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All Things Event Hacking

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I'm not sure if anybody has already put this somewhere else, but the music commands in this thread aren't quite complete, so I figured I could put them up here. Sorry, but my v key doesn't work properly, so there are many missing.
00 = silence
01 = prelude
02 = title screen
03 = intro
04 = intro #2 (Magitek walking to Narshe)
05 = Terra
06 = WoB Overwold
07 = Shadow
08 = Thamasa
09 = Gau
0A = Figaro Castle
0B = Coin of Fate
0C = Doma Castle
0D = Locke
0E = Foreer Rachel
0F = Relm
10 = Setzer
11 = Daryl
12 = Sad Celes
13 = Chocobo
14 = Decisive Battle
15 = Bar Theme
16 = Kefka
17 = Mines of Narsh
18 = Phantom Forest
19 = Veldt
1A = Sae Them!
1B = The Empire Gestahl
1C = The Empire Marches
1D = Under Imperial Occupation
1E = Waterfall
1F = Metamorphasis
20 = Train Running
21 = Another World of Beasts
22 = Ultros #2 @ Opera House
23 = Mt. Koltz
24 = Battle Theme
25 = Unused Fanfare
26 = Wedding Waltz 2
27 = Aria di Mezzo Caratte
28 = Serpent Trench
29 = Zozo
2A = Town Music
2B = What!
2C = Opera Audience Mumbling (I think)
2D = Gogo's lair
2E = Returner's Hideout
2F = Used Fanfare
30 = Umaro's Cave
31 = Moogles
32 = The Unforgien
33 = Atma
34 = WoR Town
35 = Falcon
36 = Rise of the Floating Continent
37 = WoR Jidoor
38 = Sleep @ Inn
39 = Wind
3A = Tide
3B = Dancing Mad Tier 1
3C = Phantom Train Stopping
3D = Opera House
3E = Rest in Peace
3F = Chocobos running
40 = Train Noises
41 = Wedding Waltz 1
42 = Ohhhhh Mariaaaaa
43 = Wedding Waltz 3
44 = Wedding Waltz interlude
45 = Singing interlude Between Draco & Maria
46 = 5 minutes till ultros drops weight
47 = Magitek Factory
48 = House on fire
49 = Cranes Activated
4A = Thamasa when House is Burning
4B = Floating Continent
4C = Searching for Friends
4D = Fanatic's Tower
4E = Kefka's Tower
4F = Dark World
50 = Dancing Mad Tier 4
51 = More Silence
52 = Rising to Kefka
53 = Ending Montage of Characters
54 = Final Ending segment

I don't know how to do the thing with the scroll bar in the post, so It's a little long.

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Well the song list has been known for some time now, but if it wasn't in the thread or was incomplete it's a nice addition! Thanks for posting!

I took the freedom to edit your post and put code tags like you wanted. To do that you simply hit the "#" button before the code you want to post and it will put a code tag. You hit the "#" at the end of your code to close the tag. They should appear as something like '(code)' and '(/code)' but with "[ ]" instead of "( )". I can't write them as it would create a tag lol.

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Thank you for the list! I'll update the main post to reflect these changes.

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If anyone is still struggling with the 4d xx yy command, I noticed that xx will directly correspond to pack index 255-511 in the FF3usME formation editor. There's plenty of empty formations, and you can just set all possible encounters in that formation to your boss and you're good to go!

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(03-12-2012, 10:47 PM)QuickFix Wrote: If anyone is still struggling with the 4d xx yy command, I noticed that xx will directly correspond to pack index 255-511 in the FF3usME formation editor. There's plenty of empty formations, and you can just set all possible encounters in that formation to your boss and you're good to go!

You're right. There is 512 packs and and only 256 fit on one byte (FF). Since most of the battle triggered by event involve bosses, it's the reason why the 256 formation available in command 4D are packs 255 to 511 where all the bosses are.

Packs 410 to 511 are totally empty and formations 564 to 575 are empty too but I've read somewhere that some of the empty formations are unusable.

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I'm having trouble clearing an event code and I was hoping someone here could clue me in.

What I'm trying to do - The event checks if Terra is in the party. If so, when Leo's sword is clicked, the party fans out and watches her say a few words and flash the screen while she chants. Then she pulls the sword from the grave, the sword disappears from the map and gets added to the parties inventory. Then, clear the event bit (1F20 bit 0 according to ff6le), collapse the party and continue on.

Now the event itself is working, what is NOT working is the event bit to keep the sword "gone" on return visits to Thamasa. I thought command D1 9C would clear the proper bit (09C 93:4 Leo is buried in Thamasa; disables the scene with the imprisoned Kefka), but... it doesn't.

If anyone could help me understand the relationship between 1f20 bit 0 in ff6le and 09c from the event bit list I'd be really grateful. I have also considered setting my own event bit (11A A3:2 Unused? seems safe) and adding a check to the Thamasa entrance event to simply delete the sword on load, would that be more practical?

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I would add the check in the entrance event, yeah.

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Seems the byte in question(1f20 bit 0) is above the range that I can set or clear, so the entrance event was definitely the way to go. Thanks for your input, I was really banging my head against the wall with that one.

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My brother and I decided to go about identifying all the sound effects. I noticed Madsiur had started this earlier, but I'm not sure if he was going to continue doing this. These may not all be entirely accurate, and there are a couple missing, but most of the sounds are identified. I think that some of the sounds play differently outside of battle, but I'm not entirely sure. It just seems like some of these sounds are similar to sounds in battle, but slightly off for one reason or another. I marked most of these with a question mark.

Sound List:
00 - Lore casting sound
01 - Casting black magic spell
02 - Casting white magic spell
03 - Esper summoning
04 - Footsteps - Escaping
05 - Ultima
06 - Earth Breaking
07 - Haste
08 - Phoenix scream
09 - Scan's "target" sound
0A - Rasp's first sound effect
0B - Rasp's second sound effect
0C - Shiva
0D - Miss
0E - Terrato
0F - Siren
10 - Bum Rush
11 - Alexandr (part 1)
12 - Alexandr (part 2) Also used when prts of Floating Continent drop
13 - Second half of Flare
14 - Phoenix (In battle)
15 - Thundaga
16 - Fire
17 - Ice
18 - First part of Cold Dust
19 - Firaga
1A - Meteor
1B - The noise that plays when you get an item from a pot
1C - Air Anchor being fired
1D - Smoke sounds (like Mute or Smoke Bombs)
1E - Fenix Down
1F - Demi
20 - Poison
21 - Flurry of punches and kicks (like when Sabin uses Pummel or Sabin/Duncan are sparring) -> Will play forever until stopped
22 - Bio
23 - Starlet
24 - X-Zone
25 - Terrato
26 - Ifrit
27 - Sraphim (part 1)
28 - Used for jumping sometimes (such as jumping onto the chocobos in Figaro)
29 - Cure (Part 2)
2A - Cure (Part 1)
2B - W Wind
2C - Door Opening/Closing
2D - Enemy dying
2E - Sword Stab
2F - Arise
30 - Grand Train
31 - Flare (Part 1)
32 - Soul Out (Part 2)
33 - Generic punch attack noise
34 - Seems like the Elixir noise, but louder
35 - Dispel
36 - Blizzara (Part 1)
37 - Ice crystalization (Second sound effect of Blizzara spell)
38 - Slow
39 - Confuse
3A - Kirin
3B - Carbunkl
3C - Shoat
3D - Thundara
3E - Pearl
3F - Merton (the sound is longer than it normally is during the spell, though)
40 - Morph/SwdTech
41 - Calmness (the Instant Death attack Sleep uses when it dies)
42 - Fira
43 - Bolt
44 - Runic
45 - Smirk/Wing Snap (the ones with the hearts and musical notes flying towards you)
46 - Noise it makes when you disappear after you Summon an Esper
47 - Quick (Part 1)
48 - Safe
49 - Wrench throw (Repo Men, Unseelies, etc.)
4A - Chainsaw
4B - Raise (Part 1)/Reraise
4C - Warp
4D - Blizzaga
4E - Doom/Condemned/etc.
4F - Lagomorph
50 - Shock (Part 2)
51 - Xfer
52 - Shock (Part 1)
53 - Break (Part 1)
54 - The ending of Cleave
55 - Kitty (Desert Dance move that hastes the party)
56 - Shrapnel (Part 1)
57 - Mantra
58 - Sleep
59 - Tapir (Part 1)/Vanish (Part 1)
5A - Absorbing magic (after using Runic)
5B - Steal
5C - Rflect (The noise plays three times when you use the spell)
5D - Fenrir
5E - El Niño
5F - CleanSweep
60 - A blunt impact (Used when the Merchant in South Figaro hits the wall, or a few times when Sabin fights Duncan)
61 - Sketch
62 - Fire/Ice/Bolt Beam (Part 1)
63 - Bio Blaster
64 - Fire Dance
65 - Retort
66 - Sun Bath
67 - Sraphim/Scar Beam
68 - Lifeshaver/Antlion
69 - Plasma (Mog's attack used in Water Rondo Dance)
6A - Jump sound (the Battle command)
6B - L? Pearl (Part 1), Step Mine (Part 2)
6C - Magitek Barrier
6D - Magicite Sound (when kefka transforms espers into magicite)
6E - Acid Rain
6F - Slash (SwdTech)
70 - Slimer
71 - Delta Hit
72 - Surge (Ice dance move)
73 - Cyclonic, Sand Storm
74 - Goner
75 - Land Slide
76 - Rage (Forest Dance attack)/Inviz Edge (much louder though)
?77 - Haste/Hastega -> plays high pitched, very quickly, and loops forever, but I believe this is Haste
78 - Magitek Armor moving
79 - Aqua Rake
7A - Phantom
7B - Flash Rain
7C - Aura Bolt
7D - Cura/Health/Dried Meat
7E - Snare
7F - Odin
80 - Bahamut
81 - Bismarck
82 - Drill
83 - Chocobop
84 - Quasar
85 - L4 Flare (Part 2)
86 - Crusader
87 - Rippler
88 - Diffuser
89 - Burning House falling apart
8A - Autocrossbow (when the arrows hit)
8B - Claws, Shrapnel (Part 2), Shadowfang
8C - Generic rod hit
8D - Picking up Magicite
8E - Cards
8F - Confuser
90 - Magitek Missile
91 - Needle attacks, like Blow Fish
92 - Phantom Train Whistle
93 - Stone (Part 1)
94 - Generic Dagger hit/Thrown Shurikens hitting
95 - Net
96 - Switch hitting noise
97 - Dog barking
98 - Noise made when bridges change in Cave to the Sealed Gate/Chest moving in Cyan's dream
99 - Same as 98, but further away
9A - Ground breaking
9B - Shock Wave (Part 1)
9C - Atomic Ray (Part 1)
9D - Step Mine (Part 1)
9E - Regen/Antidote/etc.
9F - Flash
A0 - Shield Block
A1 - Imp Song
A2 - Gravity Bomb
A3 - Blaster
A4 - Generic Sword Slash
A5 - Rumbling noises (like in the beginning of the ending cutscene)
A6 - Treasure chest opening
?A7 - Plays forever.  Not sure what it is
A8 - Generic spear hit
A9 - Umaro's body slam
AA - Pearl Wind
AB - Flare (Part 2)
AC - Quardra Slam/Quadra Slice
AD - Noise plays during Shadow's dreams.  Very similar to 1F (demi)
AE - End of Shadow's dream/Overcast
AF - Tentacle
B0 - Force Field
B1 - Part of Blizzard (enemy attack)
B2 - Mind Blast
B3 - Tritoch zapping Terra (1st battle cutscene)
B4 - Southern Cross
B5 - Landing on the floor (after someone jumps)
B6 - Will of the wisp sound
B7 - Flare Star
B8 - Whistle
B9 - Terra leaving after she first transforms
BA - Falling Down
BB - Stepping on large floor switches (Ebot's Rock, Kefka's Tower, Phoenix Cave)
BC - Revenge
BD - Maduin
BE - Enemy being cut in half
BF - Buying an item noise
C0 - Bird chirp
C1 - Battle start
C2 - Parry/Blocking spell
C3 - When you first meet Esper Terra in Zozo she runs around and makes this noise a few times
C4 - Espers transforming themselves into Magicite
C5 - Curing somebody in the menu
C6 - Blitz noise
C7 - Fell hard on the floor
C8 - Funny little whistle sound
C9 - Reverse Polarity
CA - Stray Cat jumping
CB - Curaga (Part 2)
CC - Noise plays when you "catch" the glimmering light at the security checkpoint
CD - Kefka's Laugh
CE - Splash
CF - Golem
D0 - Applause and a whistle by the Opera house audience
D1 - Save point ding
D2 - Wave Cannon
D3 - Tek Laser (Part 1)
D4 - Blue guy rises out of ground moves
D5 - Big Guard
D6 - Blizzard Fist
D7 - Bubble Attacks (Like Intangir's Sleep.  Plays multiple times during these moves)
D8 - Noiseblaster
D9 - "Wark!" "Kweh!" Chocobo chirp
DA - Flail/Morningstar (the weapons)
DB - A blunt impact (like when Celes runs into the door of the opera's dressing room, or Sabin pounds the table during Gau's cutscene in Jidoor)
DC - Dance (Part 1)
DD - Plays when you fail the opera house.
DE - Mine cart screeching along tracks (after Number 128)
DF - Elevator sound
?E0 - Unknown (Sounds like something being slapped twice)
E1 - Auction house buzzing over the 1 000 000 gil bid
E2 - Same as Raise sound effect (4B), but only plays half the length
E3 - Thunder at the Sealed Gate
E4 - Landing after jump attack
E5 - Revivify
E6 - Knocking on door
E7 - Nothing
E8 - Huge Footstep (Phunbaba's)
E9 - Recovery Spring
EA - Draining water (In Serpent Trench and Phoenix Cave)
EB - Filling or emptying water (Daryl's tomb)
EC - Poison hurts you on overworld
ED - Sealed Gate closing (after Gestahl stabs Terra's mom)
EE - Blizzard (Part 2)
EF - Boss dissolving (But not dying)
F0 - Cave In (Plays multiple times)
?F1 - Unknown (Sounds like a loud horn)
F2 - Boss dies (Dissolves)
F3 - Pebble falling out of rock formation blocking the Sealed Gate
F4 - Engulf
F5 - Ifrit/Terra knocking back the party with magic
F6 - Quake (Plays for longer than the spell)
F7 - Getting burned by fire in the fireplace
F8 - Shadow Edge
F9 - Dance (Part 2)
?FA - Animal Footsteps (For moves like Whump or Wombat).  Plays more than once
FB - Screams that play when you enter the cutscene before Kefka
FC - Control
FD - Nothing
FE - Nothing
FF - Nothing

I'm not sure if all the sounds are here either. I swear we never identified Dispatch, the menu cursor moving, or the first part of the Imp spell.

Confused Moogles FTW
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  • FF6Fanatic (06-22-2016), m06 (04-25-2016), malachitate (03-20-2014)

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I just saw this, great job guys! Very nice to have a full list.

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