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Final Fantasy VI: Relocalization Project

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I'll be forced to stick with 1.03 since you've made changes that make USME corrupt the game. 1.03 has been a source of great delight to me for a couple years, thanks to your efforts, & every time I go to put together a new rom I end up using it, lol. I'm now quite familiar with what patches will work with it (I did get multi-steal to work with it after a lot of experimentation, despite Angelo's Extended Names patch being in RLP; in fact, Multi-Steal is *necessary* to apply since it fixes most of the 'wrong ability names displayed in battle' that RLP has issues with), what order to patch them in, etc. One thing for sure, CV Reynolds' Bug Patch does not work with it; I gave up on trying to make these two colossal patches harmonious. I'd hoped 1.04 might've made some changes that made the two patches compatible but I'll never find out since 1.04 is not compatible with USME so it's not usable for me. Your putting "RLP" in the header name was incredibly frustrating since for a while there I was doing so much experimentation with patch compatibility, and every single time, multiple times a day, I had to go to a hex editor & change it back to normal so USME could recognize it. But not a problem any more since I've finally gotten a solid rom set up with RLP 1.03 & various other patches (inc updates to some of the older, now-outdated bug fixes in RLP), while ALSO being able to use USME 6.80 at will. Doesn't get any better than that for a stickler like me, who is constantly editing in USME to make monster stats, battle scripts, spells, etc as challenging as they can be for any given point in the game. Love your patch & particularly your choice of fonts: getting rid of the stock cartoony font for something more mature was a wonderful choice. 1.03 is a true winner among patches!

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(07-05-2017, 08:45 PM)Dev J Wrote: I'll be forced to stick with 1.03 since you've made changes that make USME corrupt the game.

It's so odd that 1.03 works for you but 1.04 doesn't! It's all just text fixes. When you save the file it will mess up a few things - these are all things I have to manually fix myself before packing it up because FF3usME undoes a few things I had to adjust in order to get long descriptions and big battle text and so forth. So if you're experiencing messed up item descriptions that's what's going on - it's pointing to the wrong place now because FF3usME re-told the ROM to look in the wrong place for descriptions. You have to do a little hex editing and point them back to the right place. I can get you that info if you want it, I need to document things better anyway so when it's been a while I can actually fix things. It's been a couple years.

At any rate I have no idea why its suddenly only a problem in 1.04, it theoretically should have done that in 1.03 as well but I dunno. Also thanks for pointing me out that bugfix compilation patch - I may have to look into maybe just using that instead of managing the hundred or whatever individual fixes myself, especially as I get distance on it and can remember less and less about the specifics.... like right now!

And what's this about wrong ability names displayed in battle? This actually isn't something I'm aware of other than some ability names I messed up in previous versions and fixed in 1.04... mind sharing?

Edit: Looks like FF3usME does big/small battle text expansion itself now! Didn't even know it updated til now. All my work has been done on v6.7 and the text expansions I did (except the main script) were all done by hand so that'll be handy.

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Tell me Doctor, where are we going this time?

I'm kind of a screw up at this whole rom editing thing. Can you teach me how to do the editing you did to make the Tier 2 and Tier 3 battle backgrounds the Japanese Versions of the images, please? It's for a good cause, I'm working on a version of the game that tries very hard to cleave to Slattery's GBA script. "Slattery Edition."

I am not above doing the work myself, but I don't understand how to do what you're talking about. The addresses you give for where the graphics are are not the kind of thing WindHex is for, I don't think, but Peer Sprite Viewer is crashing to heck and back on my comp.

I didn't know FF3usME had been updated to 6.8! I just expanded my Big Battle Captions. Bytes, glorious bytes! Muwahahaha

Let me know if you can give me the 'for dummies' version... Smile

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(09-14-2014, 04:21 AM)DrMeat Wrote: Grab it here!

You got a new link for uncensored T2/T3 graphics?

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(10-13-2017, 10:09 AM)Warrax Wrote:
(09-14-2014, 04:21 AM)DrMeat Wrote: Grab it here!

You got a new link for uncensored T2/T3 graphics?

Dang I'm really sorry it took me so long to log back in here and see this. If you still need the file, here you go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KHvLGV...V6ytNO7WPs

I don't know why the dropbox link stopped working. It's still there and I didn't do anything to it as far as I know.
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(06-07-2018, 12:10 AM)DrMeat Wrote:
(10-13-2017, 10:09 AM)Warrax Wrote:
(09-14-2014, 04:21 AM)DrMeat Wrote: Grab it here!

You got a new link for uncensored T2/T3 graphics?

Dang I'm really sorry it took me so long to log back in here and see this. If you still need the file, here you go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KHvLGV...V6ytNO7WPs

I don't know why the dropbox link stopped working. It's still there and I didn't do anything to it as far as I know.

Dropbox changed the way they do things making it harder to share files in your Dropbox. Photobucket also did so making so many websites look like they are just ads for Photobucket.

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Final Fantasy VI - Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition:

Final Fantasy IV - Namingway Edition:

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(06-13-2018, 10:40 PM)Rodimus Primal Wrote:
(06-07-2018, 12:10 AM)DrMeat Wrote:
(10-13-2017, 10:09 AM)Warrax Wrote:
(09-14-2014, 04:21 AM)DrMeat Wrote: Grab it here!

You got a new link for uncensored T2/T3 graphics?

Dang I'm really sorry it took me so long to log back in here and see this. If you still need the file, here you go: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KHvLGV...V6ytNO7WPs

I don't know why the dropbox link stopped working. It's still there and I didn't do anything to it as far as I know.

Dropbox changed the way they do things making it harder to share files in your Dropbox. Photobucket also did so making so many websites look like they are just ads for Photobucket.

Photobucket used to be good. It became so crappy. Like you say, it's filled with ads about photobucket and it's hard as hell to get to, upload or much of anything to make the site useful. Feels bad. Kungfu!

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I've been using imgur for a while now and it's been great, there's no bullshit like photobucket. As for anything not related to images, Mediafire has been great too.


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Just a heads up to Dr. Meat should he return or any who use the uncensored final battle graphics patch -- I'm sorry to report that the uncensored final battle patch more or less breaks the Magitek Factory cart escape battle background graphics. Sad

It's hard to tell because it is zipping by so fast, but it definitely does, albeit not-so-bad looking, at least until a bright spell like Bolt 2 goes off.
bad: https://imgur.com/a/iBihfFq
good: https://imgur.com/a/WO7v2WG

For now I'm afraid I must revert my tier 2 blue guy to having his loincloth put back on lol.

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Found the bug!

Revert this pointer back to original to fix the cart escape graphics:
E7/1725: C0 42 E4  ; Pointer to compressed cart escape battle BG gfx

Relocalized Project v1.05:
E7/1725: E0 42 E4  ; Pointer to compressed cart escape battle BG gfx (bugged)
[-] The following 8 users say Thank You to SilentEnigma for this post:
  • Antamaru (05-30-2020), DrMeat (10-11-2019), FlamePurge (12-07-2019), Gi Nattak (10-07-2019), madsiur (10-08-2019), Robo Jesus (10-08-2019), Rodimus Primal (10-08-2019), Setzer (07-04-2020)

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