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General Discussion Thread
11-04-2014, 10:28 PM
@Gi Nattak
One that comes to mind is that hermit dude that lives south of the colloseum, if you visit him at different times he gives you different things. Basically at two different points in the game.
There is rare item to find while in the cave to the Sealed Gate also, that the ninja references. Aside from that, I can't think of anything else... probably a lot of tabs you missed lol. Oh, and that dog behind Stardust Village, not sure if you did that 'side quest'.
Hell Yeah, all check, ive been reading EVERY NPC that i can, and man, congrats on getting they giving you the necessary Hint... altought one time i forgotten about dog and gone WoR, and when i visited there he was gone... so it was like 3h wasted... at least i could find strateggy for some fights ! And yes, i found quite couple of tab around WoB, checking every crate, brush, box, everything ! BTW, some of they i only could get at one side
You mean if he died? When does his sprite come back? I tested the hell out of that >_<
No, when he lived, i gone back to see if there was magicite there, and bumped into a invisible block... and i could talk to him !
About Pepe, why cant u make him a shop with high cost things ? ( like Master Star)
Oh, and something that i noticed, on While on Ghost Train, some battles would give me WAY MORE gil thant they should, and while on Avalon dream that happened to, dont know if its from ghost traind itself or if that is linked with having the Reaper on your party, but was this big gil boost intentional or its some bug ??? Note, not every Battle gave me that much ( like, instead of less than 2k, they sometimes gave me more than 20k... on Avalon's dream i've got 60k+ on one battle )
"I don't like how you can lose if you die in FuSoYa/Golbez scene. Also the fight before where you fight those Lava bosses was brutal. After they heal ~2000hp a turn, it gets to be impossible. Oboro was fairly leveled on my end and wasn't keeping up, cept throwing shurikens was the only real dmg I was doing with anyone. I had to restart the whole thing and do damage fast and hard to make sure he didn't regen so much by the last time I fought him."
Like they already said, Inverse can either cast Flood or Blizzard if used on Lava Golem, and one NPC did mention about Aqualin, also the third member can attack boss for 400-500 dam with the chance of giving 1k more if weap procs, as long as i remember Oboro was almost 20 when i did this fight, the second time was really boring as i used almost every shuriken on first, and had only 2 water scroll ( both i got from one battle drop )... having aqualin is the essential on those battles.
Sorry for the caps, but I LOVED THE MUSIC ON "CHOOSING SCENARIO" PART, SAGA FRONTIER ( the first for PSX, not the SAGA serie ) IS ONE OF THE RPGS THAT I LOVED SOOO MUCH ! IF i had real time to learn and do Hack, i surely would make Terra as Asselus ! And that would make her father THE CHARM LORD...
I really wanted to do a hack like your but only with chars from another games, all from PSX / SNES, for my gold gamers days ( Star Ocean Second Story, Lunar SSS and Lunar 2, AZURE dreams, Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden 1 & 2 [MCDOHL *_*], SAGA Frontier ( only the first ), and many others... )
One that comes to mind is that hermit dude that lives south of the colloseum, if you visit him at different times he gives you different things. Basically at two different points in the game.
There is rare item to find while in the cave to the Sealed Gate also, that the ninja references. Aside from that, I can't think of anything else... probably a lot of tabs you missed lol. Oh, and that dog behind Stardust Village, not sure if you did that 'side quest'.
Hell Yeah, all check, ive been reading EVERY NPC that i can, and man, congrats on getting they giving you the necessary Hint... altought one time i forgotten about dog and gone WoR, and when i visited there he was gone... so it was like 3h wasted... at least i could find strateggy for some fights ! And yes, i found quite couple of tab around WoB, checking every crate, brush, box, everything ! BTW, some of they i only could get at one side
You mean if he died? When does his sprite come back? I tested the hell out of that >_<
No, when he lived, i gone back to see if there was magicite there, and bumped into a invisible block... and i could talk to him !
About Pepe, why cant u make him a shop with high cost things ? ( like Master Star)
Oh, and something that i noticed, on While on Ghost Train, some battles would give me WAY MORE gil thant they should, and while on Avalon dream that happened to, dont know if its from ghost traind itself or if that is linked with having the Reaper on your party
Spoiler (Click to View)
"I don't like how you can lose if you die in FuSoYa/Golbez scene. Also the fight before where you fight those Lava bosses was brutal. After they heal ~2000hp a turn, it gets to be impossible. Oboro was fairly leveled on my end and wasn't keeping up, cept throwing shurikens was the only real dmg I was doing with anyone. I had to restart the whole thing and do damage fast and hard to make sure he didn't regen so much by the last time I fought him."
Like they already said, Inverse can either cast Flood or Blizzard if used on Lava Golem, and one NPC did mention about Aqualin, also the third member can attack boss for 400-500 dam with the chance of giving 1k more if weap procs, as long as i remember Oboro was almost 20 when i did this fight, the second time was really boring as i used almost every shuriken on first, and had only 2 water scroll ( both i got from one battle drop )... having aqualin is the essential on those battles.
Sorry for the caps, but I LOVED THE MUSIC ON "CHOOSING SCENARIO" PART, SAGA FRONTIER ( the first for PSX, not the SAGA serie ) IS ONE OF THE RPGS THAT I LOVED SOOO MUCH ! IF i had real time to learn and do Hack, i surely would make Terra as Asselus ! And that would make her father THE CHARM LORD...
I really wanted to do a hack like your but only with chars from another games, all from PSX / SNES, for my gold gamers days ( Star Ocean Second Story, Lunar SSS and Lunar 2, AZURE dreams, Valkyrie Profile, Suikoden 1 & 2 [MCDOHL *_*], SAGA Frontier ( only the first ), and many others... )
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