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FF6 - Brave New World
06-19-2013, 07:01 PM
(06-19-2013, 06:46 PM)Bluerobin Wrote: Yup Naginata = Ninjato. I wrote notes to myself so I could report the bugs as accurately as possible... then I lost them.
Yeah, a Naginata would be closer to what Edgar and Mog use

(06-19-2013, 06:46 PM)Bluerobin Wrote: Edit: Also, what's the "overleveling protection" you put on Atmaweapon? I was level 23-25ish with my party, the "leveling a lot" part just meant I took the party from level 17-19 to 23-25 over the course of the Floating Continent. I'm a little worried I hyperbolized too much.
There are a few rather powerful attacks that we weren't counting on players having for the Atma Weapon fight, and it turns out that quite a few players had managed it. We haven't heard back from anyone actually *exploiting* said attacks yet, but I went ahead and put in a deterrent just in case.
(06-19-2013, 06:46 PM)Bluerobin Wrote: You guys are great, by the way. Thanks for taking time to give feedback, justify changes, and explain why things are the way they are.
Glad to oblige.
This is stuff from 1.0.8 because the forum ate my post and I don't want to go back.
1: Duncan totally misses out on a Boot to the Head reference. ("Give Kefka the boot!")
2: Maybe it's me, but I see only one page of the Printme file (Printme.xls). There's nothing about Dances, Rages, or Lores. It only has the Esper bonuses, the character starting stats, and the HP/MP/EXP/Spell? chart.
3: What's the damage formula for Blitzes and Tools?
4: Does the damage from Tools ignore row?
5: Should the creature be called "AtmaWeapon"? (Note the capital W.)
6: I believe the Ribbon should prevent the Frozen condition since the Ribbon's description says it prevents all bad status effects besides Stop/Slow/Seizure (and, implicitly, death from HP loss).
7: Shouldn't Sabin's Fire Dance ignore row? He plainly makes all those copies of himself which fill the screen, and the attack seems very obviously metaphysical to me.
8: Chakra/Mantra: Why not have Chakra (which restores MP) have the blue background (akin to the color of mana from the Ultima and Diablo series) while Mantra (which restores HP) have the red background? That threw me at first.
9: Suplex Blitz: Besides suplexing everything I can (like, oh, a train), I don't see the point in this. Why not use Aurabolt or Pummel or Bum Rush instead?
10: Regarding the guy who makes the Airplane reference: I still suggest making what he says into 2 sentences.
11: Ziegfried: When I fought him on the train, he attacked over and over and did no damage. I think this was intentional, but was nevertheless cool!
-1.0.9 Starts Here-
1: Blitzes are easy to pull off if you know how. Instead of pushing a diagonal, you can push either direction. For example, up-left translates to either up OR left. Thus, my old way to do Bum Rush was left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left. It was this way in vanilla FFVI too, even on the SNES!
2: Entering Mt. Zozo... makes no sense! I go through the ~fourth floor of a building and wind up... inside a mountain? I didn't see any mountains behind this building. So, uh...
3: I noticed that items that boost HP or MP don't stack. Only the biggest percentage applies. Thus, someone wearing a Green Beret (+12.5% HP/MP) and a Magic Cube (+50% MP) only gets +50% MP. Intentional?
4: Why do summons cost so much?
5: Can we get a healer guy aboard the Falcon who heals everyone to full HP/MP no bad statuses, even those who aren't in my party? If you're asking about how that's logical, I'll ask about the mustached man who changes party gear.
6: On the menu, can we change it to "GP" instead of "Gp"?
7: Gogo: Did you know that if you equip a brush and a knife and choose Mug, the brush damages the target instead of healing it?
8: "Mastered a new technique." Can we change that to "Mastered a new Blitz" or "Mastered a new Bushido"?
9: Owzer's House, Relm's Room: What's that fat, distorted thing south of Relm? It seems like Owzer, but it just looks... weird.
1: Duncan totally misses out on a Boot to the Head reference. ("Give Kefka the boot!")
2: Maybe it's me, but I see only one page of the Printme file (Printme.xls). There's nothing about Dances, Rages, or Lores. It only has the Esper bonuses, the character starting stats, and the HP/MP/EXP/Spell? chart.
3: What's the damage formula for Blitzes and Tools?
4: Does the damage from Tools ignore row?
5: Should the creature be called "AtmaWeapon"? (Note the capital W.)
6: I believe the Ribbon should prevent the Frozen condition since the Ribbon's description says it prevents all bad status effects besides Stop/Slow/Seizure (and, implicitly, death from HP loss).
7: Shouldn't Sabin's Fire Dance ignore row? He plainly makes all those copies of himself which fill the screen, and the attack seems very obviously metaphysical to me.
8: Chakra/Mantra: Why not have Chakra (which restores MP) have the blue background (akin to the color of mana from the Ultima and Diablo series) while Mantra (which restores HP) have the red background? That threw me at first.
9: Suplex Blitz: Besides suplexing everything I can (like, oh, a train), I don't see the point in this. Why not use Aurabolt or Pummel or Bum Rush instead?
10: Regarding the guy who makes the Airplane reference: I still suggest making what he says into 2 sentences.
11: Ziegfried: When I fought him on the train, he attacked over and over and did no damage. I think this was intentional, but was nevertheless cool!
-1.0.9 Starts Here-
1: Blitzes are easy to pull off if you know how. Instead of pushing a diagonal, you can push either direction. For example, up-left translates to either up OR left. Thus, my old way to do Bum Rush was left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left. It was this way in vanilla FFVI too, even on the SNES!
2: Entering Mt. Zozo... makes no sense! I go through the ~fourth floor of a building and wind up... inside a mountain? I didn't see any mountains behind this building. So, uh...
3: I noticed that items that boost HP or MP don't stack. Only the biggest percentage applies. Thus, someone wearing a Green Beret (+12.5% HP/MP) and a Magic Cube (+50% MP) only gets +50% MP. Intentional?
4: Why do summons cost so much?
5: Can we get a healer guy aboard the Falcon who heals everyone to full HP/MP no bad statuses, even those who aren't in my party? If you're asking about how that's logical, I'll ask about the mustached man who changes party gear.
6: On the menu, can we change it to "GP" instead of "Gp"?
7: Gogo: Did you know that if you equip a brush and a knife and choose Mug, the brush damages the target instead of healing it?
8: "Mastered a new technique." Can we change that to "Mastered a new Blitz" or "Mastered a new Bushido"?
9: Owzer's House, Relm's Room: What's that fat, distorted thing south of Relm? It seems like Owzer, but it just looks... weird.
06-20-2013, 07:11 AM
Quote:1: Duncan totally misses out on a Boot to the Head reference. ("Give Kefka the boot!")
I've never played Phoenix Wright and BTB has never played anything from this century, so we missed that chance.
Quote:2: Maybe it's me, but I see only one page of the Printme file (Printme.xls). There's nothing about Dances, Rages, or Lores. It only has the Esper bonuses, the character starting stats, and the HP/MP/EXP/Spell? chart.
There should be tabs at the bottom:
Quote:3: What's the damage formula for Blitzes and Tools?
All attacks use the same damage formulas unless otherwise noted (i.e., Flare Star). Magic attacks and physical attacks have separate damage formulas.
Quote:4: Does the damage from Tools ignore row?
Quote:6: I believe the Ribbon should prevent the Frozen condition since the Ribbon's description says it prevents all bad status effects besides Stop/Slow/Seizure (and, implicitly, death from HP loss).
This is a technical limitation within the game itself. It's not currently possible to allow relics to set immunity to the Frozen status (or Stop/Slow, for that matter).
Quote:7: Shouldn't Sabin's Fire Dance ignore row? He plainly makes all those copies of himself which fill the screen, and the attack seems very obviously metaphysical to me.
It does. Only physical Blitzes and Bushidos should be affected by row. Fire Dance is magic damage.
Quote:8: Chakra/Mantra: Why not have Chakra (which restores MP) have the blue background (akin to the color of mana from the Ultima and Diablo series) while Mantra (which restores HP) have the red background? That threw me at first.
Mainly because Mantra had an existing animation that we didn't want to mess with.
Quote:9: Suplex Blitz: Besides suplexing everything I can (like, oh, a train), I don't see the point in this. Why not use Aurabolt or Pummel or Bum Rush instead?
Well, for one, Suplex is stronger than Pummel. Depending on how you build your Sabin, it can be as strong or stronger than Aurabolt. It also sets Muddle, so it has its place in random encounters as well.
You should also get Suplex way, way before Bum Rush is available, so in that sense it's a preferable alternative to the latter.
Quote:3: I noticed that items that boost HP or MP don't stack. Only the biggest percentage applies. Thus, someone wearing a Green Beret (+12.5% HP/MP) and a Magic Cube (+50% MP) only gets +50% MP. Intentional?
Quote:4: Why do summons cost so much?
Because they are quite powerful.
Quote:5: Can we get a healer guy aboard the Falcon who heals everyone to full HP/MP no bad statuses, even those who aren't in my party? If you're asking about how that's logical, I'll ask about the mustached man who changes party gear.
The NPCs on the Blackjack all ate it when the world ended. The guy who offers to unequip you (we'll call him Bob) was part of a worldwide organization of people who do that sort of thing, so Setzer was able to simply requisition a replacement. Unfortunately, both the guy that sells stuff (Tom) and the healer dude (Jimbo) worked freelance and had not yet passed their trade on to someone else, so their skills and knowledge are lost to the currents of history.
It's a tragic story, really.
Quote:6: On the menu, can we change it to "GP" instead of "Gp"?
If I remember to, I'll make this change for 1.0.10.
Quote:7: Gogo: Did you know that if you equip a brush and a knife and choose Mug, the brush damages the target instead of healing it?
Yeah, this is sort of a bug with Mug. It cancels virtually all special weapon effects for some reason. All weapons basically become generic versions of themselves with the same stats. That means no defense piercing, no random Wind Slashes, no double damage to humans, no auto-crits, nothing.
Quote:8: "Mastered a new technique." Can we change that to "Mastered a new Blitz" or "Mastered a new Bushido"?
"Devised a new Blitz" is already in the game. I don't know how inclined I am to change the other one.
(06-20-2013, 04:35 AM)Endarire Wrote: 1: Duncan totally misses out on a Boot to the Head reference. ("Give Kefka the boot!")
That's not Boot to the Head.
THIS is Boot to the Head.
(06-20-2013, 04:35 AM)Endarire Wrote: 5: Should the creature be called "AtmaWeapon"? (Note the capital W.)
I got rid of all CamelCased names that were the result of two words being smashed together due to space limitations.
(06-20-2013, 04:35 AM)Endarire Wrote: 2: Entering Mt. Zozo... makes no sense! I go through the ~fourth floor of a building and wind up... inside a mountain? I didn't see any mountains behind this building. So, uh...
There is a mountain behind that building, actually.
(06-20-2013, 04:35 AM)Endarire Wrote: 7: Gogo: Did you know that if you equip a brush and a knife and choose Mug, the brush damages the target instead of healing it?
There are *much* better things to be doing with your Gogo than this.
(06-20-2013, 04:35 AM)Endarire Wrote: 9: Owzer's House, Relm's Room: What's that fat, distorted thing south of Relm? It seems like Owzer, but it just looks... weird.
Owzer needs to go on a diet.
Something from a previous version, probably also part of vanilla: When I use a tent, the leader is only checked when I open the menu, not when I use the tent. For example, if I have Umaro in the lead when I open the menu, switch the lead to Edgar, then use a tent, the tent will look like Umaro's tent, not Edgar's.
A stylistic thing: How do people board the Falcon? Sure, they can jump to get off, but there's no entry way a la the Blackjack!
Can we get item descriptions for weapons/armor on the Equip screen?
In battle, can we get the full descriptions for menu options (Throw, Magic and Item mostly)?
The Tritoch summon is called Triple Sec. Can we change that to Trisection in reference to this?
A stylistic thing: How do people board the Falcon? Sure, they can jump to get off, but there's no entry way a la the Blackjack!
Can we get item descriptions for weapons/armor on the Equip screen?
In battle, can we get the full descriptions for menu options (Throw, Magic and Item mostly)?
The Tritoch summon is called Triple Sec. Can we change that to Trisection in reference to this?
06-21-2013, 05:39 AM
1: Atop the Cultist Tower, I open the chest. I opened my menu, then the chest looked again like it was closed when it was looted. Odd.
2: Cultist Tower: I was seeing how much AP (Magic Points) the fights gave when no one had spells to learn from Espers. Odd.
3: Hyper Wrist: This applies auto-Bserk, but it feels like it should also boost physical damage (stacking with other physical damage boosters).
4: Does Morph recharge with Terra outside the party?
5: In Ebot Rock, if I feed the chest enough stuff to pass then reenter Ebot Rock, why does the chest demand more stuff?
6: If I attack with a brush, why does it heal Undead?
7: Fanatic Tower: I'm unsure what happened but the game froze! I was in a battle against 2 Slamdancers and a Demon. (Lv. 40 and 50 Mages) I killed the Slamdancers and the Demon was still around. It was Relm's turn (Sabin/Terra/Strago/Relm) and the game just froze. I could choose Relm's action, but the rest of the world stopped. Terra was still stuck casting her spell.
I was able to flee. After fleeing, the game seemed to be OK.
8: Reflect is meant to halve the numeric effect. It doesn't seem to halve Rasp.
9: After beating the White Dragon: "Look to the right of the chest." Huh? I already got the relic (Death Ward) from that dragon's room. I checked to the right of the chests in the tower but found naught.
1: Atop the Cultist Tower, I open the chest. I opened my menu, then the chest looked again like it was closed when it was looted. Odd.
2: Cultist Tower: I was seeing how much AP (Magic Points) the fights gave when no one had spells to learn from Espers. Odd.
3: Hyper Wrist: This applies auto-Bserk, but it feels like it should also boost physical damage (stacking with other physical damage boosters).
4: Does Morph recharge with Terra outside the party?
5: In Ebot Rock, if I feed the chest enough stuff to pass then reenter Ebot Rock, why does the chest demand more stuff?
6: If I attack with a brush, why does it heal Undead?
7: Fanatic Tower: I'm unsure what happened but the game froze! I was in a battle against 2 Slamdancers and a Demon. (Lv. 40 and 50 Mages) I killed the Slamdancers and the Demon was still around. It was Relm's turn (Sabin/Terra/Strago/Relm) and the game just froze. I could choose Relm's action, but the rest of the world stopped. Terra was still stuck casting her spell.
I was able to flee. After fleeing, the game seemed to be OK.
8: Reflect is meant to halve the numeric effect. It doesn't seem to halve Rasp.
9: After beating the White Dragon: "Look to the right of the chest." Huh? I already got the relic (Death Ward) from that dragon's room. I checked to the right of the chests in the tower but found naught.
Quote:1: Atop the Cultist Tower, I open the chest. I opened my menu, then the chest looked again like it was closed when it was looted. Odd.
That's because it's not technically a chest. It's a chest tile that gets modified by an event. This is because the chest doesn't contain an actual item.
Quote:3: Hyper Wrist: This applies auto-Bserk, but it feels like it should also boost physical damage (stacking with other physical damage boosters).
The berserk status does raise physical damage, and it should stack with the Atlas Armlet. Damage boosters do not stack with each other (a second Atlas Armlet has no additional effect beyond the first besides raw stat boosts), so the effect you're looking for is actually present in the Hyper Wrist's current incarnation.
Quote:4: Does Morph recharge with Terra outside the party?
Quote:5: In Ebot Rock, if I feed the chest enough stuff to pass then reenter Ebot Rock, why does the chest demand more stuff?
It would save me a lot of money if, once I ate, I never got hungry again.
Quote:6: If I attack with a brush, why does it heal Undead?
This is probably a technical limitation. Healing effects do not inherently damage the undead; rather, that's a setting that needs to be applied separately. I don't believe it's possible to apply this setting to this particular style of healing.
Quote:7: Fanatic Tower: I'm unsure what happened but the game froze! I was in a battle against 2 Slamdancers and a Demon. (Lv. 40 and 50 Mages) I killed the Slamdancers and the Demon was still around. It was Relm's turn (Sabin/Terra/Strago/Relm) and the game just froze. I could choose Relm's action, but the rest of the world stopped. Terra was still stuck casting her spell.
What spell was Terra casting?
Quote:8: Reflect is meant to halve the numeric effect. It doesn't seem to halve Rasp.
Reflect does nothing to magic defense. Maybe you mean Shell?
Shell only reduces magic effects by 1/3, not by half. No idea why it wasn't affecting Rasp.
Quote:9: After beating the White Dragon: "Look to the right of the chest." Huh? I already got the relic (Death Ward) from that dragon's room. I checked to the right of the chests in the tower but found naught.
Then you either didn't check all the chests or didn't check the right spot.
06-21-2013, 11:18 PM
Quote:5: In Ebot Rock, if I feed the chest enough stuff to pass then reenter Ebot Rock, why does the chest demand more stuff?
Quote:It would save me a lot of money if, once I ate, I never got hungry again.
HAHAHA! Well explained, sir!
We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
06-22-2013, 11:28 AM
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