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ZONE DOCTOR - FF6 Editor v3.18.4 (formerly FF6LE) *EVENT EDITING SUPPORT*

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Sure thing, will do. And thank you very much for the additional hands on help! =)


I am unable to send a PM to you for some reason, maybe that's just an option that needs to be turned on in your account settings, so instead I sent it to you via email.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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looking through the program now, looks pretty cool. Is there or will there be a tutorial for it available?

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For anyone who's trying to use the event scripts editor with their hack and are experiencing crashing or script parsing issues, it could be one of a number of problems.

1. Parsing errors may occur b/c indexed branch commands (command $B6) that, in a fresh ROM, normally follow dialogue commands pointing to a dialogue w/multiple selectable options but in a modified ROM don't follow a dlg w/selectable options. Thus it either has no value to go by to determine the # of branches/size of the command or it has the wrong one.
2. If dlgs are rearranged in your hack into more than two banks with custom starting indexes stored at a user-defined offset, the program currently has no way of knowing where these values are. So #1 above may not be the real issue in this case.

So the only solution is to add an option to the program for the user to manually set the offset/count for dlg bank starting indexes. An alternative method (but far less user-friendly) is to modify the source, which requires some basic programming knowledge: open the Dialogues.cs class in the Editor.Dialogues folder, look in the GetText function and modify the code to read from the custom offsets/banks. The index_ variable is the default starting index of the second bank of dialogues. Also, I've now fixed the mini-maps saving issue.

For anyone else who is experiencing difficulties using the editor with their hack, please PM an IPS patch so I can test it against the program. I'll eventually report back to this thread with any information on why the issues are occurring.

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I was looking through the event script tab trying to find a specific event location and received this error:

ZONEDOCTOR, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

**************Exception Text**************
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at ZONEDOCTOR.EventScripts.UpdateScriptOffsets(Int32 index)
at ZONEDOCTOR.EventScripts.UpdateScriptOffsets()
at ZONEDOCTOR.EventScripts.RefreshEditor(EventActionCommand eac)
at ZONEDOCTOR.EventScripts.GotoAddress(Int32 input)
at ZONEDOCTOR.EventScripts..ctor()
at ZONEDOCTOR.Program.CreateEventScriptsWindow()
at ZONEDOCTOR.Editor.openEventScripts_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

**************Recent Event History**************
MouseDown "openEventScripts" | X:60,Y:5 | Form "Editor" | 7/23/2013 10:43:46 PM
MouseDown "openEventScripts" | X:68,Y:7 | Form "Editor" | 7/23/2013 10:43:21 PM
MouseDown "" | X:22,Y:7 | Value = 505 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:42:28 PM
MouseDown "" | X:16,Y:9 | Value = 3517 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:42:07 PM
MouseDown "" | X:19,Y:7 | Value = 500 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:42:02 PM
MouseDown "" | X:12,Y:8 | Value = 900 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:41:57 PM
MouseDown "" | X:6,Y:7 | Value = 200 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:41:53 PM
MouseDown "" | X:16,Y:6 | Value = 57 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:41:40 PM
MouseDown "" | X:44,Y:5 | Value = 57 | Form "EventScripts" | 7/23/2013 10:41:37 PM

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OK, thanks, I've now fixed the bug. Here's a list bugfixes & changes so far since the last release on 2013-07-21:

*Now recalculates checksum when saving a modified ROM
*Locations: gave several unknown values descriptive labels/controls

*Event Scripts: crash when update offsets if on very last script
*Locations: adding new exits, events, NPCs, etc. not enabling groupboxes
*Locations: changing exit destination not updating tag
*Locations: crash closing tile editor b/c solidity tiles bad assembler
*Locations: world map tile editor not redrawing in world map format
*Locations: tile editor loading tile 0 if doing auto-update
*Locations: changing destination of exit casting as byte and not short
*Locations: minimaps not saving b/c never actually decompressing first
*Locations: crash when close locations if a subwindow still open
*Locations: ignores/won't load long exits if no short exits in location
*Locations: not calculating free short exit space correctly

It must be noted that the solidity sets *will* become corrupted in the current public build because of bad assembler code, which is why you may get the message "stopped saving at solidity set #whatever". Also some of you may receive the error "cannot save short exit fields" in the next release b/c with the old FF6LE program you may have inserted exits in the long exit field collection but left the length to 0. Since v3.18.0 saves exits based on length instead of based on where they are in either of the two designated exit collections (short & long) as in the old program, it may end up trying to save more exits to the short exits block in the ROM because they have a length of 0, regardless of which collection they were placed in FF6LE.

This is also the reason why graphics sets can become corrupted, but that's been fixed for the next release.

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I have been trying alot of different things with this editor, my only big issue so far is that sometimes it will stop let me editing tiles when I am in the middle of doing so or just not let me edit certain tile areas at all. It happens randomly but when it does sometimes I have to keep closing the program and opening a new instance several times before it will let me edit a tile. When I mean stop editing I mean it will stop me from even writing new tiles...I am aware of the different tile layers however I have tried editing in situations where I know it should write something and nothing happens, no writing, deleting, anything.

I have seen in at least on one map where it simply won't let you edit the entire map. I know that there are identical maps with different uses but I have tried editing on every single instance of that map and it will not allow me to edit certain tile areas even when I can still edit the rest of the map. The map in question is {059] or [3b]: Figaro Castle, Inside. It simply won't let me edit any tiles on the bottom half of the map. Here is my log:

MouseDown "locationName" | X:156,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 61 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:02:24 PM | Element = {061}  Figaro Castle, Basement 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:93,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 60 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:57 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "locationName" | X:114,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:51 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:175,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 75 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:01 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:54,Y:9 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:01:00 PM
MouseDown "history" | X:6,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:53:40 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:41,Y:20 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:51:58 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:46,Y:17 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:50:28 PM
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:43,Y:19 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:47:52 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:30,Y:11 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:47:30 PM
MouseDown "locationName" | X:170,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 90 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:46:25 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "save" | X:3,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:45:02 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:37,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 201 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:44:52 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:120,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 68 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:44:46 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:46,Y:14 | SelectedIndex = 236 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:42:29 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:65,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:42:24 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:46,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 234 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:56 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:11,Y:78 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:53 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:62,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 72 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:12 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:20,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 237 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:05 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:61,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:04 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:9,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:00 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:1 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:59 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:67,Y:22 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:58 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "locationName" | X:107,Y:20 | SelectedIndex = 73 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:56 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "save" | X:16,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:54 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:49,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:51 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:143,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:50 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:100,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:49 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasureYCoord" | X:11,Y:7 | Value = 14 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:48 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyNum" | X:14,Y:9 | Value = 253 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:47 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:38,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:43 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:22,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:09 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:92,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 72 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:06 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "save" | X:4,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:04 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:50 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:52,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:49 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 237 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:46 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:26,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:44 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:13,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:21 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:47,Y:19 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:20 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:16 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:13,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:06 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "locationName" | X:152,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 69 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:45 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:40,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:10 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:45,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:08 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:17,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 234 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:05 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "locationName" | X:83,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 73 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:00 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:21,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:48 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:140,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 70 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:36 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "toolStrip1" | X:152,Y:1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:35 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:50,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 233 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:18:26 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:16,Y:14 | SelectedIndex = 233 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:18:23 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:35,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:01:47 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:22,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:01:24 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:26,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:00:03 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:144,Y:6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:00:01 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:78,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:39 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:122,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:27 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:127,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 70 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:23 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:28,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:59:17 PM
MouseDown "locationName" | X:32,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 60 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:58:41 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "save" | X:6,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:58:40 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "locationName" | X:58,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:55:03 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:23,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:54:14 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:34,Y:0 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:31:38 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:24,Y:8 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:31:10 PM
MouseDown "save" | X:17,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:30:53 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:36,Y:1 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:29:46 PM
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:9,Y:7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:29:10 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:160,Y:9 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:29:05 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:108,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 57 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:58 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:14,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:52 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:18,Y:21 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:48 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:18,Y:31 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:43 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:22,Y:42 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:37 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:122,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:28 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:24,Y:17 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:25 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:56,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:24 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "treasurePaste" | X:15,Y:8 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:07 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "locationName" | X:114,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:00 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "treasureCopy" | X:13,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:59 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:110,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 57 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:44 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "locationName" | X:120,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:33 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "save" | X:10,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:26:01 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside

I should add this does not apply to the world map, everything has went well in editing that.


One additional error I got when loading things back up after work was :

"Error accessing data at $-12582912 in 3145728 byte array. Please report this."

The last thing I did was edit some treasures which you can see below. I saw others have similar errors but at different values so I don't know if it all stems from something similar. I hope this helps.

ZONEDOCTOR, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

**************Exception Text**************
Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Bits.GetShort(Byte[] data, Int32 offset)
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Comp.Decompress(Byte[] data, Int32 offset, Int32 length, UInt16& orig_size)
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Model.get_WOBGraphicSet()
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Model.LoadAll()
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Editor.Open(String filename)
   at ZONEDOCTOR.Editor.loadRom_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

**************Recent Event History**************
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:15,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 3:34:33 AM
MouseDown "save" | X:9,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:11:00 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:40,Y:72 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:59 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:33,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 253 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:56 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "groupBox19" | X:128,Y:113 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:55 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:81 | SelectedIndex = 6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:55 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:21,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 244 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:53 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:63,Y:68 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:52 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:33,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 248 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:51 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)

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Thanks for the report. I've fixed the bug causing the 1st error. For the 2nd error, were you using an expanded ROM? Did you perhaps hex edit the offsets pointing to the world map graphics or manually shift the world map data around?

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When I was editing on the ROM and got the second error it was a fresh ROM(Not expanded, no patches, hex edits or anything), all I had done was edit the speed of some NPCs, moved around some treasures and I added an NPC to Figaro Castle. I can give you the full log of everything I have done on the ROM I just didn't post it before because it is pretty long:

MouseDown "history" | X:6,Y:10 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 2:37:30 PM
MouseDown "openSettings" | X:20,Y:15 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 2:37:28 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:65,Y:10 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 3:39:11 AM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:31,Y:13 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 3:38:56 AM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:15,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/25/2013 3:34:33 AM
MouseDown "save" | X:9,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:11:00 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:40,Y:72 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:59 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:33,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 253 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:56 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "groupBox19" | X:128,Y:113 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:55 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:81 | SelectedIndex = 6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:55 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:21,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 244 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:53 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:63,Y:68 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:52 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:33,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 248 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:51 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:71,Y:62 | SelectedIndex = 4 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:50 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:21,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:48 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:62,Y:43 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:47 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:18,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 243 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:46 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:32 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:45 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:18,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 242 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:43 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:20,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:42 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:9,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:41 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:16,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:39 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:12,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:05 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:34,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:02 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:175,Y:14 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:10:00 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:181,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 86 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:09:23 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "locationName" | X:72,Y:2 | SelectedIndex = 81 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:09:13 PM | Element = {081}  South Figaro, Rich Man's House
MouseDown "locationName" | X:155,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 75 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:09:07 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:194,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 87 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:08:34 PM | Element = {087}  South Figaro, Basement 1 Monster Room
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:31,Y:11 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 6:08:26 PM
MouseDown "save" | X:17,Y:5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:08:08 PM | Element = {087}  South Figaro, Basement 1 Monster Room
MouseDown "locationName" | X:120,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 86 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:08:03 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:45,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 6:02:01 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:47,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:42 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:33,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:35 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePaste" | X:12,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:28 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "locationName" | X:101,Y:14 | SelectedIndex = 75 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:21 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureCopy" | X:9,Y:14 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:19 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:24,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:15 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:158,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:59:13 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:127,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 86 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:31 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:51,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:58:27 PM
MouseDown "exitListBox" | X:27,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:21 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "exitListBox" | X:24,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:21 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "exitListBox" | X:25,Y:36 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:20 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "exitListBox" | X:29,Y:47 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:19 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:157,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:01 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:112,Y:16 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:58:00 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:230,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:59 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:62,Y:22 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:58 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:68,Y:31 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:58 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:18,Y:7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:50 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:47,Y:21 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:49 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:48,Y:31 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:49 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:8,Y:8 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:47 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:14,Y:20 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:46 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePaste" | X:10,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:33 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureCopy" | X:4,Y:5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:57:30 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:26 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:59 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:20 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:58 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:20,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:54 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:32 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:53 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:32,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:51 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:35,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:49 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "treasurePaste" | X:4,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:44 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:172,Y:8 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:42 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "npcPaste" | X:13,Y:7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:38 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:114,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:36 PM | Element = {086}  South Figaro, Duncan's House
MouseDown "locationName" | X:138,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 85 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:19 PM | Element = {085}  South Figaro, Item Shop
MouseDown "locationName" | X:100,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 81 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:56:12 PM | Element = {081}  South Figaro, Rich Man's House
MouseDown "locationName" | X:110,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 78 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:55:58 PM | Element = {078}  South Figaro, Pub
MouseDown "locationName" | X:117,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 75 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:54:29 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureCopy" | X:4,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:54:27 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:43,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 253 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:45 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:39,Y:97 | SelectedIndex = 7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:44 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:27,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 244 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:40 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:87 | SelectedIndex = 6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:39 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:28,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 248 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:36 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:31,Y:72 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:36 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:38,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:32 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:63,Y:60 | SelectedIndex = 4 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:24 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:63,Y:65 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:23 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:26,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 243 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:20 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:42,Y:40 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:19 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:28,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 242 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:13 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:35,Y:28 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:12 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:34,Y:25 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:12 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:28,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:03 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:28,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:53:00 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:57,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:52:57 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:36,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:52:51 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:49,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:52:49 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:37,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:51:08 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureType" | X:53,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:51:06 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:50,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 232 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:51:04 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:23 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:50:53 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:58,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:50:52 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:55,Y:56 | SelectedIndex = 4 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:50:50 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:55,Y:45 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:50:49 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:52,Y:107 | SelectedIndex = 7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:42 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:47,Y:91 | SelectedIndex = 7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:41 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:76 | SelectedIndex = 5 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:40 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:42,Y:56 | SelectedIndex = 4 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:37 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:42,Y:39 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:36 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:40,Y:21 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:36 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:160,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:49:35 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:60,Y:5 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:49:15 PM
MouseDown "save" | X:10,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:37:28 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:184,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 70 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:35:47 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:52,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:35:37 PM
MouseDown "openEventScripts" | X:59,Y:13 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:35:34 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:31,Y:12 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:35:17 PM
MouseDown "restoreElementsToolStripMenuItem" | X:18,Y:11 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:20:42 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:61,Y:14 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:20:08 PM
MouseDown "restoreElementsToolStripMenuItem" | X:5,Y:7 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:19:31 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:20,Y:9 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:17:34 PM
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:100,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:17:18 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:55,Y:6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:17:17 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:49,Y:16 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:17:09 PM
MouseDown "panel2" | X:413,Y:61 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:16:56 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:57,Y:8 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:15:44 PM
MouseDown "loadRom" | X:55,Y:11 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:15:30 PM
MouseDown "history" | X:10,Y:6 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:12:15 PM
MouseDown "restoreElementsToolStripMenuItem" | X:3,Y:14 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:10:15 PM
MouseDown "history" | X:18,Y:8 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:06:40 PM
MouseDown "locationName" | X:156,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 61 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:02:24 PM | Element = {061}  Figaro Castle, Basement 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:93,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 60 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:57 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "locationName" | X:114,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:51 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:175,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 75 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 5:01:01 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:54,Y:9 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 5:01:00 PM
MouseDown "history" | X:6,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:53:40 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:41,Y:20 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:51:58 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:46,Y:17 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:50:28 PM
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:43,Y:19 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:47:52 PM | Element = {075}  South Figaro, Outside (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:30,Y:11 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 4:47:30 PM
MouseDown "locationName" | X:170,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 90 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:46:25 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "save" | X:3,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:45:02 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:37,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 201 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:44:52 PM | Element = {090}  Cave to Figaro Castle, Entrance (WOR)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:120,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 68 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:44:46 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:46,Y:14 | SelectedIndex = 236 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:42:29 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:65,Y:17 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:42:24 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:46,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 234 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:56 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:11,Y:78 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:53 PM | Element = {068}  Cave to South Figaro (WOR)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:62,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 72 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:12 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:20,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 237 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:05 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:61,Y:15 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:04 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:9,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:41:00 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:46,Y:1 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:59 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:67,Y:22 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:58 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "locationName" | X:107,Y:20 | SelectedIndex = 73 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:56 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "save" | X:16,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:54 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:49,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:51 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:143,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:50 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:100,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:49 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasureYCoord" | X:11,Y:7 | Value = 14 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:48 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyNum" | X:14,Y:9 | Value = 253 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:47 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:38,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:40:43 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:22,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:09 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:92,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 72 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:06 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "save" | X:4,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:39:04 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:50 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:52,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:49 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 237 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:46 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:26,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:44 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:13,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:21 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:47,Y:19 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:20 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:15,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:16 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:13,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:38:06 PM | Element = {072}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 2
MouseDown "locationName" | X:152,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 69 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:45 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:40,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:10 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:45,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:08 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:17,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 234 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:05 PM | Element = {069}  Cave to South Figaro, Rooms
MouseDown "locationName" | X:83,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 73 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:37:00 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:21,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 235 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:48 PM | Element = {073}  Cave to South Figaro, Room 1
MouseDown "locationName" | X:140,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 70 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:36 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "toolStrip1" | X:152,Y:1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:36:35 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:50,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 233 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:18:26 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:16,Y:14 | SelectedIndex = 233 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:18:23 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:35,Y:18 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:01:47 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:22,Y:12 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:01:24 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:26,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 55 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:00:03 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:144,Y:6 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 4:00:01 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:78,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:39 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:122,Y:10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:27 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:127,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 70 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:59:23 PM | Element = {070}  Cave to South Figaro (WOB)
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:28,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:59:17 PM
MouseDown "locationName" | X:32,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 60 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:58:41 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "save" | X:6,Y:12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:58:40 PM | Element = {060}  Figaro Castle, Library
MouseDown "locationName" | X:58,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:55:03 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:23,Y:4 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:54:14 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:34,Y:0 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:31:38 PM
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:24,Y:8 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:31:10 PM
MouseDown "save" | X:17,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:30:53 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "openLocations" | X:36,Y:1 | Form "Editor" | 7/24/2013 3:29:46 PM
MouseDown "buttonDeleteTreasure" | X:9,Y:7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:29:10 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:160,Y:9 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:29:05 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:108,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 57 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:58 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:14,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:52 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:18,Y:21 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:48 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:18,Y:31 | SelectedIndex = 2 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:43 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:22,Y:42 | SelectedIndex = 3 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:37 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:122,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:28 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:24,Y:17 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:25 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:56,Y:11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:24 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "treasurePaste" | X:15,Y:8 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:07 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "locationName" | X:114,Y:7 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:28:00 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "treasureCopy" | X:13,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:59 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:110,Y:13 | SelectedIndex = 57 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:44 PM | Element = {057}  Figaro Castle, King's Bedroom
MouseDown "locationName" | X:120,Y:11 | SelectedIndex = 59 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:27:33 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "save" | X:10,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:26:01 PM | Element = {059}  Figaro Castle, Inside
MouseDown "locationName" | X:51,Y:6 | SelectedIndex = 50 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:58 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "save" | X:15,Y:13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:36 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:41,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 0 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:32 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:22,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 246 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:24 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "treasureListBox" | X:37,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:23 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:27,Y:16 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:19 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "treasurePropertyName" | X:34,Y:10 | SelectedIndex = 240 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:14 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "tabControl" | X:183,Y:19 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:24:11 PM | Element = {050}  Narshe, Mines 2 (WOB)
MouseDown "locationName" | X:52,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 22 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:45 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "save" | X:14,Y:15 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:37 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:24,Y:130 | SelectedIndex = 10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:34 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:24,Y:125 | SelectedIndex = 9 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:32 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:18,Y:101 | SelectedIndex = 7 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:30 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:49,Y:110 | SelectedIndex = 8 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:27 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcSpeed" | X:4,Y:2 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:25 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:32,Y:118 | SelectedIndex = 9 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:19 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcSpeed" | X:6,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:17 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:38,Y:134 | SelectedIndex = 10 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:16 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcSpeed" | X:31,Y:4 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:15 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:38,Y:152 | SelectedIndex = 11 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:13 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcSpeed" | X:34,Y:9 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:11 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:39,Y:164 | SelectedIndex = 12 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:10 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcSpeed" | X:31,Y:8 | SelectedIndex = 1 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:08 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)
MouseDown "npcListBox" | X:26,Y:173 | SelectedIndex = 13 | Form "Locations" | 7/24/2013 3:23:07 PM | Element = {022}  Narshe, Snow Battlefield (WOB)

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Thanks for posting the log. Looking through it, it seems you imported some elements from another ROM. Then I was able to discover a bug in the import elements window which corrupts the tilemaps with location map data if you have "Locations > Maps" checked. I've now fixed the bug, but did you have this node checked by any chance?

Also, users may notice that graphics aren't saving at all. I've now fixed this as well.

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I had attempted to import from my main rom that I have been editing but it said the game code was invalid. I guess its possible that it had started to import and moved some code around at that time.

I started with a fresh ROM because when editing my main ROM I was having an issue where I could open the editor but it was hard for me to get stuff like NPCs to show up, it would just freeze. I am assuming that there is some code conflict somewhere from all the previous editing I had done to the ROM. I plan on reworking everything using Zone Doctor and then splitting up my editing onto different ROMs so I can pinpoint any specific issues in the future.

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