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Mod Idea: FF1 rebuild of FF6

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While needing a break from the hack I was working on I had an idea and I'm just wondering if some of the more experienced hackers on here would be able to tell me if this is even doable at all.

My idea is to rebuild the original Final Fantasy as a major hack for Final Fantasy VI (and yes, I already know this is a huge project that will take a long, long time and quite possibly never get finished).

The most significant problem I can foresee is creating a job system which assigns your classes. Is that even possible? Can you manipulate the event script to assign sprites and palettes to characters, and by doing so create a series of events at the beginning of the game to pick out your party of four?

And the second question is about an issue with FF6LE being incompatible with FF3usME. Is there a way around that problem, such as creating a patch of your map data changes and applying it to your ME altered data?

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The idea of of a job system (FF5) has already been discussed in this thread:

I'll quote the most relevant post from it and say it is '"possible" to make a job system, but I haven't personally think about everything that would need to be done it would probably not be easily done.
Edrin Wrote:When I get a chance to finish fixing the magic list patch, I am thinking of rewriting the learned magic system from scratch. I want to make each learned magic just a bit, on or off, like lore blitz and swdtech. Using the same space the magic lists currently use up I could make 81 bit-based magic lists... I could probably take some of those bytes and use them for additional ability lists as well. It would take a major overhaul, but I think its doable. The only downside is I haven't come up with a way to keep percentage-based learning... but if we turned magicite into job crystals, and learned magic through level up or purchasing... it would work out just fine.

You can assign different sprites and palettes to an actor through events. Event commands 37 and 43 are for that:

Command : Byte widths, including command byte

37 : 3    : First parameter is the object referenced. Gives object A graphics set B.
43 : 3    : Assign palette B to character A

As for the compatibility between FF6LE and FF3usME, you can make a patch of your changes in FF6LE (from a blank ROM) and patch them to the ROM you are using FF3usME with.

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Thanks for all that information Madsiur, that's actually really helpful.

Actually about the magic learning, if I were to stay true to the classic FF1 style I was expecting to replace relics with "books" which will only be accessible to certain classes (like "Blink" for white mage, or "Fire" for black and red mages) which will teach the magic at a percentage.

The event editing was similar to what I was looking at. I haven't gotten too far into event hacking yet, but I've noticed from the event script dump you should be able to create an event that sets a character's sprite/palette. If you can do that I figure why can't you make two events which do that and allow the player to only pick one of the options?

I suppose there is another drag here though, is it possible to have an event which assigns a specific actor's properties (stats, abilities, equipment lists) to a character? Looking at the event dump this seems doable, right?
CA/5E37: 40    Assign properties $00 to character $00 (Actor in slot 0)
I'm taking an educated guess this bit of code tells the game to assign Terra the stats and abilities she is supposed to have. Could you not make a branching event that would assign any property (say a selection from $00-05) to actor $00 to make a character that could be any other actor? Then do the same with characters $01, $02, and $03?

I mean if the coding works out then it's just an issue of either creating a menu -- or more easily a series of screens similar to the "choose a scenario" map, with all 6 classes standing there as events which assign the traits to your characters. Talk to a fighter on screen 1 to put a fighter in your party in slot 1, talk to a red mage on map 2 to put a red mage in slot 2, etc.

I'm figuring this is doable, just hasn't be done before for the very reason of "why would any bother?" But I'm curious about this system, it could hypothetically open the way for some very interesting hacks where you could branch off creating mutually exclusive characters. This could make for some very interesting hack ideas.

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(02-07-2013, 12:52 PM)Ghost XIII Wrote: Could you not make a branching event that would assign any property (say a selection from $00-05) to actor $00 to make a character that could be any other actor? Then do the same with characters $01, $02, and $03?

This is very feasible. You only need to have a selection screen with a menu or like you say characters from different classes that you talk to. Both can be done via events.

However, implementing that system in the main or subs menu(s) would be a lot more work in my opinion and requires a good knowledge of bank C3.


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Yeah, fortunately I'm not planning anything that complex, like job switching or whatnot. I'm mostly interested in picking a selection of 4 characters at the beginning of the game that you will have for the rest of the game. I may frig around with this when I have some free time next week. Thanks again for the help Madsiur, I was unsure if this idea would work or not.

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