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The character isn't permanently lost, but yeah, I expect a lot of people won't play along when they have to make that call. I envision a hypothetical person that plays the ancient cave like a real roguelike, and doesn't use the save points for save-scumming.
Well, I wasn't trying to start something with my comments about randomness.

So, I have an idea.
How about, we add in another special code that changes party picking back to where it was.
I'm not sure how annoying that would be to code in, but it is an idea. Smile

Also, foir what it's worth, my moments of insanity, are mostly because I don't take medication that day.
I'm bad about that.
a fourth code for one person? Racecave is born to allow racers to complete the cave in a single stream, for a greater purpose i mean...

PS. my bro noticed a bug in racecave: if you swap the leader member with one of the other 3,(i don't remember exactly the procedure) after you change to the other groups and return to this party group, the position of the leading character in the map will be different and so he ended up to warp in another route of the other 2 groups(in the switch room he invaded the area of one of the other groups) and so it wasn't possible to proceed further in the cave and had to warp away from the dungeon.
Try to trigger this bug and eventually fix it.
I'm coming up with a solution that will work for everyone, it's just going to take a while because I'm busy this week.

Regarding the party switching bug, I thought I'd finally fixed that...
Thank you, Abyss, and take your time.

Tenkarider, It's merely a suggestion. You don't have to quadra slice it. Smile
I'm curious as to how much backtracking you actually do. I backtrack an absolutely ridiculous amount of times, so having to backtrack a half dozen more times would mean nothing to me.

On another note, if you fill your parties evenly, it's still about as easy to progress, because those characters gain more xp. At least, I imagine the difficulty would be comparable.
I backtrack a bunch, but mostly when I'm trying to find the party members, and then also when finding the way to progress.

I don't backtrack any crazy amount of time, but the previous version of party members was better for me.

I try to balance my parties, but I only do that after a certain point, and that's when I know the Seed is a good one for me to use my full concentration on.
I found a few promising seeds before, but I'm still looking for that special one.

The good news, I only have gone through 13 seeds. I still have like 100 million to go. Smile
Alright, so I was playing Ancient Cave, and I barely beat Goddess. On my way back to save, I had the misfortune of having two of my characters being blown away by BabaBreath. I decided I would warp out after getting back to the save point and recruiting the guy there. Unfortunately, when I recruited the new guy, he wasn't added to the party that was there. Instead, he was added to a different, full, party, replacing the character in the 4th slot. Is this a known issue? When I leave the dungeon, I have both characters, however.

Edit: Not sure if this occurred as a result, but when I go into an equipment shop, there's a blank spot(because I don't have all 14 characters). All of the equipment can be equipped by this blank spot, but it's all worse than what the blank spot is currently wielding(it's a weapon shop). I did recruit Wedge before I warped out, and he wields a Crystal, which is better than the crummy shop tier 2 weapons. Could the blank spot be Wedge somehow?
That's pretty weird. I figure that the event must be mapped to the wrong party, but I don't know how that could happen. Can I have your seed and a description of which character & rest stop it was?

The invisible party member on the shop selection screen is known, I think it happens any time you recruit a temporary character. Which is weird, because temporary characters can't equip anything, so I think it must be using a different character's equipment set.
Using seed: 62.ancientcaveowzbmciqetunfspda.1434674315

The particular rest stop lets you recruit the Sabin look-alike. It's the 30000 gp stop a bit before Goddess. I believe it plays the Omen track with Daryl inviting you to battle in the Coliseum, but I'm not sure about that. Hopefully "Sabin is there" is good enough.