Changes in Code for "Crystalyte" Patch Left-sided menu (After Selecting Skills on main menu) C3/4CE2: A0485C LDY #$5C48 (Address of the word "Crystalyte") C3/4CEC: A0555C LDY #$5C55 (Address of the word "Magic") C3/4CF6: A05D5C LDY #$5C5D (Address of the word "SwdTech") C3/4D00: A0675C LDY #$5C67 (Address of the word "Blitz") C3/4D0A: A06F5C LDY #$5C6F (Address of the word "Lore") C3/4D14: A0765C LDY #$5C76 (Address of the word "Rage") C3/4D1E: A07D5C LDY #$5C7D (Address of the word "Dance") Edit the Sizes of windows in sub menu (from left sided menu and from window after any skill is selected like espers,magic, swdtech,...) C3/4D98: 8B580A04 (window that holds Esper and Magic) C3/4DB4: 6F610A01 (window that holds MP cost and whatever skill user selected) C3/4D31 Will look for the specific positions in the code for "LV" (C3/5C85), "HP"(C3/5C87): and "MP"(C3/5C89) C3/4D31: A2855C LDY #$5C85 (Address of the words "LV," "HP," and "MP") THIS CODE IS TIED TO: C3/4EF6: A0DA5C LDY #$5CDA (Address in the code for HP's "/") C3/4EFC: A0DE5C LDY #$5CDE (Address in the code for MP's "/") JUMP TO Certain pieces of code C3/5C3A: 485C C3/5C3C: 555C C3/5C3E: 5D5C C3/5C40: 675C C3/5C42: 6F5C C3/5C44: 765C C3/5C46: 7D5C Actual words to be displayed in left side menu C3/5C48: 0D7982ABB2ACAD9AA5B2AD9E00 (position of and word "Crystalyte") C3/5C55: 8D798C9AA0A29C00 (position of and word "Magic") C3/5C5D: 8D7A92B09D939E9CA100 (position of and word "SwdTech") C3/5C67: 0D7B81A5A2ADB300 (position of and word "Blitz") C3/5C6F: 8D7B8BA8AB9E00 (position of and word "Lore") C3/5C76: 0D7C919AA09E00 (position of and word "Rage") C3/5C7D: 8D7C839AA79C9E00 (position of and word "Dance") Code from C3/4D31 looks for this data over here to display C3/5C85: CB5C (Address in the code for "LV") C3/5C87: D05C (Address in the code for "HP") C3/5C89: D45C (Address in the code for "MP") C3/5C8B: B1818C8FC7FFFFFFFFFF00 (position of and word "MP...(space)(space)(space)(space)(space) XX") C3/5C96: B1818BA8AB9E00 (position of and word "Lore") C3/5C9D: B181919AA09E00 (position of and word "Rage") C3/5CA4: B181839AA79C9E00 (position of and word "Dance") C3/5CAC: B18184ACA99EABAC00 (position of and word "Crystalyte") C3/5CB9: B18181A5A2ADB300 (position of and word "Blitz") C3/5CC1: B18192B09D939E9CA100 (position of and word "SwdTech") C3/5CCB: 2D428B9500 (position of and word "LV") C3/5CD0: AD42878F00 (position of and word "HP") C3/5CD4: 2D438C8F00 (position of and word "MP") C3/5CDA: BB42C000 (from C3/4EF6, position of and character "/") C3/5CDE: 3B43C000 (from C3/4EFC, position of and character "/") C3/5CE1: FFA19AACFFA2ADBE00 (" has it!") C3/5CEB: 374492A4A2A5A500 (position of and word "Skill") C3/5CF3: 2744919AAD9E00 (position of and words "Rate") C3/5CFA: 8B9EAF9EA5FFAEA9C5C5C5 (position of and words "Level up...", note this isn't terminated) C3/4D8C: A08B5C LDY #$5C8B (Address for "MP...") C3/5203: A0965C LDY #$5C96 (Address at which you find the word "Lore") C3/539B: A09D5C LDY #$5C9D (Address at which you find the word "Rage") C3/577E: A0A45C LDY #$5CA4 (Address at which you find the word "Dance") C3/5460: A0AC5C LDY #$5CAC (Address at which you find the word "Crystalyte") C3/55DE: A0B95C LDY #$5CB9 (Address at which you find the word "Blitz") C3/52E8: A0C15C LDY #$5CC1 (Address at which you find the word "SwdTech") C3/55C2: BFE15CC3 LDA $C35CE1,X (Address for text "XX has it!") C3/5A43: BFFA5CC3 LDA $C35CFA,X (Address for text "Level up...") C3/59A3: A0F35C LDY #$5CF3 (display "Rate") C3/59A9: A0EB5C LDY #$5CEB (display "Skill") C3/51CC: A9C181 LDA #$81C1 (position of MP cost)