Mass Sprite Sheet Expansion Battle & NPC
04-06-2015, 09:55 PM
I think they're about the same ($2EAE and $3ED8), with a slight difference.
$2EAE is a copy of $1601, overworld sprite
$3ED8 is a copy of $1600, battle sprite
They have the same value most of the time.
$2EAE is a copy of $1601, overworld sprite
$3ED8 is a copy of $1600, battle sprite
They have the same value most of the time.
04-07-2015, 09:54 PM
![[Image: 8l7n5tzz68aj22pzg.jpg]](
Why another screen shot of NPC in battle? Mostly because 3/4 of the sprites in this shot wouldn't load into battle two days ago. Also because its just cool. (Just to be clear, yes those sprites are loaded by assigning the normal NPC graphics to a PC, no PC sprites were replaced to make this screenshot.)
As for a quick update, started working on moving/expanding the Portrait pointer data. The list is expanded to cover all the NPC's up to Ramah. (Could go higher actually... I think. Temping... hrm... ...)
Anyway, did that, and started the list for Map Character pointers that need to be directed toward the new complete Sheets, and updated the first post of the thread to show current status.
What I kinda drifted off on up there was this: The sprite sheet after Ramah is a riding sprite of the Figaro Guard. There is also a Dead sprite of a Figaro Guard at around #80 or so. Since both of those are now in the completed normal Figaro Guard sprite sheet, why couldn't those be replaced with whole new sprites and used like normal?
Also, I remember seeing something about placing a sprite pose in the slot next to the tent on a sprite sheet (the Kanji symbols?) and using it as you would any other. If that's true, why couldn't you place the "Celes in chains" pose that has its own graphic number on that slot of her normal sheet and put a full new sprite sheet in the place of the chained sprite?
Would have to go back and do some reworking of what I've already wrote (didn't account for expanding the expanded list... but if it would work, more sprite options are always better. It would be worth it I think.
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
04-07-2015, 10:42 PM
Nice, screen, I love screens. Who is the character at the bottom?
Good to here things are working. I think this will be a really nice base patch for ff6 hacking.
Good to here things are working. I think this will be a really nice base patch for ff6 hacking.
04-08-2015, 05:06 AM
That's the fish, (You know, those things you feed Cid at the start of the WoR), by James.
I did say EVERY npc. So yes, even the fish and birds will fight in this.
I did say EVERY npc. So yes, even the fish and birds will fight in this.
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
04-08-2015, 11:31 AM
what about the turtle? and the rat lol
The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess
04-08-2015, 12:07 PM
I was gonna ask about the turtle, didn't you make one?
And rat? ... which is the rat?
And rat? ... which is the rat?
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
04-08-2015, 02:20 PM
no not yet but its on my to do list as fvs turtle gil the sage is practically the same sprite. the rat is in the opera scene he has 2 poses for moving
The only limit is imagination. And 16 colors.. I guess
04-08-2015, 06:42 PM
Okay I remember the Rat now, completely forgot about the Opera. That would defiantly be a good one to have more graphic actions on. The turtle too.
On another note, if anybody is interested in part of the Bank C0 disassembly:
C0/D0F2 - C0/D384 broke down and labeled as best as I could tell. "Pointers to Map Character Graphics" and "Bank pointers and number of bytes to copy for Map Character Graphics" sections. Old information yes, but it wasn't completely spread and labeled in my disassembly so I typed it all out. Figured I'd share it in case someone wanted to drop it in their own copy of C0 just for completeness-ish.
On another note, if anybody is interested in part of the Bank C0 disassembly:
Pointers to Map Character Graphics (2 bytes each)
C0/D0F2: 00 00 #00 (Terra)
C0/D0F4: A0 16 #01 (Locke)
C0/D0F6: 40 2D #02 (Cyan)
C0/D0F8: E0 43 #03 (Shadow)
C0/D0FA: 80 5A #04 (Edgar)
C0/D0FC: 20 71 #05 (Sabin)
C0/D0FE: C0 87 #06 (Celes)
C0/D100: 60 9E #07 (Strago)
C0/D102: 00 B5 #08 (Relm)
C0/D104: A0 CB #09 (Setzer)
C0/D106: 40 E2 #0A (Mog)
C0/D108: E0 F8 #0B (Gau)
C0/D10A: 80 0F #0C (Gogo)
C0/D10C: 20 26 #0D (Umaro)
C0/D10E: C0 3C #0E (Soldier)
C0/D110: 60 53 #0F (Imp)
C0/D112: 00 6A #10 (Leo)
C0/D114: 60 7F #11 (Banon)
C0/D116: C0 94 #12 (Morphed Terra)
C0/D118: 20 AA #13 (Merchant)
C0/D11A: 80 BF #14 (Ghost)
C0/D11C: E0 D4 #15 (Kefka)
C0/D11E: 40 EA #16 (Gesthal)
C0/D120: 20 F1 #17 (Old Man)
C0/D122: 00 F8 #18 (Man)
C0/D124: E0 FE #19 (Interceptor)
C0/D126: C0 05 #1A (Maria)
C0/D128: C0 0C #1B (Scholar)
C0/D12A: C0 13 #1C (Draco)
C0/D12C: C0 1A #1D (Arvis)
C0/D12E: 80 20 #1E (Returner)
C0/D130: 40 26 #1F (Ultros)
C0/D132: 00 2C #20 (Gau Suited)
C0/D134: C0 31 #21 (Dancer)
C0/D136: 80 37 #22 (Chanceler)
C0/D138: 40 3D #23 (Clyde)
C0/D13A: 00 43 #24 (Old Woman)
C0/D13C: C0 48 #25 (Woman)
C0/D13E: 80 4E #26 (Little Boy)
C0/D140: 40 54 #27 (Little Girl)
C0/D142: 00 5A #28 (Bird)
C0/D144: C0 5F #29 (Rachel)
C0/D146: 80 65 #2A (Woman 2)
C0/D148: 40 6B #2B (Impresiaro)
C0/D14A: 00 71 #2C (Esper Elder)
C0/D14C: C0 76 #2D (Esper Man)
C0/D14E: 80 7C #2E (Seigfried)
C0/D150: 40 82 #2F (Cid)
C0/D152: 00 88 #30 (Maduin)
C0/D154: C0 8D #31 (Rogue)
C0/D156: C0 92 #32 (Vargas)
C0/D158: C0 97 #33 (Wolf Monster)
C0/D15A: C0 9C #34 (Narsh Guard)
C0/D15C: C0 A1 #35 (Conductor)
C0/D15E: C0 A6 #36 (Boat Dock Worker)
C0/D160: C0 AB #37 (Esper Fairy)
C0/D162: C0 B0 #38 (LoneWolf)
C0/D164: C0 B5 #39 (Dragon)
C0/D166: C0 BA #3A (Fish)
C0/D168: C0 BF #3B (Figaro Guard)
C0/D16A: C0 C4 #3C (Daryl)
C0/D16C: C0 C9 #3D (Chupon)
C0/D16E: C0 CE #3E (Cultist)
C0/D170: C0 D3 #3F (Ramah)
C0/D172: 20 D5 #40 (Figaro Guard - Riding Sprite)
C0/D174: 60 D6 #41 (Celes - Chained)
C0/D176: 20 D7 #42 (Unknown - Chibi?)
C0/D178: E0 D7 #43 (King Doma - Dead)
C0/D17A: A0 D8 #44 (Mag Roader Boss)
C0/D17C: 60 D9 #45 (Unknown)
C0/D17E: 20 DA #46 (Skull Totem - Umaro)
C0/D180: E0 DA #47 (Esper - Ifrit)
C0/D182: A0 DB #48 (Unknown - Spirit)
C0/D184: 60 DC #49 (Esper - Shiva)
C0/D186: 20 DD #4A (Esper - Unicorn)
C0/D188: E0 DD #4B (Esper - Bismark)
C0/D18A: A0 DE #4C (Esper - Carbunkl)
C0/D18C: 60 DF #4D (Esper - Unknown)
C0/D18E: 20 E0 #4E (Owzer - Special Wide)
C0/D190: E0 E0 #4F (Blackjack - Airship)
C0/D192: A0 E1 #50 (Figaro Guard - Dead)
C0/D194: 60 E2 #51 (FC05 - Boss Pale Robot)
C0/D196: 20 E3 #52 (Treasure Chest)
C0/D198: E0 E3 #53 (Unknown)
C0/D19A: A0 E4 #54 (Atma Weapon)
C0/D19C: 60 E5 #55 (Unknown)
C0/D19E: 20 E6 #56 (Magic Totem)
C0/D1A0: E0 E6 #57 (Unknown)
C0/D1A2: 80 E7 #58 (Flowers)
C0/D1A4: 20 E8 #59
C0/D1A6: C0 E8 #5A (Envelope - Letter)
C0/D1A8: 60 E9 #5B
C0/D1AA: 00 EA #5C (Propeller?)
C0/D1AC: A0 EA #5D (Unknown - Blank?)
C0/D1AE: 40 EB #5E (Magicite)
C0/D1B0: E0 EB #5F (Unknown - Blank?)
C0/D1B2: 80 EC #60 (Book)
C0/D1B4: 20 ED #61 (Unknown - Blank?)
C0/D1B6: C0 ED #62 (Baby)
C0/D1B8: 60 EE #63
C0/D1BA: 00 EF #64 (Question Mark)
C0/D1BC: A0 EF #65
C0/D1BE: 40 F0 #66 (Exclamation Point)
C0/D1C0: 60 F1 #67
C0/D1C2: 80 F2 #68 (Slave Crown)
C0/D1C4: A0 F3 #69
C0/D1C6: C0 F4 #6A (4 Ton Weight)
C0/D1C8: E0 F5 #6B
C0/D1CA: 00 F7 #6C (Bird with bandana)
C0/D1CC: 20 F8 #6D
C0/D1CE: 40 F9 #6E
C0/D1D0: 60 FA #6F (Headband)
C0/D1D2: 80 FC #70
C0/D1D4: A0 FE #71
C0/D1D6: C0 00 #72
C0/D1D8: E0 02 #73 (Bird Flying Left)
C0/D1DA: 00 05 #74 (Blank?)
C0/D1DC: 80 05 #75 (Bird Flying Up)
C0/D1DE: 00 06 #76
C0/D1E0: 80 06 #77 (Magic Star - Large)
C0/D1E2: 00 07 #78 (Unknown - Blank?)
C0/D1E4: 00 09 #79 (Magic Stars - 3 Small)
C0/D1E6: 80 09 #7A
C0/D1E8: 00 0A #7B (Magic Star - Medium)
C0/D1EA: 80 0A #7C
C0/D1EC: 00 0B #7D
C0/D1EE: 80 0B #7E
C0/D1F0: 00 0C #7F
C0/D1F2: 80 0C #80
C0/D1F4: 00 0D #81 (Turtle Swimming)
C0/D1F6: 80 0D #82
C0/D1F8: 00 0E #83
C0/D1FA: 80 0E #84
C0/D1FC: 00 0F #85
C0/D1FE: 00 11 #86
C0/D200: 00 13 #87 (Fire)
C0/D202: 80 13 #88
C0/D204: 00 14 #89 (Puff of Smoke)
C0/D206: 80 14 #8A
C0/D208: 00 15 #8B
C0/D20A: 80 15 #8C
C0/D20C: 00 16 #8D
C0/D20E: 80 16 #8E
C0/D210: 00 17 #8F
C0/D212: 00 19 #90
C0/D214: 80 19 #91
C0/D216: 00 1A #92
C0/D218: 80 1A #93
C0/D21A: 00 1B #94
C0/D21C: 00 1D #95 (Diving Helmet)
C0/D21E: 00 1F #96
C0/D220: 80 1F #97
C0/D222: 00 20 #98
C0/D224: 00 21 #99
C0/D226: 00 23 #9A (Sword from Grave)
C0/D228: 00 25 #9B
C0/D22A: 00 27 #9C (Crain Claw/Arm)
C0/D22C: 00 29 #9D (Painting of Ghost holding Woman)
C0/D22E: 00 2B #9E (Airship - Falcon Fullsize)
C0/D230: 80 2B #9F
C0/D232: 00 2C #A0 (Esper - Tritoch)
C0/D234: 80 2C #A1 (Esper - Odin)
C0/D236: 00 2D #A2 (Magic God Statues x3)
C0/D238: 00 2E #A3
C0/D23A: 00 2F #A4
Bank pointers and Number of Bytes to Copy for Map Character Gfx (2 bytes each)
C0/D23C: D5 20 #00 (Terra)
C0/D23E: D5 20 #01 (Locke)
C0/D240: D5 20 #02 (Cyan)
C0/D242: D5 20 #03 (Shadow)
C0/D244: D5 20 #04 (Edgar)
C0/D246: D5 20 #05 (Sabin)
C0/D248: D5 20 #06 (Celes)
C0/D24A: D5 20 #07 (Strago)
C0/D24C: D5 20 #08 (Relm)
C0/D24E: D5 20 #09 (Setzer)
C0/D250: D5 20 #0A (Mog)
C0/D252: D5 20 #0B (Gau)
C0/D254: D6 20 #0C (Gogo)
C0/D256: D6 20 #0D (Umaro)
C0/D258: D6 20 #0E (Soldier)
C0/D25A: D6 20 #0F (Imp)
C0/D25C: D6 20 #10 (Leo)
C0/D25E: D6 20 #11 (Banon)
C0/D260: D6 20 #12 (Morphed Terra)
C0/D262: D6 20 #13 (Merchant)
C0/D264: D6 20 #14 (Ghost)
C0/D266: D6 20 #15 (Kefka)
C0/D268: D6 20 #16 (Gesthal)
C0/D26A: D6 20 #17 (Old Man)
C0/D26C: D6 20 #18 (Man)
C0/D26E: D6 20 #19 (Interceptor)
C0/D270: D7 20 #1A (Maria)
C0/D272: D7 20 #1B (Scholar)
C0/D274: D7 20 #1C (Draco)
C0/D276: D7 20 #1D (Arvis)
C0/D278: D7 20 #1E (Returner)
C0/D27A: D7 20 #1F (Ultros)
C0/D27C: D7 20 #20 (Gau suit)
C0/D27E: D7 20 #21 (Dancer)
C0/D280: D7 20 #22 (Chanceler)
C0/D282: D7 20 #23 (Clyde)
C0/D284: D7 20 #24 (Old Woman)
C0/D286: D7 20 #25 (Woman)
C0/D288: D7 20 #26 (Young Boy)
C0/D28A: D7 20 #27 (Young Girl)
C0/D28C: D7 20 #28 (Bird)
C0/D28E: D7 20 #29 (Rachel)
C0/D290: D7 20 #2A (Woman 2)
C0/D292: D7 20 #2B (Impresiaro)
C0/D294: D7 20 #2C (Esper Elder)
C0/D296: D7 20 #2D (Esper Man)
C0/D298: D7 20 #2E (Siegfried)
C0/D29A: D7 20 #2F (Cid)
C0/D29C: D7 20 #30 (Maduin)
C0/D29E: D7 20 #31 (Rogue)
C0/D2A0: D7 20 #32 (Vargas)
C0/D2A2: D7 20 #33 (Wolf Monster)
C0/D2A4: D7 20 #34 (Narsh Guard)
C0/D2A6: D7 20 #35 (Conductor)
C0/D2A8: D7 20 #36 (Boat Dock Worker)
C0/D2AA: D7 20 #37 (Esper - Fairy)
C0/D2AC: D7 20 #38 (Lone Wolf)
C0/D2AE: D7 20 #39 (Esper - Dragon)
C0/D2B0: D7 20 #3A (Fish)
C0/D2B2: D7 20 #3B (Figaro Guard)
C0/D2B4: D7 20 #3C (Daryl)
C0/D2B6: D7 20 #3D (Chupon)
C0/D2B8: D7 20 #3E (Cultist)
C0/D2BA: D7 20 #3F (Esper - Ramah)
C0/D2BC: D7 20 #40 (Figaro Guard - Riding)
C0/D2BE: D7 20 #41 (Celes Chained)
C0/D2C0: D7 20 #42 (Unknown - Chibi?)
C0/D2C2: D7 20 #43 (King Doma - Dead)
C0/D2C4: D7 20 #44 (Mag Roader Boss)
C0/D2C6: D7 20 #45 (Unknown)
C0/D2C8: D7 20 #46 (Skull totem)
C0/D2CA: D7 20 #47 (Esper Ifrit)
C0/D2CC: D7 20 #48 (Unknown - Spirit?)
C0/D2CE: D7 20 #49 (Esper Shiva)
C0/D2D0: D7 20 #4A (Esper Unicorn)
C0/D2D2: D7 20 #4B (Esper Bismark)
C0/D2D4: D7 20 #4C (Esper Carbunkl)
C0/D2D6: D7 20 #4D (Esper Unknown)
C0/D2D8: D7 20 #4E (Owzer - Double Wide)
C0/D2DA: D7 20 #4F (Blackjack - Airship Model)
C0/D2DC: D7 20 #50 (Figaro Guard - Dead)
C0/D2DE: D7 20 #51 (FC05 - Boss Pale Robot)
C0/D2E0: D7 20 #52 (Treasure Chest)
C0/D2E2: D7 20 #53 (Unknown)
C0/D2E4: D7 20 #54 (Atma Weapon)
C0/D2E6: D7 20 #55 (Unknown)
C0/D2E8: D7 20 #56 (Magic Totem)
C0/D2EA: D7 20 #57 (Unknown)
C0/D2EC: D7 20 #58 (Flowers)
C0/D2EE: D7 20 #59 (Unknown)
C0/D2F0: D7 20 #5A (Envelope - Letter)
C0/D2F2: D7 20 #5B (Unknown - Blank?)
C0/D2F4: D7 20 #5C (Propeller?)
C0/D2F6: D7 20 #5D
C0/D2F8: D7 20 #5E (Magicite)
C0/D2FA: D7 20 #5F
C0/D2FC: D7 20 #60 (Book)
C0/D2FE: D7 20 #61
C0/D300: D7 20 #62 (Baby)
C0/D302: D7 20 #63
C0/D304: D7 20 #64 (Question Mark)
C0/D306: D7 20 #65
C0/D308: D7 20 #66 (Exclamation Point)
C0/D30A: D7 20 #67
C0/D30C: D7 20 #68 (Slave Crown)
C0/D30E: D7 20 #69
C0/D310: D7 20 #6A (4 Ton Weight)
C0/D312: D7 20 #6B
C0/D314: D7 20 #6C (Bird with Bandana)
C0/D316: D7 20 #6D
C0/D318: D7 20 #6E
C0/D31A: D7 20 #6F (Headband)
C0/D31C: D7 20 #70
C0/D31E: D7 20 #71
C0/D320: D8 20 #72
C0/D322: D8 20 #73
C0/D324: D8 20 #74
C0/D326: D8 20 #75
C0/D328: D8 20 #76
C0/D32A: D8 20 #77 (Magic Star - Big)
C0/D32C: D8 20 #78
C0/D32E: D8 20 #79 (Magic Stars - 3 Small)
C0/D330: D8 20 #7A
C0/D332: D8 20 #7B (Magic Star - 1 Medium)
C0/D334: D8 20 #7C
C0/D336: D8 20 #7D
C0/D338: D8 20 #7E
C0/D33A: D8 20 #7F
C0/D33C: D8 20 #80
C0/D33E: D8 20 #81 (Swimming Turtle)
C0/D340: D8 20 #82
C0/D342: D8 20 #83
C0/D344: D8 20 #84
C0/D346: D8 20 #85
C0/D348: D8 20 #86
C0/D34A: D8 20 #87 (Fire)
C0/D34C: D8 20 #88
C0/D34E: D8 20 #89
C0/D350: D8 20 #8A
C0/D352: D8 20 #8B
C0/D354: D8 20 #8C
C0/D356: D8 20 #8D
C0/D358: D8 20 #8E
C0/D35A: D8 20 #8F
C0/D35C: D8 20 #90
C0/D35E: D8 20 #91
C0/D360: D8 20 #92
C0/D362: D8 20 #93
C0/D364: D8 20 #94
C0/D366: D8 20 #95 (Diving Helmet)
C0/D368: D8 20 #96
C0/D36A: D8 20 #97
C0/D36C: D8 20 #98
C0/D36E: D8 20 #99
C0/D370: D8 20 #9A (Grave Sword)
C0/D372: D8 20 #9B
C0/D374: D8 20 #9C (Crain Claw)
C0/D376: D8 20 #9D (Painting - Ghost holding Woman)
C0/D378: D8 20 #9E (Airship Falcon)
C0/D37A: D8 20 #9F
C0/D37C: D8 20 #A0 (Esper - Tritoch)
C0/D37E: D8 20 #A1 (Esper - Odin)
C0/D380: D8 20 #A2 (Magic God Statues x3)
C0/D382: D8 20 #A3
C0/D384: D8 20 #A4
C0/D0F2 - C0/D384 broke down and labeled as best as I could tell. "Pointers to Map Character Graphics" and "Bank pointers and number of bytes to copy for Map Character Graphics" sections. Old information yes, but it wasn't completely spread and labeled in my disassembly so I typed it all out. Figured I'd share it in case someone wanted to drop it in their own copy of C0 just for completeness-ish.
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
![[Image: ec9ekmjec1nf1cnzg.jpg]](
Graphics assigned:
- 52 - Narsh Guard
- 59 - Figaro Guard
- 60 - Daryl
- 85 - Berzerker
Two important things to point out in this screenshot vs the previous. The Narsh and Figaro guards using their vanilla palette in battle(meaning Egger's palette hack is working) and the Berzerker sprite in graphic #85 (if it took the place of anything I'm not sure what it was).
The "expanded" battle character list got "Expanded" even more, from 00-63, and is now 00-164 addresses long.
This, and adding new sheets as well, mean I'll have to go through and adjust... well pretty much every NPC in the game to use the proper graphics... Then adjust all the events to read proper from a full sheet. BUT I've got a little while before I have to do that so, till then I'm still working.
The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.
04-11-2015, 03:14 AM
Just wondering... did you expanded the rom beyond 4mb, with 00-63 max extra NPC?
How 'bout with 00-164 extra NPC... are 6mb enough?
How 'bout with 00-164 extra NPC... are 6mb enough?
Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!
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