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Political views

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I'm curious about where exactly do you stand exactly on the left/right and authoritarian/libertarian axis... Are you a republican or democrat? Are you more to the left than these two parties? Or does the word "politic" doesn't interest you at all ?

I'm a libertarian socialist, or anarchist sympathizer, meaning I take some action in social struggles but my life is not totally aimed at anarchism. This however might change in the future.

I reject parliamentarian democracy and believe in direct democracy, meaning I reject the idea that people would give their decisive power to a group of elite for 4 years. I think combat syndicalism can help spreading left libertarian idea. I think private property (not to confound with personal property) and the state should be abolished, and eventually everything would be decentralized. Some might call this an utopia, but when capitalism will fall, it could be an option if people are educated enough on the subject.

Any this is a quick summary of my political views, I'm interested on knowing where you stand guys. You can take a quick test here if you don't really know:

Here's my results:

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Well... I don't believe in the "politicks". The democracy, how we call it, was rotten on its roots, when it was invented in the ancient Greece, and now, is even worse. When you vote, if you are lucky, you can change one face for another, but there is and ever will be, only one ruler all over the world: the almighty money. The sheeps may change the skin of the wolf, but the wolf is always the same >_<'

I think it'll always be this way, that's how the human race is. It isn't because of the capitalism, humans are selfish by nature. Look for example at the communist countries, it's the same sh*t: me, me, me, money money, money.

[Image: SvEf6Yh.png]

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I personally could care less about politics, but I do hate the government and think that the people should have the say/power in the end. Although, I do also believe that there needs to be people 'in charge'... just no secrets and lies!

Here are my test results:

I tried to answer them all honestly and accurately. I'm not entirely sure what my results mean...?

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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I've never been too into politics. It's one of those subjects where I can never feel comfortable with the information that I'm given. Even though there are many who speak with honesty about it, I can never be sure about where they got their information from. When given a set of good, clear facts I can usually make a good decision, but when confronted with slippery half truths from all directions, it's pretty hard to know that I'm not just latching onto somebody else's propaganda bandwagon without any clue what I'm doing. True, I could listen to all sides and try to make an informed decision from there, but at the same time I may just be going with the person who spoke better or who provided better handpicked examples. I simply can't really know anything (that could technically be said about all things, but moreso here than usual), and I don't like that, so I simply run.

Here's my results:

I'm fairly certain that I had a leftward leaning despite my proclaimed "not giving a crud" because I'm an idealist to a large extent, but while a lot of those things sounded good on paper, they may not be practical. That's where I would have trouble making a decision.

Personally, I also feel that it makes little difference (to an extent, obviously) who is in power. Right... left... if they didn't both have their pros and cons then there wouldn't be a point in voting in the first place! And one thing I know about things that have pros and cons like this is that they often tend to be pretty close, with only a slight advantage going to one or the other.

As for getting rid of government...nowadays with technology like the internet, to possibly allow people to vote more easily on hot button debates, it would probably be more feasible than ever. The big issues would probably come when people don't know what they're doing. It's possible that without some sort of guidance, those idiots you notice in the YouTube comments will be able to run countries into the ground. And not everybody wants to stay abreast of all the smaller issues, so they may not be addressed adequately without people dedicated to it. If everybody was competent and wanted to help run the country, this would work great. But I feel that even though politicians may be slimy and despicable, they can run the country more effectively than the average YouTube noob.

Besides, voting would be effectively worthless for me. My riding has been strongly right ever since 1987 (the last time another party has been in power), with no signs of stopping.

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Lockirby2 has told everything...
here's my result:

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I am not one to typically express my opinions of government and such (One of the primary reasons why Username isn't what it is when I first signed up to be a member here), so I'll just show my results in its stead:


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I'm probably a little more to the right than my test suggests, and I felt like the questions were worded to tend people more to the left. You'll be hard-pressed to get me to answer strongly positive or negative when the question uses words like "always," and "never." I believe context is key to just about everything. Unfortunately, I feel like people cling too hard to black-and-white style's of thinking and fail to look at a situation in its entirety because they are completely uncompromising one particular point.

Unfortunately the problem with any form of government (or non-government) comes down to the fact that people are inherently flawed and getting more screwed up every generation. And this is across the board, not just in democratic or socialist nations... Pretty much every conceivable government structure could potentially work in an idealized situation with idealized people, but it's just not going to happen. And I don't think its just a matter of educating people better or instilling religious or non-religious morals.

TBH I believe the family structure is the ground level when it comes to these kinds of things and "family" has become such a fluid concept (with divorce rates through the roof, and the increase in electronic media replacing actual interaction) that children lack the security they need to have a healthy understanding of authority and personal resposibility (they go hand-in-hand and are not opposed). I'm guilty of this myself! I probably let my girls watch way more TV than they should (instead of actively spending more time with them) and I don't do a good enough job at working on my marriage to have a solid foundation for my kids to grow and learn under...

The "me, me, me," mentality starts at home, and no government will work with those kinds of people, its an impossible part of the equation to remove. The only difference is which "me, me, me," is in charge.

Ultimately I try to stay out of politics as much as possible. I don't know anyone who's really into politics and is happier for it. I have enough to worry about in my own life and I do my best to work with the establishment that's in place. Ultimately, if I don't like it, I'll leave. I do believe, as the Founding Fathers said, that government should be subject to the people and questioned if it's not working... I just don't think I'm the one to do it.

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(07-14-2014, 06:06 PM)Xenovant Wrote: I think it'll always be this way, that's how the human race is. It isn't because of the capitalism, humans are selfish by nature. Look for example at the communist countries, it's the same sh*t: me, me, me, money money, money.

I don't really believe that human is either bad (selfish) or good by nature. I think we become the product of what society makes of you and how we are raised by our family. If there is a human nature, it is to create and invent, from small scale in every day actions to more significant scale like making a discovery. However, there are oppressive and authoritarian structures like the state and the private industry that limit that faculty of creation of many humans. Thus we don't live in a system that could permit the human nature to express itself to the maximum.

This is one of the main reason I think oppressive structures should be abolished.

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Once upon a time it existed everywhere something called "trade" instead of money, you could have something in exchange of something else, and it wasn't possible to accumulate trade, since it's not an item, rather than an action.
At maximum you could accumulate stuff, but it's easier to accumulate, since it can be anything, for anyone...
Shining value metals aren't so much easy to find, right?

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
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