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Crossover Crisis (demo abviable)

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I'm pretty sure all of you (read: two people) have been wondering what I was working on and why was asking so many questions for.

Crossover Crisis is a FFVI Hack I've been working on. 

I've always liked video games, and since I wasn't a kid that had a lot of stuff to think about, I imagined this "world" where all my favorite characters co-existed in harmony and all that good stuff. I wasn't exactly able to completely remove these thoughts as I grew up, so this little "universe" in my head kept growing up.
I discovered FFVI hacks while wandering about on YouTube, and I saw this as an opportunity to have some of my favorite characters as bosses. And when I would later discover what else you could do in a FFVI hack my interest peaked when I realized I could actually "play" the universe I had been building since I was little.

This aptly named hack is basically a giant mish-mash of all my favorite video game franchises; To elaborate, here's the playable cast, and the franchise they belong. Each of these franchises will feature other additions, like enemies, or NPCs:

[Image: terra_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4g9zy.png] Terra (Final Fantasy); 
[Image: headdy_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4g9z7.png] Headdy (Dynamite Headdy); 
[Image: uberhero_yarida_16_bit_portrait_by_kugaw...a4ge53.png] Yarida Uberhero (Patapon); 
[Image: athena__by_kugawattan-dboy8sz.png] Athena (Borderlands);
[Image: twila_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4dgj7.png] Twila (Rayman);
[Image: bartz_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4g9z1.png] Bartz (Final Fantasy);
[Image: tella_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4g9zt.png] Tella (TF2 Freaks); 
[Image: ness_by_kugawattan-dboy8t6.png] Ness (Earthbound);
[Image: paula_by_kugawattan-dboy8t1.png] Paula (Earthbound);
[Image: coco_bandicoot_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawa...a79oe8.png] Coco Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot);
[Image: avgn_by_kugawattan-da4gcnm.png] Angry Video Game Nerd (Angry Video Game Nerd); 
[Image: tasslehoff_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4g9zp.png] Tasslehoff Burrfott (Dragonlance); 
[Image: gilgamesh_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da79oep.png] Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy); 
[Image: conkeldurr_16_bit_portrait_by_kugawattan-da4gde8.png] Conkeldurr (Pokemon); 

"Crossover Crisis" is a mostly graphical hack. As such, you shouldn't expect too much of a "completely new experience", however:
  • As far as graphical changes go, about 95% of non-map sprites are going to be different, including playable characters, portraits, NPCs and enemies (both battle and overworld sprites). The World of Balance map will also be completely reshaped, and it is very likely the World of Ruin might start differently if by then I've earned enough experience. 
  • The new playable characters all have different skills and stats compared to their vanilla counterparts. In addition, all (most) equipment will have new names, new stats, new prices and "new" effects. Items and specially relics are now for the most part character-themed. While learnable spells and lores will remain unchanged (with exceptions), a good deal of enemy spells will be new. Blitzes and SwdTech will all be changed.
  • Enemies and their formations will be 99% revamped; new sprites, new formations, new packs, new AI scripts, new stats, new specials; Only "Traditional" Final Fantasy monsters (Chimera, Behemoth, Cactuar, etc), as well as Kefka, will stay around.
  • While I have yet to get to it, I also plan to revamp the espers and their spells, though I won't add any restrictions.
  • The game will feature a mostly new dialog script to better fit the story and character changes. While the actual course of the game will be unchanged, there might be different ways each event unfolds. As one example, no 11 moogles will appear to help Locke; instead, Umaro will join him.
  • Another thing worth noting included in the hack will be consistency between overworld and enemies. If you notice in Narshe two Lobos and two Guards corner you, but in the battle one of the Lobos mysteriously disappears. This will be fixed. Another one in Doma you can talk to one soldier and be ambushed by a group of three. Now you will fight only one. What you'll see in this hack is what you'll really get. 
  • In terms of difficulty, I don't aim to create a "hard hack", but the overall difficulty will be raised if only to counter the lackluster difficulty of the original. I hope to have original, fun and faithful enemies and bosses.
  • As far as music goes, I've yet to learn how to add custom tracks. Though unlikely, if I do ever manage to do this, I plan to have most character themes that don't appear anymore in the game to be replaced with their respective new character's themes.
That's pretty much all about it. Even though it is nowhere near finished, I want to release a patch of whatever I have done now so you guys can get a "preview" or "demo" of what to expect in this hack of mine. If I get a general approval, I'll continue with this hack. I may continue even without it, but this is taking a good deal of my time away so I at least want to know I'm making some people enjoy a hack.

Crossover Crisis IPS patch for a headered, US v1.0 ROM. (Updated! version... -5.2?)

If you like this hack and even go as far as wanting to get involved with the making of this hack, by all means go ahead and ask! I started hacking probably around 2009 and this full game hack would likely start around 2012. If it took me three years to finish 1/5 of the game I have a long way ahead of me and help is always appreciated. Thank you so much for reading, have a good one.

Step forward, spriters! We are also responsible to make hacks look new and fresh, we are no less important than code or ASM hackers! CHARGE!!

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[Image: crossover_crisis_00001_by_kugawattan-d9mbkqi.jpg][Image: crossover_crisis_v2014_by_kugawattan-da3no1x.png][Image: crossover_crisis_v2004_by_kugawattan-da3no28.png][Image: crossover_crisis_v2000_by_kugawattan-da3no2y.png][Image: crossover_crisis_v2001_by_kugawattan-da3no2v.png]

World Map (so far, for reference):

[Image: level_000_by_kugawattan-d9mdyz6.png]

Step forward, spriters! We are also responsible to make hacks look new and fresh, we are no less important than code or ASM hackers! CHARGE!!

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I take hacking as reading an old DIY videogame making book, even if you don't finish the book (an the book is infinite long), you are learning stuff. If you can please people applying what you learn than it's a plus. I think this project had a lot of efforts put into it so far and that's not to neglect.

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Best of luck for your project, it looks worth to invest some time in it!  Objection!
Two good projects in the same day... this 2016 is appearently starting great!

Tenkarider's project #2 is started: FF6 Curse of the Madsiur Joke (CotMJ)
What happens when Madsiur tweaks your account? This full game hack will show that!

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Thanks so much for your kind words, both of you! I'll be really honored if you tried this "demo" out. Playtesters and advisors are always a great thing ^^ (which, by the way, I've just updated to fix a minor issue on the intro)

Step forward, spriters! We are also responsible to make hacks look new and fresh, we are no less important than code or ASM hackers! CHARGE!!

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So I've been playing this a lot today, and it's really good! Much work has been put into it so far and it shows. It's a lot more than just a character swap that's for sure. While I'm not familiar with most of the cast or story, I can tell they are very much akin to their original game counterparts. I have at least played Patapon before, and Dynamite Headdy, so I'm good there. The Nerd is great, teaching the tutorials lol. Definitely a lot of fun playing this so far, checking out all the sprites, the skill changes, characters, battles, the drastically altered and customized dialog script. And some creative new ways to go about things.

I know this is a beta or demo, and I'm not playing in a beta testing sense, but I did notice one thing in Headdy's scenario, talking to that crazy old man from any other direction that right in front of him will result in him moving all weird and the game resetting. Besides that, I noticed you can go back into Sleepy Town after rescuing Tella and get the soldier uniform/portrait back, then leave the town. Not sure if that is intentional. Nothing else I noticed bad except some of the map exits put the character 1 tile off where they should be, no biggie. I saw also how the Leather Meat item does not work out of battle correctly, might wanna grey that out, out of battle.

Obviously the script will need some spell check at some point and grammar fixing up, but what all you've done with the story and characters is amazing, please do keep it up. English not being your first primary language, I'm really surprised at how well the dialog script is coming along.

I'm currently doing Headdy's scenario, which is the last before the snow battle. Is that where this demo ends?

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.
[-] The following 1 user says Thank You to Gi Nattak for this post:
  • Kugawattan (01-16-2016)

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omigod Thank you so much for trying this out Gi! And thank you even more for such kind words!!
I'm glad you're enjoying it! And yes I'm very proud of having the Nerd as the tutor :^)

lol I don't know how the Crazy Old Man glitch could have happened! Let me check it out, it can't be too hard to fix. As for the uniform issue...mind if you explain more in detail what happens? Like, after getting outside Snoring Town you can re enter, go all the way back from the house/the gray Soldier doesn't interrupt you, you find a Soldier, trigger battle and get an uniform? Or just after getting Tella unchained? More details = quicker fix xD

I'm not sure what to do with the Leather Meat stuff. But now it's a "it heals more in battle" kinda thing. I might have to re-do the item description- or just outright make it a battle-only item.

Yes Gi!! I will totally continue this thing! And yes one person non-english native is bound to have a script with a lot of mistakes! xD I'll see what I can do!

Yup, the hacked parts end after the fight with Kefka on the frozen esper battle. There's a nifty message that pops up when the hack ends xD

Step forward, spriters! We are also responsible to make hacks look new and fresh, we are no less important than code or ASM hackers! CHARGE!!

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I got through the battle and saw the message.

I noticed one more glitch, you know how right before the battle the save point there changes your character back to Terra? The reason it does this becomes painfully clear if you swap to another character, save the game, and then reset/load back up that game and you'll see why it does that. Removing that function causes this issue to happen, so you'll have to probably figure out something further, or set that back.

About the Soldier uniform thing, I just exited the basement place to town, saw the soldier walking up and down, allowing me to re-enter down there into town, then doing the normal steps to get a soldier uniform, and exiting the same way I came since the soldier is not blocking that path. Simple fix is to just keep that soldier there blocking any chance of re-entry into town, I don't see a point of putting the soldier much farther up there.

Oh and one little thing I noticced since we're on the topic, one of the magitek rider npcs is glitchy when it shows Kefka and the people marching towards Narshe for the battle, because he's lacking the poses. It's the one right below kefka and back a bit.

But yeah, lots of fun! Looking forward to more.

We are born, live, die and then do the same thing over again.

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Ah, I see. I think I placed the soldier there when I was testing the parent map, or if entering and getting out of the town would work fine without having to do the whole south figaro thing. Easy fix then.

About the save thing...well cripe. I'll have to look further into that. There's probably a good workaround since the only reason I removed that function was to have more space so I didn't have to do another subroutine jump.

Thanks for playing!

Step forward, spriters! We are also responsible to make hacks look new and fresh, we are no less important than code or ASM hackers! CHARGE!!

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Alright, I started playing through as well!  I'm up to the end of Mt. Kolts right now.  I've kept a NotePad++ file full of notes as I went along so that I could talk about things a bit more.  I'm not sure what here falls into the category of "It's an alpha release, I know about that and just haven't fixed it", or "That is a work in progress that hasn't been fiddled with fully yet", so disregard parts of this if that's the case.  Also, I may not remember things that were mentioned in other threads.

-Fiddling with things in Terra's status menu is a great way to break the game. Tongue  I can remove her commands permanently, which can also crash things in battle if I remove them all.  I suspect that you may know about this, but this is just in case.  I bet the fix for this isn't too hard for one of the ASM guys.

-SoldrA and SoldrB... look a little ugly as names.  You may want to give them names like vanilla did instead of trying to cram "Soldier" in there, unless you have another alternative.

-Terra's "near fatal" pose seems to be facing the other direction now.  This creates an oddity where Arvis' replacement (Was his name Magna?  I'm not sure anymore) is having a conversation with her when she's facing the other direction.  You may want to flip her around in the event code; it's a one byte change.

-I like it that the HECU is defending Coldfront instead of the guards like in vanilla.  Vanilla really never showed any Returner vs. Empire conflict, unless the Returners in question were your party, and it also reinforces that Coldfront is neutral (assuming you haven't changed that).

-Yeah, I can tell that you're going to need some proofreading at some point.  Your English isn't too shabby, but I noticed a few sentences that didn't make sense or had spelling mistakes. I didn't try too hard to find every single last issue though, as things may change during development.  I won't try to help correct any grammar issues though, as I think anything that I could write would sound a lot more bland than what you wrote.  I will list off some of the spelling mistakes I noted, but this is not a comprehensive list:

    -"Monstrosities" has no "u" in it.  That whole dialog box in particular probably needs to be reworded though.
    -I saw a couple instances where you wrote "were" instead of where by mistake.
    -At one point you wrote "recommend learning"and spelled both incorrectly.

Those were all in the Beginner's Room, if that helps you to know.  While I'll admit that sometimes the dialogue sometimes feels off, at other times the translation sometimes make this hack feel very reminiscent of actual SNES games, in a way that most other hacks don't really manage.

-You managed to make the characters sound quite distinct.  Although I've never seen Headdy before, I could tell that he was a Sega character before you even mentioned it in the Beginner's room. Smile

-The guy that shows all the status effects should probably be moved a bit away from the wall.  If you talk to him from below, your character's sprite is hidden, and that's just a waste of time. Tongue

-I had to giggle a little at the "Yet Another Room" header. lol

-The Eensies on chocobos look pretty cute. Pray

-I like how Kefka's anger pose makes him look like a pouty little child.

-I guess if there's anything that it would be easy to guess an elemental weakness on, it would be Pokemon.

-I noticed that Twila's "Up Thrust" is a "weaker, but pierces defenses" type move.  That's playing with fire a bit, because you have to be really careful to make sure there's actually use cases for both Forward Slash and Up Thrust.  As it is, I feel like Up Thrust had little use after the Magitek Armors.  The Moss enemies were the only things that have taken substantially more damage from it so far, and Terra's Fire wrecked them anyways, so it didn't really matter.  I recommend micromanaging the defenses of the enemies  a bit more around that point in the game (Cave of South Figaro, Mt. Kolts, maybe even the Lete River) a bit more so that Forward Slash is either doing substantially more or substantially less than Up Thrust against any particular enemy. That way the player is making some sort of choice between them depending on what enemies they're fighting.  For example, the Cockatrice might want low defense so that you want to use Forward Slash, and something else might want high defense, etc.  I'm assuming both Forward Slash and Up Thrust are physical, at any rate.

-When you get the Sky Knife, nobody can equip it anyways. Tongue Maybe that should be moved to a different chest?

-Due to the mechanics, the choice between a Leather Hat and a Hairband is essentially meaningless. The difference between two Defense and two Magic Defense at this point in the game is like a hungry person choosing between a blueberry or a peanut; neither is really that filling to begin with.  I'm not sure what can be done about that, but I'm just pointing it out.

-I noticed that when you equip the Red Lum, your equipment is Optimized as if you had equipped the Genji Glove in vanilla.  I hope that is a property that can be changed in the ME, and not something that was hardcoded because the vanilla coders suck at life.  ;[

-Holy cow are Headdy's throwing weapons expensive.  I'm not sure at this point what Headdy's long term design is like, but it's hard to justify spending 750 Gil for a 300-350 damage attack.

-Bosses feel a little... bland, I guess?  Not in terms of characterization, but more in terms of their script.  I feel like they sit there for a while, and then occasionally throw out an attack.  At the very least, they could probably stand to have their speed bumped up a tad.  The HECU Leader is probably fine, but I think the Cyborg guy and Gilgy could use a little... je ne sais quoi, if you know what I mean.

That being said, most of these things are just nitpicking or random improvements.  Overall, there have been a lot of nice little details here and there, and I think it's turning out pretty well so far.  I just wish I knew a few more of the universes you were pulling stuff from, but I tend to beat games to death rather than play a wide variety. Laugh

Confused Moogles FTW

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