Mode 7’s EXTBG mode allows you to enable BG2, which uses the same tilemap and character data as BG1 but interprets bit 7 of the pixel data as a priority bit.

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$2106 wb+++- MOSAIC
        xxxx = Mosaic Size        (0=Smallest/1x1, 0Fh=Largest/16x16)
        D    = BG4 Mosaic Enable  (0=Off, 1=On)
        C    = BG3 Mosaic Enable  (0=Off, 1=On)
        B    = BG2 Mosaic Enable  (0=Off, 1=On)
        A    = BG1 Mosaic Enable  (0=Off, 1=On)

Allows to divide the BG layer into NxN pixel blocks, in each block, the hardware picks the upper-left pixel of each block, and fills the whole block by the color - thus effectively reducing the screen resolution.

Horizontally, the first block is always located on the left edge of the TV screen. Vertically, the first block is located on the top of the TV screen. When changing the mosaic size mid-frame, the hardware does first finish current block (using the old vertical size) before applying the new vertical size. Technically, vertical mosaic is implemented as so: subtract the veritical index (within the current block) from the vertical scroll register (BGnVOFS).

It seems that writing the same value to this register does not reset the ‘starting scanline’. Note that mosaic is applied after scrolling, but before any clip windows, color windows, or math. So the XxX block can be partially clipped, and it can be mathed as normal with a non-mosaiced BG. But scrolling can’t make it partially one color and partially another.

Modes 5-6 should ‘double’ the expansion factor to expand half-pixels. This actually makes xxxx=0 have a visible effect, since the even half-pixels (usually on the subscreen) hide the odd half-pixels. The same thing happens vertically with interlace mode.

Mode 7, of course, is weird. BG1 mosaics about like normal, as long as you remember that the Mode 7 transformations have no effect on the XxX blocks. BG2 uses bit A to control ‘vertical mosaic’ and bit B to control ‘horizontal mosaic’, so you could be expanding over 1xX, Xx1, or XxX blocks. This can get really interesting as BG1 still uses bit A as normal, so you could have the BG1 pixels expanded XxX with high-priority BG2 pixels expanded 1xX on top of them.

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$2107  wb++?- BG1SC
$2108  wb++?- BG2SC
$2109  wb++?- BG3SC
$210A  wb++?- BG4SC
        aaaaaa = Screen Base Address in VRAM (in 1K-word steps, aka 2K-byte steps) (Addr>>10)
        bb     = Screen Size: 00=32x32 tiles (One-Screen)
                              01=64x32 tiles (V-Mirror)
                              10=32x64 tiles (H-Mirror)
                              11=64x64 tiles (Four-Screen)
                              (00:SC0 SC0    01:SC0 SC1  10:SC0 SC0  11:SC0 SC1)
                              (   SC0 SC0       SC0 SC1     SC1 SC1     SC2 SC3)

Specifies the BG Map addresses in VRAM. The “SCn” screens consists of 32×32 tiles each. Ignored in Mode 7 (Base is always zero, size is always 128×128 tiles).

To calculate the byte location where the tile map starts, shift the a (address) bits left by 11 (multiply by 2048.) The SC size is the dimensions of the tile map; if using 8×8 tile mode, this allows BG dimensions of 256 or 512 pixels; if in 16×16 mode, the dimensions can be 512 or 1024 pixels. Note that, since there is only 64K of VRAM, the most significant bit must be zero.

When using a screen size wider than 32 tiles, the format is a little different than you might expect. When the width is 64 tiles, then rather than each line in the tile map extending to 128 bytes (instead of 64), there will actually be two tile maps, stored one right after the other in memory. The first tile map will contain the left 32 tiles (x coordinates 0 to 255, when using 8×8 tiles), and the next tile map will contain the right 32 tiles (x coordinates 256 to 511, when using 8×8 tiles. Setting the scroll register to 512, then, will be the same at setting it to zero.)

A note about using 16×16 tiles: These are stored in exactly the same way as 16×16 sprites; that is, the first and second rows have 14 ignored tiles between them.

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$210B  wb++?- BG12NBA
$210C  wb++?- BG34NBA   
        ddddcccc bbbbaaaa  
        dddd = BG4 Tile Base Address (in 4K-word steps)  
        cccc = BG3 Tile Base Address (in 4K-word steps)  
        bbbb = BG2 Tile Base Address (in 4K-word steps)  
        aaaa = BG1 Tile Base Address (in 4K-word steps)

This register selects the location in VRAM where the tile map starts. The byte address is calculated by shifting the four bits left by 13 (multiplying by 8192). Simply spoken: Saving “$63” into $210B makes the PPU look for the Tileset for BG2 at $6000 in the VRAM and for BG1 at $3000. Note that, since there is only 64K of VRAM, the highest of the four bits must be set to 0. Ignored in Mode 7 (Base is always zero).

$210D  ww+++- BG1HOFS
       ww+++- M7HOFS
$210E  ww+++- BG1VOFS
       ww+++- M7VOFS
        nnnnnnxx xxxxxxxx
        uuummmmm mmmmmmmm
        nnnnnn        = unused
        xxxxxxxxxx    = The BG offset, 10 bits
        uuu           = unused
        mmmmmmmmmmmmm = The Mode 7 BG offset, 13 bits two's-complement signed

These are actually two registers in one (or would that be “4 registers in 2”?). Anyway, writing $210D will write both BG1HOFS which works exactly like the rest of the BGnxOFS registers below ($210F-$2114), and M7HOFS which works with the M7* registers ($211B-$2120) instead.

Modes 0-6 use BG1xOFS and ignore M7xOFS, while Mode 7 uses M7xOFS and ignores BG1HOFS. See the appropriate sections below for details, and note the different formulas for BG1HOFS versus M7HOFS.

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$210F  ww+++- BG2HOFS
$2110  ww+++- BG2VOFS
$2111  ww+++- BG3HOFS
$2112  ww+++- BG3VOFS
$2113  ww+++- BG4HOFS
$2114  ww+++- BG4VOFS
        uuuuuxx xxxxxxxx
        uuuuu      = unused
        xxxxxxxxxx = The BG offset, 10 bits

Note that these are “write twice” registers, first the low byte is written then the high. Current theory is that writes to the register work like this:

BGnHOFS = (Current<<8) | (Prev&~7) | ((Reg>>8)&7);
Prev = Current;
BGnVOFS = (Current<<8) | Prev;
Prev = Current;

Note that there is only one Prev shared by all the BGnxOFS registers. This is NOT shared with the M7* registers (not even M7xOFS and BG1xOFS).

Also, note that all BGs wrap if you try to go past their edges (if a pixel value is placed in this register that is larger than the width of the BG, a modulus can be performed to determine what the actual pixel will be that is displayed. For example, if the BG1 horizontal pixel value is set to 257, but the width of the BG is 256 pixels, the result will be the same as if it was set to 1). Thus, the maximum offset value in BG Modes 0-6 is 1023, since you have at most 64 tiles (if x/y of BGnSC is set) of 16 pixels each (if the appropriate bit of BGMODE is set).

Horizontal scrolling scrolls in units of full pixels no matter if we’re rendering a 256-pixel wide screen or a 512-half-pixel wide screen. However, vertical scrolling will move in half-line increments if interlace mode is active.

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$2115 wb++?- VMAIN
        i   = Address increment mode:
                 0 => increment after writing to $2118/reading from $2139
                 1 => increment after writing to $2119/reading from $213A
        uuu = unused
        tt  = Address translation
                 00 = No translation
                 01 = 8bit rotate
                 10 = 9bit rotate
                 11 = 10bit rotate
        rr  = Address increment amount
                 00 = Normal increment by 1
                 01 = Increment by 32
                 10 = Increment by 128
                 11 = Increment by 128

This register controls the way data is uploaded to VRAM. The bits in here are a bit weird, but can be useful. When you want to change only the high byte of a series of VRAM locations (register $2116 * 2 + 1), you should set i to 1. When you want to change just the low byte, set i to 0. When you want to write a whole word, you should set i to 0; otherwise, if i=1, writing a word will cause the high byte of the first location to be changed, followed by the low byte of the next location.

The address translation (tt) is intended for bitmap graphics (where one would have filled the BG Map by increasing Tile numbers), technically it does thrice left-rotate the lower 8, 9, or 10 bits of the Word-address. As an example if $2116-$2117 are set to #$0003, then word address #$0018 will be written instead, and $2116-$2117 will be incremented to $0004:

Translation  Bitmap Type              Port [2116h/17h]    VRAM Word-Address
8bit rotate  4-color; 1 word/plane    aaaaaaaaYYYxxxxx --> aaaaaaaaxxxxxYYY
9bit rotate  16-color; 2 words/plane  aaaaaaaYYYxxxxxP --> aaaaaaaxxxxxPYYY
10bit rotate 256-color; 4 words/plane aaaaaaYYYxxxxxPP --> aaaaaaxxxxxPPYYY

Where “aaaaa” would be the normal address MSBs, “YYY” is the Y-index (within a 8×8 tile), “xxxxx” selects one of the 32 tiles per line, “PP” is the bit-plane index (for BGs with more than one Word per plane). For the intended result (writing rows of 256 pixels) the Translation should be combined with Increment Step=1.

For Mode 7 bitmaps one could eventually combine step 32/128 with 8bit/10bit rotate:

8bit-rotate/step32   aaaaaaaaXXXxxYYY --> aaaaaaaaxxYYYXXX
10bit-rotate/step128 aaaaaaXXXxxxxYYY --> aaaaaaxxxxYYYXXX

Though the SNES can't access enought VRAM for fullscreen Mode 7 bitmaps. Step 32 (without translation) is useful for updating BG Map columns (eg. after horizontal scrolling).

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$2116  wl++?- VMADDL
$2117  wh++?- VMADDH
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa = Word address for accessing VRAM

VRAM Address for reading/writing. This is a WORD address (2-byte steps), the PPU could theoretically address up to 64K-words (128K-bytes), in practice, only 32K-words (64K-bytes) are installed in SNES consoles (VRAM address bit15 is not connected, so addresses 8000h-FFFFh are mirrors of 0-7FFFh).

When reading from VRAM, a “dummy read” must be performed after writing to this register; the first value read is supposed to be meaningless. No “dummy write” is required, however.

After reading/writing VRAM Data, the Word-address can be automatically incremented by 1,32,128 (depending on the Increment Mode in Register $2115) (Note: the Address Translation feature is applied only “temporarily” upon memory accesses, it doesn't affect the value in Register $2116-$2117). Writing to $2116-$2117 does prefetch 16bit data from the new address (for later reading).

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$2118  wl++-- VMDATAL
$2119  wh++-- VMDATAH
        xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx = Data to write to VRAM

This writes data to VRAM. The writes take effect immediately, even if no increment is performed. The address is incremented when one of the two bytes is written; which one depends on the setting of bit 7 of register $2115. Depending on the Increment Mode the address does (or doesn't) get automatically incremented after the write. Keep in mind the address translation bits of $2115 as well. The interaction between these registers and $2139-$213A is unknown.

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wb++?- M7SEL
        rr   = Screen Over
                  00 = Wrap within 128x128 tile area
                  01 = Wrap within 128x128 tile area (same as 0)
                  10 = Outside 128x128 tile area is Transparent
                  11 = Outside 128x128 tile area is filled by Tile $00
        uuuu = unused
        y    = Screen V-Flip (0=Normal, 1=Flipped) (flip 256x256 "screen")
        x    = Screen H-Flip (0=Normal, 1=Flipped) (flip 256x256 "screen")

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$211B  ww+++- M7A (and Maths 16bit operand)
$211C  ww+++- M7B (and Maths 8bit operand)
$211D  ww+++- M7C
$211E  ww+++- M7D
        aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa = Signed 16bit values in 1/256 pixel units (1bit sign, 7bit integer, 8bit fraction)

Note that these are “write twice” registers, first the low byte is written then the high. Current theory is that writes to the register work like this:

Reg = (Current<<8) | Prev;
Prev = Current;

Note that there is only one Prev shared by all these registers. This Prev is NOT shared with the BGnxOFS registers, but it IS shared with the M7xOFS registers. These set the matrix parameters for Mode 7. The values are an 8-bit fixed point, i.e. the value should be divided by 256.0 when used in calculations. See below for more explanation.

The product A*(B»8) may be read from registers $2134-$2136. There is supposedly no important delay. It may not be operative during Mode 7 rendering.

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$211F  ww+++- M7X
$2120  ww+++- M7Y
         uuuxxxxx xxxxxxxx
         uuu           = unused
         xxxxxxxxxxxxx = Signed 13bit values in pixel units (1bit sign, 12bit integer, 0bit fraction)

Note that these are “write twice” registers, like the other M7* registers. See above for the write semantics. The value is 13 bit two’s-complement signed. The matrix transformation formula is:

[ X ]   [ A B ]   [ SX + M7HOFS - CX ]   [ CX ]
[   ] = [     ] * [                  ] + [    ]
[ Y ]   [ C D ]   [ SY + M7VOFS - CY ]   [ CY ]

Note: SX/SY are screen coordinates. X/Y are coordinates in the playing field from which the pixel is taken. If $211A bit 7 is clear, the result is then restricted to 0⇐X⇐1023 and 0⇐Y⇐1023. If $211A bits 6 and 7 are both set and X or Y is less than 0 or greater than 1023, use the low 3 bits of each to choose the pixel from character 0. The bit-accurate formula seems to be something along the lines of:

  #define CLIP(a) (((a)&0x2000)?((a)|~0x3ff):((a)&0x3ff))

  X[0,y] = ((A*CLIP(HOFS-CX))&~63)
         + ((B*y)&~63) + ((B*CLIP(VOFS-CY))&~63)
         + (CX<<8)
  Y[0,y] = ((C*CLIP(HOFS-CX))&~63)
         + ((D*y)&~63) + ((D*CLIP(VOFS-CY))&~63)
         + (CY<<8)

  X[x,y] = X[x-1,y] + A
  Y[x,y] = Y[x-1,y] + C

(In all cases, X[] and Y[] are fixed point with 8 bits of fraction)

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$2121  wb+++- CGADD
        aaaaaaaa = CGRAM word address

This sets the word address (byte address * 2, i.e. color) to begin uploading (or downloading) data to CGRAM, which will be affected by $2122 and $213B.

Writing “0” to $2121 will change the “currently selected color index” used by $2122, to 0. Upon writing a color to $2122, the color will be stored into the array index selected by $2121, which in this case would be 0 - if you wrote 0 to $2121 before writing a color to $2122.

Keep in mind the color index accessed by $2121 will automatically increment by 1 after writing a color to $2122. This is an effect generated by $2122 after being used in case you want to write specific colors in a series.

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$2122  ww+++- CGDATA
         bbbbbbbb = byte to write to CGRAM
         Writes to EVEN and ODD byte-addresses work as follows:
            Write to EVEN address  -->  set Cgram_Lsb = Data    ;memorize value
            Write to ODD address   -->  set WORD[addr-1] = Data*256 + Cgram_Lsb

This register writes a byte to CGRAM. After the byte is stored, the CGRAM address is incremented so that the next write or read will be to the following byte. Accesses to CGRAM are handled just like accesses to the low table of OAM, see $2104 for details. Note that the color values are stored in BGR order (-bbbbbgg gggrrrrr).

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$2123  wb+++- W12SEL - Window Mask Settings for BG1 and BG2
$2124  wb+++- W34SEL - Window Mask Settings for BG3 and BG4
$2125  wb+++- WOBJSEL - Window Mask Settings for OBJ and Color Window
             2123h 2124h 2125h
        aa = BG2   BG4   MATH  Window-2 Area (0..1=Disable, 1=Inside, 2=Outside)
        bb = BG2   BG4   MATH  Window-1 Area (0..1=Disable, 1=Inside, 2=Outside)
        cc = BG1   BG3   OBJ   Window-2 Area (0..1=Disable, 1=Inside, 2=Outside)
        dd = BG1   BG3   OBJ   Window-1 Area (0..1=Disable, 1=Inside, 2=Outside)

Allows to select if the window area is inside or outside the X1,X2 coordinates, or to disable the area. In other words, these registers determine which Windows to apply to which BGs, sprite (OBJ) or color window (MATH), and whether clipping should be performed inside or outside the window. To enable windowing, the appropriate bits in registers $212E and $212F must be set in addition to the bits in these registers.

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$2126  wb+++- WH0 - Window 1 Left Position
$2127  wb+++- WH1 - Window 1 Right Position
$2128  wb+++- WH2 - Window 2 Left Position
$2129  wb+++- WH3 - Window 2 Right Position
        xxxxxxxx = Window Position ($00..$FF; 0=leftmost, 255=rightmost)

Specifies the horizontal boundaries of the windows. Note that there are no vertical boundaries (these could be implemented by manipulating the window registers via IRQ and/or HDMA). The “inside-window” region extends from X1 to X2 (that, including the X1 and X2 coordinates), so the window width is X2-X1+1. If the width is zero (or negative), then the “inside-window” becomes empty, and the whole screen will be treated “outside-window”.

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$212A  wb+++- WBGLOG - Window mask logic for BGs
$212B  wb+++- WOBJLOG - Window mask logic for OBJs and Color Window
        44   = BG4 Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)
        33   = BG3 Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)
        22   = BG2 Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)
        11   = BG1 Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)
        uuuu = unused
        mm   = MATH Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)
        oo   = OBJ Window 1/2 Mask Logic (0=OR, 1=AND, 2=XOR, 3=XNOR)

Consider two variables, W1 and W2, which are true for pixels between the appropriate left and right bounds as set in $2126-$2129 and false otherwise. Allows to merge the W1 and W2 areas into a single “final” window area (which is then used by $212E, $212F or $2130). The OR/AND/XOR/XNOR logic is applied ONLY if BOTH W1 and W2 are enabled (in $2123-$2125 registers). If only one window is enabled, then that window is used as is as “final” area. If both are disabled, then the “final” area will be empty (nothing masked). Note: “XNOR” means “1 XOR area1 XOR area2” (ie. the inverse of the normal XOR result).

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$212C  wb+++- TM - Main Screen Designation
$212D  wb+++- TS - Subscreen Designation
        uuu = unused
        o   = OBJ (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
        4   = BG4 (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
        3   = BG3 (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
        2   = BG2 (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
        1   = BG1 (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

Allows to enable/disable video layers. The Main screen is the “normal” display. The Sub screen is used only for Color Math and for 512-pixel Hires Mode.

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$212E  wb+++- TMW - Window Area Main Screen Disable
$212F  wb+++- TSW - Window Area Subscreen Disable
        uuu = unused
        o   = OBJ (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
        4   = BG4 (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
        3   = BG4 (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
        2   = BG4 (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
        1   = BG4 (0=Enable, 1=Disable)

Allows to disable video layers within the window region. “Disable” forcefully disables the layer within the window area (otherwise it is enabled or disabled as selected in the master enable bits in register $212C-$212D).

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$2130  wb+++- CGWSEL - Color Addition Select
        cc = Clip colors to black before math (Force Main Screen Black)
                00 = Never
                01 = Outside Color Window only (NotMathWindow)
                02 = Inside Color Window only (MathWindow)
                03 = Always
        mm = Color Math Enable
                00 = Never
                01 = Outside Color Window only (NotMathWindow)
                02 = Inside Color Window only (MathWindow)
                03 = Always
        uu = unused
        s  = Subscreen BG/OBJ Enable (0=No/Backdrop only, 1=Yes/Backdrop+BG+OBJ)
        d  = Direct Color (for 256-color BGs) (0=Use Palette, 1=Direct Color)

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2131  wb+++- CGADSUB - Color math designation
        s = Color Math Add/Subtract (0=Add; Main+Sub, 1=Subtract; Main-Sub)
        h = Color Math "Div2" Half Result  (0=No divide, 1=Divide result by 2)
        b = Color Math when Main Screen = Backdrop (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)
        o = Color Math when Main Screen = OBJ/Palette4..7 (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)
        - = Color Math when Main Screen = OBJ/Palette0..3 (Always=Off) (Show Raw Main)
        4 = Color Math when Main Screen = BG4 (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)
        3 = Color Math when Main Screen = BG3 (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)
        2 = Color Math when Main Screen = BG2 (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)
        1 = Color Math when Main Screen = BG1 (0=Off, 1=On) (Off: Show Raw Main, On: Show Main +/- Sub)

Half-Color (bit h): Ignored if “Force Main Screen Black” ($2130) is used, also ignored on transparent Subscreen pixels (those use the fixed color as sub-screen backdrop without division) (whilst $2130 (bit s) uses the fixed color as non-transparent one, which allows division).

Bit 1, 2, 3, 4, o, b: Affect MAIN SCREEN layers, id disable, display RAW Main Screen as such (without math) (i.e. $212C enables the main screen, $2131 selects if math is applied on it)

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$2132  wb+++- COLDATA - Fixed Color Data
        b     = Apply Blue  (0=No change, 1=Apply Intensity as Blue)
        g     = Apply Green (0=No change, 1=Apply Intensity as Green)
        r     = Apply Red   (0=No change, 1=Apply Intensity as Red)
        ccccc = Intensity (0..31)

The Subscreen Backdrop Color is used when all sub screen layers are disabled or transparent, in this case the “Div2” Half Color Math isn't applied (i.e. $2131 bit 6 is ignored). There is one exception, if “Sub Screen BG/OBJ Enable” is off ($2130 bit 1 = 0), then the “Div2” isn't forcefully ignored. For a FULLY TRANSPARENT backdrop, set this register to Black (adding or subtracting black has no effect, and, with “Div2” disabled/ignored, the raw Main screen is displayed as is).

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$2133  wb+++- SETINI - Screen Mode/Video Select
        s  = External Synchronization (0=Normal, 1=Super Impose and etc.)
        e  = EXTBG Mode (Screen expand)
        uu = unused
        p  = Horizontal Pseudo 512 Mode (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (shift Subscreen half dot to the left)
        o  = BG V-Direction Display (0=224 Lines, 1=239 Lines) (for NTSC/PAL)
        I  = OBJ V-Direction Display (0=Low, 1=High Resolution/Smaller OBJs)
        i  = V-Scanning (0=Non Interlace, 1=Interlace) (See Port $2105)

Bit s: Used for superimposing “sfx” graphics, whatever that means. Usually 0. Not much is known about this bit. Interestingly, the SPPU1 chip has a pin named “EXTSYNC” (or not-EXTSYNC, since it has a bar over it) which is tied to Vcc.

Bit e: When this bit is set, you may enable BG2 on Mode 7. BG2 uses the same tile and character data as BG1, but interprets the high bit of the color data as a priority for the pixel. Various sources report additional effects for this bit, possibly related to bit 7. For example, “Enable the Data Supplied From the External Lsi.”, whatever that means. Of course, maybe that's a typo and it's supposed to apply to bit 7 instead.

Bit p: This creates a 512-pixel horizontal resolution by taking pixels from the Subscreen for the even-numbered pixels (zero based) and from the main screen for the odd-numbered pixels. Color math behaves just as with Mode 5/6 hires. The interlace bit still has no effect. Mosaic operates as normal (not like Mode 5/6). The Subscreen pixel is clipped (by windows) when the main-screen pixel to the LEFT is clipped, not when the one to the RIGHT is clipped as you'd expect. What happens with pixel column 0 is unknown. Enabling this bit in Modes 5 or 6 has no effect.

Bit o: When set, 239 lines will be displayed instead of the normal 224. This also means V-Blank will occur that much later, and be shorter. All that happens is that extra lines get added to the display, and it seems the TV will like to move the display up 8 pixels. Overscan: The bit only matters at the very end of the frame, if you change the setting on line 0xE0 before the normal NMI trigger point then it's the same as if you had it on all frame. Note that this affects both the NMI trigger point and when HDMA stops for the frame. If you turn the bit off at the very beginning of scanline X (for 0xE1⇐X⇐0xF0), NMI will occur on line X and the last HDMA transfer will occur on line X-1. However, the display will remain in the normal no-overscan position for lines E1-EC, it will move up only one pixel for line ED, and it will lose vertical sync for lines EF-F4! Turning the bit on, only line E1 gives any effect: NMI will occur on line E2, although the last HDMA will still occur on line E0. Anything else acts like you left the bit off the whole time. Note, however, that if you wait too long after the beginning of the scanline then you will get no effect.

Bit I: When set regardless of BG mode, the OBJ will be interlaced (see bit 0 below), and thus will appear half-height. Note that this only controls whether obj are drawn as normal or not, the interlace signal is only output to the TV based on bit 0 below.

Bit i: When set in BG mode 5 (and probably 6), the effective screen height will be 448 (or 478) pixels, rather than 224 (or 239). When set in any other mode, the screen will just get a bit jumpy. However, toggling the tilemap each field would simulate the increased screen height (much like pseudo-hires simulares hires). In hardware, setting this bit makes the SNES output a normal interlace signal rather than always forcing one frame.

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$2134 r l+++? MPYL - Signed Multiplication Result low byte
$2135 r m+++? MPYM - Signed Multiplication Result middle byte
$2136 r h+++? MPYH - Signed Multiplication Result high byte
        xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx = Signed Multiplication Result

This is the 2's compliment product of the 16-bit value written to $211B and the 8-bit value most recently written to $211C. There is supposedly no important delay. It may not be operative during Mode 7 rendering.

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$2137   b++++ SLHV - Software Latch for H/V Counter
        uuuuuuuu = unused (CPU Open Bus; usually last opcode)

Reading from this register latches the current H/V counter values into OPHCT/OPVCT ($213C-$213D) if bit 7 of $2101 is set. The data actually read is open bus.

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$2138 r w++?- RDOAM - Data for OAM read
        xxxxxxxx = Byte to read from OAM

OAM reads are straightforward: the current byte as set in $2102-$2103 and incremented by reads from this register and writes to $2104 will be returned. Note that writes to the lower table are not affected so logically. OAM Size is $0220 bytes (addresses $0220..$03FF are mirrors of $0200h..$021F).

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$2139 r l++?- RDVRAML - VRAM Data Read low byte
$213A r h++?- RDVRAMH - VRAM Data Read high byte
        xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx = Word to read from VRAM

Reading from these registers returns the LSB or MSB of an internal 16 bit prefetch register. Depending on the Increment Mode the address does (or doesn't) get automatically incremented after the read. The prefetch register is filled with data from the currently addressed VRAM word (with optional Address Translation applied) upon two situations:

Prefetch occurs AFTER changing the VRAM address (by writing $2116-$2117).
Prefetch occurs BEFORE incrementing the VRAM address (by reading $2139-$213A).

The “Prefetch BEFORE Increment” effect is some kind of a hardware glitch (Prefetch AFTER Increment would be more useful). Increment/Prefetch in detail:

1st  Send a byte from OLD prefetch value to the CPU (always)
2nd  Load NEW value from OLD address into prefetch register (only if increment occurs)
3rd  Increment address so it becomes the NEW address (only if increment occurs)

Increments caused by writes to $2118-$2119 don't do any prefetching (the prefetch register is left totally unchanged by writes). In practice, after changing the VRAM address (via $2116-$2117), the first byte/word will be received twice, further values are received from properly increasing addresses (as a workaround, issue a dummy-read that ignores the 1st or 2nd value).

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$213B r w++?- RDCGRAM - CGRAM Data read
        ubbbbbgg gggrrrrr 
        u     = unused (PPU2 open bus)
        bbbbb = Blue Channel
        ggggg = Green Channel
        rrrrr = Red Channel

This reads from CGRAM. Accesses to CGRAM are handled just like accesses to the low table of OAM, see $2138 for details. Note that the color values are stored in BGR order. After the byte is read, the CGRAM address is incremented so that the next read will be to the following byte.

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$213C r w++++ OPHCT - Horizontal Counter Latch
$213D r w++++ OPVCT - Vertical Counter Latch
        uuuuuuux xxxxxxxx
        uuuuuuu   = unused (PPU2 Open Bus)
        xxxxxxxxx = Scanline Location

These values are latched by reading $2137 when bit 7 of $4201 is set, or by clearing-and-setting bit 7 of $4201 either by writing $4201 or by pin 6 of Controller Port 2 (the latch occurs on the 1→0 transition). Note that the value read is only 9 bits: bits 1-7 of the high byte are PPU2 Open Bus. Each register keeps seperate track of whether to return the low or high byte. The high/low selector is reset to 'low' when $213F is read (the selector is NOT reset when the counter is latched). H Counter values range from 0 to 339, with 22-277 being visible on the screen. V Counter values range from 0 to 261 in NTSC mode (262 is possible every other frame when interlace is active) and 0 to 311 in PAL mode (312 in interlace?), with 1-224 (or 1-239(?) if overscan is enabled) visible on the screen.

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$213E r b++++ STAT77 - PPU1 Status and Version Number
        t    = OBJ Time overflow  (0=Okay, 1=More than 8x34 OBJ pixels per scanline)
        r    = OBJ Range overflow (0=Okay, 1=More than 32 OBJs per scanline)
        m    = Master/Slave Mode (PPU1.Pin25) (0=Normal=Master)
        u    = unused
        vvvv = PPU1 5C77 Version Number (only version 1 exists)

Bit t: If more than 34 sprite-tiles (e.g. a 16×16 sprite has 2 sprite-tiles) were encountered on a single line, this flag will be set. The flag is reset at the end of V-Blank but not during forced blank.

Bit r: If more than 32 sprites were encountered on a single line, this flag will be set. The flag is reset at the end of V-Blank but not during forced blank.

Note that the above two flags are set whether or not OBJ are actually enabled at the time (see $212C), at the following times: bit 6 when V=OBJ.YLOC/H=OAM.INDEX*2, bit 7 when V=OBJ.YLOC+1/H=0.

  • ff3/ff3us/doc/snes/register.1565233001.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by madsiur