Author: madsiur - Replies: 52 - Views: 60891
Forum Update Bug Reports / Suggestions Thread
This thread is to report bug, styling/display problems and typos. You can also make suggestion on new, old or future features.

If you want to report something else other than a typo or contradictory information, please specify which browser you are using (IE bugs will be ignored, unless they appear in Firefox or Chrome as well). You can report stuff happening with Opera or other browsers, even mobile ones, but be aware that this theme was not designed with mobile devices in mind. A speci
Author: madsiur - Replies: 24 - Views: 26604
Misc updates thread
Since some forum pages are no longer threads I can make an update post on, I create this thread for misc updates concerning the forum that are not bugfixes or which does not pertain to the new year's main update. Comments / suggestions allowed!


1) Updated FFVI Explore to version 0.3a (Tools page)

From the author comments:

[i]a) improved Archive/Patch tabs so that it doesn't
Author: madsiur - Replies: 14 - Views: 18558
Fundraising Campaing (Hosting Fees)
It will be already two years in January 2017 that we have done the last fundraising campaign to cover our Domain Name and Hosting Fees. Two years ago people donated enough to cover 100% those fees. We are doing a campaign starting today until January 30th to raise 220$, 190$ being 2 years hosting fees and two times 15$ for domain renewal. A first 15$ was paid in September for the Domain Name.

We hope most of forum users will chip in even if only a little bit. This is a small community and it ca

Theme by Madsiur2017Custom Graphics by JamesWhite