Author: Spooniest - Replies: 1 - Views: 2431
Sabin steps forward
Uh...not sure if I've just found this or if it is a known/fixed thing.

After Vargas finishes talking to you "Fate made us train together, and now, fate will send you to your doom," I chose "Row" from the battle menu and Sabin's sprite appeared to disappear for a split second, then move forward.

Did I find this? Or is it something you already knew about? He's already in the front row when he steps into the battlefield, I believe.

Just fyi, I was running the Snes9x Core in RetroArch 1.6.
Author: Mutteo - Replies: 6 - Views: 6565
Enemy Encounter Crashes Game
I was working on replacing sprites using FF3SE-2.11 with my friend.  He had some silly sprites he wanted to replace the statue monsters (Doom,Poltergeist,Goddess)

The problem being there wasn't enough data space to put them in and I didn't know how to allocate monster data, so my friend was using that eraser tool on the program to remove various pixels from every monster in the game to accommodate for this, managing to make it fit with 24 bytes to spare.

When I
Author: Merudo - Replies: 9 - Views: 11034
Fix for 2-player Blitz bug (co-op)?
There is a bug when playing FF6 in two players mode:

"When the game is played with two players on the Super Nintendo and PlayStation versions, if one player presses any buttons while the other is attempting to input a Blitz command, the Blitz will fail."

Has this been fixed through a patch?
Author: CVReynolds - Replies: 2 - Views: 2423
Modified Fix Patches
By request, here are all the modified patches in the C. V. Reynolds Bug-Fix Compilation. I THINK this is all of them. Let me know if I missed any. I threw in the Assassin version of Vanish Doom because I don't think it's available elsewhere.

Bye Bye Breath (Leet Sketcher) {modified by C. V. Reynolds for compatibility} (must be applied AFTER The Wild Cat fix)
Gogo and the Cursed Shield (Imzogelmo) {modified by Leet Sketcher to fix bugs}
Grand Stairway (Imzogelmo) {modified by C. V. Reynolds to n
Author: CVReynolds - Replies: 0 - Views: 1170
C. V. Patch Pack
This is a small pack of four patches I made and a silly readme file. It's the C. V. Patch Pack. They're included in the Bug-Fix Compilation. But I thought some people might want them separate from that.

They're all simple fixes I made in FF3usME. Anyone could've done them. Except for the Blitz Tutorial Fix. I made that one in FF3usME but it was an admittedly clever fix on my part. My only major accomplishment in FFVI hacking, I guess.

I wanted to make sure they were preserved somewhere and eas

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