Author: madsiur - Replies: 19 - Views: 21942
Stamina in HP Growth Calculation
author: madsiur
version: 1.0
date: 2016/05/05
Apply to: FF3us 1.0

hpC2.asm: For implementation in bank $C2
hpEE.asm: For implementation in bank $EE or any other bank

Apply with xkas 0.06
Command example: xkas hpEE.asm romname.smc

Space used

hpC2.asm: 36 bytes in bank $C2
hpEE.asm: 46 bytes in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice)


This tweak implement character stamina
Author: CzarMalboro - Replies: 20 - Views: 15616
zone doctor vs. LE Rogue
Of the two current level editors posted on romhacking, which is the better program to use? what are their advantages and disadvantages and which has less bugs? I know LE Rogue had the infamous Serpent Trench corruption, which I recall was fixed and ZD is compatible with Multi Editor.

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