Text-Edit Contest Honorable Mentions


That parallel universe where FF6 is a 14 hours game!

This entry by Tenkarider definitely added a different feel to the game. Tenka dared to go the less-traveled, non-comedic route, and ended with a completely game-altering scenario. If fact, many of us, as children, thought the floating continent was going to be the final dungeon, and this work might be what we imagined! Good job, Tenka.


Does this mean Wedge's girlfriend is Neslug?

If Tenka went serious and game altering… this submission by Cecil188 did the exact opposite. I probably lol'ed harder at this than any other entry in the contest… it was a great way to pull something completely new and unexpected out of an otherwise innocuous scene.

Once I entered my parents room, my father and my mother were moaning “Grawwwk…” and hiding in their shells repeatedly.
-Neslug to Wedge