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ips conversion

Hi, I am new here at ffhacking and i have an mp3 oc decisive battle with the ff6 sound format. how do i convert an mp3 to an spc and how do i make an spc an ips patch? i would like to replace fierce battle as the decisive battle from ff5.

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Unless I'm mistaken, the is no such thing as a SPC to IPS converter. You have either use the binary song data from another Squaresoft game and adapt it to FF3us. This can be an easy or average difficulty task depending of the music commands that are different in both games. The other alternative is to compose a song from scratch in FF3us. There is a music tutorial thread in the tutorials section.

firstly, i have the ffusme 6.70 and i can't figure out how to compose a song. secondly, i want to know if there is an ips patch of boundless available beause ff6 eternal crystals has the song replace dark world in the world of ruin, and thirdly, i have an mp3 of an ff6 version of ff5 decivise battle (battle against exdeath) and i want to compose a replica of same instruments. and is there any site that i can find ips patches to ff6?

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You're -way- off track on your mission, soldier. =X

- You cannot compose a song in usme, the only music related function you can do is import BRR's (instrument samples).

There are only a few ways to properly hack music into FFVI, and a select few people that can currently do it.

To get 'er done like MetroidQuest did there, you would need to manually 'compose' it in by using a hex editor & midi sequencer and firstly reading/learning the music tutorial hosted on this very site that Madsiur recommended that you seemed to ignore all together. Music hacking is one of the hardest things to do in all of ROM hacking, and you my friend are a beginner hacker - it will first require you to know how to hex edit for one thing, so I'd start there if your truly serious about getting in custom music. Then, you can come back and ask questions or even ask for help.

I'm not going to go into the other ways of hacking in music at this time, as they will be over your head as well I'm pretty sure, no offence. It's one of those things that's so hard to teach, that those who know how to do it are in no rush to teach others, as it's a serious commitment for both and takes...time. Yes, that thing that none of us have enough of. ^_^

- And no, there's currently no patch for that song MQ did.

- Yes, there's many ips patch sites for FFVI, tons of 'em. If you meant for music only though, no there's not. Just a couple that are hosted on this site.

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i know nothing about hex editing and how it works, but i used a hex editor to remove the veldt music in the world of balance should you return after entering the world of ruin (such as through the opera house glitch or inserting an exit). also i saw some ips patches such as silent light from chrono trigger but the link seems unvailable. i just started hacking ff6 and ff4 and 5, but the editors i found seem limited. level editor is to buggy but it is the best i can find for a good map editor. so i apologize for this inconvenience, but i want to learn about rom hacking. where is the best place to begin that is tutoial sites.

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That Silent Light one is one of JCE3000GT's, maybe he can re-upload it.
If I weren't so stingy with my custom musics, I'd put out more patches than I have. =/
I've actually got the exdeath battle theme in my hack, along with about 25 other songs and counting. =D Maybe once it's finally released I'll put some of them up for grabs. Anyways...

FF3usME is the best editor in the known galaxy for hacking FFVI. It handles practically everything except hacking music, events, ASM...the harder stuff. That's where a hex editor and an advanced knowledge comes into play. Wink

Is the Level Editor giving you issues? What is the issue with it, I may be able to help.

There are quite a few extremely useful tutorials here on this site for hacking all things FF6, beginning and advanced. I'd say this site has the widest selection of tutorials around - did you happen to look in the tutorials section, pray tell??

For general ROM hacking though, I'd have to recommend

Also, I forgot to say that mp3s have nothing at all to do with hacking music into ROMs. Hold on

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i have both the regular version (the one that corrupts data if ffusme or other editing programs are used) and the rogue version (which seems to have more limit capacity and corrupts the map data of the serpent trench). anyway i edited the world of ruin and when i loaded the game, all i get is a blak blu screen with the character sprite, but the map still appears when i upload it on ff3le. another problem i got were a few corrupted maps such as th castle map (oustide) and many towns as well. i an still walk through them but it is all disorganized i cannot even restore the it manually when updating the map. also the exits for anything before map 100 cannot be accessed and i can only replicate the map. finally when i change the music (such as narshe in the world of ruin outside) the dark world music still plays in the shops when it is listed as current music. btw was it mq who made the eternal crystals hack?
also does the exdeath battle theme replace the fierce battle? i want to upload the exdeath sprite into my hack but having his battle theme seems like the only fit.

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Sounds like the map data got corrupted in your ROM.
I wrote a small tutorial on how to fix corrupted map data here:

It's a real shame to have to resort to doing this, but currently it's the only way to use the latest versions of FF3usME and have the overworld maps editable in the level editor - they obviously conflict with each other and causes the map data to get shifted/optimized in a way that LE no longer recognizes it with a simple save of usme. =X

I'd recommend to make all the map changes either first, or last, then dump the binary data of all the maps (all of them together from $EED434 -$EFED25), so you can have that to do the recovery process with if you use usme again, so your map changes will still be saved and in-tact. And if you have not done to much with your hack yet, start over with a clean ROM, I got a feeling that there may be other bad issues lurking underneath... Maybe not though, try the map recovery process first and see if it fixes your problem.


The exit past maps 100 bug is a bad one indeed, it really sucks, but luckily there's a way to still get 'er done by using the other less popular level editor made by Sleepydude, look for it on if we don't got it here. It pales in comparison to the newer one, and is less user friendly and can be confusing at first, but at least you can create the exits to maps past 100!


The issue with the songs not changing is because they are being regulated via the entrance event. So if its set to current, its going to play what ever the entrance event is telling it to play there in the code, and it will change depending on what bits are set/cleared. Take a look at the EVENTS tab there in LE and look at the entrance event: 2395A (CC/395A)

Now, looking that address up in the event dump shows this:

CC/395A: C0 If ($1E80($1CC) [$1EB9, bit 4] is set), branch to $CA5EB3 (simply returns)
CC/3960: C0 If ($1E80($0A4) [$1E94, bit 4] is set), branch to $CC3969
CC/3966: F0 Play song 23 (The Mines of Narshe), (high bit clear), full volume
CC/3968: FE Return

That's why it's playing that, because those two event bits are set, so it branches to: $CC3969.

CC/3969 =
F0 Play song 79 (Dark World), (high bit clear), full volume
CC/396B: FE Return

This is most likely not going to make any since to you and will go right over your head, but if you are interested in learning more about entrance events and getting familiar with looking at code and searching through the event dump, take a look at this other tutorial I wrote:


And finally, yes, Eternal Crystals is MQ's hack.

Hope this helps.

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i have no idea how events work but i successfully inserted the guardian into the imperial palace entrance. is the evnet data similar to the destrction of the magitek factory when escaping vector. i want to make reaccessible even after the destruction of vector but as of now the only thing i can do now is replicate the map. is the less popular level editor you are referring to the map editor? i have used it but i can only edit the overworld maps.

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I know you have no idea on how events work, that's why I tried to give you a basic idea of what's going on there haha.

I'm not entirely sure I understand you question there about similar event data or what you are trying to do. I'm going to bet that what you have done so far is copy an event address from one NPC to another, and that will only get you so far in terms of what you are trying to do. You will need to learn how to find and edit events, take a look at the 'All Things Event Hacking' thread/tutorial before you do anything else or ask any more event-related questions. =D

I kinda feel that you are trying to keep on going forward and doing things that require you to learn a bit about first and do a little first-hand research, or else you will not get very far at all. When you ask questions that there are already answers for in the documentation on this site, that will eventually ware me down to the point where I crawl back into my shell and hide, so to speak. ^_^ Read first, ask questions later I always say...starting now. Laugh

There are two or three Vector maps, and one has the guardian NPCs there at the front, you could just remove them if that's what your talking about, but if there are any NPCs that are being controlled by an entrance event, you would have to change all their NPC id#'s. Once again, not going to understand that. But if you read the tutorial(s) you just might. Wink

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