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FF6 Beyond Chaos playthrough

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Could you put the less recent videos in regular links instead of YT preview links? Your thread is taking forever to load and it's kinda unpleasant.

Edit: Maybe it's not that unpleasant when you got 10 post per page, but it is when you have the post setting to 50 posts per page.

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Roger! What?!
I left just the part 1 and 2 with the preview, the others, except page 5 have now just the link.
I'll take your post as chance to place the next 3 ones Tongue

part 67 - Breaking the infinite loop

I figured out what is it: there's a tower room that the game loads up quite slowly: in that room there must be something like one or more events that teleports into a different place, and warps you down, if you enter in the door of that room(if not for the chest, the player might want do that to dodge lv 90)... the proof is that the encounter is changed if you enter and exit, whithout fighting(and the room is loaded up without delays).

part 68 - Sudden retreat!

Made it so far, and then i have to quit, because Locke's level is out of the range of steal formula... Finger

part 69 - Searching for foes

Gonna get some level, besides it's time to find hidden bosses in WoR map.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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  • With Fake Mustache equipped, Kensin can use magic... that might come in handy considering how few party members have a magic command.
  • That confirms it... Doom Darts target the party when thrown (because they summon Palidor)
  • I laughed when you looked in the text file for the Force Shield wager, and it wouldn't tell you either.
  • White Dragon can use Tiger Break?? Too bad there's no way to access that ability.
  • When you equipped the Gem Box to Genma (Locke), and it changed "fight" to "dance"... I think that does allow him to use Dance. Umaro and berserker characters will use commands in their menu during battle, but Dance might be an exception.
  • Dang, it looked like you got really close to killing Atris a couple of times with fixed dice.
  • Kaji seemed quite a bit more regal before he got dressed up to meet his dad.
  • As usual, L.90 Magic is extremely dangerous. But from what I saw, you never tried to Berserk or Muddle it... that's the usual way to shut it down.
  • Haha, I've thought about increasing L.255Magic's level beyond the 99 limit. Then he'd be even more difficult to steal from. Though, I get the feeling you will be disappointed by his stealable items...
  • Got revenge on Atris outside of the Colosseum.
  • I must've missed the part where you got 4 Exp. Eggs.
  • When you were fighting AnzuJivi, I was wondering if maybe Throw is too overpowered. But it looks like you were able to figure out that Vanish counters those enemies perfectly.
  • Found a way to farm Atma Weapons, I see.
I'm surprised that you didn't know the secret of Fanatics Tower before now. It can also be used to get down the tower more quickly.
Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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- As i told in the title of one of the parts: i'm really disappointed... especially from Gem Box, its only use is betting it for a third Offering;
- There's still one way to know it without winning, but before beating Kefka i'll do a savestate and jump to the Collosseum for doing the essential stuff, worth to be seen;
- Since you've seen the battle in the forest, then you also know that he would have revived himself in the case... in the Collosseum is too much strong, anyway...
- Most of the stuff you've mentioned about the tower is already done from me in the next segments...
- Already discovered it on my own and so i brought Ranma instead of Genma(wait... but they are literally the father and the son of Ranma 1/2!! i mean, Saotome family)
On a side note you'd had been sorry in that case... never asked yourself why all FF6 bosses never bypass lv 97? (except Pugs) because if you bypass a certain level, you end up in overflowing the damage and restarting from 0. Trust me, i definitively know what i'm talking about, since Ultimate Czar Dragon is Lv 255: for making him doing the correct damage with all his attacks, so that spells could scale from normar to stronger, until reaching the strongest ones and finally make it happen both for Physical and Magic... well, it took forever doing crush tests on poor allies.
The other reason to not assign him LV 255 is because if stealer's Lv + 50 < foe Lv
then Steal fill fail ALWAYS a monster with Lv >= is just impossible to steal him.

- Hardened gives Exp. Egg, which is really cheap, even because due to shop overflow, i can buy it for ~10000 GP
- Later i realized that also Muddle works really good, Throw is overpowered? yes, Do you remember that Outsider's lv 18 in Kefka Tower of vanilla rom messed with your randomizer ranking system? later i figured out that its level was so low because his AI makes him throw stongest equips, developers must had to lower his lv when they realized that his throws at lv 50-60 probably did 9999 damage LaughFinger

What do you mean? are you trying to telling me that it's not made from you? tell me more: i noticed that it's good to escape faster from the tower, but what else? could you explain me in details what's the secret, what makes happen and if loops make you access to some extra chest?

PS. opening your rom i saw something weird: there's always a single, never used item in the list: in this version is and Armor which replaces Dirk slot... it's named "Demonica" and it's really powerful! extra effects in particular.
On a previous version my bro spotted a super dice, which was able to do many stuff, it was also a fixed dice with auto-offering effect... what is it? And why did you created something like that? is there a way to find it in the game?

part 70 - Spotting secret WoR map secret bosses

At the end i opened the rom and decided to detect all interesting encounters and so i was able to know where to find Hidden WoR map bosses... the purple dragon in particular is just epic!!

part 71 - She waits...

After seeing lame stuff from Magimaster, i brought with me Ranma, which was theorically useless, until i untied her against the boss with Bserk spell.
PS. when i saw magic command for Ranma i thought it was bugged or something and tried to edit option setting to see if spell would have been learnt for real, but then i realized it was just for the esper slot...

part 72 - Beyond Chaos Tower assault!!!

The time has come: the infamous BC final dungeon, the most representative feature of your randomizer, since the space-time inside that tower is beyond chaos!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Heh, yeah, that's what I thought about Outsiders too. But I raised his level again anyway. I don't care if thrown weapons are instant death, haha.

The Fanatics Tower secret is something I added. It's nothing fancy but I'll explain it anyway. The normal Fanatics Tower has 4 floors and a treasure room on each floor (let's ignore the Air Anchor room). In Beyond Chaos, it will have 5-7 floors and also a treasure room on each floor; therefore, if you see an empty chest in a treasure room, it means you've been there before. But some treasure rooms are "trapped" and they will send you down one or two floors when you exit. It's not up to chance or anything, that room will send you to the lower floor no matter what. Despite that, you need to enter the treasure room on every floor if you want all the treasures. Basically, every treasure room has a 33% chance of sending you down 1 floor and a 17% chance of sending you down 2 floors. That also means that if you ignore all the treasure rooms on the way up, you can miss a treasure room on the way down by skipping 2 floors.

Regarding the secret item... it's hidden in Kefka's Tower, but you have to use a glitch to get it. While I was working on the final dungeon randomizer, the "Poltrgeist Skip" glitch was discovered. With the randomized dungeon, you could use the glitch to skip sections of the tower, so it was a pain to work around. I had to make a decision to either incorporate the glitch into the dungeon route, or disable it somehow... so I disabled it. But I still wanted to reward knowledgeable players who try using the glitch, so I put a secret item in a place that they could only reach by using the glitch.

Here's a tutorial for how to do the glitch, by the guy who discovered it:

About the playthrough:
  • The return of Dakada! Piece of cake.
  • AtmaWeapon isn't very difficult compared to Dakada.
  • Ruefue's entrance is sloooow.
  • Nice, stole a Paladin Shield and equipped it mid-battle.
  • Ruefue was way easier than his dramatic entrance would suggest... but at least he dropped some nice rewards. 54 AP, a Force Shield, and 97042 GP.
  • Only three characters can wear the Paladin Shield, yikes.
  • Every time I get to L.255Magic, I don't have Life 3... I wish I had that luxury.
  • I like that Enempsuma & Ruttage encounter, where the Ruttages are invisible. It's deceptive because it really looks like Enempsuma is the only enemy. That made me think that I should hide the names of some invisible enemies, but then they would be really difficult to look up.
  • HernVamo is very resourceful... it looks like he counters your attacks with Cure 3 and Goner. I wonder what enemy's AI he's based off of.
  • Finally got a Moogle Charm! But you didn't use it.
  • Genma's berserker throws are acting really weird... I wonder if that's because one of the party members was Sneezed away?
Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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A totally secret item, huh? I really like it: i might search for it, using the Moogle Charm, still only Mamimi can use it, so it might take a bit of time...

- Until X-magic + unblockable spells will exist, amost all bosses will always be weak... but i'll solve that in my hack...
- Great, no Life 3 on Lv 255? unless you jump away or something, the other option is killing his MP... still my bro luckily had a Punisher that was breakable for a Life 3...
- What's the point in using the Charm, if you want to show the randomizer to watchers?
- Weird toss ally animation should happen when someone else acts as Umaro, it's not the first time that i see that happen... this time in particular also Umaro's sprite was present, anyway.


part 73 - Biting dust with weakest allies

It costed me something to beat Atma with weaklings... still i don't understand why i forgot to add at least one good member in this group.

part 74 - Dragon war

Another custom boss! I expect to see at least a third one too...

part 75 - We made half of the tower, so far...

The assassin really likes to petrify, huh?

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Yeah, in the endgame, bosses really aren't as difficult as random encounters. That's sort-of by design. I didn't want players to get stuck on a boss they have to defeat to progress. Random encounters are optional, so I can get a little more crazy with those. In Kefka's Tower, most of the difficulty comes from being forced to split your party, as you noticed. It's pretty funny that your weakest party got stuck fighting Atma. Usually I don't even bother fighting him because I always have a bad party.
  • Getting a lot of mileage out of fixed dice + offering, defense-piercing weapons are really good with all the high-defense bosses out there.
  • Using Palidor to avoid Ultima, that's a classic.
  • Used some Coronets to defeat Atma? Well, you've got Ultima, so as long as you've got a magic user, you can do damage.
  • Genma vs. DryEmp solo boss fight was a nice thought, but it wasn't meant to be.
  • Force Armor will go great with the Force Shield from that other secret boss.
  • Wore the cursed shield into the Skull Dragon and Inferno fights... overconfidence?
  • Simulkill on Skull Dragon, nice.
  • Inferno's arm can petrify in addition to Delta Hit? Personally, I always pack Petrify immunity for this fight, even if it means wearing Jewel Rings on every character.
  • I just noticed... you didn't pick up any Lv +50% espers? That's too bad, it would have been the best esper boost for making a master thief.
  • You re-encountered your old friends, Dakada and the clock boss, not too far from each other.
  • Did you get sick of the Kefka's Tower theme song? I was trying to think of ways to mix up the music so it doesn't get too boring, but the music changing every time you switch between parties is too jarring.
Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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Abyssonym, didn't you change the Moogle Charm to only heavily reduce the number of incoming encounters, not remove them altogether? Or was mine just randomized that way?

The only thing harder than finding a needle in a haystack is finding a haystack in a needle. Laugh

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What's the point of playing something, if you're not ready to finish it at 100%? even if Atma was skippable i had to beat him.

- Bosses i had to slay with 4x dice were basically timed battle: the moment in which they cast a deadly spell means gameover... so i need being faster than them.
- That mage was lame and his Mdefense too much high, maybe? i don't remember... anyway item spells are stronger than spell version or just ignore defense, that's why i gathered a bunch of coronets;
- That's just the strongest party, and Genome is a one man army.
- Not bad idea, still the song is some room restarted even when i close inventory...


part 76 - Mission impossible: stealing to Goddess

The worst party combination, since they only could use Thief Knife and being used as meat shields
PS. only now i realized that Earrings added also death immunity...

part 77 - Thanks to Forcefield

2 allies were bounded to the ground, until he voided ice damage.

part 78 - Demonica, the ultimate secret BC armor

As mentioned from Abyss, all the randomizations have a super secret item, obtainable just with a glitch in the map.
Here's my super item:
Armor - Demonica
Def 144
Mdef 128
+7 all stats
+20 evasion
+10 Mblock
Equipable from all party
Usable as item -> Scan(won't be destroyed)
Learn scan at 2x speed rate
100% hit
Vigor/HP + 50%
Shell/Wall on low HP
Exp x2
Randomly evade and counter
Physical damage boost
Auto regen/safe/mute

All the rest is mincemeating...

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Yeah, I haven't figured out why the music does that in certain areas.
  • Ugh, that Guardian palette... glad I fixed that too.
  • Blizzard Orb makes your berserker use Alexandr. Not bad, I suppose.
  • Step Mine's MP cost was a glitch... it does that if it costs over 100 MP, I think.
  • Bringing a Berserker to Goddess? How unfortunate.
  • Yeah, this really is the worst possible party for stealing from Goddess, since you're forced to use a thief knife against her Love Token. Using Doom Darts Palidor to get around that was pretty neat though.
  • Finally stole her snow scarf... wait... is that the same scarf in her sprite?
  • 5000 damage Quasar, wow! Well at least she wasn't a pushover like some other bosses. Although that's partly because your Thunder Shields don't protect against Bolt attacks.
  • Rippler + Condemned/Zombie wasn't a bad idea, too bad it didn't work.
  • Doom was pretty nonthreatening until he started using "Lucky", an unblockable instant death attack.
  • Running low on Fenix Downs, maybe?
  • Lv51 vs Lv99... it's small, but there's still a chance to steal.
  • The place where you found the Demonica... did you know that there's normally a second Memento Ring there in Thamasa? I don't remember seeing you pick it up.
  • Although the Demonica is strong, it doesn't protect against instant death attacks... just like in the game where it came from.
  • Was Poltrgeist caught in an infinite Blaster loop because your stopped party member couldn't be killed? I never thought about that but it makes sense.
  • The return of Ruefue! And another Paladin Shield!
Can't wait to see the final battle.

(03-22-2015, 10:05 AM)Cecil188 Wrote: Abyssonym, didn't you change the Moogle Charm to only heavily reduce the number of incoming encounters, not remove them altogether? Or was mine just randomized that way?
Yeah, that's correct. If both the 'f' and 'b' flags are set, the Moogle Charm gets nerfed. It's definitely still worth using, though.
Beyond Chaos is a full-game randomizer for FF6.

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