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FF6 Tenkarider's contest (accessible even to casuals)

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This time i exaggerated a bit... but it was worth of it Tongue

Here's the new task:

Task #8: The best show ever!!!

Here's the link:

Place: WoB, next to Opera House;

Area of the task: Jidoor-Opera House area;

Enemies: Rats and Ultros;

Task goal: Doing a performance on the stage with Locke, Edgar and Gau... good enough to allow you at least to stop the public from asking back the money they paid for the ticket (get at least rank D)

Rom version: 1.0(headered)
What's hacked: battle dialogues, map dialogues, some item, some treasure, monster AI, events, background, spells, music, custom event command;

A disaster happened: Celes started to sing!!! what's the matter? well, she's a general... not some opera's floozy. Besides looks like she's the only one "with trousers" there... you'll understand what i mean when you'll play it.
To make a long story short, the Impresario gave you just one last chance to play the scene as Maria... Celes will try her best to not being definitively kicked out from Opera House, at least.
It's up to Locke to save the day... for real: he also bought in Jidoor some "firework" at a cheap price... he thought they might be handy.
Sabin really doesn't care at all about opera; Cyan like much more to read poems, rather that watching opera, just don't count on them: they won't come(so it's forbidden to swap them in Narshe)
On the other side Edgar loves opera and Gau likes songs, so it's a deal.

Guess what? yup, Ultros will try to ruin an opera, or maybe not? he actually wanna toss the weight on Celes, so that she'll finally stop her voice, but his goal is actually another one: he's just pretending of doing that, he just want show his inner talent as actor... as bad guy role.
Despite that he actually hides a real talent and he's only waiting you to drag you in the stage and fight.

The funny thing is that you share the same goal(save the day), but you don't even know that...
So you have to reach Ultros, fall and fight him on the stage: adding the lame performance to the whole mess done from Locke and Ultros, the result is that the public is heavily disappointed and ready to go away, unless the fight turns into some unexpected masterpiece... now i'll explain details about the task:

1) WoB area monsters are cleaned out from the hack: don't search for a fight, while that won't gonna happen, if you go in some cave or other enemy areas, the task won't be valid;
2) If you don't enter immediately inside Opera House, then the only thing that you're allowed to do is doing shopping in Jidoor(if you enter in any other town, the task won't be valid)
3) Take your time, buy what you have to and prepare your build: the timer will start only when you enter inside Opera House(still you have to record also what you do before you enter)
4) Rats are good for some quick grind: remember that;
5) In any case the real thing is the battle on the stage: You have to impress the public and perform some special stunt and/or special effect.
Stuff like this might be good for entertain the public:
- Endure the fight against Ultros, he has 10 forms + ???, the stage master will do the rest with lights and music choices, don't worry about that(each time a new form will spawn, the score will raise) ;
- Your fireworks works perfecty here... while they are just beautiful to watch, they're not designed to harm the target. The public will love them, but don't use them too much often, or they might get sick of them... (max once of each firework item, until the next form won't show) ;
- Everybody love fiction... just kicking the ass of the enemy might result less enjoyable than winning, after risking of being defeated from the bad guy, you know what i mean, right? Wink still Locke is considered the hero: it's not great to see the hero lying on the ground... maybe that fits better for comrades(have one ally wounded; have 2 allies wounded, except Locke)
PS. that won't work more that once;
- Marvelous attacks like Espers or Desperations, you'll get score from any of them;
- And obviously The finishing strike: according on how you beat Ultros, you'll get an essential piece of score here... both the situation and the attack are factors:
- is the attacker in near death status?
- is Locke the last one still able to fight?
- Did you use a Desperation as last strike?
- Have you mixed the ones above?

- ???

PS. if public starts to getting bored, you're gonna lose some point, so try to not make pass too much time since the last time you got some extra point.

6) According to your performances, you'll get score and finally a rank, from D to S:

- less than 15 points: Public goes away -> task failed;
- 15-29 points: rank D ;
- 30-44 points: rank C ;
- 45-59 points: rank B ;
- 60-74 points: rank A ;
- 75-78 points: rank S.

It's not just an immaginary counter to keep in mind: this battle, due to the custom event command i created, leads to 7 different reactions from the event(one is gameover, one is task fail and the last 5 ones are the ranks related to your score)

7) You're allowed to escape, against Ultros: not really much epic but still better than fail the task... you'll save your current score and be ranked according to it.

PS. Task Manager is VERY hard to find this time.

Time start: Beginning of April 10;

Time end: The end of May 10;

When you record the task, task's timer starts as soon as you enter inside Opera House.
Enjoy the task!!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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RE: FF6 Tenkarider's contest (accessible even to casuals) - by Tenkarider - 04-09-2015, 06:33 PM

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