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Auction House: Expanded-Workable

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Part of my "Magitek Armor on the Falcon/Falcon Expanded"project involved buying a suit of Magitek Armor from the Auction house in Jidoor... Well, that auction house is, I'm not even sure what to call it actually. Longer than it should be? Alot of space wasted on very little product? A headache?

Anyway, I was actually thinking of removing the two copies of the Magicite auctions in order to work in an extra but that just seemed kinda sloppy. So instead I started from the top and tried to rewrite the whole thing, the more I worked on it the more I thought... this would actually make a pretty cool stand-alone patch if done right. So, again as a side project toward my end goal, thats what I started aiming for.

Auction House: Expanded
And there it is. So, what is IT?
  • This is a complete rewrite of the auction house script. The only thing that didn't move was the "take your seat" checks and directions. Everything else? Wrote from a blank page using the old auction as a guide.
  • Everything is compartmentalized. Sections for: Main script, Be seated, auction selection, subroutines, auctions. There are two subroutines that are not in their sections but... well there was good reason.  
  • Aprox 669 bytes smaller than the original, and that is with two extra abnormally large auctions added and several extra bytes reserved to save me some trouble later. If you just wanted extra space and a functioning auction house, you could probably cut it down another 1,200 bytes easy enough (if I remember correctly) without missing any of the stock stuff.
  • This effects NOTHING (That I know of) outside of the auction script. Including dialogue. Everything I used/changed was already used for the auction. So it should be pretty versatile in that aspect. I might have used an extra couple bytes in the message section but nothing large enough to note.
  • Once you get used to it, easy as cutting cake with a chainsaw to edit little stuff (like chances of auctions, bit checks for auctions, etc). Doesn't get time consuming until you start moving stuff. It has more jumps than a barrel of frogs on crack. Add a byte=spend hours updating... more on that later.

What does it DO?
  • Random chit! Seriously, a whole section of bouncing around just to pick an auction. Then more random chit when you get to the auction.
  • Every bid counts! Don't want to pay 80,000 for a Hero Ring? Then pass, you might win it on the first bid next auction! Course, you MIGHT not win at all even if you do bid, that's what an auction with a "bunch of rich yolkels" will get you.
  • Random chit! Yes that again, to an extent you won't see the same exact auction every time. Its still semi limited, but not the exact same list of bids every time.
  • New dialogue! New prices! New items! New CHOICES! You actually have a chance to buy everything. Yes, you can even outbid "PAPA" and rub it in his face!
  • New Item 1: Megalixir Why? The reason to keep coming back, its not cheap either. If you bought everything else and are in the WoR, at times it seems a little common, but the price is not. Common price was 170,000 - 120,000 and that's if you win. Don't want it? Easy, see below for 5 second removal instructions.
  • New Item 2: Ragnarok Again someone has to be asking WHY! This is my pride and joy, rare as hell, pain in the ass to get/win auction. After several hundred auctions I saw this auction twice, once I had to cheat to force it for bug testing and the other I got outbid... if that's not rare enough for ya, again see below for removal from the roster instructions. Oh, and its slightly more expensive than the Megalixir.

I think that covers the sale pitches. One more list!

Things that might make you go WTF!
  • "I ALWAYS get outbid! EVERY single time!"
    Well you are either one very very unlucky SOB or this auction house is just to rich for you. I didn't like the idea of flashing "Your just to poor to make that bid." if you for some reason didn't have the cash to back up your hand. SO, instead you'll just get outbid. Less shameful? Nah, I just didn't feel like writing the script for the auctioneer to call out the enforcer to break your arms for making bad bids. It was also easier in some places.
  • "I bought the Imp/Chocobo and didn't get anything! AND it took my money!"
    Yeah, something like that. I said you had the CHOICE to waste your money on junk, I didn't say it was a GOOD idea. But if you really want to know:
    Gogo destroyed the Imp Robot shortly after seeing it after screaming "You uncultured boor! Know you nothing of an artist's soul? Cut! Cut! Stop TRYING to mimic! Start over, recenter, and begin!" Then nuked the hell out of it.
    Gau tried having a conversation with the Chocobo till its head exploded, then he had it for dinner.
    Setzer crashed the Airship model while trying to fly it off stage.

    Happy now?

  • "I bought the Model Airship and it didn't take all my cash!?"
    No, this is not a bug. The Airship auction was always just there as a filler, I just turned it into a slightly enjoyable joke.

Okay, the patch was made for a V1.0 ROM with a header. That being said it doesn't touch anything outside of auction house stuff between CB/4E47 and CB/5EC8. The 669 bytes I didn't use I turned to FE. If you don't use a header in your stuff, then add one, patch it, remove header. Don't know why it wouldn't work.

*ATTENTION* Do not apply this patch with the "FF3Edit Town Dialog Hack" patch in FF3usME installed. Not a conflict really, you can reinstall the dialog hack after this patch, it just cant be active while installing this one. If it is enabled while installing this, after this one is installed, FF3usME will refuse to edit dialog meaning... I dont want to know what will happen in game afterwards but I doubt it will be pretty.

The "Auction Comments" included in the download is the Excel file I used to write it in. It worked, really. Its set up to count any bytes in columns B-F and add them to the offset on the left. You can also select a block of code(just the hex values in columns B-F) for how ever many rows you've got, spaces included, and copy/paste it straight into HxD. What you thought I typed 3,556 bytes into an editor by hand? I'm not THAT nuts...
If you really want to make large changes and need info on how to use that excel sheet, ask and I'll try to explain.  

Instructions for removing Megalixir and Ragnarok Auctions from the roster (Header ROM addresses).
Megalixir Removal: Patch, then make this change

CB/5144:     18 5B 01   (Redirects to Model Airship Auction)

Ragnarok Removal: Patch, then make this change

CB/515E:     9B 53 01    (Redirects to Hero Ring Auction)

Lastly, I did do many test auctions. That does not mean I saw everything. I might have seen the same auction 20 times and it just happen to skip one step that resulted in a bug every time by pure chance. If you find a bug, let me know what auction please, and I'll see what I can find.

This was intended to be a stand-alone patch. It does have some extra stuff that I plan on using later, because now that this is posted I'm re-writing it again to use it for my own means. Happy Happy Joy Joy. THAT patch will include a purpose for buying the Imp Robot, Talking Chocobo, and maybe even the Model Airship. As well as the suit of Magitech armor I still have to write in. Without THAT patch, you'll just have to pass the bids like a real auction selling useless junk, or spend that money.

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  • Robo Jesus (10-05-2016)

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Just a question: Have you ever tried to check the event related to the 3 guy which ask you 100000 GP for the secret info about ancient castle? There's the chance it could be the answer you're searching for! Objection!

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Yeah, I updated my other post after checking that one. What it does is take 60k, check, take 40k, check, and if fail give 60k back. Which still leaves doing a check after every withdraw. Giving back money on a fail would just take a repeating subroutine with how ever many times it needs to run at the point the fail was triggered however that still leaves a very large number of checks which have to be done one at a time in order to know how many times you have to give.

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How 'bout increasing of 1 the value of a variable which counts the number of times the game can take 50000 GP from you, then if you don't have enough GP, you give back GP with a cycle? (BEQ when the counter, which will be decreased of 1 each time, will reach 0)

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
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The only thing stopping me there is knowledge. Opcodes vs event commands. What tells it to treat as one or the other?

As far as doing it with event commands, not a clue how to make it count or where to count. Maybe setting temp bits as needed but again with the checking, not sure if it would be faster. As far as using opcodes... how does it know that I want to inc and not a conditional branch?

Also wondered if possible to just compare a value to total gold instead of checking the bit but I dont know what holds that value, calling it in events nor well pretty much anything reguarding it.

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Event commands are formed from Opcodes, i dunno if there's an event command which is used for this stuff, in the case you might edit it with hex, or assign a new code to unused event commands... like event command #83?
When you deal with Opcode this should be quite handy:

I'm assuming you have disassemblies, which are a must.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Yeah, already have most of the directly related materials, was trying to stay out of the actual hard coding processor manuals( I got out of the programing department for a reason, my liver couldnt take it) but looks like I'll be doing some reading. And some drinking.

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Hacking FF6 i learned something really important in the worst way:

The shortest road to proceed through the hack developement is following the hardest way: all the times i searched for a shortcut, i always found a dead end... at the really end i always wasted more time in that way rather than being determinated and face the obstacle.

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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this is a very interesting idea, I personally once thought of using the auction house to add a chocobo (to access when getting off the airship) and to also add an imp as an extra playable character but I decided it would be far too much work for far too little lol

but it was a thought lolz

still good luck with everything accessing suits of magitek armor for the party sounds f**k**g awesome

"Sometimes ninjas do wrong to each other, and in dat way the force of tha earf' comes around da moon - and at that presence, da dirt, it overshadows the grass, so you're like, I can't cut dis grass, there's no sun comin' through. So in order to enable each other the two fruits have to look each other in da eye and understand we can only be right, as da ripe is wrong, you know what I mean?"


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Well, actually while chewing on the auction house, buying the imp and chocobo got added to the airship idea as well. The chocobo is pretty straight forward. Talk to the talking chocobo, ride into the sunset. The imp was just gonna drop on the side for... something, but now that you mention it that would be slick as a "guest" character. Wonder how hard that would be to pull off...

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.

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