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Condensing Spell List in Battle

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How much more space do you need before you can fit them both? If you want to keep the throw attack, that is. Laugh I'll be looking at assassin's further optimisation suggestions later, and you never know how small we're going to be able to get this... I'm definitely looking at how much I can keep in the vanilla codeblock, rather than JMPing out.

calculateMPDeduction is now down to 64 bytes of free space! Summons are now handled entirely in-line, so we're only JMPing away for Magic/X-Magic and Lores. 

I was getting garbage MP costs for a bit when casting magic, because I'm a moron who forgot to TDC after storing the attack ID in $F0. Otherwise, the command ID in the high byte of A was getting added to the starting address for a character's magic list, sending it 200h bytes too high. Oops? Everything looks to be working fine now, though -- no crashes, Interceptor is working fine still, and Summons, Lore, and Magic are all properly deducting MP when cast.

; Condensed Spell Lists v1.5
; Author: Gray Shadows (
; Applies to Final Fantasy 3/6us v1.0
; Urgency: Low - QoL enhancement
; Contributors: assassin (code support and optimisation)
;               seibaby (testing and problem solving)
;               Warrax (testing and bug identification)
; In vanilla FF6, because of the way the game builds spell lists in
; battle, if one character in battle knows a lot of spells and another
; character doesn't, that second character will have a lot of blank
; space in their Magic menu. Condensed Spell Lists adds some additional
; code to battle initialisation that takes a character's spell list
; and 'shuffles' it up, so that all of the blank spots are at the end.
; It also resorts the Lore list in the same manner.
; Version 1.5 update includes: bugfixes, including an error introduced
; wherein monster abilities were incorrectly costing MP, as well as a
; fatal crashing error caused by Interceptor counter-attacks. The hack
; should now properly account for all abilities that use the Magic
; command but do not cast from a character's spell list. (This should
; only be Interceptor counter-attacks, and possibly Desperation Attacks.)


print " "

!freespace_C2_0 = $C2A65A        ; 77 bytes needed, used through $C2A6A6
!freespace_C2_1 = $C2FAB0        ; 64 bytes needed, used through $C2FAEF

org $C2256D                
JSR condenseSpellLists
; This was originally a JSR to modify available commands; we'll be JMPing to
; that at the end of the modified code so that RTS comes back to the right spot.

org $C24F24
print "Replacement Function updated_4F08 starts at: ",pc
reset bytes

XBA                ; high byte now holds the command ID
REP #$10
LDA $3A7B            ; and low byte now holds spell/attack ID
CPX #$0008
BCS fka_4F47
XBA                ; high is spell, low is command
CMP #$19
BEQ .summon
JMP calculateMPDeduction

REP #$20

print "Replacement Function updated_4F08 ends at: ",pc," and used ",bytes," bytes of space."
print " "

org $C24F47

; This jumps in the middle of a function at C2/4F08 that grabs the MP cost for
; a spell. A character's individual spell list in battle stores a modified MP
; cost based on modifying relics, and as we're reshuffling the list, we need to
; add additional code to make sure that the game looks for MP costs in the right
; location.

org !freespace_C2_0
print "New function CondenseSpellLists starts at: ",pc
reset bytes

PHX                ;
LDY #$04        ; The 0 index in the list holds the equipped esper, which we're not touching.
                ; Each entry is four bytes long, so the spell list starts at Y = 4.
.noMoreSpells    ; We'll be branching back here to execute our Lore list
TYX                ; X is going to be our 'write-space' index, whereas Y is our 'read-space' index.
REP #$10

    LDA ($F2),Y
    BNE .checkNextSpell

        INY #4
        CPY #$00DC            ; If we've hit the first Lore slot, there are no more spells to copy back,
        BEQ .noMoreSpells    ; so jump out, reset X to start sorting the Lore list instead.
        CPY #$013C            ; This is after the last Lore slot, so if we've gone that far, there are
        BEQ .noMoreLores    ; no more spells to copy back and we can exit the function entirely.
        LDA ($F2),Y
        BEQ .findNextSpell

    PHY            ; we'll be pushing and pulling within the loop, but we need to know
                ; where it started so we can blank out the slot we copied from
    REP #$20
        LDA ($F2),Y    
        PHY            ; This stores our Y location, i.e. the next slot with a spell learned
        TXY            ; and pulls our X, or the blank slot we're writing to.
        STA ($F2),Y
        PLY            ; back to our 'write from' location
        INY    #2        ; and gets the next bytes
        INX #2
        BCS .doneCopy
        BPL .copyNextSpell    ; if we haven't done four bytes, loop back and grab the next
    SEP #$20    
    PLY            ; this is the first byte of the slot we copied from
    STA ($F4),Y    ; this zeroes out the MP cost
    STA ($F2),Y    ; and blanks out the spell we copied from
    BRA .weCopiedASpell
    INX #4
    TXY                ; and then copy it over to Y for our next loop through
    CPY #$0138
    BNE .checkSpellLoop
JMP $532C

print "CondenseSpellLists ends at: ",pc," and used ",bytes," bytes of space."
print " "

org !freespace_C2_1

print "New function CalculateMPDeduction starts at: ",pc
reset bytes

CMP #$0C                ; coming in, low byte is command and high byte is spell ID
BEQ .calculateLore        ; (branch if it's Lore)

XBA                        ; (get attack #), high byte is now command and low byte is attack ID
CMP #$F0                ; is it a Desperation Attack or an Interceptor counter?
BCS .returnZero            ; if so, exit
STA $F0                    ; save our spell ID in scratch memory
LDA #$04                ; four bytes per index, and we're starting at the second index in
                        ; the list (i.e. the first Magic spell)

REP #$20
ADC $302C,X                 ; get the start of our character's magic list (index #0 is esper)
STA $F2                        ; this points out our first Magic slot
INC #3
STA $F4                        ; and this points at our first MP cost slot
SEP #$20
LDY $00

    LDA ($F2),Y
    CMP $F0
    BEQ .getMPCost
    INY #4
    BRA .findSpell
LDA ($F4),Y
BRA .exitWithMP

XBA                            ; (get attack #), high byte is command and low byte is attack ID
SBC #$8B                    ; turn our raw spell ID into a 0-23 Lore ID
LDA #$DC                    ; this is our first Lore slot in the character's spell list
BRA .loreEntersHere

JMP $4F54            ; (clean up stack and exit)

print "CalculateMPDeduction ends at: ",pc," and used ",bytes," bytes of space."
print " "

Current Project: FF6: Tensei | Discord ID: TristanGrayse

Messages In This Thread
Condensing Spell List in Battle - by GrayShadows - 09-14-2017, 06:27 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by madsiur - 09-14-2017, 07:22 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-14-2017, 08:09 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-14-2017, 08:42 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-15-2017, 12:33 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-15-2017, 04:33 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-17-2017, 04:01 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-17-2017, 05:34 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by BTB - 09-17-2017, 04:05 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-18-2017, 04:28 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-18-2017, 12:45 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-18-2017, 10:15 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by BTB - 09-19-2017, 08:32 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-20-2017, 11:16 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-21-2017, 01:06 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by seibaby - 09-20-2017, 06:00 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-20-2017, 10:39 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-21-2017, 12:59 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-21-2017, 04:35 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-23-2017, 12:12 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-23-2017, 01:21 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-23-2017, 07:45 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-23-2017, 03:04 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by seibaby - 09-23-2017, 05:38 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 09-23-2017, 05:50 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-23-2017, 06:04 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 09-24-2017, 01:47 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 10-04-2017, 05:29 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-04-2017, 06:43 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-04-2017, 08:44 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 10-04-2017, 10:01 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 10-04-2017, 11:11 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-04-2017, 11:46 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-05-2017, 03:51 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by GrayShadows - 10-05-2017, 06:07 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-05-2017, 09:27 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-05-2017, 09:51 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-06-2017, 08:20 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-07-2017, 01:08 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by seibaby - 10-24-2017, 03:36 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-30-2017, 07:38 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-31-2017, 01:23 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by assassin - 10-31-2017, 02:42 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by BTB - 11-23-2017, 11:42 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 11-24-2017, 12:15 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 07-23-2021, 03:48 AM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 07-24-2021, 02:05 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 07-25-2021, 06:32 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 07-25-2021, 08:58 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by Warrax - 07-25-2021, 08:43 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 08-02-2021, 08:13 PM
RE: Condensing Spell List in Battle - by fw4210 - 08-10-2021, 02:51 PM

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