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ReCast FF3: War of the Magitek

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Yeah, I completed ver. 1.11 a few months back so it's been completable. Definitely worth a playthrough, too. In fact, once there is a final version with no more updates I may even go through it again.

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I am hopeful that version 2.56 will be the final version, and not just because it's a lovely 8-bit number. I'm eager to move on to other projects. I know it was frustrating to version 1 players that version 2 was incompatible with their saves (due to a change to battle RAM) so I'm trying to update as little as possible from here out.

This update was in direct response to commentary that Edgar was underperforming as a party member. I might have refrained from putting it out indefinitely had I not found the bug with the Ragnarok esper while using a piece of Magicite in battle.

So yeah, I'd say this version is playable and barring another huge bug like the Ragnarok one I'd like to refrain from updating again.

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That's some nice sprite work..

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Is there any way to.provide a music patch like in return of dark soccer or make it hack compatible witha. Musiv patch..i would love to put enhanced music from squares games in this game its the only misgivings is the ability to play music bia music player or have updates music and dancing mad is not an option foe me as i fi not have a computer only a tablet unless u can sugwst a place to get a modded ff3 with dancing mad music already in it

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(02-22-2021, 10:39 PM)nobletaran Wrote: Is there any way to.provide a music patch like in return of dark soccer or make it hack compatible witha. Musiv patch..i would love to put enhanced music from squares games in this game its the only misgivings is the ability to play music bia music player or have updates music and dancing mad is not an option foe me as i fi not have a computer only a tablet unless u can sugwst a place to get a modded ff3 with dancing mad music already in it

ReCast doesn't have a music player in it and cannot, because the code for that overlaps code that serves other purposes in my hack.

However, Emberling and Madsiur walked me through transporting JohnnyDMad randomizations into another ROM.  So, attached to the bottom of this post is a zip file with three different music randomization patches.  You must apply ReCast to a clean ROM, and then apply one (and only one) of these patches over ReCast for it to work.

I only tested this briefly, so no promises that there isn't some glaring problem I haven't noticed with this approach.

The patches may also work with a vanilla ROM, I'm not sure.

For others looking to do this, it requires a hex editor. After grabbing a JohnnyDMad seed from Beyond Chaos...
EDIT: I'm regenerating the seeds to get the track lists.  I'll edit them in as I get them.

Set A
Set B
Set C

Attached Files
.zip  ReCast JohnnyDMads (PatchAfter).zip (2.25 MB, 9 downloads)
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Which is the best to choose.. And this replaces all music in game? Or is there a hack llike the one in return if. Dark sorcerer ..i don't have a computer

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(02-23-2021, 12:46 PM)nobletaran Wrote: Which is the best to choose.. And this replaces all music in game?

There's nothing to choose, applying that patch on top of the Recast ROM with let you have random music in the same way the BC randomizer does (most songs randomization). So you'll be playing the Recast hack with BC random music.

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By thr way I love evrything so far u did with ff6. Only wishes were with eseprs ginns beter back story in there somewhere and their connection to ff7 Which areith was an esper i believe.. Better magic effects as some u did with terra were sweet. Better esper names redone based on square myth..better tone sound effects for like kefkhas hahahhaa everything else awesome.

Says a b c whats the diffeence

Which is best ti install a b or c

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(02-23-2021, 12:59 PM)nobletaran Wrote: By thr way I love evrything so far u did with ff6. Only wishes were with eseprs ginns beter back story in there somewhere and their connection to ff7 Which areith was an esper i believe.. Better magic effects as some u did with terra were sweet. Better esper names redone based on square myth..better tone sound effects for like kefkhas hahahhaa everything else awesome.

Says a b c whats the diffeence

Which is best ti install a b or c

As far as I recall, Aerith was not an Esper in FF7. And I don't believe this hack has any ties to FF7 at all, so that's a confusing statement to me.

Better tone for Kefka's laugh?! That's a first... You mean to make it lower-sounding? Or replace it with some other laugh/sound effect? I can't even...

As for the music patches, I assume each one is different, and randomized differently, so there is no "best" one to install, you'd have to try out all three and then decide for yourself. Unless C-Dude has the generated track list that is.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Sorry yeah accroding to square aerith is a esper decendebt a half cetra originally ....butvthe esper vack story would be cool and more screen lore in game likenwhen u click on a clock instead of elixer. Get a book about the history of thw planet or gehtstals motivations etc..basiavly more hidden treasure hunts in game would be cool keffkas laugh is same sound effect as chrono tiggers laughs..kinda atupud request but a item that needs fixing

So get with cdude thanks...

(02-23-2021, 02:33 PM)nobletaran Wrote:
Sorry yeah accroding to square aerith is a half cetra originally ....but the esper back story would be cool and more screen lore in game likenwhen u click on a clock instead of elixer. Get a book about the history of thw planet or gehtstals motivations etc..basiavly more hidden treasure hunts in game would be cool keffkas laugh is same sound effect as chrono tiggers laughs..kinda atupud request but a item that needs fixing

So get with cdude thanks...

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