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Restricted Cast, who would you pick?

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Suppose you were tasked with reworking FF6 in such a way that there are a maximum of only four playable characters.  All other playable characters would instead become NPCs with no combat capabilities.

Who would you pick to be the four playable characters, and why?

I have my own thoughts on this, but I'd like to see what others say first.  Also, when I open a post with a long analysis on the internet, it discourages interaction and nobody wants to read it.

I doubt I could get it down to 4 characters but I can definitely eliminate a few.

I'll edit this post as I come up with ideas, and make this a containment area for my criticisms of FF6, FF JRPGs, and SE in general.

Most good JRPGs have either a good execution of a bad cliched JRPG plot, or a bad execution of an interesting plot. FF6 is a bit of both, but leans toward the former with some very big lapses here and there. If I had submitted it to a writing class, I would fail the class.

My understanding of story and plot is that you write interesting and coherent characters, put them in a world that is logically consistent (not necessarily real world logic), and let them bounce off each other. You could say it's the lazy way of writing a good story, but it works.

Character 1

Realm, Mog, and Gau use different variations of the same mechanic - Strago too, to a degree. I'd roll them into a Saga Frontier type monster, which can change forms, gains stat boosts exclusively from absorbing skills from defeated monsters post-battle, and has it's own unique weapons and armors. Instead of Magic it would get Blue Magic, and it's 3rd skill slot would let you choose (with accurate descriptions) one of the monster skills it's learned. Monster skills wouldn't require MP and would use any stat for their effect, while Blue Magic would cost MP and use the Magic stat for their effects as appropriate (so Self-Destruct wouldn't use Magic at all except maybe for accuracy, since it uses HP for damge).

Non-Blue Magic monster skills would get a 1 turn cooldown so you can't spam them, have a table with cooldown numbers for each skill, or have the cooldown rely on the skill power byte(s) for duration.

A shape-shifting monster can make for an interesting story, depending on if it has human intelligence and how long it lives. Could be a sort of demi-god or nature spirit, or a human cursed to live forever without a static form. If the latter, what that human(?) did to earn that curse and what s/he was beforehand is a great source of characterization.

There are a lot of myths and stories about mortals earning curses from various eldritch beings. The shapeshifter could have been basically the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, he could be a man who dumped his wife for a newer bride, he could have stolen something from a temple. S/he could have been someone who wished to change his/her gender or appearance and asked the in-game equivalent of TES Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile for this, and didn't read the fine print before s/he signed on the dotted line - getting EXACTLY what s/he wished for, to his/her chagrin.

That still leaves the issue of why an immortal shapeshifter would care about a temporal human empire, or the concerns of normal humans.

I really like David Bowie, so maybe I'd just make the shapeshifter David Bowie. Put them on a starship and have them crash land on the planet, and have the party recruit them as a hidden character after some long sidequest. They joins up to get parts to fix their spaceship, be a tourist, and see what the humans are up to. This meshes well with the gender implications of a shapeshifter too, and lets you play with the implications of a character that can literally transcend gender and species in a world where everyone else is stuck with what they were born as, something which may be of interest to the furry and trans audience.

Character 2

Sabin, Umaro, and Shadow could become one character, a non-mage barbarian monk who throws stuff. I'd put the Blitzes in a menu and give them a cool down after use proportional to their power, effect, and number of targets. This is to prevent you from always using them instead of Fight. Throw would remain the same, maybe allow multi-targeting for shurikens and the like but reduce the damage or make it consume more items. I'd give him a limited vocabulary and make him huge, brutally strong, very fast, kinda dumb, and easily angered. Maybe make him a her and produce lots of snu-snu jokes too. Source material for the character would be the white-haired, blue-eyed, deathly pale northern barbarians from the Robert E. Howard Conan the Barbarian universe, where civilizations rise and fall over and over again; people devolve to ape-men and then re-evolve back to human over time; and tectonic plate shifts and the planet rolling around on it's axis radically changes the climate every few 10,000 years.

Maybe add some Raymond Feist Dragon Lord or demi-human themes themes too. Or make him a pure "I see things, I smash them, I get paid, I carouse, I get arrested, I pay fine, I need money, I take job to smash things to get paid." This would make him/her a good contrast to the Terra character below, and maybe a consort of the same since he/her is both easily manipulated via base impulses but also totally immune to complicated deceptions that require higher thought processes.

Maybe steal the Grendel and Ginger Witch character from Beowulf & Grendel, and have them be Grug Sabin's mom and dad. Have her run away from or driven from her community due to her magical abilities, she meets basically slightly more humanoid (or not, if you play it for laughs) Umaro, and settle down on Umaro's mountain top to raise kids and herd mountain goats. A passing Shaolin Monk is impressed with the size, strength, and ferocity of 9 year old Grug Sabin, and persuades Grendel Umaro and Ginger Witch to send Grug Sabin to Monk's monastery to study martial arts and ki magic and whatnot.

Character 3

Cyan, Celes, and Leo would be rolled into a Samurai + Dark Knight + Paladin + Sword Mage semi-mage character. Sword Tech would be selectable from a menu and then heat up to execution, to prevent it from being a better option than Fight. Runic would become a Sword Tech, and would behave much more intelligently (affect only enemy and charmed/hostile ally spells, persist until used, number of Runic instances would be a byte instead of a bit flag so you can stack it to block multiple spells from hostiles). I'd make the Sword Techs reminiscent of the aforementioned classes, and steal ideas from the Brave New World mod. Instead of getting more powerful skills that make the previous ones obsolete, new skills he learns would give him more options.

Instead of Magic this character would get Sword Magic, purely offensive spells that combine a sword strike and a spell. No heat up or cool down, just an MP cost.

Swordsman - or swordswoman - could be any combination of those characters in terms of characterization. Maybe make him or her a powerful tool and enforcer of the empire, who is of course betrayed and has a crisis due to the betrayal. Maybe they think it's all a misunderstanding and continue to drag Terra/Circe to the empire, only for his/her former comrades in the army to obey the emperor/magistrates/whoever and beat him/her senseless.

I'd play this character as the Straight Man, but give him (or her) the option to occasionally belt one of the pranksters with the flat of a sword to turn the tables.

Character 4

I'd mix Setzer and Locke together. The Steal command would become a Theft skill set, where you select two utility skills from a small menu of 6 to 8 skills. These skills would be very minor, hence why you pick two at a time instead of one. Steal would go here, as would Morph if I keep it (a deathblow for enemies in critical HP, with a HP or MP cost to the caster, that grants an item if successful). Skills to view enemy status, stealable/morphable items, and generally do housekeeping things that don't fit in any other skillset and aren't that useful to merit a spell all fit here.

The Slots command would work as that one hack to it on this site does, where each roll gives you a 30% chance to get that effect and the last 10% is Lagomorph (minor HP and MP heal). I'd add the option to reroll your end-result once, and you have to take the rerolled end-result no matter what.

I'd also put a timer on the slots, so you have like 5 seconds each to pick an option for each of the 3 slots. Not sure if I'm explaining this correctly.

Setzer-Locke could basically be a combination of the two personality-wise, a gambler, escape artist, and heister who graduated from common theivery. Alternately, make him a courtly highwayman and pirate, who steals as many hearts as he does valuables.

He always runs away when the party gets captured and steals their belongings when he finds it convenient, but he always breaks them out of jail.

Maybe give him X-Item to round him out, or give that to Edgar. It probably goes better on Edgar.

You could also play with the character in different ways by making him older and more cynical and lazy, like John Dortmunder in the aforementioned Donald Westlake comedic heist stories. Characters don't have to be 17 year old combat veterans, he can be in his mid 30s.

The Slots skill give you an opportunity for characterization. You could lampshade the game mechanic with a flashback to a time he robbed or broke the heart of a powerful sorceress, and she cursed him to have to make decisions at random. He found a way to use that by getting very good at rolling dice, playing darts, and playing slots/cards as a way to gain an advantage in combat. This demonstrates his slippery, canny nature and explains why the heck some guy is throwing dice in a sword fight.

Character 5

I think that leaves Terra. She would be a pure mage, and her morph command would give her 1/2 current MP costs (stacks with anything that affects MP costs), make all her spells mandatory multi-targetable if they aren't already, remove any penalties to multi-target, and replace her magic command with double cast. She'd also get the Summon command to replace Revert while morphed. When not morphed she's pretty much the same as vanilla, only with mage-only gear.

Right now I'm feeling the most interesting characterization for her is deceptive predator, who feigns weakness and poses as bait to get people in range of her charm and command spells/traps. Think Circe in the Oddesey. Maybe our party is tasked with capturing her, highjinks ensue when they fail at first, later they win and put her in a cart and ride back to collect the bounty, only for a corrupt magistrate to attempt to imprison them and steal the reward/glory for himself. They are sentenced to death as her accomplices, and since they're going to die anyways they decide to break out and lead a rebellion against a corrupt, unresponsive, and calcified empire.

I'd leave it in the air if all of this is our Circe-Terra manipulating the magistrate, our party, and people in general as payback, and to become the beloved queen of a new nation. It would be funny if a self-serving character does good things totally in spite of herself. I prefer anti-heroes who are forced by circumstances outside their control to do good, and how they feel about, react to, and use this to further their own goals or otherwise change and grow.

Did I forget anyone?

Character 6
Oh yeah, Edgar.

Lancer/Dragoon + Engineer/Mechanic. Not a lot you can do with Edgar. Maybe just rebalance his Tools and replace Magic with Jump. Jump can coexist with Fight if they're used in different circumstances - Jump when you want to deal damage and avoid it, Fight when you want to stick around to tank for the softies a bit. Jump could also benefit from different behavior with different types of weapons, or with specific weapons. You could have a weapon (or weapon type) that turns Jump into a hit-all, and another that makes it hit twice or three or four times; and have both reduce the damage to 1/2 to balance things out. Other weapons or weapon types could increase the debuff/spell/crit proc rate for Jump.

I'd rebalance the tools such that none of them are worth replacing with Fight, at least not always. This would involve making them all either elemental, or forcing them to inflict a status effect before dealing damage and having the damage fail if the effect isn't inflicted.  Add some healing and buffing options. I'd give each individual tool a significant cooldown as well, so you can't spam the best in each circumstance until you win.

Give him X-item and make plenty of useful items, but none that are excessively powerful at any level or with any stat/gear/skill loadout.

For Edgar as a character I'd make him a madman happy to tinker in isolation. Maybe make him out to be a demon or vampire to the party, which turns out to be rumors from superstitious bandits who attempted to raid his mechanized fortress of solitude. Hype it up to be some big battle with an uber-boss, but have a hidden option to ask him nicely to join you and he will - anticlimactically - say "okay, sure" after asking if he'll find interesting machines. Still have the option to fight him to force him to join you, but make him rather grumpy about this for the rest of the game.

He's a good candidate for another hidden character.

You could have some fun party dynamics by making him immune to Terra/Circe's charms by making him not care about people in the slightest. Now that I think about it, everyone in the party should have some degree of immunity to her wiles, because it would be funny. The shapeshifter because s/he's not human, an inherently magical creature, not definitely gendered, or already cursed and thus immune to further curses. The Cyan-Celes-Leo hybrid could be immune to charms due to harsh training, willpower, special effects bestowed on elite imperial warriors, or because s/he's just that rigid about sticking to his/her personal code. Locke-Setzer would be immune to her charms due to his vast experience and know-how of seducing women to steal everything they and their families/husbands own, and generally being somewhat sociopathic in that regard. Having random NPCs come up to her and propose marriage would be funny too, especially if she gets so frustrated by it that she literally sets them on fire or strikes them with lighting bolts as she gets tired of dealing with it.

The plot/story would have a lot of elements stolen from Donald E. Westlake comedic heist books.

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I wasn't really thinking character plot rewrites... more along the lines of downplaying their roles in the game and making them non-combat characters.

For instance, Edgar is the king of Figaro. He's got an entire country to lead; he can't be running around in caves with some witch. Setzer can pilot and maintain an airship without going into battle. That sort of thing.

Your breakdown of action commands is really good, though. I particularly like what you described for Sabin.

(12-06-2020, 09:41 PM)C-Dude Wrote: I wasn't really thinking character plot rewrites... more along the lines of downplaying their roles in the game and making them non-combat characters.

For instance, Edgar is the king of Figaro.  He's got an entire country to lead; he can't be running around in caves with some witch.  Setzer can pilot and maintain an airship without going into battle.  That sort of thing.

Your breakdown of action commands is really good, though.  I particularly like what you described for Sabin.

In that case...

Sabin - teaches Blitzes in exchange for money or quests, has his own gym/monastary/dojo. Quests related to lawsuits and notices to appear in court accidentally sent to him instead of his twin brother Edgar, his rival Vargas and Vargas' school/dojo. Have some quests related to very rare stat boost items (steroids, growth hormones, and related stuff) being delivered from Mog. Some quests about Duncan and Duncan's wife.

Vargas - same as Sabin but evil, presumably pro-Imperial. Include some quests related to Duncan.

Strago - manages espers, magicite, does magic training for the party. At least I assume he can; given that you can learn magic from both items and espers, it stands to reason that a magically gifted human could teach you some spells too (after appropriate side quests for "ingredients" like Brachiosaur bones that are actually event flags). Would be nice to have a less grindey alternative to esper and item learning, and more content in optional areas to explore. Add some quests related to Shadow and Relm.

Relm - changes the party's costumes, give you sidequests for item crafting where you find rare art materials (sets event flags, not actual items) and she paints useful items into reality for you. Sidequests to unlock menu decorations and recolors, and make furniture for your base/house/faction. Add sidequests related to her mom and dad, with options to deliver info to Shadow and lie to her, or to lead her to Shadow and have him very reluctantly play the father while sweating about the money he owes Child Services. Her mom may not actually be dead, just doing something shameful far away or partying it up with drug dealers and using her magic to get high.

Gau - combat training, he takes the form of any monster you've already fought so you can learn blue magic or monster skills from them. Can't steal/morph items, or get item drops though. He would call it "dancing", of course. I can't think of any way to make Gau's story any worse/sad, which is really saying something.

Mog - uses mysterious moogle connections to transport you from one town/cave/forest to another across the world. Maybe add giant mushroom themes and jokes about what exactly the verdant green plants in the moogle gardens are, to which he always forgets how to speak to humans and defaults to "Kupo?" before changing the subject. Teaches you various dances or how to "jump" in exchange for certain seeds and "herbs", or delivering a package through port security to seedy strangers or other moogles without opening the package.

Umaro - mining minigame, or gives you quests where you trade carvings for random stuff he found, made, or took off the bodies of adventurers and imperials he killed and presumably ate. Help him finish a drum set, xylophone/piano/lyre, and guitar made from parts of various critters, and you unlock the music/sound test and a no-shit in-game music creator with a few music slots you can play from the menu.

Gogo - name change, let's you switch out skills like GP Rain, Throw, X-Magic, X-Fight, and so on after you complete various quests. Obviously can only do this for one character at a time using event flags to prevent you from giving everyone X-Fight. Can occasionally be found wandering around your base disguised as a character already in your party or your lead character. Maybe make the quests hits on clowns, in a mime vs clown running gag, or steal stuff necessary for Gogo to transform into various people.

Setzer - airship pilot, casino (minigame) owner, and presumably convicted sex offender (sure likes to kidnap women), who offers quests related to all these things. Maybe get blackmail on a politician in different areas to get pardons or records destroyed, or just destroy the records yourself.

Edgar - can offer you loans at interest since he's a head of state and has his own national bank, makes mechanical contraptions for you if you do quests for him. Gives quests about getting other countries to take his loans or pay them back, usually involving sabotage or blackmail of leaders. Deliver Edgar's hilarious and awful love letters to various female NPCs and try to escape without being arrested or beaten by their male relatives, boyfriends, husbands, and the police.

Locke - offers quests, steals stuff from targets for you in exchange for payment or quests, maybe runs a thieves treasure hunters guild. Include a quest to steal "personal effects" from Celes, to lampshade that Locke is either a simp, creep, or utterly clueless about women in vanilla. Quests about Rachel too, and the old man who has her in stasis, her family (who may not actually be dead), and what actually happened in all this vs Locke as unreliable narrator.

Shadow - offers assassinations, gives quests, loans you his dog after you find it for him. Have him offer quests to destroy records about how much child support he owes Strago.

Celes - as a general, she offers military, sabotage, and spying related quests and minigames for the player, and I assume teaches magic and maybe Runic too. Could be you fighting against Leo or Kefka for different effects in the minigames and quests. Include a quest to deliver a restraining order to Locke, Edgar, and Setzer.

Leo/Kefka/Gestahl - offers the same quests as above, but for the Empire. The quests match the nature of the character - Leo is honorable, Kefka is insane and evil, Gestahl is rather clueless but also power hungry and conniving. Some of Kefka's quests are hits on mimes. Mimes should be obsessive and compulsive, clowns omnicidal narcissists.

Cid - offers esper/magicite/magitech/magic quests for the Empire. Has an awkward or strained relationship with Celes. Have quests related to her mother.

Bannon - Pretty much the same as Gestahl, just for the Returners.

The old guy who meets Terra after she meets the Esper - Returner and Narshe quests.

The Narshe Mayor - Narshe quests.

Terra - NPC that offers quests related to her lost memories, espers, her mother's family here in the non-esper world, teaches some magic in exchange for that or money. We have no idea who she is or where she comes from, would be nice to see that. Some jokes from both her mother and father's family where they talk crap about humans and espers, and maybe some fights between the two families to Terra's eternal embarrassment. Maybe rescue her mom and dad too, don't let them die, and give her brothers and sisters. Would be funny if one of her siblings was literally a dog esper, and the embarrassment and shame that would cause her mother's side of the family... and of course furry jokes.

Cyan - teaches you sword techs as you finish quests for him, related to: Doma, burying his wife and child and other people of Doma, putting their spirits to rest and removing his bad dreams (by going in his head and purging that demon whose name I forgot), finding a powerful sentient sword, returning his sword to his ancestral tomb/shrine. Maybe add jokes about his kid not actually being his own, with the option to show or not show him the letters his wife wrote to that effect and make the kid's sprite look nothing like him.

These are just ideas, don't need to use them for all characters. Some of the quests should be repeatable, which I assume you can do by resetting some event flags when a quest is complete or some time afterwards.

And yes, many of these are horrifying and full of fridge horror implications.
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  • C-Dude (12-07-2020)

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Hmm... that's interesting. I hadn't considered making ALL of the main characters NPCs. If you were to do that, then the playable characters could be selected by class, like FF1 (though I'm not sure I'd allow doubles like that game).

If I weren't already working on two other projects, I would be very tempted to make a version of FF6 like that.

(12-07-2020, 04:50 PM)C-Dude Wrote: Hmm... that's interesting.  I hadn't considered making ALL of the main characters NPCs.  If you were to do that, then the playable characters could be selected by class, like FF1 (though I'm not sure I'd allow doubles like that game).

If I weren't already working on two other projects, I would be very tempted to make a version of FF6 like that.

I don't know if the commented disassembly is at the point where it has labels and suchlike, and you can delete routines and data structures to free up room; but if it is, you could have the vanilla PCs be NPCs, and develop a smaller set of PCs like in my first post ITT. You can free up a lot of room only needing data for 4 to 6 characters instead of like 15.

Consider also mixing free roaming non-linear events vs linear vanilla FF6 plots (though you can have both, TBH). Having multiple quest systems (message boards, NPCs, bars, random events) would sort of mix them all together, which would be nice but perhaps beyond the capabilities of the game.

Same goes for blank slate characters like TES or Fallout (or Chrono Trigger to a degree) vs games with strongly developed characters who have backgrounds, motivations, and believable writing (what most Final Fantasy games go for and accomplish to varying degrees).

Or you could avoid it altogether by limiting the number of characters you can recruit in a single playthrough, forcing you to recruit the others in NG+ to see their stories.

Or have 2+ scenarios like the SaGa games, where their stat blocks carry over to one degree or another and some characters can only be recruited in specific scenarios either hard-coded as such, or because they were recruited in the previous scenario.

No matter what you do, this post is basically impossible to implement without something that disassembles the event code into abstract scripting language style functions, and the various bytes into nameable variables. It wouldn't be that different from a compiler or assembler, and honestly sounds fun to implement. You could check for errors when the compiled event scripts are larger than the available ROM space, decompile compiled scripts and fart around with them, write code that optimizes the position of field variables based on things peculiar to the scripting language and the assembly architecture.

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I'm going to answer from a pure storyline standpoint. The characters that you really need in your party in order to drive the plot forward are:
Terra - Connection with the Espers
Locke - Connection with the Returners
Celes - Connection with the Empire

That leaves room for one more permanent character. Shadow, Mog, Gogo, Umaro, and for the most part, Gau, are already optional (After the scenario split, you can choose to have Gau Leap and then never recover him). Setzer can totally fulfill his role as an NPC. Strago and Relm provide an interesting twist in the story, but they are not what I would consider essential. That leaves 3, who all have about equal footing in my book:
Edgar - He is the most important to the story, and has the most "screen time". His technological prowess also works well in the semi-steampunk world. His role as the King of (neutral) Figaro also allows him to be connected to both the Returners and the Empire. However, as has been pointed out, he's a King. He doesn't really need to join you.
Sabin - Sabin's role as a wandering monk allows him the storyline flexibility to join up. However, even though Sabin was my favorite character growing up, he really has no importance to the story, other than enhancing Edgar's backstory.
Cyan - He definitely has reason to join your party, as the poisoning of Doma is a pivotal event in the plot. As the retainer to Doma, he represents the people caught in the crossfire of the impending war... someone who was aligned with the Returners, but the Returners didn't get there in time. His people were crushed by the Empire, using the power of the Espers. He has reason to hate all 3 of the essential characters, and yet he also has reason to travel with them.

So, I think I'd actually give the 4th character slot to Cyan. I think it works best with the story, and gives the characters a reason to be involved in portions of the plot that they otherwise wouldn't. Gameplay-wise, he also balances out the party by giving a heavy armor/high damage character.

On further thought, Terra and Celes are barely ever in your party at the same time in the World of Balance. Storyline changes might be required to accommodate the 4-character structure, such as having Terra "recover" before your initial trip to the Empire and the Magitek Facility.

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character

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#1: Locke, because he can steal and stolen items means rare items which means power and item collection.

#2: Celes. Terra might seem like the better choice but I almost never use Morph due to the time limit/recharge mechanic where as Celes is almost identical and there are instances where I'd forgo other commands to spam Runic.

#3: Sabin. Be realistic; If he were an NPC, we'd all wish he was playable far more than Leo. A badass muscle man with martial arts skills that dishes out big damage and elemental attacks.

#4: Strago. You gotta find monsters and collect their abilities? It's another kind of collectible that definitely gives you power plus he sports a mohawk.

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I think we can all agree that Terra, Locke and Celes are kinda of mandatory to the plot. The fourth character could be either Edgar or Cyan, to balance the gameplay ascpect. However, I think you would end up having to to add more skills to each character (like FFIV), because Morph, Runic and Steal are, if not useless, used pretty rarely. Now that I think about it, this is an interesting concept for a hack: less characters, but each one have an extra ability, like, maybe Locke could use Steal and Throw, Terra, Morph and Summon, etc. I don't make idea how hard it would be to code that, though. Also, changes to plot would be necessary, because, right now, I can't think anything that Cyan could specialize except for Bushido.

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(12-12-2020, 08:39 PM)daRosa Wrote: I think we can all agree that Terra, Locke and Celes are kinda of mandatory to the plot. The fourth character could be either Edgar or Cyan, to balance the gameplay ascpect. However, I think you would end up having to to add more skills to each character (like FFIV), because Morph, Runic and Steal are, if not useless, used pretty rarely. Now that I think about it, this is an interesting concept for a hack: less characters, but each one have an extra ability, like, maybe Locke could use Steal and Throw, Terra, Morph and Summon, etc. I don't make idea how hard it would be to code that, though. Also, changes to plot would be necessary, because, right now, I can't think anything that Cyan could specialize except for Bushido.

You could do this if you remapped Item to replace the "Row" command, and made that exclusive to the world map. Here are abilties that could work.

Terra: Fight | Magic | Morph | Lore
I think Blue Magic should be in the game, and it makes the most sense for Terra to have it.

Locke: Fight | Magic | Steal/Mug | Throw/GP Rain/Slot/Sketch/Control/Mimic/Dance
So, Locke's big thing is that his last ability slot is blank until you equip a relic to change it out. The relics could be gained from previous main characters. For example, Setzer could give you a relic that changes your last command to "Slot". This would require some ASM hacking, but is easily doable. Mug and an increased chance to steal I see as being upgrades he gains through storyline events, rather than relics, kind of like how Terra's Morph gets upgraded in the WOR.

Celes: Fight | Magic | Runic | Tools (renamed Tek)
As the actual trained Magitek knight, Celes being able to use the Tools makes the most sense. She can also gain the ability to use Spears, making her a perfect Dragoon.

Cyan: Fight | Magic | SwdTech | Blitz
The combo of SwdTech/Blitz gives Cyan an interesting gameplay loop without breaking character. Do you want to spend time for a surefire hit, or do button inputs for a quick ability?

FFVI: Divergent Paths (Completed) - a complete storyline and gameplay hack of FF6 that adds Leo as a playable character
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