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Last Five Questions and I'll be Done :)

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Hey guys, well I must say these forums have been a BIG help lately and I'm surprised I've made it this far (okay I'm still in Narshe but I'm getting there) However, I have 5 questions that have been confusing me lately so here it goes:

1. Probably the biggest and hardest one to answer but I just want to know what's required to accomplish this feat:
How do you make cut scenes? And I said that rather loosely - how do you make a command in the game to initiate the screen to move forward at different parameters and have my character sprites move where I tell them to? I understand the complexity of that question but I'm fairly sure it's not impossible (I've seen some nice hacks) but I can't really find any info concerning this topic. I'm getting pretty good at Hex Editing, finding Offsets, and changing various things so don't leave anything out if there is a way to make a cutscene. Smile But now that there is a way to make cut scenes, how do you erase the originals if such a thing's possible? I just want to erase a few not every one of them. Thanks nevertheless and this should be my hardest question of the 5 Wink

2. How do you make sprites? Okay I know that's kind of nooby but trust me, I've looked into it - I downloaded FF3se and it seemed like a decent program (save for the issue where if I change a monster's color, it changes every monster beneath it to that color) but whenever I go to make a monster or character portrait...I'm lost. It seems pretty basic at first glance, but I have terrible artistry skills on paper, let alone a computer! Lol, how do you guys make such awesome sprites with just a mouse? Is there some kind of tool you all use? Or is it just my operator error? After I gave up on making one, I just decided to download one from the Sprites Section. However, the portrait ones worked beautifully but the character sprites were a mess, so yea not really getting it ha.

3. How do you make an NPC, Save State, or place a newly made boss in the game?
Congrats on making it this far in my nooby questions but after watching ALL Zeemis's Youtube vids on his channel, I still couldn't figure out how you place the boss in the game. Do you just load up FF3 Level Editor and is there a button that lets you import a boss? (There's alot of buttons lol) But then that brings up NPC's and Save States, I think once I understand how to make sprites (see question 2) I'll know how to make NPC's but that raises the last question, how do you place your created NPC where you want it on the map? And finally here's my last question of this question (yea that's confusing), how do you make a save state? I've heard there really hard to do but if my ROM game that I'm working on is to succeed, I need to know how to make a save state ha.

4. What are Palettes?
I looked online to find a solution to the issue in FF3se where if I change a monster's sprite color to like a red color, it changes all the monsters to red Sad I finally found some guy saying it was an issue with the palettes and that you have to do something with them to make them not all change. I wasn't quite sure what to do but I do see a "Palettes" Drop-Down Menu on FF3se, but don't know what to do with it. So I guess it's 2 questions in one ha.

5. And the last one!
Do you guys know any way to delete specific cutscenes in the game? Or like start the game off somewhere other than the cliffs? I know this is kind of relevant to Question Number 1 but what I'm really wanting to do, is erase a good portion of FF6 and re-create new towns, places, and scenes. YES I understand the vast knowledge of ROM hacking this will require but I believe that I can do it, and I can promise that one day I'm going to have one of the greatest FF6 Hacks ever! I just need to learn ALOT ha but I mean everyone was a newbie at some point. Just don't leave anything out, I'm pretty bad with directions that are vague but also feel free to get as complex as is required!

Well I thank you for reading this far, I must say, I'm looking forward to making my mod and using this site for all the help I need so thank you!
You don't have to answer all these questions, one question or two is great! I would just really like them all to be answered at some point though! Thanks again Smile

NOTE: I have these programs associated with hacking FF6:

FF3usME (v6.60)
FF3 Map Editor from Sleepydude
FF3 Table files
FF6 Ram Editor


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I'm going to be upfront when I say I have no answers to offer (I'm still fairly noobish with this stuff as well, my job makes me unable to dedicate as much time as I'd like, and I seem to unlearn things alot. D'oh.);

But I would also like to say that these are indeed very good questions! I'm sure people here can answer most of 'em. Maybe.

But you've got the spirit and the determination to make an excellent hack, and I support you all the way! WHOO!

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you're always a moment too late!"

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1. Take a look at the event dump. You need to learn the commands first to have characters start at a certain spot, on a certain map, at a certain time, and then have them move or animate a certain way, with certain music, and have the camera move, or pan along with them or to your liking. A lot of the commands are cataloged in my event hacking thread. Say, instead of having Terra, Biggs, and Wedge start at Narshe, you want Strago, Leo, and Gogo to start in Zozo, on chocobos, with Dancing Mad playing, you would look for the Narshe Cliffs event in the event dump, and make the changes accordingly with the hex editor, or you could even erase all the data for that event, and make a whole new one. (Not recommended until much later) Try to look for and learn patterns how each event is handled, like in what order the commands should go. To sum this question up, you need to learn the hex commands first, find the event and offset address you wish to change in the event dump, and then input the new commands into the ROM via a hex editor. It sounds tough because it is. Making whole new events, or cutscenes, or even editing events to replace old ones, is a real challenge! As always make backups of your ROM before you start messing and practicing with changing bytes of hex around. Trial and error is how I learned.

2. I will leave this one to someone else. XD

3. You can do this with the Level Editor. You can place any NPC you wish, that has nothing to do with it. The event is what decides which battle it is, or what the NPC will say, or if they have a unique movement. It's not an event square though, so to speak, like when you walk over a certain tile, and a cutscene happens... You see, each NPC has a event address of their own, which tells them what they should do. What most people do for custom boss's is look at saaay, Dadaluma's event, make an NPC on the Airship or wherever you like, give Dadaluma a whole new battle script and sprite, use his event and there ya go. So basically you want to find an instant battle boss event, the ones that if you talk to them, a battle will start, and then copy that event with the Level Editor under NPC's, to the NPC you want to make into a custom boss, then make a save state with all the characters maxed out and ready to fight, right by the boss NPC.

4. Palettes are sets of colors that are shared between the characters. For instance Cyan and Shadow share palette 4. Kefka, Relm, Strago, and Gogo all share palette 3. So if you change one color in a palette, it will affect all of them who share it as well. Each palette table has up to 15 colors, although the last four are generally not used for characters because they mess up the sprites colors in battle. They are used for status ailments. There are a total of 6 usable palettes. Some characters have there palettes all to themselves. Like Terra (Pal #0), or Locke (Pal #1). If only they all had their own! >_<

5. Look's back at question #1. Yes, more event editing. Get the event dump and look through it. You can find what you are looking for much faster by using the search feature in whatever document reader you are using. Try searching for keywords, like "Narshe" or "Dream Stooges" to navigate much faster through the dump, and find what you want to change. Alternatively you could also search for bytes, like "$F0" (Play song) or "$6B" (Load Map) Learn how to hex edit and find addresses. THEN, you can begin to edit and create events. Wink GL

By the way, I like how you are trying to learn this stuff, instead of asking someone else to just do it for you. Feel free to ask me anything.

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Oh thanks for answering them all, the NPC Boss thing worked like a charm, and now I understand palettes much better! But concerning the Event Dump, I already downloaded it, pretty big text file but I also checked out that Event Thread you posted awhile back and it seems fairly easy. I loaded WindHex, did the Options -> Display Offset As -> SNES Hi-ROM and then subtracted those hex values from 0xBFFE00. However, I just wanted to make sure I'm doing it right, might not be ha but this is what I'm attempting:
I'm trying to subtract this HEX: CC/988B
minus this: 0xBFFE00
I used an online HEX calculator (I don't really trust my head ha) and came out with this hex difference:
Assuming this was right, using WindHex, I clicked Search at the top and scrolled down to hex search.
I entered in BFFD34 but it said string not found..did I subtract wrong on the calculator? Or am I supposed to use another Search Menu Category? Hope I'm making sense..
Ha and concerning the last part you wrote, I'd feel pretty weird telling someone else to make a game for me, where's the fun in that? lol but thxs
And I guess I should've mentioned it a long time ago but I'm only 13 haha but don't underestimate me, I'll figure this all out :p

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You would want to search under "go to offset" not search for hex. Hex searching is for strings or bytes of hex. But that address seems to be wrong anyway, because in SNES Hi-Rom it starts at bank C and goes all the way to F, no B. I myself really suck at math, and use a far less mathematical way of getting to the address I need. Hopefully someone could let you know if that math is right. What exactly are you trying to find?

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I was looking for the event where the game loads the Narshe Cliffs. I used the event dump and used CTRL F to search for Narshe Cliffs but it didn't find anything. I typed in Narshe and it gave me a bunch of results of course. But I can't really identify them as the beginning sequence were Vicks, Wedge, and Terra start out..Man I hate I'm so bad at these things but concerning that offset I was looking for - it was talking about, it was actually an example you gave on ur forums lol I shouldn't have used an example but I also went to the event dump and just entered in a random, valid Hex offset and it worked! Atleast I think so because I didn't get an error, but what I did see was in the text 00 and the hex bytes was 00..and the line to the far right was a bunch of periods...I'm not sure if that is right but man this game is COMPLEX! I hate I go to u for everything but if u find the offset for the beginning sequence that'd be awesome! I completely understand the Hex commands though, those made perfect sense Smile so yeah once I get better at finding the offsets and event sequences I'm looming for, it should be great!

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Try searching for the exact words "There's the town" I always find the event I want to edit by searching for the dialog I know goes with it. Note that you would actually want to look above that line, because the event itself starts before that line of dialog. Heres a head start:
CC/98EC: 6B Load map $0012 (Narshe, mountaintop (Terra / Vicks / Wedge in Magitek armor)) instantly, (upper bits $0000), place party at (11, 7), facing up

So what I would do is search for offset "C98EC" in SNES-HiROM, (the 1st C does not matter because that is the bank you are in, all events are in this bank) then subtract 0xBFFE00, OR press up a couple times (1-2) in the hex editor, and then do a hex search for "6B" the "load map" command, and make sure everything looks the same as it does in the dump. In other words I would try and get slightly above the address in question, and then search for a string of hex I see in the dump, to get to where I need to be.
I do it this way because my math skills are horrible, like I said.

0xBFFE00 is only like 1-2 screens up from the actual address listed in the dump.

And if you still cannot locate the exact adress, it is @ offset C9AEC. See how close it was to the address listed in the dump? Wow, now I am confused because that is a higher number... Subtracting wouldn't get that number, right? Sometimes you need to add 0xBFFE00 I think. I forget how you can tell. That's why I do it my way.

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OH DUDE IT WORKED!! Nattak, if I saw u in person right now, I'd give you my life allowance! (450 dollars!) I just can't believe it, now I just need to change the tiles they all walk to, edit the text, change the sprites, and modify the map and I'm well on my way to making my ROM! Thank you SO much! Ha but I might have to refer back to u and ask u event-related stuff every once in awhile, but mostly everything I need is on your Event thread Smile but thanks again!

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Awesome, man. Glad you are making progress! It is a good feeling when you see results. And please, keep your allowance, my boy =p NP glad to help, ask me anything anytime.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Haha gotcha! (kinda already spent 250 of it on a paintball gun lol) Well I fiddled around for awhile with this program, making it load different maps, and songs, just cool stuff (can't change text yet Sad ) but I was wanting to actually load the Baren Falls map (9C hex byte) and it worked and loaded the map perfectly, but I was wanting to change the sprites they loaded up. I used the event dump and found stuff like this in the beginning of the Narshe Cliffs scene:
3D Create Object 00
3D Create Object 0E
3D Create Object 0F
I'm sure those are the sprites that load for Biggs, Wedge, and Terra in Magitek Armor in the beginning but I was wanting to make them load different sprites. I couldn't find the hex bytes for all the sprites in the game but even if I did, I didn't know how or where to insert those numbers in WindHex. I guess what I'm really asking is this:
I see the hex commands saying create object (3D) or 84 (give gil to party) etc, but what I don't see is where you input what object to create or how much gil to give the party. I hope I'm making sense but in windhex I just see 3D 3D 45 and then it goes on with the other events..I don't see it saying 00,0E,0F (you know, the sprites) right after the command 3D. And when it comes to giving gil, I don't see the number of how much or if it's in hex form.
And then there's stuff like how do you pan the camera?
Ha I'm just glad I got this far but I wouldn't mind starting the game off with different sprites Wink And then there's event commands that tell certain objects (usually sprites) to go so many tiles in different directions and I'll have to figure that out soon ha, sounds hard. But I guess I'll just overwrite all the events that happen in Narshe in the beginning and stuff and just load an entirely new string of events in my game..gonna be tough lol

P.S. I don't know how long an average thread goes so I might just start PMing these questions to you Nattak - idk as long as some random dude doesn't come up and say "bump" in my threads I guess it's an OK size..

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